06:23 PM - September 8, 2009 by Boox
NBA Live 10 News Post
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 61
elev8rmuzik @ 09/08/09 10:37 PM
I really liked that Nash move (before the contact).
Unless it's a canned animation because B-Roy did the same move at the beginning of the vid. If that's the case then
Unless it's a canned animation because B-Roy did the same move at the beginning of the vid. If that's the case then
# 63
XxX syntax XxX @ 09/08/09 11:04 PM
# 64
XxX syntax XxX @ 09/08/09 11:18 PM
# 65
rockchisler @ 09/08/09 11:21 PM
hahahah wtf!!!!
i think that was the worst nitpick i ever saw,
that never even happens in real life....
Would've liked to see Tim Duncan actually help out when Kobe made that move. Just stands there watching the whole thing as Gasol chills at the 3 pt. line...
# 68
jordankobewade7 @ 09/08/09 11:38 PM
im just hoping that the dribbling is still mapped to the right stick.cuz having to move n dribble with the same stick is unnecessarily hard.right stick dribbling is one of the sickest features of live,as long as its responsive,which in 09 it def was not...itd b a disapointment imo otherwise...
# 69
krazyboy225 @ 09/08/09 11:39 PM
# 72
XxX syntax XxX @ 09/08/09 11:42 PM
# 74
blackngoldfan @ 09/08/09 11:49 PM
I really liked the ball physics of the D Wade shot. In previous NBA Live games, the ball would always go straight down. This time, the ball hit the heel of the rim and came down at and angle towards the key.Sweet!! The screen that knocked down Bibby was also nice.
Maybe I'm just late to the party, but did the Nets get new alternate home unis? At first, I thought it was the Clippers, but the court is dark blue. Also, that looks like the Nets logo on the shorts.
Maybe I'm just late to the party, but did the Nets get new alternate home unis? At first, I thought it was the Clippers, but the court is dark blue. Also, that looks like the Nets logo on the shorts.
Nah those aren't new jerseys they look like the ones Petrovic used to wear.
# 76
jordankobewade7 @ 09/09/09 12:01 AM
then y isnt the right stick mentioned at all when he(beluba)kindly laid out the controls for what he did to do the move?ull notice on the video that a left to right crossover was done on ginobli before the reverse so the right stick should have been used and thus mentioned in the description of how to perform the layup,right?unless he was refering to the controls used after the crossover was done...
He was only talking about how to actually do a baseline layup not the whole play itself.
# 78
blingballa333 @ 09/09/09 12:06 AM
# 79
jordankobewade7 @ 09/09/09 12:20 AM
its nice to see live alumni like dwade still having a hand in the newest versions of live...i remember i was in college livin in the dorms when live06 came out,i wish we still had the dunked on scenarios this yr n beyond.of course itd need to b tuned for the perfect timing,and so it wont happen too often,but how sick would it be when put together with all the new features of this yr like playoff atmospheres n facial expressions! i can see/hear it now,marv albert: "LEBRON JAMES,WITH NO REGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE!!!"n the crowd erupts as virtual lerbron chuggs dwn court with his cheeks puffed...man idk about uguys but that would def get me off my couch n in the air...hope its not just a dream
# 80
jordankobewade7 @ 09/09/09 12:30 AM
got it,had me kinda worried there,thx for clearin that up guys,now im thinkin about these advanced layered controls,man i cant wait for this game cuz iknw theres so much to learn about em.ever since that arenas commercial where it shows a combo of dribble moves he uses in live to get by his man ive been hoping for this kind of layered control system,its finally here.
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