NCAA Football 11 News Post
NCAA Football 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 381
mgoblue678 @ 04/21/10 01:19 AM
What has the NCAA team really done the last couple of years to make me trust that the video will not be representative of the final product? That may be the case, but it may not either.
# 382
moylan1234 @ 04/21/10 01:36 AM
# 383
mgoblue678 @ 04/21/10 01:40 AM
Now why cant Madden or NCAA out make a game like this? This is beautiful motion its all about the Euphoria engine.
# 387
RebelBuckeye @ 04/21/10 02:36 AM
Nope! If you're happy, then it's a good purchase! They don't need to make a sale with you, it's money in the bank.
Last year's game is a beer coaster at my place. Garbage. I wish I could erase the disk and burn some music on it.
Not owning a copy every year is not an option for me, I need football.
I'll buy it used. If the game is good, there won't BE any used copies available, right?
I've got money to burn. If EA wants it, they'll have to EARN it.
Something just doesn't look right with that video. I mean the games looks VERY nice as far a graphics are concerned, but it just doesn't look like there has a been a very big overhaul in gameplay. I didn't buy NCAA 10 last year in hopes to see HUGE changes to NCAA 11.
I can't see myself spending money on this game(a game which doesn't include my school, BTW) and it's looking like this.
HOWEVER, I will say that it is VERY early, and the game might actually turn out to be pretty good.
I can't see myself spending money on this game(a game which doesn't include my school, BTW) and it's looking like this.
HOWEVER, I will say that it is VERY early, and the game might actually turn out to be pretty good.
# 389
Von Dozier @ 04/21/10 06:02 AM
Player models look fantastic, graphics overall look great.
Same old animations though. And that cut at :36 was really, really bad. I don't know why they would allow anyone to see that.
Most of all I'm disappointed to see that players still run in that weird robotic same way where their legs never fully rise.
But I like NCAA 10 (i shockingly preferred it over Madden10), so I'll probably like this too.
Same old animations though. And that cut at :36 was really, really bad. I don't know why they would allow anyone to see that.
Most of all I'm disappointed to see that players still run in that weird robotic same way where their legs never fully rise.
But I like NCAA 10 (i shockingly preferred it over Madden10), so I'll probably like this too.
# 390
sportyguyfl31 @ 04/21/10 10:01 AM
This is the tact that I take.
I dont believe EA is being evil, dishonest, or whatever.
I honestly believe that they think that what they do, best reperesents what their customers want.
Remember Madden 09? When they brought in a bunch of those Madden tour bus dudes to show off all of their money plays?
Why would they do that? Its because they believe that is what their customer base wants.
How come the pass protection doesnt break down when the QB abandons his drop, and sprints out of the pocket? Why cant DE's contain the pocket and take basic, fundamental pass rush angles, how come CBs dont play the proper technique based on where their help is, why dont zone defenders converge on underneath routes until after the ball is caught? How come OL ratings are irrelevant? Its because they believe that the majority of their customer base do not care about these things.
It'd be nice to see EA really delve into the X's and O's of football because it is such a strategical game. But, EA is the only game in town so they have to try and appeal to everyone. It's easier to try and make the game accessible and fun to the casual and tournament-style gamer than it is to try and fine tune the game to fit the needs of guys like us that post on these message boards and can have in-depth discussions about what a weak-side linebacker's responsibility is in a Cover 2 scheme.
I don't necessarily fault EA for this. It's the Catch 22 of owning the exclusive rights to the NCAA and NFL licenses. With no direct competition, there's no way to satisfy everyone, yet if you want to play football, you are forced to buy EA since it's the only option.
WOW! I was not impressed with that video in the slightest! It looked way too much like NCAA 10. And I am dissapointed with the lack of detail done to the players facemasks. In the screenshots have the players have the wrong facemasks!
Hopefully Red Dead Redemption will be able to hold me over all summer. Because at this point NCAA is looking just like NCAA 10.
Hopefully Red Dead Redemption will be able to hold me over all summer. Because at this point NCAA is looking just like NCAA 10.
You know, when I look at the video, and then notice a few clips that are similar to early screenshots (same teams), I have a feeling that this video was made to show off graphical and equipment improvements that were made early in the process. Now, don't get me wrong, the video is disappointing considering the "locomotion" hype they've been talking about, but if I recall, people who went to the community event were saying that they were working on that stuff like at the event still. It didn't sound like it was in full effect at that point even, so at the time of that first initial screenshot release, I doubt they would have had a lot of it implemented at that point either.
I'm not trying to be an "EA apologist" (since we like labels here lol), but I'm just thinking about what I saw on that Locomotion video, and how it looks like a lot of it wasn't present in that video. I could be way off, and they just dropped the ball on implementation, wouldn't be the first time, but I'm holding any kind of judgment at all until I see something a little more recent than February (if my suspicion is right that it's from a build back when first screenshot was taken).
I'm not trying to be an "EA apologist" (since we like labels here lol), but I'm just thinking about what I saw on that Locomotion video, and how it looks like a lot of it wasn't present in that video. I could be way off, and they just dropped the ball on implementation, wouldn't be the first time, but I'm holding any kind of judgment at all until I see something a little more recent than February (if my suspicion is right that it's from a build back when first screenshot was taken).
# 396
huskerwr38 @ 04/21/10 11:59 AM
Why don't they come out and explain this video? Tell us that it's a VERY early release of the game and it was meant to show off the graphics and NOT anything else. That is what I want to hear.
# 397
Bruce Wayne Jr @ 04/21/10 12:07 PM
Now that I've had a few days to digest this vid, I'm neither impressed or disappointed. I assumed last year when playing madden 10 that ncaa 11 was going to use this engine and enhance it. I've also noticed some positives from the vid like the QB animations (scrambling, hold the ball, etc.) which I thought were very good. Lastly I think its odd that ea has been rather silent on the vid considering the uproar from the forums although I would still buy this game day one.
They're always silent on something they are at fault for. Check out the dreadlocks thread sometime. If this video really weren't representative of how the final game will play an EA rep would have already posted in here that it wasn't. It is. So live with it. Accept it. You will take your medicine!
# 399
Bruce Wayne Jr @ 04/21/10 12:11 PM
# 400
SageInfinite @ 04/21/10 12:26 PM
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