Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the new Madden NFL 10 blog, which talks about improvements to the QB position.

"I'm back again folks, bringing you some more additions and improvements that you can expect to see in Madden NFL 10. This week, I'm going to focus primarily on the QB position and show some of the improvements we've made for this year. First off, I'm going to talk about a new animation technology that we can call "layered blending".

Layered Blending
"Layered blending? I thought you were going to talk about quarterbacks?" You'll see shortly how this works for QB's. First, a quick lesson on what blending is. Anytime a player transitions from one animation to another, he will use a 'blend' of his previous animation into the next animation. When you don't have a nice smooth blend, you'll get poppy / hitching animations. If you make blends that are too long, you can easily not have the correct amount of control over your player (he can feel very 'sluggish' or unresponsive). The most common types of blends are linear, ease in, and ease out. Those just refer to how many frames of either the previous or current animation you use while blending. For Madden NFL 10 though, we've added something new - the ability to actually separate the blends out between different parts of the body. We call this layered blending because it allows us to create different layered animation by blending one part of the body out quicker or slower based on the needs of the game. So how does it relate to QB's? Well, how often has this happened to you?"

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Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 thejake @ 02/23/09 08:57 PM
In my mind this is the best news so far. The only disappointing thing is that there is probably nothing I can hear between now and release that will get me more excited than this. But I'll keep listening. Great to hear it made it into NCAA as well.
# 42 Hotlanta @ 02/23/09 08:58 PM
Someone asked this already, which I was wondering about too. How much yards will define a short/medium/deep pass?

I would guess short would be within 10 yards of the LOS. What has me thinking is what will the range of medium passes be?
# 43 rudyjuly2 @ 02/23/09 09:00 PM
This sounds incredible! Yes!! Please say this stuff is in NCAA football.
# 44 adembroski @ 02/23/09 09:01 PM
Five full pages without someone saying it's a gimmick or it's in 2k5!
# 45 green94 @ 02/23/09 09:02 PM
You are either with Ian or against him.....

And I'm not sure, at this point, how anyone can be against him

I knew a few years ago after he started talking with the community that this guy meant business. WE ARE IN FREAKING FEBRUARY and this is the info we are getting. I can't wait until August!

GREAT job Ian and EA!!!
# 46 cdj @ 02/23/09 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
This sounds incredible! Yes!! Please say this stuff is in NCAA football.
It is.

Buried at end of blog:
For the inquiring minds, we were able to put these additions in NCAA Football 10 as well!

(Don't feel bad, I missed it reading through the first time as well. )
# 47 No_Balla @ 02/23/09 09:13 PM
Donny, Does these new ratings mean that I will be able to throw deep with Drew Brees now, because before his lack of throwing power meant it was diffcult to throw a streak or any long route even with a high accuracy rating.
# 48 Solidice @ 02/23/09 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by cdj
It is.

Buried at end of blog:
For the inquiring minds, we were able to put these additions in NCAA Football 10 as well!

(Don't feel bad, I missed it reading through the first time as well. )
I missed it as well. this is great news.
# 49 rudyjuly2 @ 02/23/09 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by cdj
It is.

Buried at end of blog:
For the inquiring minds, we were able to put these additions in NCAA Football 10 as well!

(Don't feel bad, I missed it reading through the first time as well. )
Sweet! I all the euphoria I missed that!
# 50 g2thecore @ 02/23/09 09:32 PM
As far as suggestions goes, I think McNabb's short pass accuracy should be average (60-65) he does tend to throw the ball at receiver's feet a whole lot. His medium to deep pass rating should be around 80-85.
# 51 thudias @ 02/23/09 09:32 PM
This is the best blog ever...How is next week going to top that? impossible..simply impossible.
# 52 TheWatcher @ 02/23/09 09:35 PM
Impressive blog, Ian.

The suction sack has frustrated me to no end, so to see it getting under control is big news as far as I'm concerned.

Also, I see you guys have really been taking some feedback from those ratings discussions we had back at the end of last year. Ratings for passing ranges and throwing on the run are a big step forward. I can't wait to see people get punished for trying to use pocket statue QB's like they're scramblers. That's going to be beautiful
# 53 dannydufflebags @ 02/23/09 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by Guillotine 1
...animated accessories...lol Watch bro, I'm telling you...watch...

I just dont understand everyone's obsession with these things. If my players shoes match, or he has a friggin hand towel, neato. But that is where it ends for me.
# 54 Joborule @ 02/23/09 09:53 PM
Good update Ian.
It drove me nuts and was one of the turn offs in Madden in recent years because I would end up getting sucked in a sack instead of getting the ball thrown away when I had a good amount of yards distance from the pass rusher, get the throw animation in, yet still don't even get the ball out of my hands to get rid of the ball! Drove me nuts that I was sucked into a sack that I couldn't avoid.

The passing ratings additions have been long needed, especially pass accuracy ranges. Finally you guys got them in.

Glad to hear that you changed up how the throw accuracy system works. I love hearing the news that there will be more inaccurate passes which don't happen enough in the game. Precision pass should see some more control in it as well this year.

Gang tackling and blocking are obvious for layer blending, but the layer blending I imagine could be used in jump ball battles between receivers and defender as well. As well when it comes to juking and slipping on slick ground.
# 55 J-Unit40 @ 02/23/09 10:05 PM
Wow! You guys got your act together this year.

Seriously though, it may seem like nothing big to the casual fan reading the back of the box, but this is the type of stuff that makes sports games great. The layered blending is slick. Plus, we have been asking for these new QB ratings for years and now they are really here. I like it.

Oh, and this is how I feel about all of this making it into NCAA '10 .

Thanks Ian and the Madden Team!
# 56 Joborule @ 02/23/09 10:06 PM
How does the pass on the run effect work exactly? Will it be determined if the player is moving (passer or scramble mode), or only when he's scrambling? How fast the player is running?
# 57 TDogg09 @ 02/23/09 10:14 PM
Will the layered animation feature be used for other positions as well? I seem to remember a little while ago you posted on the EA forums talking about how you wanted to do something like this for receivers.
# 58 johnnyg713 @ 02/23/09 10:14 PM
layer blending should be used for EVERY animation PERIOD. I want to be able to see linebackers or defensive linemen making tackles or just slowing down the runner with one arm as they are being blocked by a offensive lineman. I want to see a WR go up for a ball with one hand because it is being held by a DB during interference. A lineman actually shedding a block instead of being sucked in. (obv one of the biggest issues in the game) Layer blending also has so many possibilities with gang tackling. Layer blending could be the answer for many gameplay animations if implemented in almost every aspect of player interaction.
# 59 Hotlanta @ 02/23/09 10:20 PM
I just remember something that made me feel happier about the Pass on the Run rating.

We still don't have confirmation if progressive fatigue will make it, but a post made by Ian talking about Primary Reservoir & Emergency Reservoir along with the rating hit of scrambling QB's depending on this rating must make those who scramble with QB's who are not suppose to upset

To view the fatigue post.
# 60 youALREADYknow @ 02/23/09 10:22 PM
This makes me wonder if Tiburon is actually using Endorphin for animation blending.

Before this comment is taken the wrong way.... I didn't say Euphoria. Endorphin is not a game engine. Endorphin is not synonymous with Backbreaker. It is simply an animation tool.

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