News Post

We wanted to give you some details on what’s included in the patch. We listened to the community feedback very closely, and although we couldn’t get everything we wanted to in the patch due to size limitations (like beluba said earlier), we do think we’ve addressed some key issues.

* The reception of NCAA Basketball 09, from a gameplay perspective, has been really good. Part of the luxury of being on the same engine for our basketball franchises is that we can differentiate between the two, but through the patch process, we’re able to get some of the really good things that the NCAA Basketball 09 team did. We addressed a lot of the gameplay complaints that you guys had including tuning shooting percentages, both overall and in contact situations, so that you’ll have a more realistic shooting percentage outcome. We also made some quick strike ballhandling, analog passing (logic and receptions) and jostle improvements.

* The number one thing we were able to address was the responsiveness with block animations.

* We adjusted the skill level of OTP to All-Star, so with lowered shooting percentages and a higher skill level, you should have a much improved OTP experience. Speaking of OTP, you’re now able to see the “Scouting” tab to look at position leaders (not just the GMs). We bumped up the club search window to 60 seconds so that you’ll have a better opportunity to find a club to play against.

* You’re now also able to put headbands on NBA players, and the team color accessory bug has been fixed.

* Teams with alternate home jerseys are now wearing their HOME shoes instead of their away.

* There are other under the hood things included in the patch (like the autosave in FIBA mode now working) that we won’t go into, but we’re pretty confident that you’ll notice a difference in NBA LIVE 09.

Thanks for your support!

The NBA LIVE Dev Team

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Member Comments
# 81 tosharetowin @ 12/03/08 07:05 AM
I Love "L 09"
# 82 sportyguyfl31 @ 12/03/08 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by sirjam
I would rent it first. I wouldn't trade 2k in until after the patch.

Just ask yourself which game you enjoy playing more, and then go with your gut, whatever choice it may be.

If the game draws you in, run with it.
# 83 Pared @ 12/03/08 10:33 AM
It's a breath of fresh air to have sliders that actually work given the radical extremes we can put them at.

The game may be simple but what it does, it does well. Can't wait for next year.
# 84 sportyguyfl31 @ 12/03/08 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
It's a breath of fresh air to have sliders that actually work given the radical extremes we can put them at.

The game may be simple but what it does, it does well. Can't wait for next year.
Thats proably the most concise way of describign the game. Its not overly complex, but waht it wants to do, it does pretty much right.

This year, "Simple but done well" wins for me.
# 85 DirtyJerz32 @ 12/03/08 06:27 PM
I played a game last night before bed and I knew I had to get up early but, the cpu was up on me (ex Heat - cpu vs Nets - me) by 13 with 9 to go in the 4th. I was so into the game I lost track of time. Went into OT and lost by 4. 105 - 101. Wade & Beasley combine for 65. I looked at the clock and it was 3 am. Nothing like 4 years of sleep.

Anyway, that was the first time in I don't know how long. Probably not since the college days of Bill Walsh football & NBA Live 95 on Sega that I didn't want to go to sleep.

This game is truly amazing.
# 86 rawdog805 @ 12/03/08 07:21 PM
Question, has anyone tried to edit the headbands post patch?? Can you do it?? I got the patch and put it on my hard drive but can not edit the headbands?

This is for the 360..
# 87 jewelz1132 @ 12/04/08 11:42 PM
yeah it does..I tried it earlier with the patch from the thread and it worked. Only thing I noticed is that with Lou Williams, when you take the headband off, its a grey headband on his head during practice. Its not that way for anybody else, but its been that way since that time I asked Steph to take it off because he never wears it.
# 88 sammogard @ 12/05/08 04:33 PM
well i still haven't figured it out i like 2k9 but some things gripe me i can't seem to hit a jump shot or have any post game no matter wha ti do i used to play dream cast nba 2k games but 2k6 and 2k7 got traded in cuz i didn't like the gameplay so i went with live those years and i had tons of fun with it i got 2k9 and i like it seems like a fun game but its been 2 weeks and i still can't beat the cpu on pro with default or sliders im not a basketball guru i hardly watch it anymore so should i trade in 2k9 and get live now that the price has droped?
# 89 Chairman7w @ 12/05/08 04:53 PM
(Chairman steps in) Relax folks, I can translate this. This is what he meant:

Well, i still haven't figured it out.

I like 2k9, but some things still concern me. For instance, I can't seem to hit a jump shot, or have any success with the post game, no matter what I do.

I used to play NBA 2K games on the Dreamcast, but I didn't like the gameplay on 2k6 and 2k7, so I traded them.

I went with live during those years, and I had tons of fun with it. I got 2k9, and i like it - it seems like a fun game.

However, it's been 2 weeks and i still can't beat the cpu on Pro Difficulty Level, whether on default or through adjusting sliders.

I'm not a basketball guru, and I hardly watch it anymore. My question is, "Should I trade in 2k9 and get live, especially now that the price has dropped?"

Originally Posted by sammogard
well i still haven't figured it out i like 2k9 but some things gripe me i can't seem to hit a jump shot or have any post game no matter wha ti do i used to play dream cast nba 2k games but 2k6 and 2k7 got traded in cuz i didn't like the gameplay so i went with live those years and i had tons of fun with it i got 2k9 and i like it seems like a fun game but its been 2 weeks and i still can't beat the cpu on pro with default or sliders im not a basketball guru i hardly watch it anymore so should i trade in 2k9 and get live now that the price has droped?
# 90 sammogard @ 12/05/08 06:40 PM
lol thanks for re doing my post chairman i post from my cell phone so its hard to tell if its going to make any sense
# 91 Chairman7w @ 12/05/08 08:01 PM
A cellphone?? Well that explains it! LOL!!
(Don't mind me, just the resident smart a$$ trying to get a laugh!)
# 92 babythug23 @ 12/08/08 04:45 PM
Just got the game today(wife bought it early for xmas).I'm a big bulls fan and i can play just like the bulls on Live. More so then i can on 2k9. You know how the bulls Drive and kick with Rose to have open 3s from BG/NOC/Larry? Well i can do it in this game were in 2k9 i really could not play like i wanna to. I got 2 good basketball games to play this year.Maybe 3 if Ncaa 09 is good(got that today to). I just don't know how to use the rewind. Reading some threads looks like it is some problems with it sometimes?
# 93 wmassie @ 12/10/08 09:40 AM
Can anyone tell me how to turn on fastbreaks for this game -just bought it -downloaded the patch (1.02) and cpu vs. cpu a few games on all-star but there are virtually no -none -fastbreaks - is there a slider fix? - am I missing something?
# 94 Chairman7w @ 12/10/08 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by wmassie
Can anyone tell me how to turn on fastbreaks for this game -just bought it -downloaded the patch (1.02) and cpu vs. cpu a few games on all-star but there are virtually no -none -fastbreaks - is there a slider fix? - am I missing something?
(chuckle... chuckle...) Let's let StephensonMC or Beluba answer this one.
# 95 bigball12 @ 12/11/08 11:45 AM
the patch for online play is awful. The dunk to layup ratio has gone down so much, alleys result in a layup instead of A dunk. Just very poor, and the easy missed layup are killing it! What pro NBA player (besides Jordan Farmar, LOL) will miss 5-7 layup a game?
# 96 Flightwhite24 @ 12/11/08 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by bigball12
the patch for online play is awful. The dunk to layup ratio has gone down so much, alleys result in a layup instead of A dunk. Just very poor, and the easy missed layup are killing it! What pro NBA player (besides Jordan Farmar, LOL) will miss 5-7 layup a game?
Watch it now. Talking about a Laker is fighting words
# 97 tosharetowin @ 12/11/08 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by bigball12
the patch for online play is awful. The dunk to layup ratio has gone down so much, alleys result in a layup instead of A dunk. Just very poor, and the easy missed layup are killing it! What pro NBA player (besides Jordan Farmar, LOL) will miss 5-7 layup a game?
What do do say,man.
If you try to dunk or layup without anybody near of you the basket is sure 100%.
Now , if you try to dunk or layup between 2 players or infront of 1 or more players the normal sucess is that you miss the shot.
Too , "the layup attempt distance and angle" is very important.

I love L 09.
# 98 sammogard @ 12/13/08 03:50 AM
well i wanted to rent live 09 but i had to buy it used for 45 the code worked. I can't get drawn in as to why everyone from 2k made the switch. I was addicted to 2k9 live i can't seem to play a full game i thought i'd be a better shooter on this game not true i like its better out of the box but i really think after a whole day of playing it i may have to take it back and get my money back. i'm gonna give it a few days tho i kinda like the fact it updates all the time and doesn't need as much tweaking as 2ki think 2k feels more life like but i like how i can hit jumpers and don't have to focus on points in the paint it seems like the stars on 2k really make a difference i noticed i have almost all my players with 10 points by halftime and never get in the 20s with anyone cuz i balance who i shoot with on live. 2k sorta makes me mad when i play the cpu feels like im being cheated im a casual gamer tho

unless u guys can point out to why i should keep both games i only really see the need to own one bball game as i play fifa 09 more then any game in this world

which should i keep tho honest opinions who played both
# 99 babythug23 @ 12/13/08 06:31 PM
I like Live cause it is something new. I still love 2k9 but after playing 2K Year after year i just needed something else to play. After having the game for 6 days live is more fun IMO. I look forward to playing it. 2k is well 2k a great game but just seems like i been playing that game for the last few years.
I like both and will play both.

But only have one problem for 2k9.When i play live and pop in 2k9 I seems like the court is SMALL.Like all the players are bunch up.
# 100 DrUrsus @ 12/19/08 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by babythug23
I like Live cause it is something new. I still love 2k9 but after playing 2K Year after year i just needed something else to play. After having the game for 6 days live is more fun IMO. I look forward to playing it. 2k is well 2k a great game but just seems like i been playing that game for the last few years.
I like both and will play both.

But only have one problem for 2k9.When i play live and pop in 2k9 I seems like the court is SMALL.Like all the players are bunch up.
I totally agree, especially about the court. Even with Lives flaws, I just love the spacing and more "open court" I love penetrating, watching the defense converge, and then popping the ball out to the open man. That is just really really lacking in 2K9. Last night, I was playing 2K9 after playing Live, and it just seemed so unresponsive, and the players seem so clumped up. Plus they hardly ever take mid range shots in 2K9 unless the clock is running out.

I think I will just stick with Live and try to find sliders that fit me. If they would just patch the fast break situation, Live would be darn near perfect for me. Man, next year has real promise if EA doesn't take 2 steps forward and 3 steps back like they do sometimes.

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