NBA Live 10 News Post

EA has posted another NBA Live 10 blog, this one featuring presentation.

"With still a few months until the game ships, the NBA LIVE 10 team is starting to pick up the pace and sharing more with the community. Is it enough? Is it ever enough??? Like you, I want to hear it all! Well, from what I'm being told there is a lot of great stuff that LIVE fans should be excited about and all the producers are on board with sharing their hard work with all of you from now until the game ships. This week, Presentation Producer Matt Lafreniere shares his thoughts on some of the new ways the team has enhanced the look and sound of the game.

I was going to start this thing off by posting some screenshots of a couple other pre-game rituals we have in the game this year, as I know there’s some speculation as to what ones we have other than the Dwight shimmy and the LeBron and KG chalk-ups. But, instead I’ll be showing some of these in a presentation/visuals video sometime next week. What a weak way to start out a blog, huh?"

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 121 Meechie1013 @ 08/01/09 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by thmst30
I hope so! Sounds like next week might be a media blowout for Live 10. There could be loads of new screens and videos for me to nitpick!
Lol. O yea i think Diamond Mag suppose to be dropping out some info to throughout the week, RIGHT??
# 122 thmst30 @ 08/01/09 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Meechie1013
Lol. O yea i think Diamond Mag suppose to be dropping out some info to throughout the week, RIGHT??
Sounds like it.
There’s a ton more that we’re either forgetting or can’t talk about just yet, but we’ll have a lot more for you starting next week.
# 123 Jamin23 @ 08/01/09 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Court_vision
Sounds awesome

Welcome To The Playoffs
Crowds not only look completely different in regular season compared to the playoffs (post season crowds have most of the fans wearing team colours, waving towels and on their feet early and often), but they sound dramatically different too. Over the past couple of years we’ve sent audio guys to NBA games to record the crowds and sounds at a bunch of different arenas, and this is the first year where we have been able to use the playoff crowds we recorded. Crowds in the regular season are pretty solid. We amped them up a little bit compared to last year and added in all new sounds to make sure they’re all fresh. But, when you hop into a playoff crowd it’s pretty crazy. They’re a lot louder. They’re chanting and cheering off the opening tip. And they’ll be booing much more on no-calls and even booing the other teams star player on occasion. All of the chants are ditties are different, so things like the D-Fence chants are way more powerful in the playoffs. So, all in all, you have two completely unique experiences in these differing atmospheres.
Yeah that sounds really cool. Presentation check.
# 124 TMagic @ 08/01/09 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by thmst30
Wow, I give up. If you read that post and took it seriously then...... Live forums are the touchiest forums on OS apparently.

Yeah, new guys tend to miss some of my sarcastic posts as well.

But, I wasn't calling you a nitpicker or saying that you were at all. My post wasn't really intended to be directed AT you.

Just that in general, I wouldn't even notice most of the things that may be wrong or inaccurate in games had it not been for people bringing them up.

I wasn't really saying it was a bad thing either. I think it's a good thing when done correctly.

Somebody has got to keep the producers/developers on point. LOL.
# 125 Meechie1013 @ 08/01/09 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by thmst30
Sounds like it.
Hope monday starts it off lol. Did anyone notice that they nailed the Lakers lighting in their arena??? Im just gonna love alllll of the presentation this year. Finally Marv and Albert wont be repetitive.
# 126 thmst30 @ 08/01/09 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by TMagic

Yeah, new guys tend to miss some of my sarcastic posts as well.

But, I wasn't calling you a nitpicker or saying that you were at all. My post wasn't really intended to be directed AT you.

Just that in general, I wouldn't even notice most of the things that may be wrong or inaccurate in games had it not been for people bringing them up.

I wasn't really saying it was a bad thing either. I think it's a good thing when done correctly.

Somebody has got to keep the producers/developers on point. LOL.
It's all good. I've moved on from that whole mess and don't want to derail this thread any further due to my unfavorable post.
# 127 23 @ 08/01/09 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by TMagic

Yeah, new guys tend to miss some of my sarcastic posts as well.

But, I wasn't calling you a nitpicker or saying that you were at all. My post wasn't really intended to be directed AT you.

Just that in general, I wouldn't even notice most of the things that may be wrong or inaccurate in games had it not been for people bringing them up.

I wasn't really saying it was a bad thing either. I think it's a good thing when done correctly.

Somebody has got to keep the producers/developers on point. LOL.

cant believe things went this far but yeah i agree with what Tmagic is saying... not you per say but there are alot of guys on here who just arent happy no matter what, and they'll take something like what you said, and turn that into a highway of hell of nitpicking or stupiditying...or plain old arguing. Just hang around a little longer and you'll see

Yet and still, so far so good from the visuals standpoint...
I like the progression in changes of the pics we've seen
# 128 Altimus @ 08/01/09 10:12 PM
Since I'm the kind of guy that loves these little presentations things in sports games... this is awesome. Can't wait till we start seeing more.
# 129 Jamin23 @ 08/01/09 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Altimus
Since I'm the kind of guy that loves these little presentations things in sports games... this is awesome. Can't wait till we start seeing more.
Yeah!! People seem to think that presentation isn't that important, but when you have great presentation and great gameplay than it all comes together to make a great product. Presentation is just as important as gameplay.
# 130 bball_1523 @ 08/01/09 11:06 PM
Does anyone know if EA will add dynamic crowds and attendance? For example, teams with a poor record get less attendance throughout the year, but teams that are really good sell out. Or when the game is a blowout, for some teams some people leave early.

This would be amazing!
# 131 Jamin23 @ 08/01/09 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by bball_1523
Does anyone know if EA will add dynamic crowds and attendance? For example, teams with a poor record get less attendance throughout the year, but teams that are really good sell out. Or when the game is a blowout, for some teams some people leave early.

This would be amazing!
I don't think the nba will allow it. I would love the feature though. It should be a given in all sports games.
# 132 pistons_own @ 08/01/09 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
I don't think the nba will allow it. I would love the feature though. It should be a given in all sports games.
if i ran the NBA , (i guess David Stern makes these decisions too )

i wouldn't really give a crap , seriously a game is not going to sellout unless its one of those teams that won the championship last year or trailblazers or its the playoffs , teams may "sellout" games but most people wont attend it , ex . pistons , but no one attended them and then BOOM there sellout streak ended

anyways it would be cool to have it though . thats what i hate about 2K most , for the first lik 5 mins the crowd is standing on there feet ? its like wtf .
# 133 bateman11 @ 08/01/09 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by pistons_own
if i ran the NBA , (i guess David Stern makes these decisions too )

i wouldn't really give a crap , seriously a game is not going to sellout unless its one of those teams that won the championship last year or trailblazers or its the playoffs , teams may "sellout" games but most people wont attend it , ex . pistons , but no one attended them and then BOOM there sellout streak ended

anyways it would be cool to have it though . thats what i hate about 2K most , for the first lik 5 mins the crowd is standing on there feet ? its like wtf .
how many teams won the championship last year?
# 134 youngfaze01 @ 08/02/09 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by michaeljordanjr
For future Presentation additions in NBA Live I'd like to see a sports center like half-time show. That shows randomly generated high lights from other games. Like while you're at half time they'll show Kobe going for 100.

I think if you're going to have story lines you have to take it to the max, and this is an example of it.

Also, would be cool if they had news during Dynasty like "New high school phenom projected to be greatest NBA player ever out of ____ high school"

Then in the next season he joins the league and your most anticipated match is against the team that drafts him.

Kinda like Mortal Kombat tournament tree and at the top is the hardest opponent.
That's not a bad idea.
# 135 stopper654 @ 08/02/09 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
I don't think the nba will allow it. I would love the feature though. It should be a given in all sports games.
Madden on last gen had dynamic attendance so why can't next gen sports game have it too
# 136 mikenoob @ 08/02/09 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by stopper654
Madden on last gen had dynamic attendance so why can't next gen sports game have it too
Some games do... It's already been answered. NBA does not allow this. Take a look at MLB 09 The Show, they have plenty of empty seats for the not so good teams, and at blow outs.
# 137 pistons_own @ 08/02/09 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by mikenoob
Some games do... It's already been answered. NBA does not allow this. Take a look at MLB 09 The Show, they have plenty of empty seats for the not so good teams, and at blow outs.
that's freakin amazing
# 138 pistons_own @ 08/02/09 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by bateman11
how many teams won the championship last year?
i meant "teams" because if your playing dynasty ?
the same team is not going to win the championship every year , its kinda hard , maybe the lakers , but it doesn't always happen nowadays ,
i dont mind full crowd in a play now or online match , then it just supports you for who your playing with when your at home , i was talkking about dynasty if you didn't know :S
# 139 Da_Czar @ 08/02/09 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by TMagic

Yeah, new guys tend to miss some of my sarcastic posts as well.

But, I wasn't calling you a nitpicker or saying that you were at all. My post wasn't really intended to be directed AT you.

Just that in general, I wouldn't even notice most of the things that may be wrong or inaccurate in games had it not been for people bringing them up.

I wasn't really saying it was a bad thing either. I think it's a good thing when done correctly.

Somebody has got to keep the producers/developers on point. LOL.
when i learned my lesson about this was a few years ago...might have been between 2k5 and 2k6 i think and some guys were complaining about the net... I didn't post but i was like ahh come on man THE nets...please... Then they fixed them and I was like AHHhh yeah man they should have done this years ago...LOLOLoL it was hilarious. that's when i realized that all these things are connected.

hitting a J all net and having the net move just right increased my enjoyment of the gameplay even though i didn't notice it before on my own. Now I'm a gameplay net guy....LOlOL


I guess we need sarcasm emotiocon
# 140 shadox @ 08/02/09 11:50 AM
Great blog, getting more and more excited about the game =)

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