Madden 2010 News Post

ESPN Videogames will be posting player ratings for Madden NFL 10, on a team by team basis, starting with the NFC North, and the Chicago Bears.

"Starting today, ESPN Video Games is unveiling the "Madden NFL 10" ratings, highlighting a division each week and revealing a team a day. First up, the NFC North and the Chicago Bears."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 green94 @ 06/08/09 12:41 PM
I'm glad they dropped Urlacher, Briggs is a beast.
# 2 gameplayer321 @ 06/08/09 12:45 PM
finally, some full ratings

hope nfc east is up next
# 3 CKW11 @ 06/08/09 12:45 PM
Man they need some help at WR.
# 4 gameplayer321 @ 06/08/09 12:47 PM
by the way, right next to the 'Chicago Bears Madden 10 Ratings' headline, you can choose a team and it will tell you when their ratings come out

edit: NFC South is next, then NFC West, then NFC East. AFC North, then AFC South, AFC West, AFC East
# 5 cowboyscowboys @ 06/08/09 12:50 PM
They need a back up QB

July 29th for the Pats jeez that is a long wait hopefully some other site releases them earlier.
# 6 gameplayer321 @ 06/08/09 12:53 PM
look 2 posts up, mosstache
# 7 ezekiel55 @ 06/08/09 12:54 PM
Earl Bennett rated better than Hester
# 8 Tampa Bay @ 06/08/09 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by CKW11
Man they need some help at WR.
Cutler to Forte! (83 catch)
# 9 Da Bears @ 06/08/09 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by CKW11
Man they need some help at WR.
They will be fine my friend.Briggs speed should be higher.I can live with the rest.
# 10 cowboyscowboys @ 06/08/09 12:57 PM
I am not liking the lack of athletic ratings for the first set of CB's.

Also Brian Urlacher is more athletic then 90% of the Bears DB's, this is were I have a hard time accepting the extreme rating changes.

I know by no means are their CB's burners playing Cover 2

Charles Tillman 82 Speed
Nathan Vasher 85 Speed
Brian Urlacher 85 speed <-- that urks me so bad, yes I realize early in his career he could run like a "safety" but he is slowin down now.

Ray Lewis is faster then Charles Tillman gosh I don't want to have to edit 75% of the rosters but it will actually kill me to see it.
# 11 cowboyscowboys @ 06/08/09 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Canadeion
Nice to see a speed differential finally... Hester is so much quicker than so many players, but having people 1 or 2 points behind him was just crazy, especially since it's on a scale of 0-100
If they found a way to incorporate agility and acceleration better this would not have been a problem.
# 12 tyler289 @ 06/08/09 01:11 PM
Man, the Bears are loaded at WR.
# 13 cowboyscowboys @ 06/08/09 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Canadeion
Right now, they are JUST numbers.

Wait until you see how numbers affect how the game plays out before you go complaining about them.

People that get tied up in ratings need to relax. At the end of the day, it's just a bunch of numbers used to dictate odds on a play.

Until that stops being the case, you're gonna have some players that might be "over" rated, and some might be "under" rated, for the purposes of gameplay, and that alone.

No need for anyone to take offense to it.
Ur right I over react big time with player ratings. I just like to see fairness across the board. The most important thing is that we get realistic football and I guess doing the ratings like this is likely the answer.
# 14 Kevin26385 @ 06/08/09 01:43 PM
These rosters are terrible

Earl Bennett rated Higher than Hester
Rashied Davis being a 69..
Mckie rated a 82..A little too high?
Do they even have our third QB..Basanez?
How is Chris Williams a 73..when he hasnt even been on the field
Maynard a 77..He needs more respect
Tommie harris a 92 overall...OVERRATED MUCH? He is terrible.
# 15 PlatooN @ 06/08/09 01:45 PM
nice find, how often are these being released??
# 16 mars85042 @ 06/08/09 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Canadeion
Right now, they are JUST numbers.

Wait until you see how numbers affect how the game plays out before you go complaining about them.

People that get tied up in ratings need to relax. At the end of the day, it's just a bunch of numbers used to dictate odds on a play.

Until that stops being the case, you're gonna have some players that might be "over" rated, and some might be "under" rated, for the purposes of gameplay, and that alone.

No need for anyone to take offense to it.

We need to see how they play!!!
# 17 jdr4693 @ 06/08/09 01:58 PM

(atleast not in past maddens)
# 18 xXTheTruthXx @ 06/08/09 01:58 PM
I agree with fellow bear fans, not sure what to make of these ratings. It almost makes you wonder if the guys at espn and denver made the bears ratings.....
# 19 mars85042 @ 06/08/09 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by tyler289
Man, the Bears are loaded at WR.
Loaded? You mean loaded like lots of players, or loaded like they make lots of money?
Cause they sure aren't loaded with talent WR is there weak spot, they need Plaxico; get him NOW!

# 20 Danimal @ 06/08/09 02:04 PM
I'm a Bears fan but a lot of those rating are too HIGH.

I don't care that much but if the Bears have ratings that good I can't wait to see the other teams.

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