NCAA Football 12 News Post

The NCAA Football 12 title update #2 has made it through internal certification and waiting on approval from Sony/Microsoft.

According to EA, the update is hitting a bit later than expected to address a few additional stability issues that will improve the experience.

No other details have been released, but we'll update this topic when it happens.

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 781 Pezell04x @ 09/08/11 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by C the Lyte
How so?

10 chars
Because it more or less ends up like this.

1. Outrage over patch
2. State that they'll never purchase another EA game
3. Someone defends EA
4. Outrage of EA defenders
5. Someone states to DECIDE WITH YOUR WALLET!
6. Another person defends EA
7. Person #2 recants on his statement and decides he'll purchase an EA game, just not on release day

rinse. repeat.

It's in the NCAA forums. It's in the Madden forums.

It's old and it's tiring.

And when the patch drops, there will be something in there that people wanted which will lead to more complaining.
# 782 PLACT15 @ 09/08/11 10:06 AM
Madden does have it's problems but madden is Lightyears ahead of NCAA.
# 783 romeosdistress @ 09/08/11 10:17 AM
i read it was $30 trade in if you put it toward madden.
# 784 Jm0ney2001 @ 09/08/11 10:21 AM
Omg, still no patch? Ill check again tomorow.
# 785 Pezell04x @ 09/08/11 10:24 AM
Just checked on Amazon:

NCAA 12 for 360: $27
NCAA 12 for PS3: $32
# 786 Jasong7777 @ 09/08/11 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Pezell04x
Because it more or less ends up like this.

1. Outrage over patch
2. State that they'll never purchase another EA game
3. Someone defends EA
4. Outrage of EA defenders
5. Someone states to DECIDE WITH YOUR WALLET!
6. Another person defends EA
7. Person #2 recants on his statement and decides he'll purchase an EA game, just not on release day

rinse. repeat.

It's in the NCAA forums. It's in the Madden forums.

It's old and it's tiring.

And when the patch drops, there will be something in there that people wanted which will lead to more complaining.
This 100000000000000000x
# 787 Rebel10 @ 09/08/11 10:32 AM
If you want to sell the game, sell it on Amazon... never fall for the Gamestop scam that they run of giving you $5 for a basically brand new game and then turning around to sell it for $50. Put it on Amazon... It's going for $35 used on Amazon. With their cut, that'll pay out like $29 or something.
# 788 C the Lyte @ 09/08/11 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Pezell04x
Because it more or less ends up like this.

1. Outrage over patch
2. State that they'll never purchase another EA game
3. Someone defends EA
4. Outrage of EA defenders
5. Someone states to DECIDE WITH YOUR WALLET!
6. Another person defends EA
7. Person #2 recants on his statement and decides he'll purchase an EA game, just not on release day

rinse. repeat.

It's in the NCAA forums. It's in the Madden forums.

It's old and it's tiring.

And when the patch drops, there will be something in there that people wanted which will lead to more complaining.

If only it was that black and white...

You like it for some reason, if you know how things go around here and continue to chime in from time to time.

But I still don't see how threads like this give OS a bad name. EA has put themselves in this position with their previous statements about the patch and then their silence afterward. To be honest, that is total crap. And you expect a video game forum, a passionate one @ that, to just shush?

IIRC, same thing happened to MLB 2k. Only not to the same degree of bashing.

BTW, I'm not even one of those people!
# 789 K0ZZ @ 09/08/11 10:35 AM
Gamestop isn't a scam. They have to turn a profit, if they sold you the game for ten dollars under what they sold it for, what profit are they getting? They got to pay that employees salary, and all the fees for owning the building and such. You will almost always get a better deal off online stores and dealers (amazon) than you would a physical store. They cut out a lot of expenses.

Edit: Damn, I've defended two major companies, I feel dirty..
# 790 Redacted01 @ 09/08/11 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Suntan Superman
both local gamestops are giving five dollars cash, seven in-store credit for NCAA 12 right now. lol
I doubt it's like that everywhere... considering, Amazon is offering upwards of $30 and if I go online, Gamestop is selling pre-owned copies for $48. They must be capitalizing on a bunch of morons if people are actually selling it back to them for $5 and handing them $43 profit on a used game.
# 791 tHurley2010 @ 09/08/11 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by PLACT15
Yea. If the patch doesn't drop Monday I'm done with this p.o.s. Game
Give it until Tuesday of next week, because I don't think you want to drop the game the day before the next potential patch date.

These fixes better be good, if they re-ruin the game in a whole other way I'm gonna be hella mad
# 792 FrostyForeigner @ 09/08/11 11:00 AM
So... I can't even get to the main menu without it freezing now. No there is nothing wrong with the disc... guess I have to wait for the patch before it will work again... **** EA, shouldn't they be updating when they're gonna release this?
# 793 pistonica @ 09/08/11 11:00 AM
C'mon guys...it was said that the title update #2 will arive at the end of august...it's almost middle of september....how long is it gonna take?...
# 794 Dr Death @ 09/08/11 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by pistonica
C'mon guys...it was said that the title update #2 will arive at the end of august...it's almost middle of september....how long is it gonna take?...
Now come on... be nice. EA said the end of August... they just didn't state which year... LOL
# 795 nosice @ 09/08/11 11:07 AM
Do you mind if I borrow that pick death?.. and nice avybtw
# 796 MidniteDLITE @ 09/08/11 11:09 AM
I hope the patch comes out today..I would do anything....Like even the most impossible things...like complete my first year of an OD in September..two months after release..
# 797 franko3219 @ 09/08/11 11:12 AM
This is becoming a joke, and the part that is even more funny is the fact that a lot of people will continue believing EA during next years release. Look, I understand that they only said possibly by the end of August, but we are almost into the second week of the college football season without the patch; and at least for me the kicker is that they are not even communicating anything.
# 798 Dr Death @ 09/08/11 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by nosice
Do you mind if I borrow that pick death?.. and nice avybtw
Which pic are you referring to?
# 799 Kingfish @ 09/08/11 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Dr Death
Now come on... be nice. EA said the end of August... they just didn't state which year... LOL
That just never gets old! I'm halfway expecting Ben H. to come on and say;

"Due to issues with the code itself and the incompatibility of the patch to address the core issues we've decided to withdraw the patch from consideration by Microsoft and Sony. Furthermore our developers have, after exhausting all options, concluded that the problems with the code are too extreme to fix via any patch. We at EA have therefore decided to concentrate all efforts on making NCAA 13 the best it can be and hope you will accept this heart felt apology from the entire team AND we look forward to selling you another great product next year cause we know you'll buy it...thanks again and screw you!"

Something like that...ok, I threw in that last part cause thats how I feel but...I have been expecting that post every day when I get home from work.
# 800 whitehat1428 @ 09/08/11 11:24 AM
Ok fellas I didn't want it to come to this but it has. A few years ago CBS cancelled a TV show called Jericho. The fans were outraged. In the shows last episode, it made reference to "NUTS". The fans grouped together to send CBS 400,000 pounds of peanuts is support to put the show back on the air. CBS caved in and renewed it for 8 more episodes. Now it's our time. Go outside and find a BUG,and BUG, put it in an envelope and mail it to EA/Tubiron. If receiving a few thousand bugs doesn't light a fire under their a$$, nothing will. And it sends a message, we the fans/customers are more than a little upset. Thepure hassle of the mailroom boys dealing with this is pleasure alone. Make sure it goes to Ben Haumiller.

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