Madden NFL 11 News Post

MyMaddenPad has posted the details of what the "Swagger" rating is all about for Madden NFL 11.

"The "Old Spice Swagger" rating determines the likelihood of a player to celebrate on the way to the endzone, or after a touchdown. For example, a running back like Adrian Peterson (99 rating) has a greater tendency to celebrate than Frank Gore (50 rating)."

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Senator Palmer @ 06/29/10 11:50 AM
Thanks Steve. Makes sense. I don't have a problem with it, the only thing is why stop at swagger if you want to add organic emotion to the game?

Why not a "composure" rating, or a "clutch" rating? It seems like with the weapons system, they were trying give players characteristics. It could have been done better, but why go away from that line of thinking?
# 2 RedZoneD25 @ 06/29/10 11:51 AM
I see now. So it's literally "swagger", and not a confidence rating of sorts. That's cool and all, but doesn't (didn't) the user have the ability to make someone highstep into the endzone or do celebrations either way?
# 3 Nev @ 06/29/10 11:55 AM
Not bad.

Wonder if they have added some new celebrations then....
# 4 jfsolo @ 06/29/10 11:57 AM
As I mentioned in the other thread, they need to have those high swagger players doing "peacock" poses all time and not just on touchdowns, so that their annoying nature can really shine through.
# 5 ShopMaster @ 06/29/10 12:02 PM
Like when a player gets a first down, they are always signaling it for the fans.
# 6 bang911 @ 06/29/10 12:12 PM
If it wasn't sponsored by Old Spice, it would most likley be called the "Showboat" rating.

It is never a bad thing to have extra personality added to the game.
# 7 bxgoods @ 06/29/10 12:13 PM
Nice, now there can actually be a difference with a Chad Johnsons receiver and Marvin Harrison
# 8 DubTrey1 @ 06/29/10 12:14 PM
No big deal IMO. Good use of the sponsorship between EA and Old Spice....
# 9 STLRams @ 06/29/10 12:33 PM
Ok, now I don't feel as funny towards EA using the term swagger since its been explained that it determines touchdown celebrations, and its not tied into ratings boost or taking away from a SIM aspect of the game, carry on.
# 10 Hooe @ 06/29/10 12:40 PM
I no longer have an issue with the Swagger rating.

Still think it's hilarious though.
# 11 Rashad19 @ 06/29/10 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Krioniq
I no longer have an issue with the Swagger rating.

Still think it's hilarious though.
My thoughts exactly! Makes sense now.
# 12 tktnuri @ 06/29/10 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by DorneyDave
Lol, what a dumb feature.

Not for EA they are being paid to advertise, Old Spice Swagger Meter
# 13 bang911 @ 06/29/10 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by DorneyDave
Lol, what a dumb feature.
If it is not possible for you to explain why this is dumb, then you shouldn't make a statement like that.

They are trying to replicate the personalities of the players in the NFL in Madden, and this added player emotion is something the game has been seriously lacking in the past.
# 14 maddenps2 @ 06/29/10 01:14 PM
Adding a simple rating for celebration isn't the same as someones personality, it's not that simple. This is a very basic feature/rating imo, and all the players are probably going have identical celebrations, and not their unique personalites and gestures. So this feature is strictly what it says it's going be, a celebration rating, not a personality rating which is much different. Brett favres personality and celebrations are much different than chad johnsons.
# 15 jfsolo @ 06/29/10 01:20 PM
I bet a lot of players are going to be more upset about this rating then their speed, or Overall rating.

"What?!, I don't mind being a 63 OVR, or having 81 speed, but my Swag should be 99, son."
# 16 MrNFL_FanIQ @ 06/29/10 01:22 PM
I disagree with this feature
# 17 Jukeman @ 06/29/10 01:29 PM
eh, just another rating to give a player a 99 in...
# 18 Dramaking @ 06/29/10 01:31 PM
lol why is AP rating 99? he celebrate just like like the average player? Now Chad Johnson on the hand..
# 19 ThisIsReality @ 06/29/10 01:36 PM
Ed Reed with a 97.

I'm going to guess all Da U players will have high swagger. :P
# 20 Skyboxer @ 06/29/10 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Krioniq
I no longer have an issue with the Swagger rating.

Still think it's hilarious though.
The same BUT this may sound goofy or what not but I would love to have a "Create a Celebration" mode.
I mean you can create a finisher in SvR etc...
Let me create my very own celebration move to use after each one of my created (Safety) selfs big hits or Int's!!!


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