NCAA Football 10 News Post

It's unfortunate that a we've allowed a few things to get by onto the disc in NCAA 10, this kind of thing bother us just as much as you guys... We do have time to work on some solutions, and here is the update as promised:
  • Rosters - A new file will be posted on EA locker to start and then we are planning on patching the online rosters.
  • Downloadable Content - The plan is to add the off/on toggle in a patch.
  • Game-play Sliders - Also planned on being in a patch to increase/fix the effectiveness depending on the slider.
It is extremely important to me (and everyone else on the team) to ensure that we get everything right as soon as possible. I wish I could say mistakes don't happen, but they did and we are going to do everything possible to get things right.


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Member Comments
# 161 mjussawalla @ 06/23/09 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by boritter
I would be pumped if the game had :

  • formation subs sponsored by Coke Zero
  • historic teams sponsored by Pontiac
  • custom playbooks sponsored by Old Spice
  • spring game sponsored by Operation Sports
I wonder if we'll have Red Zone stats since I have yet to see Old Spice as a sponsor.
# 162 japinard @ 06/23/09 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by boritter
I would be pumped if the game had :

  • formation subs sponsored by Coke Zero
  • historic teams sponsored by Pontiac
  • custom playbooks sponsored by Old Spice
  • spring game sponsored by Operation Sports
Will be hard for Pontiac to sponsor anything since they won't be around. Maybe Huffy banana bikes can though?
# 163 japinard @ 06/23/09 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_Kiniry_EA
Ok I can finally log back in... for some reason I couldn't open OS for the last few days. And my PC here at work died.

It is entirely possible that the changes made to the sliders a few months ago got stomped on by some other changes, honestly I'm not sure how it happened yet (but we will find out). At the end of the day it did and we missed it... All I can do at this point is get it fixed.
Russ, all of us here are in a pickle. We're very glad to have some people actually listening (or a teeny bit - even if what we really want doesn't appear)... but at $60 for a game, this is a huge investment in the best of times, not to mention the economic crisis we all feel. EA has for years taken advantage of the love people have for this sport and now, with all this next-gen equipment we have, we still aren't where we were years ago. There are games produced in the 80's-90's that had more realistic statistics and game results than what we get now. Obviously the short development cycle makes things challenging for you... but at some point someone needs to speak up and say, "You know what? We need to put all our resources into the foundation before we go anywhere else". Otherwise people will continue to be pissed off at constantly being dribbled along year after year - and face it... even with an unfair monopoly people are just going to start saying, I can't justify this anymore... I'm getting off the boat. I've seen more and more of my gamer friends specifically skipping cycles whereas a few years ago they wouldn't have dreamed of it.

If you as developers - need to go to the head of the department to make an argument to fight for "one year of fundamentals progress"...m maybe they will listen a bit more if they realize people are tired of the same broken issues. There are some silly things you claim can't be done... referees, chain gangs, customizable cameras - but that's a sad excuse for the reality which is, "We won't put more resources into it".

The problem is priorities. I love band and school spirit... but putting marching bands on the field was a wasteful use of man-power when there are other areas of the game that desperately needed attention this year. It's hard to accept the claim, "We don't have the time" when there's stuff you throw in there nobody asked for.

But of course, we may be preaching to the choir (you) and the people holding the coin go about their merry way oblivious.
# 164 jeeve @ 06/23/09 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Geauxldenboy
Is there any testing video that you can show us that demonstrates how the game would play with the previous changes that you referenced? I think that would ease some of the concerns that people have.
Video after video in blog after blog detailing AI improvements during the development stage would earn back some of the faith that has been so totally destroyed by the nextgen series of NCAA.

Want to convince us that the flexbone is fixed? Show us a few good videos of the flexbone offense at work. And no, I don't mean one blog containing a few short clips of the flexbone offense with no defense. Give us evidence that sliders have been fixed by showing us videos that demonstrate they are. The same goes for the pass rush, etc.

Instead, we remain skeptical (which is only fair, given the nextgen history of NCAA) and get no decent video until very late in the process, at which point the videos backfire by demonstrating how badly some of the game features are broken.

I remember back before NCAA '08 when the trailer surfaced and so many hardcore fans were excited about all of the forthcoming improvements and couldn't wait for the game... now it's just a board full of (justified) negativity that gets more and more negative (justifiably) when debacles keep occurring.

Some of the posters at NCAAstrategies cynically joked awhile back that instead of getting an NCAA '10 that fixed glaring problems and improved gameplay, we'd constantly get info about a feature we couldn't care less about and then a bunch of huge problems would go unfixed. Then, sure enough, Season Showdown happened, and somehow the game has problems we've been screaming about for years and has even regressed in some ways.
# 165 jmill703 @ 06/23/09 06:41 PM
You PROBABLY won't be getting my money this year. That patch better have accurate rosters and working sliders. And then maybe we'll talk about getting my $60...
# 166 Drocks @ 06/23/09 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Mallow
I mean seriosly, wtf is going on in the sports gaming world?
I think people are underestimating the real impact from the PS2/Xbox generation to the PS3/360 generation. I think programming for these systems has been a tougher task than expected.
# 167 Happyvally74 @ 06/23/09 07:45 PM
Russ or Adam, do you guys work/compare notes with the guys at EA Canada?
# 168 jWILL253 @ 06/23/09 09:04 PM
The NCAA fanbase has just experienced an EPIC fail at the hands of this game.

I've been trying not to degrade any of the EA Sports games, and just provide them with critical feedback to make their game better. But, why is it that every other EA Sports game seems to take positive steps forward while NCAA seems to regress every single next-gen release?

I don't get it. Why is it so hard to implement quality game code? There is currently no pass rush, Robo QB is still in, receivers don't drop the ball at all, and the graphics actually degraded from last year.

What's wrong with sports gaming? I don't understandind it. The next-gen consoles are the most powerful consoles ever created, and we can't even get refs in until this year.

I may quit buying sports games after 2011. Threre is still no innovation or realism in most sports games, save for a select few. They gross the most out of any other game genre, but they, for some reason, can't put out quality sports games...
# 169 el bandolero @ 06/23/09 09:35 PM
Honestly, what do you guys do over there? You have changed absolutley nothing of substance in this game, this is NCAA 09 with "Season Showdown," which has to be the joke of the year. You guys talked about how the OL-DL interactions would be better, when all you did was give the ability to play patty-cake. You talked about fixing running out of the gun, when all you did was add a few more drawings to the playbooks, with the same results, no blocking. In fact, the O Line does not run block at all, you just have them perform their pass block animation, they get absolutley no drive, and no second level blocking. I can't wait to see the double-wing adjustments, those ought to be entertaining. The snap 50 Miles over the QB's head in the gun was a good installment, because that happens all of once a season. You should have just taken NCAA 04 and slapped your touted "Season Showdown" onto that, people would probably be happier. Same-old story, feature hype and no gameplay. I don't get why you get so much slack, this is your job, they do recall's of products this fundamentally flawed in the real world. Although, i guess you guys really are in your own universe, with no competition to worry about. No worries about getting laid-off for under-producing, or just because you can't meet the bottom line for the matter. I'll be damned if you get my 60 dollars.
# 170 umd @ 06/23/09 11:06 PM
I just don't understand how they can possibly ship a game w/ broken sliders 2 consecutive years. I just really don't get what exactly they are doing or who is(n't) in charge of things like that...

I can understand the roster mess-up to a degree because it came w/ the new Teambuilder feature, but there was a gigantic slider problem last year at shipping that took seemingly forever to patch. Now, they're shipping the game again w/ another slider issue that will (once again) have to wait for a patch.

Either someone/department is dropping the ball w/ their responsibilities or sliders were yet again not a priority even though it was said they were going to be this year. Chronic issues like this make it difficult to give anyone the benefit of the doubt anymore.
# 171 Maximus205 @ 06/23/09 11:37 PM
How bout that field goal patch. Just lost a game to florida. They hit a 58yarder after I called a T.O. Is Icing the kicker still in?
# 172 Matt10 @ 06/24/09 01:37 AM
It's so obvious that gameplay was not their top priority this year.

It was all about Teambuilder and Season Showdown. The proof is in the pudding.
# 173 Bootzilla @ 06/24/09 02:04 PM
The Demo is fine by me. It plays pretty well in my opinion. Many of the complaints people have with game play aren't a problem for me. I can get pressure on the QB. I don't see robo QB. I can run the ball. Granted, there's a crap load of stuff I could care less about that made it into the game. So, it's highly disappointing the sliders don't work. AGAIN!!!!!

The fixes need to be available at launch. Honestly, EA needs to come up with a code or a disc for people who don't have online capabilities. No one should be at a greater advantage of having a game that has all of the features working properly. By the time the we got the patch last year I was already burnt out on the game.

If Fight Night is as good as advertised, I'll be skipping NCAA and hope that Madden delivers.
# 174 Herky @ 06/24/09 02:53 PM
I keep shaking my head at the stuff that fell through the cracks. The sliders not working and the incorrect rosters is bush league stuff. It's something you can understand if it's coming from a small, novice company developing games for the first time. But when it's EA experiencing these type of issues it's downright unacceptable.

This stuff didn't happen back on last gen if I remember correctly. Perhaps it's time to pay a little (or a lot) more attention to detail. All I can say is if I headed this project I would be scared for my job because in 2010 these problems should NOT happen.

I hate to bash here but I'm just being honest. NCAA has always been my favorite over Madden but things are beginning to change. Someone or some people over at headquarters needs to seriously re-think the direction of this franchise because right now it's really not sitting well with people. Especially since the game isn't even out but the problems I mentioned are obvious.

Please get your priorities straight EA.
# 175 Pared @ 06/24/09 03:36 PM

You're upset. That's obvious. This thread is about how the developers are planning on TRYING TO MAKE AMENDS. They know they messed up and are not just waiting around until next year. ON TOP OF THAT, they told you before hand, instead of waiting until you got the game, so everyone can go off how "they don't even test the game right."

Ease up. There are plenty of posts here were guys have shown their frustration in a civilized manner. Anyone that cannot follow suit will get an infraction and possibly banned from the forum.

I'm just as personally upset over this as anyone else. And how will I show them? By not buying the game, not going off on how people don't do their jobs or whatever.

Cut it out. OS is better than that. And if you've been here long enough, we expect you to know that. And if you haven't, better learn quick or your stay will be a short one.
# 176 Happyvally74 @ 06/24/09 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by hcopenhagenh
+Great explosion off of the ball
+Carries out blocks till the end of the play
+Pancakes everyone

-Only 6'0. Too small for Div1 OL but Looks like he'll be a solid DT in college
# 177 Pared @ 06/24/09 05:25 PM
You don't know that.

And if you think that last part of your comment is true and post in such a way to construe that, your comments will be dealt with accordingly.

NO ONE, here at OS, deserves to be the "whipping boy" for whatever reason, whatever the heck that means. We don't have developers participating here at OS so we can use them as scapegoats for any reason.

If you need an outlet, go outside and do something. But being a jerk on OS to any member, developers included, will result in the appropriate action.

Echo your frustrations with intelligence in your posts. That's all anyone here asks.
# 178 countryboy @ 06/24/09 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by peteykirch
But would they have said what they said if we the people didn't bring these questions up? Odds are if there was no demo released, and we got what we got on the demo, and the teambuilder website at LAUNCH, how much angrier do you think the community response would be?
seems to me that the devs interacting with the community is paying dividends.

Just my take.
# 179 nstod @ 06/24/09 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by hcopenhagenh
Time to fight back.
Great! Put the $60 back in your pocket.

And if you really think the "masses" don't care about CAS (i.e. TeamBuilder), you haven't been around for very long. I've seen that asked a thousand times as much as "better line splits".
# 180 SHO @ 06/24/09 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
seems to me that the devs interacting with the community is paying dividends.

Just my take.
I'm not seeing it....

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