06:23 PM - September 8, 2009 by Boox
NBA Live 10 News Post
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
Anyway Good video but i think Ive seen enough videos for now. Now I just want to play it. Czar's gameplay breakdowns should be a pretty good watch though.
First of all, let me chime in and say that Live 10 is looking amazing, cant wait until the 10/6/2009.
Second, if you guys here on this forum aren't the nit-pickiest bunch of people, I for one am tired of the; "they didn't get so and so's tattoo on his left ankle right" or the "the players shoulder isn't quite proportionate to his body" type replies.
I have worked in IT for 15 years. No, I do not program games, I'm more of an MIS guy, I work with Data. I also have been an avid sports gamer since RBI baseball on the original NES system. Having owned Live 09 and trading it in due to my own gamebreaker issues (none of which had any thing to do with what i am ranting about above) the improvement I have seen over one development cycle is incredible, and the development team should be showered with praise.
I'm not going to assume that no one here understands full life cycle development, but to the ones that don't, let me tell you the improvements that I have seen not only let me know that Live 10 will be light years ahead of of its predecessor, I can also see the big picture as far as future iterations of the series.
The gameplay improvements in future Live games will be subtle, perhaps greater DNA integration, greater depth in post play, Online dynasty mode, things of that nature. This should allow the development team to focus more on feature related content and online play. This is what I see from their focus on core gameplay for this years version. This is the foundation for the future of the series.
In closing, cut the developers some slack, if you cant tell by what you have seen already allow me to enlighten you; THOSE GUYS WORKED THEIR A** OFF FOR THIS YEARS GAME. They could have easily given us a bunch of new features that may or may not have been cool and kept the same gameplay engine from 09, and it would have sold enough units on brand recognition alone.The developers still get paid the same amount of money either way, so give them some props for taking the high road and making the commitment to improve the series.
Will it be a perfect game? Hell no, none are. I however, believe it will be the most fun to play of either B-Ball game this year, and isn't that what really matters anyway?
Second, if you guys here on this forum aren't the nit-pickiest bunch of people, I for one am tired of the; "they didn't get so and so's tattoo on his left ankle right" or the "the players shoulder isn't quite proportionate to his body" type replies.
I have worked in IT for 15 years. No, I do not program games, I'm more of an MIS guy, I work with Data. I also have been an avid sports gamer since RBI baseball on the original NES system. Having owned Live 09 and trading it in due to my own gamebreaker issues (none of which had any thing to do with what i am ranting about above) the improvement I have seen over one development cycle is incredible, and the development team should be showered with praise.
I'm not going to assume that no one here understands full life cycle development, but to the ones that don't, let me tell you the improvements that I have seen not only let me know that Live 10 will be light years ahead of of its predecessor, I can also see the big picture as far as future iterations of the series.
The gameplay improvements in future Live games will be subtle, perhaps greater DNA integration, greater depth in post play, Online dynasty mode, things of that nature. This should allow the development team to focus more on feature related content and online play. This is what I see from their focus on core gameplay for this years version. This is the foundation for the future of the series.
In closing, cut the developers some slack, if you cant tell by what you have seen already allow me to enlighten you; THOSE GUYS WORKED THEIR A** OFF FOR THIS YEARS GAME. They could have easily given us a bunch of new features that may or may not have been cool and kept the same gameplay engine from 09, and it would have sold enough units on brand recognition alone.The developers still get paid the same amount of money either way, so give them some props for taking the high road and making the commitment to improve the series.
Will it be a perfect game? Hell no, none are. I however, believe it will be the most fun to play of either B-Ball game this year, and isn't that what really matters anyway?
Yeah, 2 of Live's biggest supporters over the years, through gameplay edits and sliders, being told they have glasses on.
Pardon me if I don't really care coming from you. The irony in your statement is hilarious.
At this point, if you don't have anything to say about the video, since that is what we were discussing, I guess we're done here.
Pardon me if I don't really care coming from you. The irony in your statement is hilarious.
At this point, if you don't have anything to say about the video, since that is what we were discussing, I guess we're done here.
Now that said.... You guys going on about this trailer and help defense just stop it.
Its getting old as heck and you know good and well its on lower difficulty. I expect this crap from rookie posters but not you guys to continue on with this stuff.
Its been beaten a million times, Live 09 had better help defense than any other game put out last year including slider tweaks.
If Mike says the NCAA team helped them improve their zone defense, and the longest part of Da Czar's article is on defense then I know its there, including what i've seen and what I know from this series history.
Its a bunch of Bull yall spouting off and you know it is
Its getting old as heck and you know good and well its on lower difficulty. I expect this crap from rookie posters but not you guys to continue on with this stuff.
Its been beaten a million times, Live 09 had better help defense than any other game put out last year including slider tweaks.
If Mike says the NCAA team helped them improve their zone defense, and the longest part of Da Czar's article is on defense then I know its there, including what i've seen and what I know from this series history.
Its a bunch of Bull yall spouting off and you know it is
"Bunch of bull" is pretty harsh for a game you haven't played. Looking at the vids, it's a solid concern. There were even some issues of it in the YouTube video that was an All-Star difficulty.
But again, it's there. If you can't comment on the video, there's no point in putting it up except to go "wow, awesome, sick!"
As it has been said plenty of times, will need to wait for the demo/final before knowing for sure. As if a sports video game never "broke" something year to year.
I guess this is kinda a question and a comment to the guys that are discussing the defensive rotations in the video. I read somewhere from one of the developers that there are a couple of approaches to making the difficulty settings progressively easier/harder. One would be ratings boost (which I assume is not possible in Live 10 since they don't have shot ratings) and the second would be making the defense less stout on the lower levels. This appears to be the approach that has been taken in Live 10. It seems to me that if the defense rotated and contact was forced on the easier levels (which we've been told are used for these videos) then those levels would not be easy. I guess they could just allow the offensive players to score over good defense but I think that would amount to a ratings boost. So my question is how would the lower levels be easy if the defense rotated to the ball and defended the offense properly? It's like when I play basketball with my kids, to make it easy for them I pretend to be slower than they are and can't jump higher than they can even though I an a foot taller. If I played them with straight up D how would they score? I guess my thought is that in some way the game has to be easier on the lower level and if it's not with weaker poorer rotating D how would you guys make it easier? Let me end this by saying I am not trying to start an argument but I seen you guys discuss this topic in a couple of other threads and it just got me wondering: "Well how else would you make the game easier on lower levels?"
Pared man come on with this crap dude. At least we do know who has played the game bias aside and unless you want to call the dude a liar im more inclined to believe him along with the other examples I posted. Its complete bull.
I cant believe you're going on with this help defense crap in another trailer when the devs have stated thats EXACTLY what they did.
I dont need to wait for anything because I know someone who doesnt have ties to a game company that played it.
I dont care if you arent wowed by the video because im not wowed by the video and I said so, but thats not the point
You know good and well help defense was a problem in one of the two basketball games that actually sell and NBA Live wasnt the game.
I'll post Czar's account from the finished game, NOT the demo, but the finished product and again, if you choose to ignore it thats on you, but dont think im not going to call you on that trash
If you don't have anything to offer on the video, stop posting.
This exactly how i interpreted it loadleft the defense is slower with everything on lower difficulties.
This makes the game easier for players that have a hard time getting shots to go in. Not only that but shot timing is easier too.
Your example of you playing with your kids was perfect I think some guys are just not seeing that I guess.
Its been this way in Live for as long as I can remember.
I haven't really payed attention to 2K's rotations so maybe its a little different there and its throwing people off.
But I can definitely tell this is the way it works in Live because the presence of help d is much more prominent on all star and superstar.
This makes the game easier for players that have a hard time getting shots to go in. Not only that but shot timing is easier too.
Your example of you playing with your kids was perfect I think some guys are just not seeing that I guess.
Its been this way in Live for as long as I can remember.
I haven't really payed attention to 2K's rotations so maybe its a little different there and its throwing people off.
But I can definitely tell this is the way it works in Live because the presence of help d is much more prominent on all star and superstar.
You want to keep bringing up "the two games" that actually sell... NBA 2k's help defense is ultimately, bad. It needs work. It's not at the level of Live's defense. Do you feel a little better? What does that have to do with the video, here, that I'm discussing?
As good as the defense was last year, again, I will just have to wait to play the game. Is that really such a bad thing to do?
Perhaps since the videos don't really highlight the in and out game, I'm not seeing it. Which is why I'm waiting for the demo.
I did this same exact thing last year before flying out to play the game in Vancouver. The skepticism was there last year and it's still there. You can't truly experience anything until you've played it. What's the issue then?
OK, I can go with the slower to react, which incidentally might even cause you to stand there if by the time you do react you can only pick up the foul, but "less successful in attempts" would mean lower shot ratings wouldn't it? So it sounds like the choices would have been poorer rotations or slower reactions on defense. You'd choose slower reactions, I can respect that. Thanks for answering, and I can see your point. I guess, now that you suggested it and if I was picking I would choose that too, but I don't consider the other option to be that bad a choice either.
LOL so you're telling me Czar wouldn't have pointed out missing help defense?
I'm not trying to vilify the guy, so spare it. I love the eye for detail and his enthusiasm in the other areas of the game that needed it. Asking loaded questions to paint an answer I have into a corner is ridiculous, however.
Whats ridiculous is this. Not only are you tap dancing around my question, but you either think and wont admit, or just dont want to say that Czar would somehow have skipped that part of the game as if it didnt matter when....
He already made a Czarisode about help defense and therefore he would've noticed it in the final version.
What you're doing is going on and on about a trailer's help defense on a lower level and its not that it might be, we know it IS because they told us about it already, and you chose to ignore that to go on about it
I dont know man, im not feeling you on this one at all.
He already made a Czarisode about help defense and therefore he would've noticed it in the final version.
What you're doing is going on and on about a trailer's help defense on a lower level and its not that it might be, we know it IS because they told us about it already, and you chose to ignore that to go on about it
I dont know man, im not feeling you on this one at all.
Tapdancing... that's funny. I'm right here.
loadleft obviously brought up a good discussion. Perhaps you missed it. You should go back and read it. Would be a better way to evolve the conversation instead of this back and forth he said she said.
I feel bad for the Czar. People are holding his word as gospel. The Czarisodes were the culmination of months worth of work and observations. To expect him to catch and bring up EVERYTHING in the few days that he was out there is completely unfair. Why? Because I was in the same exact position last year. You're in awe with how great new mechanics feel. ANYONE who has been in that position can tell you that, easily. You're just enjoying gaming. It's a new game, you have fun... you try and break it down, but ultimately you just want to have fun. It's not fair to expect him to catch everything. And the more expectations rise, the bigger the outlash will be.
It has happened with The Show (and the other guys at Community Day that I was with), Madden (and their community guys) and the path is being followed here.
I would use his impressions as a baseline as we wait for the game to drop, not the "holy grail" being used here. Again: That's not fair to him.
loadleft obviously brought up a good discussion. Perhaps you missed it. You should go back and read it. Would be a better way to evolve the conversation instead of this back and forth he said she said.
I feel bad for the Czar. People are holding his word as gospel. The Czarisodes were the culmination of months worth of work and observations. To expect him to catch and bring up EVERYTHING in the few days that he was out there is completely unfair. Why? Because I was in the same exact position last year. You're in awe with how great new mechanics feel. ANYONE who has been in that position can tell you that, easily. You're just enjoying gaming. It's a new game, you have fun... you try and break it down, but ultimately you just want to have fun. It's not fair to expect him to catch everything. And the more expectations rise, the bigger the outlash will be.
It has happened with The Show (and the other guys at Community Day that I was with), Madden (and their community guys) and the path is being followed here.
I would use his impressions as a baseline as we wait for the game to drop, not the "holy grail" being used here. Again: That's not fair to him.
Nobody is taking Czars word as gospel.
Im not talking to loadleft, nor am I talking about The Show.
Im asking you about this lame run on about the help defense. You've played Live a long time and even back in 2004 it had strong help defense, even though it was cheesy so you know it was there because thats the game you played.
I KNOW FOR A FACT help defense was in Live in 2009.
I KNOW FOR A FACT that the devs said they made these videos on lower difficulties to showcase the videos
YOU know too and you're going to act like it was never mentioned
Then I see this post
Not only are you trying to dismiss Czar as just playing for fun, you say this in the 2k forums then come right in here and start working on the help defense in a trailer meant to show off driving the lane.
Man tell me what the heck is going on with you
Im not talking to loadleft, nor am I talking about The Show.
Im asking you about this lame run on about the help defense. You've played Live a long time and even back in 2004 it had strong help defense, even though it was cheesy so you know it was there because thats the game you played.
I KNOW FOR A FACT help defense was in Live in 2009.
I KNOW FOR A FACT that the devs said they made these videos on lower difficulties to showcase the videos
YOU know too and you're going to act like it was never mentioned
Then I see this post
Not only are you trying to dismiss Czar as just playing for fun, you say this in the 2k forums then come right in here and start working on the help defense in a trailer meant to show off driving the lane.
Man tell me what the heck is going on with you
Give it a rest, 23. I don't know what you're trying to prove, but the only reason this topic drags on is because the comment can't be brought up as a concern. Anything slightly construed as a negative in this forum gets blown out of proportion by the faithful. It's not even a nit-pick, it's a concern. Is that really hard to understand.
No one said anything ridiculous or over the top. It's a concern. Just like it's a concern for 2k.
Again, what does that have to do with this video in this thread?
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