NCAA Football 12 News Post

Details for the NCAA Football 12 demo have been released, according to Platform Nation.

Today (June 21) at 1pm ET/ 10am PT you will be able to check out the demo via EA SPORTS Stream as EA will be giving all the details for the upcoming demo for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. But when will you be able to get your hands on the demo for yourself? Mark your calenders for June 28 as the demo that is being showcased today will be the demo that will be available on Xbox LIVE and the PlayStation Store for you to checkout for yourself.

In addition, the demo will showcase Oregon vs. Texas and Alabama vs. Florida State in four two-minute quarters. There will also be selectable difficulty levels and live tuner packs. You will also have the opportunity to unlock five Pro Combat jerseys for the full retail game.

You can also check out the archived stream below of EA developers playing the demo:

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
NCAA Football 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 241 RamblinWreck21 @ 06/21/11 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by jwilphl

With all that said, since '11 I think things are really starting to roll. I'm thankful for the work these guys put in and I hope it continues to pay off in the future.
Yeah, frustration aside, '10 and '11 were very solid efforts and with Coaching Carosuel, Custom Conference, and a few gameplay improvements( The Zone D looked pretty good in the videos) I'm pretty positive '12 will be one as well. I normally wouldn't be that frustrated with the jersey issue, but 4 years in a row is starting to tick me off. '12, like '11, looks like it will have pretty good gameplay with the right sliders.
# 242 dennis580 @ 06/21/11 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by jaredlib
and the teams that played in the BCS game last season you would think they addressed the proble.
Maybe you didnt pay attention to the NC game last year, but both teams struggled mightly on offense. Heck Cam Newton was like a totally different player. It was like he totally scared to run. If that was the first game you ever saw him you could have never guessed that he was probably the most unstoppable QB to ever play the game.
# 243 Orangemann @ 06/21/11 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by dennis580
Maybe you didnt pay attention to the NC game last year, but both teams struggled mightly on offense. Heck Cam Newton was like a totally different player. It was like he totally scared to run. If that was the first game you ever saw him you could have never guessed that he was probably the most unstoppable QB to ever play the game.
^Is missing the point...
# 244 RamblinWreck21 @ 06/21/11 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by dennis580
Maybe you didnt pay attention to the NC game last year, but both teams struggled mightly on offense. Heck Cam Newton was like a totally different player. It was like he totally scared to run. If that was the first game you ever saw him you could have never guessed that he was probably the most unstoppable QB to ever play the game.
# 245 Kaiser Wilhelm @ 06/21/11 10:00 PM
This game has its pros no doubt, but I think what the biggest issue here is that, year in and year out we have seen, dealt with, and attempted to bring the issue to the devs attention and year in and year out, this same flaw/bug/glitch/whatever manages to go seemingly unnoticed.

Like many have said, the demo is probably an older build than what the devs currently are working with. With that said, if I were a game developer and I solved one of the biggest issues with my game, I would want that touted as a great achievment. The fact it isn't is alarming. Not necessarily saying it is an ultimatum, but it should be accounted for.

Again, I personally will most likely wait to get the game and hope somebody does a sim dynasty to see how the AI recruits and if the game stays close between the top teams and the bottom teams.
# 246 The JareBear @ 06/21/11 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by dennis580
Maybe you didnt pay attention to the NC game last year, but both teams struggled mightly on offense. Heck Cam Newton was like a totally different player. It was like he totally scared to run. If that was the first game you ever saw him you could have never guessed that he was probably the most unstoppable QB to ever play the game.
Definitely missed the point on this one. Look at the numbers both those offenses put up throughout the year on the ground. One game isn't a story of how successful shotgun running should be.
# 247 drlw322 @ 06/21/11 10:24 PM
# 248 Slaticus @ 06/21/11 10:29 PM
This is still a day one purchase for me. I have played hundreds of games on 11 and will play hundreds of games on 12. Shotgun running may be rough in the demo, but, depending on when the game went gold, this may be a far earlier version of the game than what was viewed at E3.

Looking forward to it.
# 249 NDFan1029 @ 06/21/11 10:54 PM
Kinda off-topic, but...

They added bands to the game this year, right? So is Notre Dame gonna have their band in the corner of the endzone like in actual games? It wouldn't make much sense to completely omit the band altogether or put them in an incorrect location if EVERY OTHER SCHOOL has their bands in the game.
# 250 The JareBear @ 06/21/11 11:04 PM
I love how on 3rd and 19 he runs a straight post route right into zone coverage and gets the first down. Come on man. (around the 14:30 mark)

Also, watch at the 20:40 minute mark, doesn't the CPU WR just cut straight out of bounds like a pinball for no reason?

One thing you have to give Ben credit for is he plays sim. He drops back realistically and stays in the pocket. I think this might almost be part of the problem, as since he doesnt scramble around and he stays in the pocket (hence getting pressured and sacked as he should be) he doesnt see the CPU get burned as often as they do with users who just run around all the time.
# 251 Rules @ 06/21/11 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by jaredlib
I love how on 3rd and 19 he runs a straight post route right into zone coverage and gets the first down. Come on man. (around the 14:30 mark)

Also, watch at the 20:40 minute mark, doesn't the CPU WR just cut straight out of bounds like a pinball for no reason?

One thing you have to give Ben credit for is he plays sim. He drops back realistically and stays in the pocket. I think this might almost be part of the problem, as since he doesnt scramble around and he stays in the pocket (hence getting pressured and sacked as he should be) he doesnt see the CPU get burned as often as they do with users who just run around all the time.
You might be onto something but I will throw out theory two. He doesn't run around as it would not show off the game in a good way.
# 252 mtoo22 @ 06/21/11 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by jaredlib
I hate having to point out that in NCAA 11 sliders that made shotgun running efficient for the CPU made pro style teams unstoppable. It isn't an even level of efficiency universal of the slider attributes, so you have to change it week by week, which isnt a huge deal, but still, consider how glaring it was in NCAA 11 and the teams that played in the BCS game last season you would think they addressed the proble.
Exactly. You had to make one thing extremely overpowered in order to make it serviceable.
# 253 dro412 @ 06/22/11 06:48 AM
Why do they keep making it 2 min quarters. Madden 11 had 5 min quarters in their demo. Most ppl that play sports games have played them for years. Why give us only 8 mins to play the game? Im gonna buy it but I still would like 5 min quarters to play intill it comes out. Pisses me off man!
# 254 Sandman1924 @ 06/22/11 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by NDFan1029
Kinda off-topic, but...

They added bands to the game this year, right? So is Notre Dame gonna have their band in the corner of the endzone like in actual games? It wouldn't make much sense to completely omit the band altogether or put them in an incorrect location if EVERY OTHER SCHOOL has their bands in the game.
Unfortunately, I think this may be the case. Having been in the band at Oklahoma and seeing where they put the bands in a couple dozen other stadiums, I haven't once seen a band placed correctly in any of the previews or videos released yet. I could be wrong and it might be a correction we see before July 12, but I wouldn't hold my breath. And with ND's band being at field level, I'd be even less hopefull...

I guess they expect us to be thankful for each small step they implement. "This year we added bands at pregame." 1 year later... "This year we added the bands back into the stands"... 1 year later "We moved the bands to their proper locations for our favorite top 12 schools..." you get the idea.

Honestly, though, even as a fan of all the pageantry and art they worked on this year, I was hopeing for an upgrade to teambuilder most of all. But if they got everything right each year, then we'd all have nothing to complain about and no reason to buy the game again the next year (especially if all you need to do is download a new roster...)
# 255 khaliib @ 06/22/11 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Well for me...
I don't care if it's an early, late or P90X build.

What I do care about is seeing some real nice videos showing me the improvements.
Too many times in the past I've seen "Played great at E3" or "I can assure you I just had a few games in a row where the DL pressure was great!!"...only to get the retail and it was no where near what it was claimed to be.

So I'm assuming by the time the game hits the stores we will see a good amount of final build videos. I'm still pumped to get the game and will be watching closely for better showings of the game.
If I see it..day 1 purchase. If I don't...I'll wait and see what kind of reviews some of the member here (that I trust) have to say about it.

Game does look somewhat better in some areas compared to 11, but I want to just make sure of a few other items.

Bottom line is, it's just a game. If you like what you see get the game...if not, don't. No reason to go on and on about it.
This is why I Rent and see for myself.

Great Post all the way through.
# 256 hurricanefootball4 @ 06/22/11 05:57 PM
Does the demo come out at 12:01 on the 28th or later in the day? Do I stay up for the demo or do I just wait until after work on the 28th to grab it?
# 257 The JareBear @ 06/22/11 06:02 PM
I don't know when Xbox Live updates their servers but I am pretty sure PSN updates around 2 pm. Could be wrong about that
# 258 schumj @ 06/22/11 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by hurricanefootball4
Does the demo come out at 12:01 on the 28th or later in the day? Do I stay up for the demo or do I just wait until after work on the 28th to grab it?
IDK about this year but I got last years downloaded around 1 am on XBOX live.
# 259 TheTodd84 @ 06/22/11 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
Someone who actually makes an entire point (take notes Rules!).

Anyway, I would say it's a valid assumption, albeit, still somewhat off base. These are still two separate entities. The guys working on one thing are not on the other, so it's just incumbent on both sides to play into their roles. It's not like they go in saying we're not going to focus on known issues, let's just make it look prettier.

And even if that's not the case, if there were no presentation upgrades, there would be tons of complaints as well. I would hardly call it embarrassing adding pageantry into the game, and I am not one of those people who auto-skips intros -- I still watch the intros in NBA 2K11 for example. If you do skip then fair enough, but don't assume every gamer is like you.

If anything, the fact that EA already said it's going to be increasing the size of the football team says the company is serious about gameplay, which is an actual tangible fact.
just because they "increased the size of the football team" for NCAA does not necessarily mean they are focusing on gameplay. They are not mutually exclusive. We, and you, have no idea what the extra people are being used for in this instance. It is not a "tangible fact" that it is being used on gameplay just because EA says they are working on it. How long has EA said one thing and delivered another? When are we going to stop believing them? They are out to market their product, OF COURSE they are going to say they are "focused on gameplay" to please the masses and get people to shut up. Until the gameplay ACTUALLY changes and there are "tangible" changes, then really, nothing has changed. So it's not necessarily a fact because we can only speculate what their intentions are.

Until a spread running team like oregon picks me apart for 300+ yards rushing and 500+ yards of total offense and not just throwing the ball for slants or seams that can't be stopped and the CPU actually puts together a dynamic gameplan to pick me apart, just like, I dunno, oregon does IN REAL LIFE, then they will have showed me they have worked on gameplay. Until then, I will believe it when I see it.

Hopefully increasing the "football team" at EA will mean a football version of the "impact engine" FIFA is using. Until they use that, everything will be scripted and movement will be way off... as well as logic and how the game plays. Real-time physics would fix a lot of the gameplay issues w the CPU, like defensive linemen reacting WAY TOO QUICKLY to the zone read.
# 260 Solidice @ 06/22/11 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by hurricanefootball4
Does the demo come out at 12:01 on the 28th or later in the day? Do I stay up for the demo or do I just wait until after work on the 28th to grab it?
MS is pacific time, and so it could be as early as Midnight on the west coast to as late as whenever they fell like putting it out(they don't really have set day/time for marketplace updates).

I would say anywhere from 2AM to noon Pacific time would be the range it'll be up. personally, I would just wait until the next day when you wake up, it's not like it's going anywhere.

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