NCAA Football 10 News Post

It's unfortunate that a we've allowed a few things to get by onto the disc in NCAA 10, this kind of thing bother us just as much as you guys... We do have time to work on some solutions, and here is the update as promised:
  • Rosters - A new file will be posted on EA locker to start and then we are planning on patching the online rosters.
  • Downloadable Content - The plan is to add the off/on toggle in a patch.
  • Game-play Sliders - Also planned on being in a patch to increase/fix the effectiveness depending on the slider.
It is extremely important to me (and everyone else on the team) to ensure that we get everything right as soon as possible. I wish I could say mistakes don't happen, but they did and we are going to do everything possible to get things right.


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Member Comments
# 81 loganone @ 06/19/09 05:04 AM
The same song and dance every single year. Every year something is broken, from sliders, to injuries, turnovers, rosters, pass rush, progression, you name it. And every year EA inevitably promises that miracle patch that always ends up either too little or too late.
# 82 mastershake88 @ 06/19/09 07:37 AM
your best option russell is to cancel this game. because this is the worst i've seen EA at when making a football game and that says alot. Also you guys could have done 10 times better instead of just doing enough to get by.
# 83 Hova57 @ 06/19/09 07:57 AM
is it possible to patch pass rush lookin into the glitch ian found.also to improve on speed of game maybe slow it down to see holes. sliders make sure they are effective. i don't think they can be overly effective at this point but moving them up or down a difference should be seen.

hopefully next year yall can get more time to play the game yourselves and look for glitches rather than these forums hacka shaq you on everything. aslong as your proactive to it.i think everyone would be happy. i think that's where most of the frustration comes from on here is that not enough time was given to looking fully through the game. maybe you guys did , but on some level something happened and things were overlooked. i like ncaa issues with the game doesn't really bother me much. but the fact the sliders don't work is a hurt piece those do really make a difference. anywho i will get the game i'm not looking for a perfect game just one that is playable and i am able to with current settings.

holla at ya boy
# 84 FlyingFinn @ 06/19/09 08:51 AM
Damage Control... Nothing more nothing less. Got to keep that first week sales number up
# 85 Hova57 @ 06/19/09 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by etrain75
I dont see how all of you on here can defend the dev. team and say " oh its ok, im sure you'll have it fixed next year." This is bullsh**. What's next you guys gona start wiping the dev. team's asses too?

When you look at what madden has done this year and the fact that we are basicall gettin NCAA 9.2 with busted *** rosters, I feel that there is no way in hell that we should have to pay more than 20 bucks for this game.

I say to hell with the current dev team, and that EA needs to get Ian from madden over here to do some major-*** damage control after madden releases cuz this Sh** YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR is flat out unacceptable.
the only issue with u said is the fact they never guaranteed up to date rosters they've done it for ever but there is no guarantee or agreement that players have to match real lfe
# 86 CandyEyes32 @ 06/19/09 09:21 AM
If EA didn't have an exclusive license, we wouldn't hold them as accountable as what we do. EA has eliminated the competition! With that there becomes more of a responsibility to release a finished product. 2 yrs in a row EA? I am not sure what to say.
# 87 Hooe @ 06/19/09 09:27 AM
It's a wonder that EA bothers patching this game at all given the harsh and scathing reception some people here are giving them. They're not obligated to do anything with the game post-release, but yet they're posting a patch because A) we've requested it (some with controlled, polite language; others using a far more disappointing tone), and B) they want to.

I'm not excusing the game's development cycle for playing out the way it did, as certainly there have been some unnecessary missteps (particularly with the rosters; this can't happen again), but if EA says they're going to add / fix content to the game with a patch or an EA Locker downloadable file, and we take their words at face value, does it really matter this year that the patch content is not on the disc? We're getting it either way.

I feel for the people who don't have internet access through their consoles, but for most people in this forum there's no reason to use such harsh language towards the developers when all they really want is to create an enjoyable and good college football game.
# 88 jethrotull @ 06/19/09 09:30 AM
After reading their explanation and playing the demo, it makes me want to puke, I was getting motion sickness from the new camera angle.

I thought they hired a new roster guy? How do you admit to having something broke last year and then not fix it this year?

Could you imagine if other companies in America took this approach. Say a car door kept falling off, but instead of fixing it they just let the driver hit the highway without it. A teacher who couldn't read, instead of replacing the teacher they continued to let her teach. It's almost comical how you guys messed this up.

If you can't put out a complete product with an exclusive license, don't. Great ideas, poor execution, which leaves you 4th and Goal from the five.
# 89 CandyEyes32 @ 06/19/09 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by jethrotull
After reading their explanation and playing the demo, it makes me want to puke, I was getting motion sickness from the new camera angle.

I thought they hired a new roster guy? How do you admit to having something broke last year and then not fix it this year?

Could you imagine if other companies in America took this approach. Say a car door kept falling off, but instead of fixing it they just let the driver hit the highway without it. A teacher who couldn't read, instead of replacing the teacher they continued to let her teach. It's almost comical how you guys messed this up.

If you can't put out a complete product with an exclusive license, don't. Great ideas, poor execution, which leaves you 4th and Goal from the five.
Very well put! Thank you for this post!
# 90 tmac55 @ 06/19/09 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by Krioniq
It's a wonder that EA bothers patching this game at all given the harsh and scathing reception some people here are giving them. They're not obligated to do anything with the game post-release, but yet they're posting a patch because A) we've requested it (some with controlled, polite language; others using a far more disappointing tone), and B) they want to.

I'm not excusing the game's development cycle for playing out the way it did, as certainly there have been some unnecessary missteps (particularly with the rosters; this can't happen again), but if EA says they're going to add / fix content to the game with a patch or an EA Locker downloadable file, and we take their words at face value, does it really matter this year that the patch content is not on the disc? We're getting it either way.

I feel for the people who don't have internet access through their consoles, but for most people in this forum there's no reason to use such harsh language towards the developers when all they really want is to create an enjoyable and good college football game.
This by far the most reasonable post in about 3 or 4 pages of people whining and moaning. I totally agree with everything you say and if anything it shows good community relations by at least addressing the issues.

I love Operation Sports and this is my fave site on the net for gaming info. but sometimes when I see the childish talk that goes on in these forums I feel embarrassed for those posting these messages. Video game companies make mistakes and I have always been a fan of patches if it improves the product. I laugh because as soon as they patch, half these people complaining will be closet owners of the game and will probably be the ones enjoying it.

Big thanks to EA for their proactive attitude and I am pumped for the game with sliders fixed.
# 91 fistofrage @ 06/19/09 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Krioniq
It's a wonder that EA bothers patching this game at all given the harsh and scathing reception some people here are giving them. They're not obligated to do anything with the game post-release, but yet they're posting a patch because A) we've requested it (some with controlled, polite language; others using a far more disappointing tone), and B) they want to.

I'm not excusing the game's development cycle for playing out the way it did, as certainly there have been some unnecessary missteps (particularly with the rosters; this can't happen again), but if EA says they're going to add / fix content to the game with a patch or an EA Locker downloadable file, and we take their words at face value, does it really matter this year that the patch content is not on the disc? We're getting it either way.

I feel for the people who don't have internet access through their consoles, but for most people in this forum there's no reason to use such harsh language towards the developers when all they really want is to create an enjoyable and good college football game.

I agree that there is no need for harsh or vulgar language.

But look at the big picture. Lets say 1,000 people on OS buy this game. Thats probably a real conservative number. Not only are we giving EA $60,000 to beta test their game for them. But we are also providing them free market analysis. If the video game demographic is really the 18-35 year old male, and they are selling a sports game, there is really no better place for them to go than Operation Sports. You'd have to pay alot of money to assemble a focus group this size that reflects your customer base.

OS provides a valuable service to them. I really don't understand why people think we should be so grateful that they are here. They should be grateful that we take the game serious enough and provide them with free productive feedback. Its a two way street. They come here to find out what the market likes and doesn't like. They use us to ferret out problems with their game that their Q & A inexplicably cannot find. They need to hear the criticism, that is why they are here. As long as we are respectful, fire away. If I was them, thats what I would want. Noone in there right mind would turn down a free service like OS provides to EA.

So yes, be respectful, but also be critical where need be. Thats why they are here.
# 92 kkman187 @ 06/19/09 09:55 AM
Russ, any chance we get a look at the final rosters in a spreadsheet?
# 93 sparker @ 06/19/09 10:18 AM
I hope the first patch would fix the bad shotgun snap=incomplete pass snafu. Will it?
# 94 da ThRONe @ 06/19/09 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
I agree that there is no need for harsh or vulgar language.

But look at the big picture. Lets say 1,000 people on OS buy this game. Thats probably a real conservative number. Not only are we giving EA $60,000 to beta test their game for them. But we are also providing them free market analysis. If the video game demographic is really the 18-35 year old male, and they are selling a sports game, there is really no better place for them to go than Operation Sports. You'd have to pay alot of money to assemble a focus group this size that reflects your customer base.

OS provides a valuable service to them. I really don't understand why people think we should be so grateful that they are here. They should be grateful that we take the game serious enough and provide them with free productive feedback. Its a two way street. They come here to find out what the market likes and doesn't like. They use us to ferret out problems with their game that their Q & A inexplicably cannot find. They need to hear the criticism, that is why they are here. As long as we are respectful, fire away. If I was them, thats what I would want. Noone in there right mind would turn down a free service like OS provides to EA.

So yes, be respectful, but also be critical where need be. Thats why they are here.
Thank you! We are the customers! It's there job to earn our money not ours to fix there game for them and excuse they're mistakes. I have the utmost respect for Russ and Adam ,but lets not get it twisted we are the boss. No its not there fault they have the exclusive deal but its does put the pressure on themselves. If they cant handle that pressure we they either need to find a dev team that can or get rid of the exclusive deal. But until we start acting like bosses and not NCAA drug addicts they have no reason to do better.
# 95 atlplayboy23 @ 06/19/09 10:22 AM
Yea its nice to have the bad snap just let it be ruled a fumble when it does happen
# 96 N51_rob @ 06/19/09 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Krioniq
It's a wonder that EA bothers patching this game at all given the harsh and scathing reception some people here are giving them. They're not obligated to do anything with the game post-release, but yet they're posting a patch because A) we've requested it (some with controlled, polite language; others using a far more disappointing tone), and B) they want to.

I'm not excusing the game's development cycle for playing out the way it did, as certainly there have been some unnecessary missteps (particularly with the rosters; this can't happen again), but if EA says they're going to add / fix content to the game with a patch or an EA Locker downloadable file, and we take their words at face value, does it really matter this year that the patch content is not on the disc? We're getting it either way.

I feel for the people who don't have internet access through their consoles, but for most people in this forum there's no reason to use such harsh language towards the developers when all they really want is to create an enjoyable and good college football game.

I respectfully disagree with this. OS is a small community of for the most part hardcore gamers. We represent a tiny fraction of EA's market share. These issues are being patched because A.) people are not stupid and would figure out how hosed up the rosters are and there would be huge backlash among the mainstream once they found out they paid $60 for a game that features only 25 or so correct rosters.

I completely agree that the tone of this thread and forum in general has gone down hill since word got out that the Devs were here interacting with us as a group, but to say that the reason EA is patching what IMO appears to be a horribly flawed game out of the box because we asked for it just seems naive (not saying that you are at all.)

But again, while I disagree with why you think these issues are being patch and some patched again (slider). I do agree that the way people talk to these guys is a little bit over the top. You can criticize with out insulting.
# 97 GHUGHES @ 06/19/09 03:10 PM
I have a funny feeling we wont be hearing from anyone on the NCAA development team for about a month. Honestly is this game being shipped with broken roster and non working sliders again thats just comical. Atleast he came out and owned it the guys on the NBA live development team just came right out and said were not fixing any glitches 2010 is where its at. Let me keep it moving before i get a nice pm form one of the mods telling me how thankful I should be to the have the EA reps as guests.
# 98 mmorg @ 06/19/09 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by hcopenhagenh
So you are again shipping a broken game? Sorry, but the game isn't worth buying new. You guys should think about not shipping the game at all and shipping a game that isn't broken.

Honestly, there should be laws written for people that sell broken software. There are laws for car sales, food sales, etc. There should be something about companies shipping broken or incomplete games.
Broken cars and bad food kill people. Big difference. I can't believe you made that analogy.
# 99 clayshime @ 06/19/09 04:56 PM
How are people who do not follow OS going to learn of the updated roster file in EA Locker? Is it going to be advertised, or do people have to learn from word of mouth?

Obviously this in no way effects me, I'm just wondering
# 100 BallinVol @ 06/19/09 05:02 PM
about the bad snap ... yes I too would like a bad snap ruled as a fumble, but I have to believe if it was made so then it would be way overdone. I say this because I've seen it like 10-15 times in the demo already. It would become yet again a total turnover fest. If they could tone down how many times it is done, then yes, this would be a great addition. However, the way it ran in the demo, it would be way overdone and would become a nuisance.

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