NBA 2K10 News Post

2K Sports have posted another NBA Developer Insights. This one focuses on NBA 2K10 audio.

"Custom arena music is in:
I know a lot of you have been asking us for this and NBA 2K10 delivers. For the first time, you can import your personal music and have it played through the PA system on your XBOX 360 . I haven’t been able to touch on every new audio feature that we have in store for you. Hopefully, you’re as excited about the new features as we are here at 2K. We’re working hard to break some new ground in sports game audio, but I think we’re just starting to scratch the surface of what’s possible. Enjoy!"

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 SimBaller @ 09/04/09 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I guess I'm different. This is what I expected. I didnt expect to see videos until Mid September. Just a bunch of articles and impressions cause thats what they always do. These words alone have convinced me I'm buying this game based on last year's game and the combine. The other game has to show me because of past performance (and they have done a great job at this).

Do I think it will be as good as they say it is? No. But it never is with any game.
Wait, you weren't sold with the 30-user controlled teams in Association?!
# 102 brs2305 @ 09/04/09 02:17 PM
The article was pretty impressive. However I really want to hear how they actually implemented the commentary and how they improved the crowed interaction logic, especially in during runs, buzzer beaters at the end of the game, and in Playoff games or important regular season games.
# 103 kenzil @ 09/04/09 02:26 PM
yeah, I was waiting to read if they did something with the playoffs. I am really looking forward to the presentation of this game and hope that the playoffs will be better than what we saw in 2k9. There was a difference between season and playoff games in 2k9 but seemed to still be lacking (probably because every game is sold out from preseason to the playoffs)...Hopefully we get dynamic crowds(attendance) and the crowds wearing the same color in the playoffs....
# 104 Kaanyr Vhok @ 09/04/09 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by flamangatang2k5
How can you guys say blame Sony when I play MLB 09 the Show and not only do i have over 100 of my own songs playing as the games soundtrack, I also have every batter/pitcher on my team with their very own walk-up/entrance music. Even got "Hawks" homerun call on there.

If 2k wanted to do it, they would have copied whatever Sony did when making The Show. Clearly it was too much work for them. I'm still buying the game though
Can you edit the music to play at a certain point?
# 105 The 24th Letter @ 09/04/09 02:47 PM
i loved the way espn 2k5 did this....every rushing first down id have jay z's line about a runningback coming straight off the block play from "dust your shoulders off" lol
# 106 aholbert32 @ 09/04/09 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by SimBaller
Wait, you weren't sold with the 30-user controlled teams in Association?!

That got you a preorder. This got you a guaranteed purchase.
# 107 rspencer86 @ 09/04/09 03:13 PM
What a crushing blow that custom in-game sounds won't work on the PS3 version. Custom arena sounds have been at the top of my most wanted features list for a long, long time... it adds so much realism and authenticity to the game.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still pumped for this game to drop, but this news put a damper on my enthusiasm.
# 108 jmood88 @ 09/04/09 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
i loved the way espn 2k5 did this....every rushing first down id have jay z's line about a runningback coming straight off the block play from "dust your shoulders off" lol
That's why I never played 2k5 on my 360, I had all my stadium stuff in how I wanted on my original xbox and it sounded great.
# 109 Pratt75 @ 09/04/09 05:39 PM
If custom audio is left out of the PS3 version your getting a big FU from a longtime 2K supporter who has purchased every 2K game from the original 2K bball game on dreamcast. I haven't posted here for a very long time but when I read "on the 360" I felt kind of angry and had to voice my frustration. Hopefully they are aware of the negative pub this is creating .
# 110 jmood88 @ 09/04/09 05:42 PM
It's hilarious that as far as everyone knew it wasn't in the game at all until yesterday but now people want to talk about not buying the game because of it.
# 111 tommyfusco @ 09/04/09 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I honestly don't think it's possible. From my discussion with developers at EA, stuff that tie into a game system's OS are much larger a task than we think.

I'm pretty sure you won't see this in an update.

PS3 multi-platform game owners seem to continually get the shaft. I know for a fact this sort of thing is possible, but it must be very difficult to implement.

Knowing the developers of these games, if they could have, they would have.
this bites.
i mean Tiger gets the shaft on ps3 even though they can fit WAY more data, i.e. courses, on the disc, but the devs said they cant make a lesser game on the 360,that they like to keep them even , then theres this junk..

I wouldnt be as mad if the whole in game soundtrack wasnt rap.
# 112 Aces15 @ 09/04/09 05:48 PM
I think you guys are blowing this way out of proportion. To not buy the game just because it doesn't support custom audio? I think that's absurd.

I understand if you were deciding whether to buy it for the 360 or the PS3, and that fact let you decide to get it for the 360, that makes sense.

But to say that ruins the total experience for you? That doesn't make sense to me.
# 113 jmood88 @ 09/04/09 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by tommyfusco
this bites.
i mean Tiger gets the shaft on ps3 even though they can fit WAY more data, i.e. courses, on the disc, but the devs said they cant make a lesser game on the 360,that they like to keep them even , then theres this junk..

I wouldnt be as mad if the whole in game soundtrack wasnt rap.
The soundtrack isn't even close to being all rap.
# 114 Pared @ 09/04/09 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by jmood88
It's hilarious that as far as everyone knew it wasn't in the game at all until yesterday but now people want to talk about not buying the game because of it.
They have a right to feel that way. It's their money.

Publishers shouldn't be doing things on one platform if they can't do it on the other, especially when they CAN do it. Defeats the purpose of a multi-platform game. And I'm referring to PS3/X360 here.

I think they should make it a mandate to make things equal. The consumers of one console shouldn't get "screwed." EA has done this with online play as well.

They should both be held accountable.

I understand the merit is there to include it at all... but it just shows that these companies don't take both platforms as seriously. And that's discomforting as a consumer.

Part of the reason why I have both consoles and play them equally. Saves me this sort of headache. But I know not everyone can do that.
# 115 bigballa21 @ 09/04/09 05:51 PM
i'm just mad cuz now i might have to dust off my 360 lol
# 116 malky @ 09/04/09 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by jmood88
It's hilarious that as far as everyone knew it wasn't in the game at all until yesterday but now people want to talk about not buying the game because of it.

lol, exactly, Im a 360 owner and personally if it was on the other foot, I could care less if they took it out of the 360, it's not that big of deal to me personally. Custom music is not a make or break issue.
# 117 Kaanyr Vhok @ 09/04/09 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by tommyfusco
this bites.
i mean Tiger gets the shaft on ps3 even though they can fit WAY more data, i.e. courses, on the disc, but the devs said they cant make a lesser game on the 360,that they like to keep them even , then theres this junk..

I wouldnt be as mad if the whole in game soundtrack wasnt rap.
Thas BS. There is no way on earth you have to reduce the amount of courses in a golf game because of disc space. The devs are fos. Even if it was true which it isnt you could just use more than one disc. I tested a Tiger Woods game on the Xbox and I was the size of the main executable file and it was less than 6 gigs. Area size does not take up much disc space. If that was true games like Just Cause and Oblivion would have been put on two disc. The only 360 games that are on multiple disc that I know of are JRPGs with high def media.
# 118 Pared @ 09/04/09 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Kaanyr Vhok
Thas BS. There is no way on earth you have to reduce the amount of courses in a golf game because of disc space. The devs are fos. Even if it was true which it isnt you could just use more than one disc. I tested a Tiger Woods game on the Xbox and I was the size of the main executable file and it was less than 6 gigs. Area size does not take up much disc space. If that was true games like Just Cause and Oblivion would have been put on two disc. The only 360 games that are on multiple disc that I know of are JRPGs with high def media.
What he is saying is they don't utilize the extra space on Blu-ray for PS3 because they have to accommodate the 360's DVD media size. And he's right. Not that they removed anything.

Let's not get off-topic.
# 119 Kaanyr Vhok @ 09/04/09 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
What he is saying is they don't utilize the extra space on Blu-ray for PS3 because they have to accommodate the 360's DVD media size. And he's right. Not that they removed anything.

Let's not get off-topic.
Ok that makes more sense even though to me it sounds like a cop out. If they had a nice random course generator then it would make sense but I doubt they would spend the time hand drawing 20GBs of golf courses.

Back on topic. The big question is are these custom soundtracks editable and can they be shared? Now if we could share custom soundtracks that would be Nirvana. In hours every team would sound different. I dont think its legal. Is it legal for Opsports to run a torrent?
# 120 seanbarkley @ 09/04/09 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Pratt75
If custom audio is left out of the PS3 version your getting a big FU from a longtime 2K supporter who has purchased every 2K game from the original 2K bball game on dreamcast. I haven't posted here for a very long time but when I read "on the 360" I felt kind of angry and had to voice my frustration. Hopefully they are aware of the negative pub this is creating .
i'm 100% with u man.

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