NCAA Football 12 News Post

Details for the NCAA Football 12 demo have been released, according to Platform Nation.

Today (June 21) at 1pm ET/ 10am PT you will be able to check out the demo via EA SPORTS Stream as EA will be giving all the details for the upcoming demo for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. But when will you be able to get your hands on the demo for yourself? Mark your calenders for June 28 as the demo that is being showcased today will be the demo that will be available on Xbox LIVE and the PlayStation Store for you to checkout for yourself.

In addition, the demo will showcase Oregon vs. Texas and Alabama vs. Florida State in four two-minute quarters. There will also be selectable difficulty levels and live tuner packs. You will also have the opportunity to unlock five Pro Combat jerseys for the full retail game.

You can also check out the archived stream below of EA developers playing the demo:

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
NCAA Football 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 121 nyj721 @ 06/21/11 02:08 PM
It looks like the late hits on the QB are gone.
# 122 huntt26 @ 06/21/11 02:08 PM
Other than tackling, the gameplay looks almost identical to last year. CPU QB can't run, even though we just got done with a national championship between two excellent mobile QBs. Lame.
# 123 ChaseB @ 06/21/11 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Rules
For the record, before you go on a troll calling spree who is being more of a troll..........someone who has an opinion of what they are seeing or the person who dislikes one opinion and then goes on a mission to call them names?
I'll have to ask Confucius for the answer.

I just wanted to point out to you that spending time on dreadlocks and mascots does not equal spending no time on gameplay. That is a Chewbacca defense, not a logical point. Hence the original bad trolling comment.

No one said you can't have an opinion, but having an opinion that takes reality into account would be helpful probably.
# 124 Wildcats302 @ 06/21/11 02:09 PM
There are 3 things certain in life...death, taxes, and OS posters whining like little girls and overreacting to a stupid demo.

I think I'll wait until I get the real 110% complete game to rip on every little thing that I perceive the least bit wrong, but that's just me.
# 125 acts238shaun @ 06/21/11 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by 31
I'm not watching this, but you guys are making seem like the worst football game ever. I mean seriously, is it that bad?
It's the bad players using controllers and the fact PA vs a blitzing defense is a free sack again this year. PA once again = ineffective. I am ticked they are ducking my question, a legit question at that.
# 126 nyj721 @ 06/21/11 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by 31
I'm not watching this, but you guys are making seem like the worst football game ever. I mean seriously, is it that bad?
No it isn't.
# 127 patsfan1993 @ 06/21/11 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by acts238shaun
This chat is the SAME recycled crap from the last chat - only they took away KR's and PR's. Now you have to "choose 4-3 defense and use the FS" according to Alex. He said "it was a bug to be able to return kicks". If I am wrong, correct me guys. That freaking sucks. I am done watching chats.

Oh, they did say nothing new in teambuilder except a few new stadiums and uni's.

I agree. These chats have been a colossal waste of time. They don't answer questions that still need answered. They answer questions that have been answered repeatedly. I asked the entire chat if conference prestige was dynamic and got nothing.
# 128 huntt26 @ 06/21/11 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by 31
I'm not watching this, but you guys are making seem like the worst football game ever. I mean seriously, is it that bad?
It's not THAT bad, but it's very similar to NCAA 11 from what we've seen
# 129 mtoo22 @ 06/21/11 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Wildcats302
There are 3 things certain in life...death, taxes, and OS posters whining like little girls and overreacting to a stupid demo.

I think I'll wait until I get the real 110% complete game to rip on every little thing that I perceive the least bit wrong, but that's just me.
Okay, so we aren't allowed to make judgements on these videos. Why show them if to not show off? If you call me and tell me al about your new car, then shows me a picture of it and it looks like crap, am I supposed to wait until I see it in person? I'm just saying in fairness to the NCAA Team, this probably is not the newest build.


Ben looks like a tomato, it must be hot in there or he is really sunburnt
# 130 hurricanefootball4 @ 06/21/11 02:14 PM
From the comments in here you'd think they accidentally featured last year's NBA Elite demo for this UStream event.
# 131 mtoo22 @ 06/21/11 02:15 PM
as someone who is being slightly critical, I find that extremely funny.
# 132 ChaseB @ 06/21/11 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by hurricanefootball4
From the comments in here you'd think they accidentally featured last year's NBA Elite demo for this UStream event.
Jesus did not make an appearance.
# 133 PVarck31 @ 06/21/11 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by acts238shaun
It's the bad players and the fact PA vs a a blitzing defense is a free sack again this year. PA once again = ineffective. I am ticked thet areducking my question, a legit question at that.
Yeah, the PA issue should be fixed. In a few of the other videos we have seen it looked fixed, or at least better. Maybe we need a better sample size.
# 134 mike24forever @ 06/21/11 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Rules
I think you are too attached and no longer can be unbiased. I guess you must not be into football that much so therefore you are not understanding the glaring gameplay issues that still have NOT BEEN FIXED! I could care less how pretty the lighting is, the fluffy grass, just give me a game that plays solid football. According to you, I guess I am asking too much when I should be satisfied with the side show that is only a temporary distraction until you are 1/2 a season in on your franchise and realize the CPU still cannot run the ball and WR's are still not programmed to respond to I don't know a BALL?
Wait! You said you were not getting this game. I wish I could remember what thread it was in, so why are you here trolling about a game you are not buying?
# 135 ChaseB @ 06/21/11 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by 31
Yeah, the PA issue should be fixed. In a few of the other videos we have seen it looked fixed, or at least better. Maybe we need a better sample size.
You still get completely blown up in Madden and NCAA AT TIMES from what I've played. It's weird though because it seems like some games it works real well, and then other games they don't bite at all. I don't know if that means it's working right or like it's a switch that was flipped before each game that decided we're going to bite or not.
# 136 acts238shaun @ 06/21/11 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by 31
Yeah, the PA issue should be fixed. In a few of the other videos we have seen it looked fixed, or at least better. Maybe we need a better sample size.
To be fair and not a total little girl about them being wussies and not answering questions I will admit PastaPadre and few others like JBHuskers said PA was better, i'll chalk it up to the guys with controllers in their hands.
# 137 dan_457 @ 06/21/11 02:19 PM
Good grief, the sky is falling in here. The demo build will be what, maybe over 2 months old by the time we can D/L it? A lot of the impressions from the E3 build have been mostly positive, along with all of the video's we've seen. I'm not going to put much weight at all on the demo.
# 138 DorianDonP @ 06/21/11 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by dan_457
Good grief, the sky is falling in here. The demo build will be what, maybe over 2 months old by the time we can D/L it? A lot of the impressions from the E3 build have been mostly positive, along with all of the video's we've seen. I'm not going to put much weight at all on the demo.
I don't get this type of response.

They are showing off the demo. They advertise it and set up streams and chats for it. Are people not suppose to talk about what they are showing off?
# 139 Hoops737 @ 06/21/11 02:22 PM
What was the email address for that Ingram poster again?

contests.ea.com isn't working for me...
# 140 mtoo22 @ 06/21/11 02:23 PM
I agree. Don't show it if you don't want a response. They are showing it off, so I think that we can comment on it!

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