NASCAR The Game 2011 News Post

I received the game this morning at 9 AM. Please keep in mind, I have only raced 4 times so far and practiced at another.

I am going to answer as many questions as I can that have already been asked, then will keep posting impressions and answer as many questions as I can. I have my PS3 in my office hooked up to the same monitor as my PC, so I have to switch over, so If I don't immediately respond to something, it's because I am on the PS3.

On to the questions, from the other topic.

I wanna know how are the Graphics compared to NASCAR 09? I really can't get a good grasp from the videos. Thanks.

IMO the graphics are a bit better than NASCAR 09. NASCAR 09 was a nice looking game, but I think NTG11 does a better job here. There is a very natural, organic look to it, almost like MLB The Show has. The color palate is there, but it's not too crisp, or overdone.

The car models are nicely executed, and tracks look beautiful.

1. I think we are all wondering about the difficulty of the game and if what we saw in the videos was on some easier level. Is the game more realistic than what the videos may have lead us to believe?

2. Is there a true career mode, or is it just a season, and how does that work?

3. Do you get the sense that you are at 30+ different tracks, or does it feel like most of the tracks run about the same?

1. I set the difficulty for the AI on the highest at Tally, Daytona, and Texas. They were very competitive at Tally and Daytona, and Texas were just better than me....flat out! What I really like so far about the AI, is that they are aggressive, but not cheap. They understand that you are also on the track, and try to be cautious of their surroundings. They did bump draft with me at Tally and Daytona, and I could do the same with them...and there was no sign of them being disturbed by it.

2. Have not jumped into career mode as of yet, but will give it a run as the day progresses.

3. There was a nice difference in the feel from Atlanta, Texas, Daytona and Tally. They didn't feel that same at all, and based off early impressions, they did a nice job trying to individualize and realistically replicate each track.

Pre-race presentation-Is there a full pace lap with the driver/grid position rundown like EA did a few years back? Very tv-style touch that was very nice. Also, any featured drivers pre-race?

Wreck/caution-how long is it between the wreck, caution and going into the pace lap? Time enough to 'go thru' the wreck if it happened up in front and you're in the back of the pack, or just 'there's a wreck' and then two seconds later in the caution lap?

Keep in mind, I have not done season or career, but in "race now" option, there was no pre-race or any presentation. It literally took you to the race about 100 yards away from the start finish line.

In regards to wrecking, you get to watch the whole wreck. It doesn't take you away to a cut scene instantly. I was in one at Tally, and it seemed like it lasted 20 seconds, and I was in one at Texas, and it only lasted about 10 seconds. Then it gives you the option to pit under caution...if you choose no, it takes to a few seconds before the green flag drops again.

I am very curious about the realism of the track surface. For example, Are there bumps in on the lowside of turns 1 and 2 at Las Vegas? Do the bumps upset the car and make you create a setup that can handle those bumps?

That leads to my other question. How much does messing with the setup actually change the feel of the car? When the track rubbers up, does the car get tighter?

From what I have seen, the bumps feel like they are barely noticeable. I felt a little bit at Daytona in turns 3 going into 4(keep in mind its still Daytona 10 on my copy) but nothing that really forced me to white knuckle the wheel at all. When an AI car gets into you, you notice that a lot more than any bumps on the track surface. If you're hoping to really feel the surface bumps and have it effect the car....probably not going to be real happy.

I will say the the driving model is really well done though, and you truly feel connected to the track surface.

Ok, going to go test some more, and try to get some photos, but videos may be very difficult. I am trying to find a way to do it right now. I will be back in a few to answer some more questions and give some solid impressions.

Game: NASCAR The Game 2011Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 15 - View All
NASCAR The Game 2011 Videos
Member Comments
# 1441 Papi34 @ 04/07/11 09:52 AM
Finally got my copy through today and don't mind admitting I'm really nervous about firing it up. I'm trying to go in open minded and not go looking for the faults.

I've been playing a lot of NR2003 recently as well, which probably isn't going to help!
# 1442 bigdoc85 @ 04/07/11 03:53 PM
Is this NR2003 that everyone keeps talking about the PC game?

Originally Posted by Papi34
Finally got my copy through today and don't mind admitting I'm really nervous about firing it up. I'm trying to go in open minded and not go looking for the faults.

I've been playing a lot of NR2003 recently as well, which probably isn't going to help!
# 1443 goosedawg68 @ 04/07/11 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by bigdoc22
Is this NR2003 that everyone keeps talking about the PC game?
Yes it is.
# 1444 Papi34 @ 04/07/11 08:56 PM
So I fired the game up with some nervousness this afternoon. Nice intro and a bit of ZZ Top to get you in the mood. I'm playing with a Driving Force GT and jumped straight into Career on Hard and all assists off. Thought I better practice first and the first thing that hit me was the handling. Nice. Very nice. Feels great and the force feedback is nice and strong.
On to qualifying and it is way too easy, even on hard. I've found it so easy to get pole on nearly every track. No way you should be two seconds faster than the next car.
Anyhoo, I've had about 7 races now and overall I'm having an absolute blast with the game. Now I am only doing 20% distance so a lot of the of the AI issues aren't showing up as there's no pitstops. I can definitely live with only doing that distance until the second patch comes out. I'll give a few longer races a shot over the weekend to see if the bugs show up.

So far, there's nothing about the game that's really bothering me, quite the opposite. On the few tracks I've raced, I've not seen any bunching or sudden braking and the caution has come out every time it, although sometimes it has taken a while. It's great to see the cars bump drafting at tracks like Daytona, and it working as well. Frustrating though when you get hung out to dry! Actually, now I think about it, it is very frustrating when the AI spins you out trying to bump draft with you. Probably my only frustration with the game so far. Rewinds are handy here.
I know it's not perfect and it's certainly no "sim", but I'm having as much fun playing this as NR2003 on these short races.
I just had a 50 lapper at Bristol and it's one of the best racing experiences I've ever had. I was a nervous wreck by the end and my arms were nearly hanging off! God knows how anyone could do the full distance on that track, let alone the real race. I managed to get from 18th up to 8th, but had to work from every place. Really satisfying. Also managed no cautions as well, which is amazing for me at Bristol.

I like the replay system & photo mode, very easy to use. It is annoying that it won't even let you go into either with the wheel though. Wouldn't be an issue if you could use a controller in the 2 slot, but it is a bit of a pain (just a bit) to switch them. Here's a couple of photos I took.

Right before the thunder is unleashed at Bristol!

Love this one, looks just like a slo-mo shot on the race highlights video on ESPN. I was Carl Edwards trying to get back in the top 5 after losing control on the straight.

The game certainly is a looker, every track feels a lot more "alive" than other games and it sounds great as well. Live replays are a bit of a disappointment though, as has been said needs a lot more debris flying and damage visible.

Now, I'm not under any illusions about this game, it most certainly does have some issues and I'm concentrating on the positives, but I'm having great fun so far. Real fun. Yeah, I know I'm only doing short races, but I can handle that for the month or so it's going to take for the second patch. If they fix the big issues, and I really think they will, then this game is a winner for me.
By the way, for me, it's way better than Nascar 09. I'm actually really surprised how people are raving about this game now (especially on the Eutechnyx forums) when it's been constantly slated, especially in the lead up to this game.

Blue, I'd just like to say thanks for honest opinions about the game, not to mention the fact you stuck to them even under a barrage of abuse and criticism. I'm glad I listened to you. And that's not just because I agree with you! Value your opinion dude, and trust it.
Actually, now I think about it, I'm pretty sure you did the same thing with NCAA Basketball 11 for me as well or was that someone else? I'll have to check that.
# 1445 mwjr @ 04/08/11 10:14 AM
Said this before, but man, that's a good-looking game.

Holding out until the patch, though.
# 1446 Brew @ 04/08/11 02:21 PM
@Papi34 Glad to see you like the game... I think alot of people are overreacting and expected too much from this game. Though the game has its flaws and you will see some issues eventually especially if you play online and play longer races but all are very fixable. Hopefully, the patch fixes most if not all bugs.
# 1447 thx1113 @ 04/08/11 02:52 PM
Just unwrapped my copy and had a short time with it - one thing I've not seen anyone talk about, but worries/puzzles me - after racing a little at Daytona and Martinsville and enjoying that, I fired up Texas, with the default setup and the thing was almost undriveable! Not loose, so much as just snapping out of control with almost no warning. I've got all assists turned off, and I'm wondering if I need to start turning a few on. I then tried Atlanta and had exactly the same feeling. Now I'm not God's gift to stock car racing so maybe I need to learn some finesse, but even so...

I don't think it's the setup, as the Texas setup used at Daytona is fine (if a little slow...), so I'm at a bit of a loss as to how controllable the car feels at Daytona and Martinsville, but how out of control it feels at the two mile-and-a-half tracks I've tried.

Anyone else experienced this or got any tips?

Otherwise, loving the intensity of the racing, hating my inability to keep a really good line and not drift up on people with disastrous results...
# 1448 Brew @ 04/08/11 04:03 PM
The high line works really well at Texas and Atlanta especially in turns 1 and 2. I dont use any brake in the corners unless Im in traffic. Diamonding the corners can be very effective especially in 3 & 4 at Texas. The wall there comes at you in a hurry! You really dont have to let off until the middle of 3 & 4 at both tracks. Let off early going into 1 and let the car roll through the center and go as hard as you can off the corner. If your slowing to under 170 in the corners your going too slow. If your in traffic, trail brake... stay on the gas and tap the brakes... this works really well when trying to draft at Daytona and Talladega.

As far as the assists, I started off using no assists and it takes time to get use to but is definitely the fastest way to go once you get use to it.
I use 3 bars of assists on ABS, SC and TC when online. I got tired of bad drivers running into me and leaving me no chance to save it with no assists on. I actually have a chance while having some SC and TC on. Just beware it will slow you down. So if you know your in a room with good clean drivers turn the assists back down or off.

If your on PS3 add me: OG-Brew
Always lookin for more guys to race against!
# 1449 Holic @ 04/08/11 05:33 PM
Are most of you guys using steering wheels with this?

If so any suggestions for PS3?
# 1450 bigdoc85 @ 04/08/11 10:07 PM
I think the controller works okay on this game (better than some other driving / racing games I have tried). Unless you're a hard core driving game person, I think the Logitech Driving Force GT is a pretty good option.
# 1451 Perfect Zero @ 04/09/11 12:30 PM
I think at Texas, the SAFER barrier placement makes it difficult to come out of the turns (especially number four). I like to take the lower line at Texas, but you have to be careful coming out of four or you'll trade paint with the wall.

As for wheel and controller; I feel like I have more control with the controller than with the wheel. I think a lot of it has to do with the camera. On GT5, the bumper view gives me a wide range, but there isn't a camera like that in NTG.
# 1452 hooder18 @ 04/09/11 04:41 PM
Stupid question: How do you view replays? I have only played a single player race (no career) and for the life of me, I cannot find the replay function. Any help would be appreciated.
# 1453 gigadkc @ 04/10/11 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by bigdoc22
I think the controller works okay on this game (better than some other driving / racing games I have tried)
that's true. I used my controller and my G25 and I'm surprised how well u can drive using a controller. Of course it's more fun if you have a wheel and I'm also slightly faster when I use my G25 but you'll hardly find a racing game that can be played that good while using a controller.
# 1454 Papi34 @ 04/10/11 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by hooder18
Stupid question: How do you view replays? I have only played a single player race (no career) and for the life of me, I cannot find the replay function. Any help would be appreciated.
After the race when the results screen is up, just press left or right to scroll through the options at the bottom of the screen and you'll see race replay. I can't find an option to replay something mid-race though.
You also need to have the first patch apparently.
# 1455 Papi34 @ 04/10/11 05:02 PM
Still having great fun with the game. Haven't had the time to do a long race yet, so still not seen a lot of the bugs. I did see bunching at Atlanta though and another track.
My only real complaint so far is the difficulty, especially in qualifying. Although you don't charge off from the front and leave the pack for dead, a la GT5, it's not half as much as much fun fighting with a handful of cars than it is fighting with the pack. That's already been fixed in the second patch though, talking of which, they're really making progress considering the game's not even been out two weeks. Eutechnyx are saying the patch should be out in the week beginning 9th of May, which I can wait for. Here's an update on where they are as of the 8th of April.

Fix lack of Caution Flags - Fixed
Fix issues with the A.I. exiting the pits and then pulling straight up the track - Fixed
Reconfigure the damage to improve the look and add more debris on impact - To Be Fixed
Fix Cautions Lights being illuminated all of the time - Fixed
Improve the PS3 voice comms - Fixed
Fix the Rolling Starts Online/Offline so the cars begin in the correct formation and together - Work In Progress
Fix the instant wrecking during Online Rolling Starts - Fixed
Fix the Lobby Race Start Counter freezing - To Be Fixed
Improve FFB and wheel sensitivity options - Work In Progress
Fix Spotter saying “Clear” too often - Fixed
Truex Jr. & Bill Elliott being corrupt during celebrations - Fixed This may need to be held back until the DLC pack due to the size of the fix. Microsoft limits the size.
Hardcore mode enabled on Xbox 360. PS3 already works - Fixed
Fix Custom Setups working Online - Fixed
Car rolling away during a celebration leaving the driver celebrating in mid-air - Fixed
Pace car lights in single player are on all of the time - Fixed
Improve general stability and freezing issues - Work In Progress

Change the Gas indicator so it defaults to full in the pit stop interface - To Be Fixed
Draft effect both on the car and visual to be tweaked - To Be Fixed
In Private games, the host will start the timer when they are ready - Added
Add support for the Porsche GT2 wheel - To Be Added
Add support for the T500 wheel - To Be Added
Allow the HUD to be completely turned off - Added
Free up the A.I. cars so that when they are hit by a player they will get loose - To Be Fixed
Ensure only Carl Edwards performs a back flip - Fixed
Add the ability to change your Online Car - Added
Add proximity indicator to split screen - Added
Added Manufacturer Logos and Headlight / Taillight stickers to the Paint Shop- Added
Adding time to the lobby count down when people enter a lobby - Improved
Added a penalty mechanic to slow down the player when cutting corners on the Road Courses - Added
A.I. difficulty being too easy when qualifying - Improved
Added Wheel Control sensitivity option to the XBox 360 - Added

A.I. being overly aggressive when bump drafting the player
A.I. pitting problems causing them to collide in to each other
A.I. bunching on certain tracks
A.I. slamming their brakes on for no reason
Hitting the wall often turns the car ending up with the player facing the wrong way
Issues with the Lucky Dog and Wave Around rule
Loss of Save on Xbox 360
While it is impressive how quickly they're working on this, I am a little concerned that the biggest issues don't have an update as yet and are only being investigated.

Anyhoo, had a great race again at Bristol in career mode, this time as Carl Edwards going from 8th to get the win. 4 cautions, with only one being caused by me and after the last one I was third with 8 laps to. Managed to take the lead on the second to last lap and held on. It's actually my first win at Bristol on any game as I always end up making a mistake at some point. The game is very bare bones, especially compared to something like F1 2010 (another freshman effort), but I still say the physics and handling are fantastic. You can have all the game modes and fluff you like, but if the car handles like s**t the novelty soon wears off.

Also had a quick play with with the video editing and it's actually pretty easy. Just a shame you can't upload clips longer than a minute.
Not the most graceful of passes, but Kyle didn't have a problem with a similar move!

# 1456 Brew @ 04/10/11 09:03 PM
Nice writeup Papi! Thanks for the update.
Couldnt watch your video... says this video is private.
# 1457 Papi34 @ 04/12/11 04:24 PM
Well, I tried a 100 lap race at Daytona last night and it was........... interesting. It was weird, like a switch was flicked and the game went to rats**t! There was a few big pileups, but no cautions and most of the pitstops were a debacle with a pileup at the entry. Just wasn't fun at all, so I can really see why some are very upset.

I went back to 20% races and everything was fine again. I know it's not realistic racing without pitstops as they're such a big part of racing, but I can stick to shorter races until the patch drops. If it doesn't sort the issues then............. well, I'm not sure. I have faith though. I'll try a shorter race with increased wear, to see what that does.

Had a great race at Texas this afternoon at 20% distance. I eased off in qualifying to make things more interesting and started 13th. On the default setup the car was as loose as a whore's drawers and I had to take it very steady until the tyres warmed up. I managed to get up to 5th after 7 laps, but then got span and dropped to 9th after the caution. I managed to get to 5th again, but just couldn't get closer than 1 second to Jimmy Johnson in 4th. There was a battle for 5th with me, Matt Kenseth and Kyle Bush, but eventually he faded.
Kenseth was right on my *** for the last few laps and I let the pressure get to me, drifting wide at turn 1 on the last lap. Kenseth went up the inside and I went a bit too hot into the last corner, but came flying off it to go for the pass on the line. JUST didn't make it though.

# 1458 bigdoc85 @ 04/13/11 05:57 AM
OSU Guy -- thanks for your posts. By the way, one of the things your posts imply that the handling, in general, is pretty good. In my opinion, it feels much better than NASCAR 09. This supports the thought that if the bugs get fixed, it's a pretty decent game. I also like the split screen 2-player option (which NASCAR 09 for PS3 did not have -- did have it on PS2, though).
# 1459 Candymandagreat @ 04/13/11 11:13 AM
Running at Bristol sucks. The computer seems to be able to go 200 laps without pitting and when they do major crashes happen. I'm having a decent time with the game because I love racing, but this game is seriously flawed. The graphics are supposed to be good, its on the latest generation system. if nascar '09 was on ps3 it would be killing this game. once again im playing the game and i'll continue too, but it could've been way better than this. the developers failed on simple things which could've made a big difference. ciao
# 1460 bigdoc85 @ 04/13/11 11:46 AM
NASCAR 09 was on PS3. I still like this one better. As mentioned previously, I liked NASCAR 09 on PS2 better than PS3.

Originally Posted by Candymandagreat
Running at Bristol sucks. The computer seems to be able to go 200 laps without pitting and when they do major crashes happen. I'm having a decent time with the game because I love racing, but this game is seriously flawed. The graphics are supposed to be good, its on the latest generation system. if nascar '09 was on ps3 it would be killing this game. once again im playing the game and i'll continue too, but it could've been way better than this. the developers failed on simple things which could've made a big difference. ciao

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