NCAA Football 12 News Post

The NCAA Football 12 title update #2 has made it through internal certification and waiting on approval from Sony/Microsoft.

According to EA, the update is hitting a bit later than expected to address a few additional stability issues that will improve the experience.

No other details have been released, but we'll update this topic when it happens.

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 961 TheDelta @ 09/09/11 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by jswaykos
And what's still broken in '12? As far as I can tell, it's "just" the no huddle... correct?
Custom Playbooks are much more broken than they were before the patch, and yes, that's inexcusable in my opinion. It took me 30 second after opening the CPB editor to notice something was most certainly not right here, so I gotta ask myself how something like that can happen in a patch that they worked that long on.
# 962 jswaykos @ 09/09/11 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by TheDelta
Custom Playbooks are much more broken than they were before the patch, and yes, that's inexcusable in my opinion. It took me 30 second after opening the CPB editor to notice something was most certainly not right here, so I gotta ask myself how something like that can happen in a patch that they worked that long on.
Ah, thanks, I knew there was something else but couldn't remember. Guess I'm just fortunate in that I never use custom playbook OR no huddle, haha. The benefits of being a simple minded gamer, I guess!
# 963 novadolla @ 09/09/11 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni
"Patch 3.0 is awaiting Microsoft and Sony Approval and should be out no later than Dec 11th!!"

I dont doubt it.
# 964 DSGamer @ 09/09/11 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by jswaykos
I think it's a joke.

I've never seen people get so bent out of shape over a video game as I do on this forum. This game (and others over the years) seem to be all some of you live for. It's a video game. Any version of any sports game on the market RIGHT NOW is better than versions of the same game five years ago.
I agree and disagree. I hate to bring it up again, but 2k didn't have many of these issues. After marginally enjoying NCAA 09, 10 and 11 and hating 12 I just moved on to playing NFL2k5 and FIFA. That's how I'm getting my sports gaming kick. A 7 year old 2k game for the original XBox and a sport I've literally never played. FIFA is great, but it's sad I can't play a decent game I grew up playing and played into college because EA has no competition and releases a broken game yearly.

So I continue to monitor this board and hope.
# 965 novadolla @ 09/09/11 01:39 PM
Well for the rest of us who enjoy playing against humans the option game is jacked up

# 966 prime9 @ 09/09/11 01:54 PM
EA must of fixed the speed option glitch already, because I just tried it and it did not work! Hooray
# 967 DJ @ 09/09/11 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by chia51
I could not replicate this exactly... now the WRs not blocking properly is something else.

But just to reiterate, I never saw the DBs just standing there.
I used Air Force (against TCU) in the one game I've played since the patch and only noticed one instance of a DB not reacting to the play I had called. The option does work better than before, but it's not a money play and the CPU will still blow you up.
# 968 novadolla @ 09/09/11 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by chia51
I could not replicate this exactly... now the WRs not blocking properly is something else.

But just to reiterate, I never saw the DBs just standing there.
dude the option is glitched period look at the evidence


# 969 novadolla @ 09/09/11 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by DJ
I used Air Force (against TCU) in the one game I've played since the patch and only noticed one instance of a DB not reacting to the play I had called. The option does work better than before, but it's not a money play and the CPU will still blow you up.
cool story bro...
# 970 bcruise @ 09/09/11 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by chia51
I could not replicate this exactly... now the WRs not blocking properly is something else.

But just to reiterate, I never saw the DBs just standing there.
It doesn't happen every time, but it does happen sometimes. Someone in the other thread said it had something to do with defenders who drop into buzz zones, which sounds plausible.

It wouldn't happen for me the first few times I tried doing it and I still haven't been able to duplicate it in practice. But I have seen it a few times in games now.

The same person who pointed out the buzz zone thing also mentioned that this was actually a pre-patch issue.

Originally Posted by novadolla
Yes...this is the same kind of thing I've seen, although not this severe.
# 971 DJ @ 09/09/11 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
It doesn't happen every time, but it does happen sometimes. Someone in the other thread said it had something to do with defenders who drop into buzz zones, which sounds plausible.

It wouldn't happen for me the first few times I tried doing it and I still haven't been able to duplicate it in practice. But I have seen it a few times in games now.

The same person who pointed out the buzz zone thing also mentioned that this was actually a pre-patch issue.
That makes sense. In the play I saw where the CPU DB wasn't reacting to me running the option, he was in a zone scheme; he stayed in his zone and never made a play on the ballcarrier.
# 972 DJ @ 09/09/11 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by novadolla
cool story bro...
Hey, I'm just reporting what I saw in the game I played. Sorry that this has happened to you, and who knows, as I play more perhaps I will see it more frequently, but again, I only saw one instance of the CPU DB not reacting to the play when I called an option play.
# 973 novadolla @ 09/09/11 03:29 PM
I'm on PS3. Try any load option plays
# 974 bcruise @ 09/09/11 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by novadolla
I'm on PS3. Try any load option plays
It isn't this simple, at least not from what I've seen - this simply does not happen every time for me. The defensive call seems to play a big part in whether or not the defenders pick up the ball carrier or just continue blindly sliding.

Let me know a specific formation and play and I'll be glad to try it out.
# 975 novadolla @ 09/09/11 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
It isn't this simple, at least not from what I've seen - this simply does not happen every time for me. The defensive call seems to play a big part in whether or not the defenders pick up the ball carrier or just continue blindly sliding.

Let me know a specific formation and play and I'll be glad to try it out.
Air force PB I norm tight load option
# 976 novadolla @ 09/09/11 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by chia51
I'm uploading a video right now to youtube.
Its even worst when playing vs a user, only way to stop this from happening is by blitzing.
# 977 bcruise @ 09/09/11 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by chia51
Again, I could not replicate it... I will do two controllers and have the defenders do all types of different zones to see if I can get it. Also there is an HD 720p version.
Thanks chia. That pretty much sums up my first efforts with trying to duplicate this - no success at all. The first time I actually saw it was in a CPU game. I really don't believe this issue is any different on PS3 or 360.

There definitely seems to be a certain situation that's triggering this - and it's rare. Unfortunately, those are the worst kind of bugs - they can't be fixed unless they can be recreated.

Nova, I tried the play you suggested many times and it didn't work for me - in practice or a game. I still think there's more to this than the option play call - it's something on the defensive side of the ball.
# 978 novadolla @ 09/09/11 03:55 PM
What i have found is the corner just stands there so if you can get to the edge you can consistently take it to the house without him reacting. I can consistently do it and you cant so i'm just going to leave it alone and let it be. sooner or later if you all play online you will run into it.
# 979 Strings74 @ 09/09/11 04:11 PM
My personal jury is still out but I will say that for a change I am looking forward to going home tonight and firing up the game.

At least offline, of course.
# 980 bcruise @ 09/09/11 04:55 PM
Ok, this is the best I can do on reliably getting this to happen in practice, and it's nowhere near as awful looking as the videos that several people (including myself) have posted. I'm going to put it here so there's awareness of it, but be aware that it may get taken down as it seems to be pretty easily exploitable. This is strictly bug hunting - I don't play NCAA online and have no intention of using this.

Go with the Air Force, I tight Load Option that Nova suggested. Put the defense in a cover 3, or any play that has the CB drop into a deep zone. Motion the WR to the opposite side, so the CB has no one to cover. Run the play and try as best you can to get in the secondary (it still won't always be easy). As you do, watch the CB - he should be backing up.

The key to seeing the issue is making it past the first tacklers and into the secondary - if you do, one of two things will happen:

1: The CB will get blocked, and will then attempt to pursue
2: The CB won't get blocked, and will slide out to the sideline. He won't move, even if you run right past him

I HAVE been able to duplicate this pretty reliably in practice now.

As you can see, it takes a number of specific situations for even this to happen. Not only do you have to outrun 3 or 4 defenders to the outside to even SEE it, the defense has to be in a certain alignment and the CB has to not get blocked for some reason. The videos that show more than one defender being subject to this are likely even more of a perfect storm of bugs. Label me an EA fanboy or whatever, but I can understand QA missing this one if the only hint of it they ever saw was a deep zone CB not moving.

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