NBA Live 10 News Post

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 bls @ 08/28/09 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
I don't really feel like dissecting your argument entirely, so just know that you're basically wrong on every point you made. Nothin personal-- you just are.
How many times have you saw the bounce up and down celebration???
# 62 bls @ 08/28/09 09:47 PM
Ok after looking again he did fall down after the put back attempt, just happened really fast though.
# 63 bls @ 08/28/09 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
It doesn't matter. It happened ONCE in that video. This is just like when people were trippin over Dwight making that off-balance three pointer in the Gamescon video. It happened ONCE. That doesn't mean it will happen with regularity.
I hope not
# 64 Rocboyz101 @ 08/28/09 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Yea I'd leave it alone, lol. If you couldn't see the good in Live 09 it doesn't need to be discussed.
I saw the fundemental positives, just the negatives were game killers for me. Damn it, I said I was gonna leave it alone!!!
# 65 TreyIM2 @ 08/28/09 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Rocboyz101
enjoyed live 09? wow. lol
Lol - Uhh, no. It's all opinion but I have to agree, at least from a demo standpoint. I dug the demo but not enough to make the Live 09 purchase. I did buy Live 08 and 2K8 but mostly played Live 08. Last year was strictly 2K9 but I definitely share the same feeling. I enjoyed the Live 09 demo. I've been saying for the longest that Live DOES do SOME things better than 2K. Plus I like the "feel" of Live. Their control scheme is much better, imo. Makes me feel like I'm actually playing b-ball when I play it. I'm actually downloading the Live 09 demo, again, for about the 12th time - Lol.

As for this vid - NICE...but I have to admit, that this vid made Live look like Live whereas the Live 10 Passing Tutorial vid seemed different and more life-like. Maybe Mike was playing a more updated version of Live 10 in the tutorial.

Anyway, the Lebron stepback then shot from right inside the arc was PRICELESS. I thought it was him, for real, lol, then his crab dribble-dribble - WOOOO!! Sickness in a bag. I wonder if that will be called a walk at times. Now THAT would be bananas!! Marcus, if you are reading, get those refs with the shaky whistles ala Tim Donaghy...

Oh, did ANYONE catch Rondo's off ball trip and fall after tripping over a defender's leg/foot? It was the play where he made the bad pass near the beginning of the vid. Not long after the pass, he trips over the defender who is actually standing. Nice touch. The game is gunna need a lot of those small details cuz we KNOW 2K is gunna bring it in the animations department.

Also, as it's been said a guhmillion times, already, Pierce shoots like Pierce - Nice.
# 66 23 @ 08/28/09 09:52 PM
I didnt like the video or the camera angle

I saw some things I did like but for the most part I enjoyed the cheese video more, and that was ewww
# 67 FearlessKaz @ 08/28/09 09:52 PM
Solid gameplay video. Still a bit on the short side to get a feel for how the overall pacing of the game is, but still good non the less. I absolutely love the smoothness from dribbling to shooting; the parts with LBJ looked seamless. Also the pass to Mo when LBJ was baseline looked exactly like something he'd do.

The forearm block on Ray Ray just looked awkward. It would look so much better if
Delonte went up and grabbed the ball instead of attempting to swat it away.

I noticed they got Pierces follow through down, but the way he positions his body is off. He rarely seperates his legs on a shot as much as Live has him doing. First shot of this video is a perfect example of how he typically shoots.

# 68 bls @ 08/28/09 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by 23
I didnt like the video or the camera angle

I saw some things I did like but for the most part I enjoyed the cheese video more, and that was ewww
I sadly agree
# 69 streets354 @ 08/28/09 09:56 PM
# 70 FearlessKaz @ 08/28/09 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by streets354
Yup. Uh huh.
# 71 XxX syntax XxX @ 08/28/09 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by FearlessKaz
Solid gameplay video. Still a bit on the short side to get a feel for how the overall pacing of the game is, but still good non the less. I absolutely love the smoothness from dribbling to shooting; the parts with LBJ looked seamless. Also the pass to Mo when LBJ was baseline looked exactly like something he'd do.

The forearm block on Ray Ray just looked awkward. It would look so much better if
Delonte went up and grabbed the ball instead of attempting to swat it away.

I noticed they got Pierces follow through down, but the way he positions his body is off. He rarely seperates his legs on a shot as much as Live has him doing. First shot of this video is a perfect example of how he typically shoots.

That vid reminds me of nba live 10...Amazeing
# 72 BiggD @ 08/28/09 09:59 PM
YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!! finally, great to see gameplay
# 73 waybzz @ 08/28/09 09:59 PM
loved the video, very smooth and all.
commentary was abit off for me and kinda boring.
# 74 stephensonmc @ 08/28/09 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by michaeljordanjr
This looked almost 100% like an authentic televised game. The AI taking advantage of vajario in the air.

But Paul Pierce does not always shoot off balance like that. Another reason why you guys should think about adding multiple types of shots, like leaners and side shots and regular pull ups.

Also this video didnt have the nets of the passing video.
we do have multiple shots homie...
# 75 blingballa333 @ 08/28/09 10:17 PM
I have no idea why there are so many negative comments on this video. Alot about this video was smooth and very authentic in terms of signature play. This is coming from a 9-year NBA 2k player. Of course a game will have some quirky animations, 2k sure does.

And to people complaining about Pierce's jumper. Why? Best PP34 shooting form ever in a video game, no?

There is no way to get a signature shot perfect because NBA players don't have the same form every time. And complaining about how far Pierce's legs are spread out is going a little overboard dontcha think?
# 76 stephensonmc @ 08/28/09 10:18 PM
Thanks guys alot for the feedback.

Guys, this is our game. We've put ourselves out there, a very risky thing to do, and shown you our complete gameplay. We're completely confident in LIVE this year, and think it's miles ahead of LIVE 09, and, in our opinion, is officially "back." Are there things wrong? Absolutely, but we think there are way more things right than wrong.

I'm anxious for you guys to get the demo and see the many layers this game has for all of you to sink your teeth into.

Thanks again!
# 77 SageInfinite @ 08/28/09 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
Thanks guys alot for the feedback.

Guys, this is our game. We've put ourselves out there, a very risky thing to do, and shown you our complete gameplay. We're completely confident in LIVE this year, and think it's miles ahead of LIVE 09, and, in our opinion, is officially "back." Are there things wrong? Absolutely, but we think there are way more things right than wrong.

I'm anxious for you guys to get the demo and see the many layers this game has for all of you to sink your teeth into.

Thanks again!
# 78 Jamin23 @ 08/28/09 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Apocalypse81
Are there gonna have real flagrant fouls in the game? just asking
Ask David Stern.
# 79 DirtyJerz32 @ 08/28/09 10:26 PM
Great vid. WOW. Just wow. It doesn't even look like the same game. Very good to see. I love the spacing and off ball moves. Sig moves from KG and LJames crab dribble. Just really impressed.
The only thing I still don't see are fouls being called. IMO in that last couple of seconds where LJ goes to the rim and gets his own rebound and put back there should've been a foul or something. With all that contact and no fouls that's the only thing that makes it feel like last years.

There has to be more contact fouls. Not every foul is a shooting foul when a player is trying to block the other players jump shot. When big NBA bodies are banging there has to be something called. Even if you turned up the fouls in 09 there still weren't enough fouls called.

Other than that great vid and I can't wait for the 10th!!!
# 80 BiggD @ 08/28/09 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
Thanks guys alot for the feedback.

Guys, this is our game. We've put ourselves out there, a very risky thing to do, and shown you our complete gameplay. We're completely confident in LIVE this year, and think it's miles ahead of LIVE 09, and, in our opinion, is officially "back." Are there things wrong? Absolutely, but we think there are way more things right than wrong.

I'm anxious for you guys to get the demo and see the many layers this game has for all of you to sink your teeth into.

Thanks again!

You guys must just scratch your heads and think "what do we have to do to please some people"

some of the feedback is just crazy...

IMO it looks great! good job

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