NBA 2K10 News Post

Check out the new NBA 2K10 trailer.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
NBA 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 181 luda06 @ 09/10/09 11:10 AM
I thought I was watching NBA 2k9 in terms of the animations.

Not really impressed with the gameplay in the trailers. I cringed when I saw the dribble move against Rondo. That IS a canned animation that sucks in the defender. That's a negative for me.
# 182 Scrooge @ 09/10/09 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Aces15
Yeah people keep saying this, but I don't think that's a legitimate way of playing defense. Because first of all it would cause you to skitter and slide all over the place when you "unlocked" yourself, and second, you would completely lose position on your man causing you to try to get back in front of him by running all over the place.

In my opinion, they should have fixed it. We'll have to see.
eh i know wat u mean but at the same time, after over 300 ranked games ive never got beat by that move b4
just unlock then bakc up a lil bit then re lock on after the 2nd cross
# 183 23 @ 09/10/09 02:12 PM
Couple of gifs

# 184 Gmoney2002 @ 09/10/09 02:15 PM
Wow for a split second the second gif looks damn real...
# 185 Killa KMS @ 09/10/09 02:38 PM
hopefully the animations arent too powerful. **** gets ridiculous.
# 186 Rebel_INS @ 09/10/09 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by oOausarOo
I don't understand the left handed finish on the dunk in the trailer. Yea he can do it, but it doesn't look authentic to me. There is no way to me Rose goes up and finishes that strong with his left like that.
I'm 6'3", 215lbs and in my prime I was jumping out the gym. I used 2 dunk with my left on breaks a lot. It was something I would practice. I've even caught oops with my left and I wasn't the player D. Rose IS so 4 u 2 say there's NO way he's finishing strong with the left is erroneous brotha. And of course I understand there's no reason 4 u 2 believe me so check out this vid...

# 187 CoHouse2814 @ 09/10/09 04:16 PM
sim ballers dont know what they want from a basketball game. just shoot jumpers all day i guess. any type of dunking in traffic is consider unsim
# 188 SageInfinite @ 09/10/09 04:16 PM
Damn those gifs look sick. SMH!!!!!!
# 189 antoine79 @ 09/10/09 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Damn those gifs look sick. SMH!!!!!!
Agreed, nothing but the truth.
# 190 The 24th Letter @ 09/11/09 12:19 AM
You show 15 basketball gamers this trailer, 14 dont notice he finished left, 15 dont care....LOL
# 191 Pared @ 09/11/09 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by oOausarOo
I don't understand why people post youtube mixes to support their stance. What exactly am I supposed to learn from watching that?
The fact that he did it 15 seconds into the video is what I would guess he's referring to.
# 192 SIDNEY06 @ 09/11/09 02:52 PM
not bad 4 a teaser
# 193 Pared @ 09/11/09 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by oOausarOo
I said in my initial post I know he can do it, but anyone has played 2k they know it was a routine thing last year. He does not dunk with his left routinely. The same applies to basically every athletic player. I don't get what the point is of linking me to a mix. I never said he couldn't do it.

I don't see how it's being picky to expect guys to dunk with their dominate hand 95% of the time especially after it was a known issue last year.

I am a Joe Alexander fan and used him a lot in NBA 2k9. He routinely did all kinds of crazy dunks with his left hand. Can he do that in real life? Yea of course, but how often in a NBA game would he? almost never

They've got details down to every pimple on a dude's face and I'm nitpicking because I don't like the frequency which players dunk with their off hand?
Did you play the combine? It's not even worth discussing. It's in the trailer, but it's taken care of in the combine.

Nothing anyone can do but wait. Hopefully it's not changed from the combine.
# 194 DC @ 09/11/09 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by CoHouse2814
sim ballers dont know what they want from a basketball game. just shoot jumpers all day i guess. any type of dunking in traffic is consider unsim
Depends on

1. WHO it is
2. What TYPE of dunk it is
3. Who it is on
4. How OFTEN it happens
# 195 Rebel_INS @ 09/11/09 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by oOausarOo
I don't understand why people post youtube mixes to support their stance. What exactly am I supposed to learn from watching that?

Every once in a blue moon yes, but within the context of the video game 2k9 was ridiculous. Guys would routinely catch wild alley-oops and make crazy windmills/power dunks with their off hand. It just doesn't happen very often. It looks extremely silly to me and to put it in a trailer doesn't make sense.

How often do you think Rose would go up with his left to finish like that? I'm not some ultra-sim guy by any means. It's just annoying to me that it still seems they haven't addressed it.
Fam, I don't know u and I'm not a mind reader. I don't even be on these forums like that in regards 2 youtube vids. Only think I can do is respond 2 exactly what I see and what I saw was u say in regard 2 ONE dunk that it wasn't plausible. My response was that it was and I posted the video because he did just what u said he couldn't do in it. Again, I don't know u and u don't know me so when I see a comment like that I assume people don't understand the game from a player or athlete's perspective. I'm probably wrong about that in ur instance since u were talking about all the crazy windwill's and stuff with the off hand (which I agree with). Ur initial comment didn't elaborate on ur point which I now see. Subject done...
# 196 blacboy @ 09/11/09 04:25 PM
We have kickball and breakaway foul in combine game . what more do you need fellas.
# 197 bigballa21 @ 09/12/09 01:39 AM
i can't believe people are complaining about graphics i mean maybe it's just me but wasn't 2k9 graphics good? imo what jumped out at me in this trailer was the player models and faces it looked incredibly spot on i just wished it showcased some of the facial animations and celebrations..... i don't want to mention live but can anybody show me a video where that damn "jump up and down after the basket" animation isn't shown
# 198 DirtyJerz32 @ 09/12/09 01:12 PM
Minor thing: Is it me or does the blacks in 2k always look dark gray? Looking at DRose shoes, they look gray and his knee braces look black though.

I noticed that last year with the unis also. The Heat, Blazers, Spurs etc... all looked like they were wearing gray unis.

Anyone else notice this?
# 199 Eski33 @ 09/12/09 02:24 PM
I know this is a small thing but I don't like how the numbers appear to be the same material as the jersey. Most numbers are embroidered (sewn) on. The vid makes Kobe's number look like an iron-on.

Again, a small thing....
# 200 Eski33 @ 09/12/09 02:28 PM

I agree with you. However, I don't trust vids and pics. Live didn't look good until I saw it on my TV. I would wait to judge the visuals until you get a chance to see them on your TV.

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