NBA 2K10 News Post

2K Sports have posted another NBA Developer Insights. This one focuses on NBA 2K10 audio.

"Custom arena music is in:
I know a lot of you have been asking us for this and NBA 2K10 delivers. For the first time, you can import your personal music and have it played through the PA system on your XBOX 360 . I haven’t been able to touch on every new audio feature that we have in store for you. Hopefully, you’re as excited about the new features as we are here at 2K. We’re working hard to break some new ground in sports game audio, but I think we’re just starting to scratch the surface of what’s possible. Enjoy!"

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 spankdatazz22 @ 09/05/09 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by akiracy
its clearly 2ks way of getting back at sony for having the better baseball game
Wow - this type of thinking is hilarious and scary at the same time

I haven't read the entire thread, but people complaining should wonder where's the benefit for a multi-platform developer to leave off a feature if they're not getting paid to do so (make it exclusive). It doesn't make sense to purposely anger/disappoint gamers on one system just for the hell of it - "[2K] being mad at Sony for having the better baseball game" notwithstanding
# 142 Goffs @ 09/05/09 08:31 AM
^^ spank he was being sarcastic i know its hard to read sarcasm online but i caught on that as soon as i read it...gave me a good chuckle
# 143 ZoneBlitz @ 09/05/09 08:53 AM
Does any basketball game on the PS3 allow custom soundtracks this year?

Apparently, Fight Night 4 did the same thing - custom on 360, not available on the PS3. Now what?

I think since the PS3 is harder to program for; 2k just couldn't get it in before their deadline for development. As a programmer, even the most simple things to the customer can be a nightmare to develop and implement. Should it be in the game for PS3 users - sure! Am I mad because they don't have it - no. However, it is your money so buy a basketball game on the PS3 that implements custom sound tracks and has the other features you want. That makes sense to me.
# 144 Rules @ 09/05/09 09:23 AM
I skipped NBA 2k9 last year. 2K listened to their fans and I will be 100% behind them buying NBA 2k10 this year.

I love 2k as they do listen to what their fans have to say. I am extremely excited that they upgraded and rewrote the commentary and added arena specific sounds and music!

Thank you!
# 145 aholbert32 @ 09/05/09 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by ZoneBlitz
Does any basketball game on the PS3 allow custom soundtracks this year?

Apparently, Fight Night 4 did the same thing - custom on 360, not available on the PS3. Now what?

I think since the PS3 is harder to program for; 2k just couldn't get it in before their deadline for development. As a programmer, even the most simple things to the customer can be a nightmare to develop and implement. Should it be in the game for PS3 users - sure! Am I mad because they don't have it - no. However, it is your money so buy a basketball game on the PS3 that implements custom sound tracks and has the other features you want. That makes sense to me.
The Show does it.
# 146 Goffs @ 09/05/09 11:09 AM
yes but The Show was made from Sony...if anything those guys are more knowledgeable when programming for the PS3....im going with Pared with what he said earlier in the thread about this feature being a last minute thing and that they just had problems implementing it on the PS3....*shrug* who knows....
# 147 spankdatazz22 @ 09/05/09 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
^^ spank he was being sarcastic i know its hard to read sarcasm online but i caught on that as soon as i read it...gave me a good chuckle
**oops** thx, my apologies akiracy - I definitely didn't catch that lol
# 148 TheSolutionKMH @ 09/05/09 11:58 AM
i agree with cohouse earlier in this thread. i think people are looking for an excuse to get mad and post about this custom soundtrack situation.

1. console differential has been around since forever.

2. people are given you clear examples of a game(fight night 4) that has custom music on the 360 but not on the PS3 and they had 2 to 3 years development time. the question WHY DID EA, top dog of video games, allow fight night 4 to a feature on one console and not the other?

sony make MLB the show so please stop mention THE SHOW. that game holds no weight in this debate IMO.

i dont believe is 2k fault, its something behind the scene that falls on SONY shoulders has to why the ps3 doesnt have custom soundtrack for nba 2k10
# 149 eDotd @ 09/05/09 12:03 PM
It really doesn't matter whose fault it is, Sony or 2K. I'm not sure why some of you are dismissing people's anger with the situation when they have every right to be mad. They're paying the exact same as everyone else so they should get the exact same game. It's really not that complicated.
# 150 ZoneBlitz @ 09/05/09 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
The Show does it.
Exactly. So they should buy "The Show". I can understand that people are mad. I just think we wonder if they are mad at EA when it's done in other games.

At any rate, I think if they are upset that it's not in the game for PS3, they should not purchase it.
# 151 ZoneBlitz @ 09/05/09 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by MomentousCeltic
It really doesn't matter whose fault it is, Sony or 2K. I'm not sure why some of you are dismissing people's anger with the situation when they have every right to be mad. They're paying the exact same as everyone else so they should get the exact same game. It's really not that complicated.
Good point.

Also, why won't we be talking about Alicia Keys anymore? Just curious.

Finally, I also like what they said about the commentary. That's really impressive.
# 152 Joka2122 @ 09/05/09 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
ok so what happens if Live does the same thing...having this feature only for 360 and not on the PS3? What then? If you look at the release date for their Demo the PS3 demo doesnt come out till a week later. The combine came out first then PS3 later on....Are you PS3 fans not seeing a trend at all?

I really dont think the blame should be put on EA nor 2K at all....
Originally Posted by seanbarkley
in that sense the blame is on sony of course, i'm not defending sony at all!and i'm not defending Live neither, i love nba 2k games man.
But for me there're different issues the release date of a demo and a different final version of a game (a simple port from 360 without some features). I don't know why you take it so personal bc i'm only tryin to defend something that i consider legitimate. i understand all american 360 users that think:"****! here is this dude cryin again..." since they have everything that can be asked for, but try just to imagine you are in the other shore, would you just assume it and don't say a word??
I've been listening to this whole issue. I just have one thing to add. We see that 2k hasn't added custom audio to the PS3 users. It can be quite frustrating indeed. Although I'm a Xbox360 user, so it doesn't have an impact on me.
I can say though. It seems like the 2k team has tried to play fair with all Operating Systems (OS) although, they do have to follow certain rules with these companies. MrNoobie pointed out an interesting fact when he said "If you look at the release date for their Demo the PS3 demo doesn't come out till a week later. The combine came out first then PS3 later on..." This makes for an interesting point because every PS3 fan made a huge uproar with the release date being a week behind the Xbox360 OS. After a while, news came down from the 2k team on this issue and was thoroughly explained as to why such dates where assigned. Was this true honesty on the 2k teams part? I think so. Why wouldn't they want all gamers to experience DC at the same time? Well wouldn't this fall in the same category as this custom audio? It could be possible of what Pared said about the feature being a last minute thing. You have to realize that 2k is out for the customers interest in all they do. From upgrading the game and building a new mode for the game: "My Player", to taking this game and creating it to something like "NBA Today". Most features displayed in the game are in the game because of the customers discretion. Now with that in mind would you really be lead to believe that the 2k team meant to really eliminate the PS3 users and risk them going to EA because of a custom audio feature not being in the game? Definitely not
# 153 CoHouse2814 @ 09/05/09 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Court_vision

This is where 2K does things badly. They should have someone at their forums on explaing why the 360 are getting it / the PS3 isn't. If you explain why, people tend to accept things.

When you don't...people get pissed off and then speculation runs rampant with posts here already along the lines of "they can't be bothered / they value 360 owners more" etc etc.

Just explain why. Pretty simple.

Because, ultimately, you're going to ask the guy with the PS3 to pay the exact same amount of $$$ to buy your game...so you've got to let that guy know why he's not getting as much bang for his buck as the guy buying the other version.
well you pointed out fight night 4. did EA give a reason for not having custom music on the ps3?

truth be told you paying 60 dollars to what the ps3 offers for that game, this is not new in the gaming industry. if you been a gamer for 5+ years then this shouldnt be new information to ya. take madden 06, the ps2/xbox has way more features then the 360 version but people still cough up 60 dollars. you can they rushed the game but the truth be told you paying 60 dollars for what the console offers for that particular game.
# 154 Joka2122 @ 09/05/09 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by CoHouse2814
well you pointed out fight night 4. did EA give a reason for not having custom music on the ps3?

truth be told you paying 60 dollars to what the ps3 offers for that game, this is not new in the gaming industry. if you been a gamer for 5+ years then this shouldn't be new information to ya. take madden 06, the ps2/xbox has way more features then the 360 version but people still cough up 60 dollars. you can they rushed the game but the truth be told you paying 60 dollars for what the console offers for that particular game.
Good point. The game play wasn't even the same in the new OS's. I no I bought the game and was disappointed. Took it to Book & Music Exchange and got something else lol. Anyway, it does say a lot about the Dev. Teams stand on their games. Look at Madden 10. Media Hype for nothing rofl
# 155 CoHouse2814 @ 09/06/09 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by ibe3zy
smh....With them ignoring PS3 users like this its going to get to a point where we just not buy the game and support live.
well we will chuck up the dueces for you..... enjoy live
# 156 HELLisFUN @ 09/06/09 02:25 PM
smh....With them ignoring PS3 users like this its going to get to a point where we just not buy the game and support live.
Live will be releasing the demo for 360 on Sep 10 and for PS3 Sep 17.

I think it has more to do with the PS3 just being a difficult product as opposed to the 360.
# 157 CoHouse2814 @ 09/06/09 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
then what about NHL 10 and NCAA 10?
what about fight night round 4? what about this and what about that. im sure nhl 10 and ncaa 10 has custom music for both 360 and ps3 and thats great but there are games out here where its more features on one console then the other, fight night round 4 is one of them and all three games are made by EA that i mention.

if u still hung over about this custom music issue then you are naive and looking to cause trouble and promote the competition in your own way

if its 2k fault you can rant on about not buying it but i can come with a counter and say its sony fault and you shouldnt have bought a ps3. this situation has been around since forever so........just let it go and move with the custom music issue, everything else is cool
# 158 Joka2122 @ 09/07/09 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by HELLisFUN
Live will be releasing the demo for 360 on Sep 10 and for PS3 Sep 17.

I think it has more to do with the PS3 just being a difficult product as opposed to the 360.
Great point.
# 159 Kaanyr Vhok @ 09/07/09 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
then what about NHL 10 and NCAA 10?
Can you edit the music in those games? The 360 had the ability to stream music at certain points from day one but unlike the original Xbox you couldn’t edit music so VC didnt implement the custom soundtrack feature and it wwas diabled all the backwards compatible games that had the feature. ffice:smarttags" />lace w:st="on">Kushlace> used it in NHL 2k7 but you had to edit your own music. fficeffice" />>>
# 160 juicey79 @ 09/07/09 04:52 PM
custom arena music sounds ill. However they have to do a better job incorporating our music with the in game music. I personally like the music, crowd sounds and chants, and arena music. I hope we have the option to add our music to give the arena music more diversity. I remember in 2k5 on xbox, the arena music was cool but when you used the music it dismissed the ingame music. Nonetheless if it is situational i will add all jay z instrumentals when LBJ makes a fg.

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