Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the new Madden NFL 10 blog, which talks about improvements to the QB position.

"I'm back again folks, bringing you some more additions and improvements that you can expect to see in Madden NFL 10. This week, I'm going to focus primarily on the QB position and show some of the improvements we've made for this year. First off, I'm going to talk about a new animation technology that we can call "layered blending".

Layered Blending
"Layered blending? I thought you were going to talk about quarterbacks?" You'll see shortly how this works for QB's. First, a quick lesson on what blending is. Anytime a player transitions from one animation to another, he will use a 'blend' of his previous animation into the next animation. When you don't have a nice smooth blend, you'll get poppy / hitching animations. If you make blends that are too long, you can easily not have the correct amount of control over your player (he can feel very 'sluggish' or unresponsive). The most common types of blends are linear, ease in, and ease out. Those just refer to how many frames of either the previous or current animation you use while blending. For Madden NFL 10 though, we've added something new - the ability to actually separate the blends out between different parts of the body. We call this layered blending because it allows us to create different layered animation by blending one part of the body out quicker or slower based on the needs of the game. So how does it relate to QB's? Well, how often has this happened to you?"

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Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 wordtobigbird @ 02/24/09 12:13 AM
i wonder how mad people are going to get when passes arnt thrown perfectly. they are playing their friend and on a final drive a pass just happens to be errant and they lose and they get mad at EA for such a bull**** throw or something.
# 82 K_GUN @ 02/24/09 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
i wonder how mad people are going to get when passes arnt thrown perfectly. they are playing their friend and on a final drive a pass just happens to be errant and they lose and they get mad at EA for such a bull**** throw or something.

great post...save this for Aug....then remind them that 'they wanted realistic gameplay'
# 83 Vikes1 @ 02/24/09 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
Good stuff. Ian, so my question is, if layered blending is what you are using to overcome the suction sack, then can you also use it in overcoming suction blocking and tackling?
Great question.

Just a guess LB...but if not in '10', it sure sounds like we're headed for it in the foreseeable future.
# 84 netking23 @ 02/24/09 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by thudias
Thats the point of the blog.
while i don't disagree with u on the point of the blog. i was hoping they would give a little more info about this. forgive me if i missed he expanded on this and i just didn't see it
# 85 adembroski @ 02/24/09 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by netking23
Ian, one thing that was mentioned that isn't getting too much comments here is the accuracy hit that QB's will take when on the run. Please Please Please for the love of whichever god u serve do something about this. i'm sure i'm not alone when i say i'm tired of players that take off out of the pocket as soon as the ball is snapped and still can hit a receiver 50 yards down the field while running at full speed. NFL QB's only scamble when they have to and THEY ALL take an accuracy hit. A significant one at that.
You gotta read, man.

Originally Posted by Ian Cummings
4. Throw on the Run: Creates a modifier to accuracy when the QB is throwing on the run. Every QB will take some sort of accuracy hit when throwing on the run, but a QB that has a high rating here will take a smaller hit.
# 86 Madwolf @ 02/24/09 12:23 AM
This really got me excited Ian. I mean, really excited.

My only suggestion at this point would be to make the RBs have an impact on the QB's PA rating. For instance, a great RB would improve the rating slightly, where as a terrible running back would decrease the rating.

It could also be effected by the success of your run game as well.
# 87 CW McGraw @ 02/24/09 12:23 AM
I love Mondays.
# 88 redsfan4life @ 02/24/09 12:28 AM
Hopefully next week the defense will get some love.
# 89 netking23 @ 02/24/09 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by adembroski
You gotta read, man.

i saw that but i guess its just such a big deal to me i was expecting a little more clarification or something more definitive. i'm not trying to be too picky or anything but i believe that the QB scrambling in madden goes against one of the core themes of real life football. i wish i had the statistics of the all the snaps taken in a given season and what % of the time the QB scrambled. i'm guessing its surprisinly small compared to how it is in the game.

all in all i think this was a superb post by ian and great news for the game going forward.
# 90 Casserville @ 02/24/09 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by CubsNBroncos
Jaysus Cutler has to have a mid 90s throwing on the run rating. He throws lasers at all times, with some damn fine accuracy. Anyone remember those lasers to Eddie Royal and Tony Scheffler against the Raiders that first week? Cutler can't be left out of the elite when it comes to throwing on the run.
I agree.. Jay Cutler's throw on the run gotta be high.. But i gotta agree, this is the best update to date. Game changer...Madden 10 is gonna be rock solid. Can't wait for more updates..
Thanks Ian and Co..
# 91 xX CASCABEL Xx @ 02/24/09 12:34 AM
Sounds good, I hope this helps to eliminate the RC...
# 92 mAiLmAn 502 @ 02/24/09 12:36 AM
omfg, im completely buying in im so stoked and i love ncaa even more, ian cummings might be our gaming savior
# 93 Lakers 24 7 @ 02/24/09 12:38 AM
This is nice to hear, but honestly something that should have been in Madden 06. Two updates now and still nothing in regards to the true issues that have plagued Madden. Don't get me wrong, these are great features, I love them (even though the competition has already done these sorts of things), but they won't mean anything to simulation football fans if the core gameplay/X's and O's is never addressed.

But, hey it is Feb still, so we'll wait and see what happens.
# 94 rckinAPhilliezhat @ 02/24/09 12:40 AM
was this sappose to be small news? lol and for people who look at this like its nothing..You have to understand that every improvement made to the qb is an upgrade to the gameplay as a whole..everything revolves around the qb.
# 95 Glorious Arc @ 02/24/09 12:40 AM
I was planning on buying madden reguardless of how good it was going to be but now im finally on the edge of my seat and pumped.

If yall can do things like this and tell us about it with o so many more months to go i think i might have a heart attack before madden's releaselol
# 96 Ian_Cummings @ 02/24/09 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by Lakers 24/7
This is nice to hear, but honestly something that should have been in Madden 06. Two updates now and still nothing in regards to the true issues that have plagued Madden. Don't get me wrong, these are great features, I love them (even though the competition has already done these sorts of things), but they won't mean anything to simulation football fans if the core gameplay/X's and O's is never addressed.

But, hey it is Feb still, so we'll wait and see what happens.

# 97 glitchditcher @ 02/24/09 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Haha, you're the man.
# 98 youALREADYknow @ 02/24/09 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Lakers 24/7
This is nice to hear, but honestly something that should have been in Madden 06. Two updates now and still nothing in regards to the true issues that have plagued Madden. Don't get me wrong, these are great features, I love them (even though the competition has already done these sorts of things), but they won't mean anything to simulation football fans if the core gameplay/X's and O's is never addressed.

But, hey it is Feb still, so we'll wait and see what happens.
Spoken like a true Kobe fan... ignorance . That was a pure gameplay enhancement.
# 99 redsfan4life @ 02/24/09 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Alot of people are like that it seems, I try to keep an open mind with things but alot just are taking a rent first philosophy this year. I'm pretty confident I'll be buying, with the demo being the final selling point most likely, I am definitely buying the direction the game is heading though. The QB ratings/procedural awareness are a real step towards realism. All I need to hear about now is o-line play and improved franchise and I will be very satisfied, online franchise isn't incredibly important to me. Oh and can't forget a good co-op experience...man I play a ton of Madden with a friend of mine on the same team. Been doing it since Madden 2002. Kind of a tradition of sorts, I don't mean to sound like an old timer (I'm 22 lol) but I've been rather disappointed with the nex gen Madden's so I've stuck to PS2. I think that should change this year based on the news I've been reading. Good job so far EA.
# 100 adembroski @ 02/24/09 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Lakers 24/7
(even though the competition has already done these sorts of things)
Who? When?

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