V.3 is finished and is currently up on SportsConnect under the name of "strut24v3done". Please remember to vote thumbs up to the file when you download, so any impostor files aren't mistaken.
This version has everything in v.2 PLUS RAZR's pitch and stamina edits and strut24's stance/delivery updates. ALL stances/motions are done as of June 11. Anyone called up after that, has not been added yet but will be added to my IN SEASON thread. So guys like Joe Martinez, Enrique Gonzalez, Daniel Nava, Justin Ruggiano etc have NOT been done yet. Here is the link to the In Season thread: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...s-rosters.html
Here is a Word document of all the changes that strut did to the rosters: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ml24bf
What is going on with the file now, you ask? JaSnake is working on v4, which will include updates to the stock SCEA players to update current real life performance. There is no ETA at this time for that file.
Here is HustlinOwl's Franchise File, which is for users that want a 30 team user controlled franchise file: http://www.mediafire.com/?okncwnj2wnm
Here are RAZR's slider suggestions for these rosters. These sliders may help users who are having issues with USER VS CPU IN GAME stamina.