Madden 2010 News Post

Joystiq has posted another Madden NFL 10 article, this one titled Madden 10: Did EA press reset?

"Frazier, Cummings and the rest of the staff are frustrated by the repetitive criticisms lobbed at Madden. Frazier vehemently defended the integrity of this team, if not the integrity of EA Sports' exclusive right to use NFL licenses. "We found out about it the same day everyone else did," Frazier said of the deal. "I get that concern." But Frazier was quick to point out that EA has invested more money in Madden this year than any previous year, suggesting that at no level in the company is there a push to ease back on development initiative in the wake of diminished competition. "EA isn't trying to get lazy with this franchise," Frazier insisted. EA isn't trying to get overly ambitious either."

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Member Comments
# 141 roadman @ 05/31/09 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Swingking77
Really though... Is this not the saddest statement ever made by anyone about anything. Imagine if everything in life were like that. It will take years to get back to where we were over half a decade ago... And in the computer industry, where advancements are made every six months, that's like 12 advancements ago, using technology which couldn't even function to the level the tech of today can. I can see us now in 2050 or what ever, having to unplug from the matrix just so that we can go back and play working game of football on the PS2.
Over dramatize much?

Just going off what Ian stated in February. Not everything you see on Sunday will be in Madden 10, but they will shoot for the future editions of Madden 11, 12, 13, etc.....

Madden has plenty of catching up to do. What happened in the last 5 yrs they can't possibly make up in one yr, technology or not.
# 142 ken986 @ 05/31/09 11:57 AM
Very good post.

I honestly believe Madden should split the devs into two. Think of it as how Activision rolls out a Call of Duty game every year. Two different teams take turns and they're allowed 2 years to make a game. That is why when a new Call of Duty game comes out, it's a guaranteed 9.0 and above. Better yet, ima make a post about this and see what is said.
# 143 roadman @ 05/31/09 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
I didn't mention the CD team at all; wasn't thinking of them. I haven't followed the game religiously over the past 5 months, but it seems there's been little effort to level people's expectations. All the "Ian's a god!", "You guys are on fire!", "I'm gonna name my firstborn after you!" threads that proliferated over the months... there seemed to be no effort to dampen people's expectations on their part. Some have been proclaiming the game will be great for months now, just based off the hype. So imo they were just soaking it up since they were here all the time. Which is why it looks like a punk move on their part if they decide they can't be here if people aren't praising every piece of information they put out. Imo it's probably not a good idea for a dev to be so intimate with the fanbase anyway, because of the possibility of misunderstandings, or disappointment expressed that could lead to hurt feelings.

Agreed. But whether intended or not, their community involvement approach this year increased the level of interest in this year's game and the overall expectation level. Imo it was intentional, because the general perception of the game is that it's been disappointing. I think it's that disappointment that has caused people to cite 2K5/2K8/old Maddens; the more they disappoint the more people long for alternatives. Exclusivity wouldn't be as much of an issue as it is if the games Tiburon were producing were good/great. Some like to act as if it's some huge group of disgruntled 2K fans that will never like Madden, when it's Madden fans that have become more disenchanted with the product imo.

I've said it many times - Madden 09>08>07>06. At the very least, I would think '10 would be an improvement over '09, that's not much of an expectation at all. The problem Tiburon faces is that the game has consistently improved over it's previous version and yet many still have a sort of "meh" feeling towards the game. That's not "all 2K fans hating". There are lots of Madden (and general football fans) that are disappointed in the game too.
I haven't noticed this being a Madden Love Fest forum over the past several months. Sure, there have been Ian Love threads, but there has been just as much Madden, EA hatred threads as well.
It seems like that is a wash to me. I would think Ian's statement that not everything you see on Sunday will make it in Madden 10, but aiming for future editions would be enough to lower or temper the expectations. Maybe not many people saw that quote.

Plus, I'm not sure where everyone is taking for truth that Ian has left OS. He has E3 this week to contend with, plus three solid weeks before the game goes gold. I would rather he stay focused on the task at hand instead of worrying what's said on an internet forum. Plus, he's been back a few times since that time.

Personally, I didn't think Madden 09 was better than 08 at all. 08 held my interest longer than 09, so that is very subjective that each Madden is better than the last one. I want 10 to blow 09 out of the water and I have no reservations based on the information that has been received at this stage that it won't. I could be wrong after August 14th, but time will tell.
# 144 countryboy @ 05/31/09 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by MJenness
Ian wrote this statement in his twitter, and that he thought the feedback on the recent video was "ridiculous".
he's been back since that comment.
# 145 roadman @ 05/31/09 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
he's been back since that comment.
Exactly. That has been my point.

There were 5-6 people banned within that 24 hr time span.

Still don't see where Ian taking a breather is a big deal especially with E3 and 3 weeks before going gold.
# 146 spankdatazz22 @ 05/31/09 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by TheCreep
General perception that Madden is disappointing? Man, everyone I know loves the game. Hell, they done went nuts too, they even liked 07, and that **** was garbage.

General perception. Man, you cant go off forums, probably not even 1 percent of the whole Madden community.
It was a generalized statement on my part, but I feel safe saying it. It wasn't that long ago when Madden was looked at as a system seller. It may still be so, but not on the level it once was. Just as your friends love the game, I have friends that are hardcore PS2 fans that see no reason to play/upgrade to the PS3 version. Although a few have upgraded systems and have gotten the next gen version of Madden, when they choose to play competitively they play the PS2 version. With Madden being the only NFL option, it's hard to say if most are buying the game out of desire or because it's the only choice they have.

If anything the perception of on the forums is overall positive; there are tons of people here that are excited about Madden just strictly based off the community interaction. But when you look at people that haven't been hyped/marketed to - like gamer ratings/perception on Gametrailers - you see people still have that meh feeling to what they're seeing. I believe Ian and crew are working hard to make Madden a good game. The only difference is I felt they worked hard last year. And the year before that. I think they're trying to do their best; the unfortunate truth may be just that simple
# 147 roadman @ 05/31/09 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by MJenness
But is he interacting, or only viewing? I haven't seen any recent posts....maybe I just missed 'em?
Viewing, I don't think he has time to interact. He went back home this weekend and takes off early tomorrow morning for a flight to LA.
# 148 countryboy @ 05/31/09 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by MJenness
But is he interacting, or only viewing? I haven't seen any recent posts....maybe I just missed 'em?
viewing from what I can tell. But he's also on his way to E3 and told us prior to his twitter comment that they wouldn't be as active during E3, or maybe it was that he won't be.

Honestly, there's nothing really he can say right now that he hasn't already said that would change the mind of the "doubters", because they can only express their opinions on what they've seen, and that video wasn't the best showcase.

E3 is this week and we will be flooded with new information, more hands on experiences with a newer build of the game and most likely with all features up and running. I say we all take a deep breath, chill for a moment, and lets see what info comes about this week.
# 149 mastershake88 @ 05/31/09 03:57 PM
good this site sucks anyway just a bunch of EA slaves that take anything EA shoves up there *** I tried to be civil I really did but now I just don't give a ****.
the amount of energy you put into writing basically the same shtick that many of people (including my self in years past) over and over and over again making you the 10000,000000 person to do it? you could have enjoyed a nice day out side and get some tan on that pasty skin.

its just a game kid..move on.
# 150 mastershake88 @ 05/31/09 04:10 PM
If you believe in god read your bible it confirms the events of the last days. were leaving in them right now today, don't trust any of the corporations/government etc etc trust in Jesus Christ he is the way. don't go to church they will not drop this truth cause much like EA they just want your money. repent the lord is upon us, the dollar will collapse the economy is fulling by design so then y'all will be welling to take the chip you have no one on your side because they(Illuminati)kills them before they can expose this Malcolm x, MLK ,JFK, Lincoln even Tupac(many others) was killed for trying to expose the plain.

this tread can be locked now.

so you mean to tell me world leaders and including some of the most inspiring historic figures of the 1st ,19th and 20th century were killed because of some gaming company in part of some new world order?

that's a bit of a stretch my friend but if you wish to continue

getting at that rubber band be my guest.

and ps. there maybe a plan with your spelling technique as well being your this off the grid person. Might want to focus on grammar instead of conspiracy theories.
# 151 whoady4shoady @ 05/31/09 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by ewto16
I guess I must be the only person that likes and reads Joystiq daily. They don't get paid for their previews and receive no special favors or compensation for events. They give away all the swag that they get in an effort to stay independant.

They don't go to community preview events if the company pays for them. They pay their own way, so that they can stay objective.

Personally, I found the preview to be refreshing in that it seemed to be written from a pretty realistic perspective of what a casual person probably thinks about the Madden franchise. The last 3-4 years haven't brought any innovation to Madden, and if you played 07 and then played 09, you wouldn't really notice anything that different.

Most of you just seem angry that it isn't another jock riding preview piece on how great EA and Ian are. Ian has been great for the Madden community and his level of interaction with the community is unmatched, but he has yet to make a decent game of Madden. Only 8 people on here have played Madden 10, yet you all already appoint him the chosen one and this the best Madden ever.

I've been fooled by marketing, glowing previews, and reviews time and time again. I'm glad Joystiq took a different approach to previewing the game.
+100. Peole dont like the article because it tells it like it is.
# 152 roadman @ 05/31/09 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by GTheorenHobbes
I'm posting this from my iPhone while sitting on the toilet. I know ian has an iPhone. If he has time to view he has time to post. He didn't like the feedback the video got, called it ridiculous on his twitter, and hasn't postedhere again since.

I know the guy can do no wrong in some of your eyes. But c'mon now.
And there are some that want to judge Ian from a Twitter post and throw darts at the guy.

Why is it that important that you know the comings(bad pun) and goings of a person you don't even know?
# 153 MattIntellect @ 06/01/09 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by whoady4shoady
+100. Peole dont like the article because it tells it like it is.
It doesn't. It should have mentioned that they made mistakes instead of whining about "Madden Online". Many people here actually thought that True NFL emotion was a feature in the game because of them!
# 154 roadman @ 06/01/09 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by MJenness

I don't care what he does.....
That's my point, though.

I just don't think it's a big deal if he takes a breather from the forums for a bit, do you? If you are following him on Twitter, he had a wedding in TN this weekend, had to fly back to Orlando and then fly out to LA this morning.

As I said before, it wouldn't bother me if I didn't hear from Ian until the game went gold for the final home stretch.
# 155 countryboy @ 06/01/09 09:24 AM
for those knocking Ian for not posting here right now a quick question...

What is he supposed to say in regards to the video he's referring to that he hasn't already said? He spoke about pro-tak not being in it and that the video was weeks old and he catches grief over that comment.

Bottom line, it seems people are looking for any and all ammunitition they can find to launch at the devs/EA's way right now, whether it be justified or not.

# 156 roadman @ 06/01/09 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by countryboy
for those knocking Ian for not posting here right now a quick question...

What is he supposed to say in regards to the video he's referring to that he hasn't already said? He spoke about pro-tak not being in it and that the video was weeks old and he catches grief over that comment.

Bottom line, it seems people are looking for any and all ammunitition they can find to launch at the devs/EA's way right now, whether it be justified or not.

Thank you , CB, you said it better than I did.

From Ian' Twitter:

Whew - done packing. Haven't even been to the forums in a few days aside from random iPhone peeks. Will have to get back on during/after E3.

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