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NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

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Old 06-19-2009, 04:30 AM   #105
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by BORN4CORN
People who don't have live are screwed b/c of the roster issue.

That too
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Old 06-19-2009, 05:02 AM   #106
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by Russell_Kiniry_EA
It's unfortunate that a we've allowed a few things to get by onto the disc in NCAA 10, this kind of thing bother us just as much as you guys... We do have time to work on some solutions, and here is the update as promised:
  • Rosters - A new file will be posted on EA locker to start and then we are planning on patching the online rosters.
  • Downloadable Content - The plan is to add the off/on toggle in a patch.
  • Game-play Sliders - Also planned on being in a patch to increase/fix the effectiveness depending on the slider.
It is extremely important to me (and everyone else on the team) to ensure that we get everything right as soon as possible. I wish I could say mistakes don't happen, but they did and we are going to do everything possible to get things right.


How can sliders be broken for two years in a row? How?

You made a game last year with broken sliders and patched it and then they still didn't work like they are supposed to!

Now in most companies that have a product where feedback was taken and the company knows that something is broken they fix it! Maybe not instant but in the next ititeration its fixed!!!

Secondly, rosters! Okay so some old rosters were loaded.... mistake, accident, whathave you... I can let that slide as long as the correct rosters are available for download the day/day after release.

Lastly, Patches... now you say that you are working on a patch for these things (ie: online rosters, dlc, sliders) now when is this patch going to be available?

Are you close to submitting it? Since MS has to approve it.

If its close can you shed some light on exactly what was done?

Is this first patch going to be your last? Since last year iirc someone stated that you are only allowed one free patch and everything after has to be paid for...

Are you guys going to wait until the game comes out to find glitches/bugs and then start the patch? Or come out with two patches? (ie: patch for rosters, dlc, sliders and then another patch down the road for bugs/glitches?) Please dont wait for the first patch!

Lastly Russ,
I understand mistakes happen but gameplay sliders cannot be a mistake as they were broken last year, then admitted that they were broken and then not fixed the next year!
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Old 06-19-2009, 05:04 AM   #107
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

The same song and dance every single year. Every year something is broken, from sliders, to injuries, turnovers, rosters, pass rush, progression, you name it. And every year EA inevitably promises that miracle patch that always ends up either too little or too late.
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Old 06-19-2009, 05:58 AM   #108
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

dang talk about dejafu yall should check out my post in the (I felt like we was lied to) thread then come back to this thread and read russ post.2k is probbly disgusted and laughing there azz off at the same thinking dame EA is a shady company with gulible fanbase

btw-just incase you couldn't or didn't feel like looking for my post here is what I wrote:

Folks need to be ready for the dagger in the heart,when the devs post here again blowing smoke. telling you they are working on a patch for pass rush after release, only just to tell you at the last minute it would mess up the gameplay oh my bad that was last year. Thats the gift and the curse when it comes to patches,ea can hype us up then bring us down then the evil marketing comes full force with one reply:WE ARE WORKING ON A PATCH BY RELEASE! lol we hype up again till the patch comes out and it didn't work. so we are but it will be too late cuz ea already got your money THE END!
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Old 06-19-2009, 07:35 AM   #109
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

I'm speechless.

All I can say is that the slider patch better be out within a week after the game launches. If it takes five weeks like it did last year ... I'm boycotting NCAA 11 and Madden 10 out of spite.
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Old 06-19-2009, 07:37 AM   #110
mastershake88's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

your best option russell is to cancel this game. because this is the worst i've seen EA at when making a football game and that says alot. Also you guys could have done 10 times better instead of just doing enough to get by.
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Old 06-19-2009, 07:57 AM   #111
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

is it possible to patch pass rush lookin into the glitch ian found.also to improve on speed of game maybe slow it down to see holes. sliders make sure they are effective. i don't think they can be overly effective at this point but moving them up or down a difference should be seen.

hopefully next year yall can get more time to play the game yourselves and look for glitches rather than these forums hacka shaq you on everything. aslong as your proactive to it.i think everyone would be happy. i think that's where most of the frustration comes from on here is that not enough time was given to looking fully through the game. maybe you guys did , but on some level something happened and things were overlooked. i like ncaa issues with the game doesn't really bother me much. but the fact the sliders don't work is a hurt piece those do really make a difference. anywho i will get the game i'm not looking for a perfect game just one that is playable and i am able to with current settings.

holla at ya boy
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Old 06-19-2009, 08:51 AM   #112
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Damage Control... Nothing more nothing less. Got to keep that first week sales number up
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