NBA 2K12 News Post

NBA 2K12 Patch 1.03 has been released for the PS3. (The XBOX360 patch is coming soon).

Here are the official patch notes:

  • On-dribbler steal success rates have been tuned down.
  • Tuned accuracy of directional passing in order to more reliably pass to the intended target.
  • Improved help defense, specifically for rotations on pick-and-roll situations.
  • Defensive tuning on 3PT shots to reduce the success of contested threes.
  • Addressed an issue on drives to the basket where the help defender wouldn’t fully engage in the double team
  • Several matchmaking optimizations have been made in order to help users get into games quicker. This will reduce the amount of time the “Searching For Opponent…” screen is displayed for.
  • Addressed a number of network errors that would cause games to end prematurely.
  • Addressed an issue in Team-Up where certain conditions would lead to a player standing idle for prolonged periods of time.
  • Corrected a Win/Loss streak tracking issue such that the “Back to Back to Back” achievement/trophy will now unlock at the proper time.

Game: NBA 2K12Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 102 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 Pared @ 11/05/11 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by NINJAK2
We used to complain that people weren't taking midrange jumpers in 2k online and now we are complaining that they make too many mid j's. I'm happy to see people actually taking them in a game for once imo. I had a bigger problem with fadeaways being more successful than they should be (Pre-patch on the 360) than I did with straight up mid j's.
I called this quite a while ago. It's why I say some here will NEVER be happy.

Originally Posted by ThatNicka
My game freezes every time I start a game after downloading the patch! what do I do??
You may have to delete all your game data if you can't access your profile and settings separately. If you can, try deleting these first as it's most likely something being auto-loaded and corrupt.
# 122 rawmc30 @ 11/05/11 03:35 PM
when does the patch for the xbxo 360 come out.
# 123 _-King-_ @ 11/05/11 04:03 PM
Patch feels great, thanks 2K. Hopefully we get another that makes this game near perfect.
# 124 Knickerbocker @ 11/05/11 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I called this quite a while ago. It's why I say some here will NEVER be happy.

You may have to delete all your game data if you can't access your profile and settings separately. If you can, try deleting these first as it's most likely something being auto-loaded and corrupt.
The problem with high midrange slider has been expressed by the DaCzar quitea few times as well. But when he says it, it is pure gold when others express it they are labeled as "chronicaly unsatisfied" ...

I love the game and I think that only a few minor adjustments will make it far greater than 2k. Don't understand why someones gripes are more relevant than another ones ... Bias is in the human nature I guess.
# 125 Mos1ted @ 11/05/11 04:21 PM
I've played four games online since the patch. I won three and lost one in a blowout. I was getting cocky and using the Detroit Pistons: big mistake LOL. My opponent kept alley ooping the entire game with Kevin Durant, and no one on my Pistons team could stop it. And since they toned down three pointers, I was able to hit consistently with the variety of shooters that Detroit has.

The game has an arcadey feeling online still. Like I mentioned previously, the ball moves too slow and the players move too fast on defense, so opening up the floor offensively isn't as effective strategically against cheesers as it should be. Couple that with the fact that fouls aren't always called in the situations that it should be, and you can easily see while this game still isn't sim online. That doesn't mean that you can't win online playing sim. I'm 9 and 3 online overall, and I've only used the Pistons, Nets, Pacers, Wizards, and T'Wolves (I think I used the Bulls once). I'm yet to play any team outside of Miami, New York, Boston, and OKC. So, it is possible to be successful with a weaker team against a stronger team unlike in previous versions.
# 126 RumbleStud @ 11/05/11 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Knickerbocker
The problem with high midrange slider has been expressed by the DaCzar quitea few times as well. But when he says it, it is pure gold when others express it they are labeled as "chronicaly unsatisfied" ...

I love the game and I think that only a few minor adjustments will make it far greater than 2k. Don't understand why someones gripes are more relevant than another ones ... Bias is in the human nature I guess.
Are you kidding???? DaCzar is awesome bro! He could beat both of us just on putback dunks haha cause he's famous. I'd raise that dudes children yo.
# 127 ewmania @ 11/05/11 05:34 PM
sounds good I can't wait too the 360 patch is released

personally I'm a fan of the fouls seeing as in the NBA every team averages over 20 FT attempts a game, and teams with stars like Miami, OKC, NY all average over 25 FT attempts a game so all the foul calling with superstars always seemed pretty realistic so I always slide the fouls up

glad the 3pt shots are fixed seems like any guy with a 3 on them can get hot even if you have your hands all over them. and help defense i thought was a big issue as well glad to see thats been tuned up seeing as I always do a fantasy association and sign top notch defenders like iggy or perkins
# 128 2kfanatic @ 11/06/11 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by thugnificant
thats because they simplified shooting to the point where you dont have to learn correct releases. Its a fail in my book
There is more to basketball than shot releases.... 2k12 nailed most aspects that most previous iterations failed to implement.
# 129 Taer @ 11/06/11 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by Knickerbocker
I'm only talking about online here. Have no problem with offline since you set it to 47 and its perfect. Re-post after playing a couple of games against Thunder or NY on ranked. And if Durant or Melo shooting 40 midrange jumpers per game is ok to you ... well don't repost.

Users should be rewarded for taking the shot that is most appropriate for a possesion, dunk, mid-range, 3pt or whichever and not always going to the same shot.
This is exactly why "balancing" for online is bs. This is not an issue of how the game is played, but how people cheese and will continue to cheese no matter what you do.

Because people abuse online mechanics, you want 2k to change the mechanics. In Modes like MyPlayer where offline, we can not adjust sliders, we get screwed after they "respond" to this... so what ends up happening is that instead of addressing the real issue, the mechanics get changed and offline my games get messed up... all so some online cheeser gets discouraged from doing something that they will do in another mechanic all the same.
# 130 Mos1ted @ 11/06/11 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by Taer
This is exactly why "balancing" for online is bs. This is not an issue of how the game is played, but how people cheese and will continue to cheese no matter what you do.

Because people abuse online mechanics, you want 2k to change the mechanics. In Modes like MyPlayer where offline, we can not adjust sliders, we get screwed after they "respond" to this... so what ends up happening is that instead of addressing the real issue, the mechanics get changed and offline my games get messed up... all so some online cheeser gets discouraged from doing something that they will do in another mechanic all the same.
I specifically stressed in the thread that Beluba made that 3 point accuracy wasn't necessarily the issue; defensive presence was. But what this patch has done was make defensive presence matter more, which it should, but they also decreased 3 point accuracy as well, an unnecessary change in my opinion. So now you're punished for taking good, wide open shots too.
# 131 Mos1ted @ 11/06/11 06:45 AM
Another thing I don't like about the patch is that it seems to have slowed down the shooting animations, which was probably a band-aid for the delayed blocking animation. It looks like this patch is slowly taking away the fundamentals of basketball in favor of "realistic" results.
# 132 Knickerbocker @ 11/06/11 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
I specifically stressed in the thread that Beluba made that 3 point accuracy wasn't necessarily the issue; defensive presence was. But what this patch has done was make defensive presence matter more, which it should, but they also decreased 3 point accuracy as well, an unnecessary change in my opinion. So now you're punished for taking good, wide open shots too.
No they didn't. Read the patch notes contested 3s are toned down. While it wouldnt hurt if open ones would be too, since everyone with over 60 rating is raining them in. Just went 5 from 5 with Rubio for example. Not everyone should be hiting open threes but specialists. NBA player miss plenty of open threes during games while on 2k they don't. Well at least if you know the release.
# 133 Mos1ted @ 11/06/11 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Knickerbocker
No they didn't. Read the patch notes contested 3s are toned down. While it wouldnt hurt if open ones would be too, since everyone with over 60 rating is raining them in. Just went 5 from 5 with Rubio for example. Not everyone should be hiting open threes but specialists. NBA player miss plenty of open threes during games while on 2k they don't. Well at least if you know the release.
I played five online games yesterday and one game offline: open three's were affected by the patch, too. How else do you think contested three's are less successful? They had to lower the success rate of three's altogether. Now, I'm not saying that marginal three point shooters should be automatic when left open, but really good three point shooters can be automatic if left open. That's why there's defense in the first place. Defense should determine shot success and nothing else.
# 134 krakdol @ 11/06/11 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
Now, I'm not saying that marginal three point shooters should be automatic when left open, but really good three point shooters can be automatic if left open. That's why there's defense in the first place. Defense should determine shot success and nothing else.
Yeah, no kidding. Good 3 pt shooters should be 100 % when uncontested, like in real life.

# 135 Knickerbocker @ 11/06/11 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
I played five online games yesterday and one game offline: open three's were affected by the patch, too. How else do you think contested three's are less successful? They had to lower the success rate of three's altogether. Now, I'm not saying that marginal three point shooters should be automatic when left open, but really good three point shooters can be automatic if left open. That's why there's defense in the first place. Defense should determine shot success and nothing else.
I played enough games to know open shoot with even decent shooters are still automatic.
# 136 Mos1ted @ 11/06/11 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by krakdol
Yeah, no kidding. Good 3 pt shooters should be 100 % when uncontested, like in real life.

First of all, unless you're a PS3 user with the patch, your opinion is irrelevant to me right now. Check my join date; I've been here a long time. You're using sarcasm with me like I'm some 2K newb or something. I'm 28 years old, guy. I've been around the sport of basketball for over 20 years, probably longer than you've existed on this Earth.

Common sense tells me that no shooter can make 100% of their shots uncontested. That isn't the case in real life, and that wasn't the case before the patch. The problem pre-patch was the amount of contested 3 pointers that were dropping. 2K's remedy to fix that has unintentionally (I assume) affected open 3's as well. Are open 3's impossible to make? No, but their success rate now is actually below what that player is probably capable of in real life. For this to be a "sim" game, that's far from sim.

However...check this vid

Look how effortlessly Ray Allen is making these three's in practice. Now in a live game, he has two factors affecting his ability to do this in game: defense and fatigue.

So focus less on being a smart *** and more on seeing where people are coming from with their gripes with the game.
# 137 Mos1ted @ 11/06/11 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Knickerbocker
I played enough games to know open shoot with even decent shooters are still automatic.
I would love to know if this is online or offline.
# 138 Knickerbocker @ 11/06/11 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
I would love to know if this is online or offline.
Online, if your prob is offline you should just raise the slider and voila. Unless it's my player but I think there šhouldn't be a difference between online corections and offline in this patch.
# 139 Knickerbocker @ 11/06/11 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
First of all, unless you're a PS3 user with the patch, your opinion is irrelevant to me right now. Check my join date; I've been here a long time. You're using sarcasm with me like I'm some 2K newb or something. I'm 28 years old, guy. I've been around the sport of basketball for over 20 years, probably longer than you've existed on this Earth.

Common sense tells me that no shooter can make 100% of their shots uncontested. That isn't the case in real life, and that wasn't the case before the patch. The problem pre-patch was the amount of contested 3 pointers that were dropping. 2K's remedy to fix that has unintentionally (I assume) affected open 3's as well. Are open 3's impossible to make? No, but their success rate now is actually below what that player is probably capable of in real life. For this to be a "sim" game, that's far from sim.

However...check this vid

Look how effortlessly Ray Allen is making these three's in practice. Now in a live game, he has two factors affecting his ability to do this in game: defense and fatigue.

So focus less on being a smart *** and more on seeing where people are coming from with their gripes with the game.
That is Ray Allen ... And there are not only two factors, there is plenty of them as momentum, good day, bad day, crowd etc. etc. Very few players are as relaxed on the court as they are on practice and yeh I know sometimes they hit even more on court but that's another story.

As said before, at least for online even decent shooters hit too much open threes in my experience. I mentioned Rubio in a game I had just now Lebron went 5/6. While I know this is possible it is certainly not so common as in the game. So there should be more balancing, maybe lower sliders for 3pt and even higher 3pt ratings for trully Elite shooters.
# 140 Mos1ted @ 11/06/11 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Knickerbocker
That is Ray Allen ... And there are not only two factors, there is plenty of them as momentum, good day, bad day, crowd etc. etc. Very few players are as relaxed on the court as they are on practice and yeh I know sometimes they hit even more on court but that's another story.

As said before, at least for online even decent shooters hit too much open threes in my experience. I mentioned Rubio in a game I had just now Lebron went 5/6. While I know this is possible it is certainly not so common as in the game. So there should be more balancing, maybe lower sliders for 3pt and even higher 3pt ratings for trully Elite shooters.
I just played a game online, and my opponent was 15/30 from 3 with the Sixers. To his credit, a lot of them were good shots and not force ups. But the controller responsiveness online is killing me. I can't play defense or offense the way I want because of it.

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