NBA Live 10 News Post

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 101 apManila24 @ 08/28/09 11:53 PM
this is a great improvement from live 09. graphics are beautiful especially the lighting. the animations look great and are smooth. but i saw a few problems. i saw sliding on defense and i saw 2 players go through each other. the rim still sounds weird and the commentary was surprisingly bad. hopefully they fix all of these problems before release. this should be a good year for basketball fans
# 102 navyboy09 @ 08/29/09 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by streets354
you just make yourself so obvious and that's a shame.

Give credit when it's due. The game is looking nice and i think you are scared.
# 103 Dantecamp21 @ 08/29/09 12:07 AM
Nice work Marcus and the rest of the team! The game has come a long way in this development cycle. I think we're in for a treat this time around.

Just a quick one (and I know that's really me): what about Red's signature vinyl on the court?
# 104 chadskee @ 08/29/09 12:24 AM
Am I the only one that still doesn't like the animations? I think they still look awkward in comparison to 2k.
# 105 Behindshadows @ 08/29/09 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Court_vision
Looks great. Game pace is great, player movement is easily the best in any NBA game...spacing, play sets.

Commentary = terrible. If you've played Live 08 and Live 09, those lines are so old now. Desperately needs an update. The atmosphere is good though, so I am just going to turn the commentary off.

Overall...looks great.
I think the commentary is terrible, and they asked us what we wanted to hear this year and it's the same old dry stuff. No emotion honestly it's time to replace these two kats, they sound like they are stuck in the matrix and after many years of the same duo, it's time to bring in a 3rd stream and some sideline action. Marv and Steve are terrible and it's sound like every other Live game.

Gameplay and graphics wise, the game is amazing!
# 106 Dantecamp21 @ 08/29/09 12:33 AM
I might be alone on that one but I do like the commentary in Live.
# 107 Greene_Flash03 @ 08/29/09 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by chadskee
Am I the only one that still doesn't like the animations? I think they still look awkward in comparison to 2k.
For some reason, to me the animations here in this video is different from the video in the blog today...
# 108 bls @ 08/29/09 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by Dantecamp21
I might be alone on that one but I do like the commentary in Live.
I like the commentary as well although it is long overdue for some new lines.
# 109 Rob. D @ 08/29/09 12:46 AM
Looks good!
# 110 P21J @ 08/29/09 12:48 AM
Maybe this is the commentary by default. They did say "Dynamic Commentary/ Storylines" would be added as the season/dynasty progressed right?
# 111 pepp32 @ 08/29/09 01:09 AM
They couldnt get the rights to the actual td bank stadium some theres no red sig on the court
# 112 RipCity71252 @ 08/29/09 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by Court_vision
Looks great. Game pace is great, player movement is easily the best in any NBA game...spacing, play sets.

Commentary = terrible. If you've played Live 08 and Live 09, those lines are so old now. Desperately needs an update. The atmosphere is good though, so I am just going to turn the commentary off.

Overall...looks great.
Agree 100%. The A.I. is quick to recognize what you are trying to do offensively. (example: in Mike Wang's passing tutorial video, watch as Tyrus Thomas is quick to occupy the open space at the left elbow to make room for the pass to Loul Deng.) This helps tremendously in avoiding clutter on the court which happens waayyyy too often in the other game and is a detriment to video game hoops.

Pair this spacing with authentic team play sets, greatly enhanced P&R control, quick and correct defensive rotations by the A.I., and excellent, intuitive passing controls......things can't get much better for sim heads that enjoy executing realistically in the half court.

I've also liked the one on one battles we're seeing on the perimeter. Isolation basketball has never looked as natural and realistic as we've seen in these Live 10 videos, which is great to see because it is a huge part of NBA basketball.

Live 09's dribble system was too stagnant, accentuated by the suction you felt when engaging the on-ball defender (This combination made Live 09's iso's feel very forced) While the other game's total lack of dribbler vs on-ball defender interaction made taking a man off the dribble look and feel very clumsy.

I agree that the commentary is not the greatest. But like you said, the authentic NBA crowd noise and arena specific sounds being added to this year's game will make playing with commentary off a solid option in Live 10. Hopefully dynamic headlines help here.

Wake me up when it's September 10th
# 113 sroz39 @ 08/29/09 01:42 AM
Looks amazing. Thanks for the video guys. Looking like it's two basketball games this year. The wife is gonna love me so much
# 114 23 @ 08/29/09 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by 23
I didnt like the video or the camera angle

I saw some things I did like but for the most part I enjoyed the cheese video more, and that was ewww
Now that i've had time to sit still... I dont hate the camera angle... its a broadcast angle which is fine because it shows everything which is a plus and from the looks of it its even better than Live 09 because the crowd is more alive in the stadium and you see more player interaction on the court.

I liked the camera angle in the other video because it showed off the visuals very well, being much closer to the court than this, but its not on my tv so it doesnt matter. Im sure it blows Live 09 out of the water and that looks great on my tv.

What I do like about KG's dunk is the move he made to get it. He faked a fadeaway jumper then took the lane when Varejao took the bite... I sure hope we can do that move manually.

LeBron's stepback and follow through jumper is just sick..plain old sick. Live has had its share of great fadeaways and stepbacks and this is another one to chalk up. I cannot wait to try some of this in the game.

Said it once and i'll say it again... PP's jumper looks awesome, and for those who played Live 09 know its a huge improvement. Not sure if it'll be changed or not but I happen to like it.

Moe's move was pretty sick as well... nice hopstep and backboard layup.

Even Sheed had something to say to someone at the end of the video.. Nice

Makes me wonder what else is in store.
# 115 RipCity71252 @ 08/29/09 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by 23
Now that i've had time to sit still... I dont hate the camera angle... its a broadcast angle which is fine because it shows everything which is a plus and from the looks of it its even better than Live 09 because the crowd is more alive in the stadium and you see more player interaction on the court.

I liked the camera angle in the other video because it showed off the visuals very well, being much closer to the court than this, but its not on my tv so it doesnt matter. Im sure it blows Live 09 out of the water and that looks great on my tv.
23, I see what your saying about the camera angle, but I'm pretty sure this broadcast angle will be fully customizable like it was in Live 09. (ability to adjust both camera angle/height and zoom level)
# 116 Beluba @ 08/29/09 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by 23
What I do like about KG's dunk is the move he made to get it. He faked a fadeaway jumper then took the lane when Varejao took the bite... I sure hope we can do that move manually.
tap shot button. If defender bites, move left stick (or right stick) to either side to drive in that direction.
# 117 AI3 @ 08/29/09 01:53 AM
Looks great.
But B.Scal over reacts whenn KG gets a rebound, I never seen anyone that excited when his teammate gets a board. lol
And still has retarted block sounds.

But all in all, It looks nice.
# 118 23 @ 08/29/09 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by Beluba
tap shot button. If defender bites, move left stick (or right stick) to either side to drive in that direction.
That one looked more than just a regular pump fake, or was that because of the kind of jumper KG has? Either way the move around the man in the post last year was kind of canned, but this makes playing defense even more intersting now

Originally Posted by RipCity71252
23, I see what your saying about the camera angle, but I'm pretty sure this broadcast angle will be fully customizable like it was in Live 09. (ability to adjust both camera angle/height and zoom level)

Yep but that might have been a regular camera and knowing Beluba he loves camera angles that are playable from all over... another plus im sure.
# 119 23 @ 08/29/09 02:08 AM
Another thing, i havent seen one rebound in all of these videos drop to the ground like in the past.
# 120 grush5 @ 08/29/09 02:30 AM
WTF!!! da game is great but is it just me or da commentary is EXACtly like live 09

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