Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the new Madden NFL 10 blog, which talks about improvements to the QB position.

"I'm back again folks, bringing you some more additions and improvements that you can expect to see in Madden NFL 10. This week, I'm going to focus primarily on the QB position and show some of the improvements we've made for this year. First off, I'm going to talk about a new animation technology that we can call "layered blending".

Layered Blending
"Layered blending? I thought you were going to talk about quarterbacks?" You'll see shortly how this works for QB's. First, a quick lesson on what blending is. Anytime a player transitions from one animation to another, he will use a 'blend' of his previous animation into the next animation. When you don't have a nice smooth blend, you'll get poppy / hitching animations. If you make blends that are too long, you can easily not have the correct amount of control over your player (he can feel very 'sluggish' or unresponsive). The most common types of blends are linear, ease in, and ease out. Those just refer to how many frames of either the previous or current animation you use while blending. For Madden NFL 10 though, we've added something new - the ability to actually separate the blends out between different parts of the body. We call this layered blending because it allows us to create different layered animation by blending one part of the body out quicker or slower based on the needs of the game. So how does it relate to QB's? Well, how often has this happened to you?"

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 drventure @ 02/23/09 10:25 PM
damn this sounds real nice. i can't wait to hear more of what you guys are gonna put in
# 62 Ian_Cummings @ 02/23/09 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by youALREADYknow
This makes me wonder if Tiburon is actually using Endorphin for animation blending.

Before this comment is taken the wrong way.... I didn't say Euphoria. Endorphin is not a game engine. Endorphin is not synonymous with Backbreaker. It is simply an animation tool.
No. ANT is our animation engine (tool and in-game)...
# 63 youALREADYknow @ 02/23/09 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
No. ANT is our animation engine (tool and in-game)...
Actually just re-read and saw that on the blog. The transitions between animations have improved drastically in the last two years so it seems you all are getting the most out of ANT.
# 64 glitchditcher @ 02/23/09 10:39 PM
Layered blending can also be used for ball carriers to reach out for more yardage or for the endzone as they are being tackled, right ?
# 65 Jono078 @ 02/23/09 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by glitchditcher
Layered blending can also be used for ball carriers to reach out for more yardage or for the endzone as they are being tackled, right ?
It most likely could, as I read it they could manipulate any leg or arm attached to the body while blending with another animation.

All of it sounds great.

Will be interesting to see how this affects the CPU AI mostly for me, no more Robo QB perhaps...
# 66 Nza @ 02/23/09 10:47 PM
This is cool. I want to see animations from some QB's where they get the ball off to a TE or RB while being taken down, like McNair used to do a lot, and guys like Ben do now.
# 67 Lusion @ 02/23/09 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Guillotine 1
...animated accessories...lol Watch bro, I'm telling you...watch...
This blog has made my day and will someone get this man his damn towels!

All i need to hear about now is Dline and Oline interactions, Presentation and Superstar mode
# 68 dasg @ 02/23/09 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Lusion
This blog has made my day and will someone get this man his damn towels!

All i need to hear about now is Dline and Oline interactions, Presentation and Superstar mode
+1, Dline and Oline interaction in 09 is terrible....
# 69 roadman @ 02/23/09 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by dasg
+1, Dline and Oline interaction in 09 is terrible....
You can add WR/CB interaction to the list as well.
# 70 adub88 @ 02/23/09 11:30 PM
The updates keep getting better and better. I know one thing, my man Peyton Manning better be in the high 90's for the play action rating. He's among the leagues best, if not the best.

I just love this part, " Good QB's will put the ball where only their receiver can get it, and bad QB's, well, they'll at least try to do that."

I felt that even with QB's like P. Manning, the ball wouldn't always go where you intended to put it. For example, I might try to lob the ball over a LB or DB's head and they get up like they all have 40 inch verticals and either knock down the ball, or get the INT the majority of the time. We all know that ain't NFL football.
# 71 LBzrule @ 02/23/09 11:34 PM
Good stuff. Ian, so my question is, if layered blending is what you are using to overcome the suction sack, then can you also use it in overcoming suction blocking and tackling? Can't the blending be used to have a defender while being blocked, keep one arm free and reach out and grab a runner as he is going by?
# 72 glitchditcher @ 02/23/09 11:42 PM
I also have a question:

In regards to the new accuracy ratings, what is the deciding factor in whether the pass is deep, medium, or short ? For example- how many yards downfileld must the WR be for the deep accuracy to take effect, what is the range for the the medium and short accuracy, ect. ect.

I'm sure it's not based on the routes, right ? Because on a deep route, you can throw the ball immediately and the pass would, in affect, still be a short-medium pass.
# 73 johnnyg713 @ 02/23/09 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
Good stuff. Ian, so my question is, if layered blending is what you are using to overcome the suction sack, then can you also use it in overcoming suction blocking and tackling? Can't the blending be used to have a defender while being blocked, keep one arm free and reach out and grab a runner as he is going by?
I pray for this...
# 74 BezO @ 02/23/09 11:47 PM
Good to hear about the new tech & ratings.

Will there be a new Adjustment to Ball rating for WRs?

And I echo LBzrule's questions.
# 75 LBzrule @ 02/23/09 11:50 PM
In terms of tackling think of situations like this. This should be where a guy can still make a tackle even though he gets stiff armed. Unless that is just animation work. A guy gets stiff armed but as he is getting pushed away, he grabs the runners arm and attempts to bring him down that way.
# 76 netking23 @ 02/23/09 11:55 PM
Ian, one thing that was mentioned that isn't getting too much comments here is the accuracy hit that QB's will take when on the run. Please Please Please for the love of whichever god u serve do something about this. i'm sure i'm not alone when i say i'm tired of players that take off out of the pocket as soon as the ball is snapped and still can hit a receiver 50 yards down the field while running at full speed. NFL QB's only scamble when they have to and THEY ALL take an accuracy hit. A significant one at that.
# 77 thudias @ 02/23/09 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by netking23
Ian, one thing that was mentioned that isn't getting too much comments here is the accuracy hit that QB's will take when on the run. Please Please Please for the love of whichever god u serve do something about this. i'm sure i'm not alone when i say i'm tired of players that take off out of the pocket as soon as the ball is snapped and still can hit a receiver 50 yards down the field while running at full speed. NFL QB's only scamble when they have to and THEY ALL take an accuracy hit. A significant one at that.
Thats the point of the blog.
# 78 feeq14 @ 02/24/09 12:01 AM
This is some of the best news Ive heard from madden since...

I dont know. But knowing this has me real excited. If they can implement this well and keep the gameplay much like it was PLUS make franchise mode fun again then Im gonna be a seriously happey camper next year. I might end up standing in line somwhere again and I havent done that in years.

My only dissapontment is that they didnt implement some intangible elements to QB play like consistency and leadership.

O well i still love what they have added.
# 79 g2thecore @ 02/24/09 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by feeq14
This is some of the best news Ive heard from madden since...

I dont know. But knowing this has me real excited. If they can implement this well and keep the gameplay much like it was PLUS make franchise mode fun again then Im gonna be a seriously happey camper next year. I might end up standing in line somwhere again and I havent done that in years.

My only dissapontment is that they didnt implement some intangible elements to QB play like consistency and leadership.

O well i still love what they have added.
Just curious...How would you translate leadership to gameplay mechanics? How would that be implemented? Sounds interesting nonetheless.
# 80 DrewBledsoe @ 02/24/09 12:13 AM
Sounds superb

I have a question though Ian:- In 09, Collinsworth often says "he throws on the run" when Your QB clearly isn't. This is often when you drop back , and move slightly around in the pocket, and then release almost simultaneously. By this definition, a great pocket presence passer Like Peyton, would throw almost every pass "on the run".

There's a big difference throwing while scrambling, to throwing while say moving up in the pocket slightly to avoid the rush. A lot of QB's drop back and kinda bounce on their toes (I did when I played QB, it stops you being caught flatfooted if a pass rusher breaks free). Favre was the severe example, he practically never literally "set his feet".

So my question is basically:- "how are you going to differentiate between throwing when scrambling, or throwing while shifting in the pocket"? Thanks in advance

Oh and btw great moment in that blog :-

...so if you are trying to throw it to low to a player on a quick smash, you would put it in the dirt (assuming that your QB's short accuracy rating determined the pass would be inaccurate). Eagles fans probably know this phenomenon all too well.
You know its Sad but True Philly folks

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