
NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

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Old 06-19-2009, 04:04 PM   #129
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by Russell_Kiniry_EA
It's unfortunate that a we've allowed a few things to get by onto the disc in NCAA 10, this kind of thing bother us just as much as you guys... We do have time to work on some solutions, and here is the update as promised:
  • Rosters - A new file will be posted on EA locker to start and then we are planning on patching the online rosters.
  • Downloadable Content - The plan is to add the off/on toggle in a patch.
  • Game-play Sliders - Also planned on being in a patch to increase/fix the effectiveness depending on the slider.
It is extremely important to me (and everyone else on the team) to ensure that we get everything right as soon as possible. I wish I could say mistakes don't happen, but they did and we are going to do everything possible to get things right.

So you are again shipping a broken game? Sorry, but the game isn't worth buying new. You guys should think about not shipping the game at all and shipping a game that isn't broken.

Honestly, there should be laws written for people that sell broken software. There are laws for car sales, food sales, etc. There should be something about companies shipping broken or incomplete games.
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Old 06-19-2009, 04:11 PM   #130
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by hcopenhagenh
So you are again shipping a broken game? Sorry, but the game isn't worth buying new. You guys should think about not shipping the game at all and shipping a game that isn't broken.

Honestly, there should be laws written for people that sell broken software. There are laws for car sales, food sales, etc. There should be something about companies shipping broken or incomplete games.
Broken cars and bad food kill people. Big difference. I can't believe you made that analogy.
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Old 06-19-2009, 04:56 PM   #131
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

How are people who do not follow OS going to learn of the updated roster file in EA Locker? Is it going to be advertised, or do people have to learn from word of mouth?

Obviously this in no way effects me, I'm just wondering
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Old 06-19-2009, 04:59 PM   #132
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by clayshime
How are people who do not follow OS going to learn of the updated roster file in EA Locker? Is it going to be advertised, or do people have to learn from word of mouth?

Obviously this in no way effects me, I'm just wondering
How are they going to know if the rosters are messed up anyway if they don't follow OS or other sites?
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Old 06-19-2009, 05:00 PM   #133
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

As there is much to be baffled about, what is most baffling to me is that anyone is actually baffled. When I consider the variety of fundamental aspects that are missing, it's hard for me to feign surprise or outrage when it's revealed that something such as sliders have not received even a modicum of exploration in the last two versions.

When I look back at NCAA '08 on PS2 I see a pattern that eludes to a peculiar carelessness when it comes to the college game. For the most part I highly enjoyed '08 and was able to dismiss some of the glaring errors. It's just a game, and my opinions are only one man's judgement.

However, take the pursuit angles of '08, and you can see a pattern. The fact that such a glaring error could leave the production room was a stunning sign of bad things to come. There were two variables at work there: 1) that's the way they wanted it in order to make the game offense oriented and was a reflection of what they thought was more exciting, ie, long touchdown plays as the result of specious and arbitrary reasons. 2) They just completely overlooked it, which, at that time, I considered highly unlikely. After playing '09 it didn't seem that unlikely.

Every other gaming company has seemingly taken the new generation and have run with breathtaking strides and increased overall quality in multiple aspects. EA has seemingly shrugged their shoulders and have insinuated that the new consoles are more of a hindrance to the base of their engine, rather than an avenue that has created more room to roam.

The visual enhancements at the next level are noticeable and truly great in a variety of areas. But I think the most frustrating thing for most of us are the minor details that were available in previous generations that aren't available now; not only is there a lack of major rennovations and creativity, there's obvious regression, such as the much bemoaned lack of chain crews, formation subs, etc. Going backward when everyone else has jumped over the moon is clearly going to induce frustration and vitriolic outbursts on the interwebz.

I imagine that the designers who admirably take the time to post here are often overwhelmed at the level of expectation. The fact that they post while knowing that they'll never satisfy every demand deserves respect. I'm new to these boards, but after viewing the collective coherency of the site it's not surprising why they choose to make appearances here, rather than the countless other sites that are plagued with buffoonery, fragmented sentences, rabid teeth-gnashing and other asshattery.

Their efforts are appreciated. Once again, though, my only disposition toward these guys is that I want to understand how after four years they're unable to transition the things that were in the game prior to having a bigger marble with which to play. Why the regression?

That's the gist of my major question. Perhaps they have in fact run into technical walls that I'll never comprehend as a layman. But how can replacing the things that were available in the previous consoles not be the primary focus at this juncture? How can four years go by without chain crews, formation subs, officiating crews, pass rushes and everything else not be available at the next level? Why do I feel like EA is the one area where I've been punished for doling out more cash for the next best thing when every other company has rewarded me with quality that was beyond my imagination?

Last edited by HST; 06-19-2009 at 05:02 PM.
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Old 06-19-2009, 05:02 PM   #134
BallinVol's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

about the bad snap ... yes I too would like a bad snap ruled as a fumble, but I have to believe if it was made so then it would be way overdone. I say this because I've seen it like 10-15 times in the demo already. It would become yet again a total turnover fest. If they could tone down how many times it is done, then yes, this would be a great addition. However, the way it ran in the demo, it would be way overdone and would become a nuisance.
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Old 06-19-2009, 05:14 PM   #135
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by hcopenhagenh
So you are again shipping a broken game? Sorry, but the game isn't worth buying new. You guys should think about not shipping the game at all and shipping a game that isn't broken.

Honestly, there should be laws written for people that sell broken software. There are laws for car sales, food sales, etc. There should be something about companies shipping broken or incomplete games.

The European Union thinks so too.


EA would have alot of refunds to give if this ever made it stateside. Especially last year when the sliders were proven to have been broken. Think about it, we are screwed as loyal customers who buy the game at launch. Try taking an open game back. There isn't a place in Michigan that I know that will give refunds on opened software.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 06-19-2009, 05:21 PM   #136
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by fistofrage
The European Union thinks so too.


EA would have alot of refunds to give if this ever made it stateside. Especially last year when the sliders were proven to have been broken. Think about it, we are screwed as loyal customers who buy the game at launch. Try taking an open game back. There isn't a place in Michigan that I know that will give refunds on opened software.
I just want the game to work as advertised when I open the box. Patches aren't there to fix games, they are there to add content and improve games.
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