NBA 2K10 News Post

2K Sports have posted another NBA Developer Insights. This one focuses on NBA 2K10 audio.

"Custom arena music is in:
I know a lot of you have been asking us for this and NBA 2K10 delivers. For the first time, you can import your personal music and have it played through the PA system on your XBOX 360 . I haven’t been able to touch on every new audio feature that we have in store for you. Hopefully, you’re as excited about the new features as we are here at 2K. We’re working hard to break some new ground in sports game audio, but I think we’re just starting to scratch the surface of what’s possible. Enjoy!"

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 aholbert32 @ 09/03/09 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by CoHouse2814
are u saying while your playing the game u can hear music or the music is integrated in the background cause those are two different things.

what this sounding like is that you can import music in the background of 2k10 on the 360 and let be heard in stadiums

what game on the ps3 allows intergrated music in the background?

The Show lets you use custom music for batter walkups
# 42 donkey33 @ 09/03/09 07:34 PM
Sounds impressive overall.

Can someone clarify though. Are all these updates about things going on around the league from your franchise or from the NBA. I really hope it's from the franchise because I don't want to hear about the NBA during those games. I have TV and the net to check that info out and would much prefer hearing about what is happening in my franchise/season.
# 43 CoHouse2814 @ 09/03/09 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by seanbarkley
In Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 you can create a folder in your hard drive with all the mp3 you want and import them later into the game to add new songs to the game soundtrack, add chants to the crowd and the like.
oh ok now thats intergrated and what i believe 2k10 is doing. i dont believe its 2k fault cause its silly to believe they said "F U ps3 360 getting all features".

well i just say wait until we get explanation before passing blame to either 2k or sony
# 44 whizer17 @ 09/03/09 07:38 PM
Where is that 2k guy now? Why won't he come on here and clear this matter up for us?

If 2k10 didn't look so damn awesome with my player and all, I would probably just skip it this year and hope for some ps3 love next year by 2k.
# 45 aholbert32 @ 09/03/09 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by donkey33

Can someone clarify though. Are all these updates about things going on around the league from your franchise or from the NBA. I really hope it's from the franchise because I don't want to hear about the NBA during those games. I have TV and the net to check that info out and would much prefer hearing about what is happening in my franchise/season.
Both. If you are in a franchise it will update your franchise.
# 46 bigballa21 @ 09/03/09 07:41 PM
that's a no go for ps3 users
# 47 syk_skillz @ 09/03/09 07:44 PM
Time to start cherry picking and editing songs.
Even though I have both a PS3 and 360 I always pick the 360 version of a game besides for starting this year with the WWE Smackdown series since 360 really got screwed last year in DLC.
# 48 str8stuntin03 @ 09/03/09 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Expect to hear alot of Jay-z being played in NJ and Wale/Gogo Music DC.

I hope we can assign custom arena songs for certain players on here too.
Your fans gonna walk out on BYB and UCB lol
# 49 jmood88 @ 09/03/09 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
Kind of a weak write up really..I wanted to know if they did any sound effects after missing a free throw and will it be stadium specific?
That stuff is in 2k9 so why would you need to know if it's in 2k10?
# 50 jmood88 @ 09/03/09 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by donkey33
Sounds impressive overall.

Can someone clarify though. Are all these updates about things going on around the league from your franchise or from the NBA. I really hope it's from the franchise because I don't want to hear about the NBA during those games. I have TV and the net to check that info out and would much prefer hearing about what is happening in my franchise/season.
They use your association stats in the association commentary.
# 51 CoHouse2814 @ 09/03/09 08:08 PM
in regards to the custom music being only on the XBOX 360

come to think THIS ISNT NEW. console differential has always been around. ps2 vs xbox.

xbox you can save your music, ps2 cant.
ps2 you can open the console and put in a cd while you playing, xbox cant

in nfl 2k5 maybe im wrong but when i had it on the ps2 there was only snapshots shown during halftime and i had a ps2 memory card but then when i played it on the regular xbox there was full video replays.

so one console having something over the other really isnt that big a deal
# 52 jmood88 @ 09/03/09 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by CoHouse2814
in regards to the custom music being only on the XBOX 360

come to think THIS ISNT NEW. console differential has always been around. ps2 vs xbox.

xbox you can save your music, ps2 cant.
ps2 you can open the console and put in a cd while you playing, xbox cant

in nfl 2k5 maybe im wrong but when i had it on the ps2 there was only snapshots shown during halftime and i had a ps2 memory card but then when i played it on the regular xbox there was full video replays.

so one console having something over the other really isnt that big a deal
To be fair though the reason it wasn't on ps2 was because most ps2 owners didn't have the hard drive.
# 53 ProfessaPackMan @ 09/03/09 08:18 PM
Damn, and I thought TNT drove me crazy with the number of times they played "Amazing", I might just have to mute that track altogether on here lol.
# 54 Behindshadows @ 09/03/09 08:32 PM
Thanks Jmood, game sounds like the audio is going to be overhauled and much improved. Can't wait to hear it!
# 55 mot5082 @ 09/03/09 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Damn, and I thought TNT drove me crazy with the number of times they played "Amazing", I might just have to mute that track altogether on here lol.
Haha i know right? Seems like AMAZING is the anthem for the NBA.

To the rest: will custom sound really affect the game that bad? I swear people just love to whine all the time. If 360 didn't have it, would it be SUCH A BIG ISSUE? I know it sucks, I have both systems, but all this crying about the custom sound is a little too much now. Let's play some DC and be happy with what all we've gotten that's amazing this year.

# 56 ZephyrSong @ 09/03/09 08:32 PM
Again, serious disadvantage for PS3 owners...

If we are once getting getting LOW RES TEXTURES compared to the XBOX 360, then I don't freaking know anymore...
# 57 STLRams @ 09/03/09 08:51 PM
This is not a huge or even big disadvantage for the PS3, its just bad on 2K's end. They should know stuff like this makes certain people may not want to by there game on the PS3. Now what if Live10 does have custom soundtracks feature?? That may sway a some buyers to get NBA Live10 instead of NBA2K10 for example. The PS3 is more than capable of this feature, 2K just dropped the ball on this. Fanboys can say silly things saying this is Sony's fault, but its not, its up to the devs to utilize they systems features. If this was available for the PS3 and not the 360, this still wouldn't be fair. This has been a trend with some sports games for the past couple of years where they wouldn't add or put something on the PS3, other developers or games don't have this problem. I won't be running out to by a 360 just because of this one thing that 2K added, its nice and I would like to have it on my PS3 NBA2K10, but Im more excited about all of the other features in the game. Anyway it looks like 2K10 is going to be great, we need some gameplay vids ASAP.
# 58 bigballa21 @ 09/03/09 09:16 PM
i might be reaching here but does anyone know if it's possible for it to be patched in later?cuz i'm a ps3 owner.. while it's not a game killing feature it would be nice to have my own tracks...only because the songs will get repetitive
# 59 Ermolli @ 09/03/09 09:17 PM
Great blog. I liked what I read, some thing are really amazing
# 60 8and9 @ 09/03/09 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by str8stuntin03
Your fans gonna walk out on BYB and UCB lol
lol. I'll be playing New Impressions in Dallas.

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