News Post

We wanted to give you some details on what’s included in the patch. We listened to the community feedback very closely, and although we couldn’t get everything we wanted to in the patch due to size limitations (like beluba said earlier), we do think we’ve addressed some key issues.

* The reception of NCAA Basketball 09, from a gameplay perspective, has been really good. Part of the luxury of being on the same engine for our basketball franchises is that we can differentiate between the two, but through the patch process, we’re able to get some of the really good things that the NCAA Basketball 09 team did. We addressed a lot of the gameplay complaints that you guys had including tuning shooting percentages, both overall and in contact situations, so that you’ll have a more realistic shooting percentage outcome. We also made some quick strike ballhandling, analog passing (logic and receptions) and jostle improvements.

* The number one thing we were able to address was the responsiveness with block animations.

* We adjusted the skill level of OTP to All-Star, so with lowered shooting percentages and a higher skill level, you should have a much improved OTP experience. Speaking of OTP, you’re now able to see the “Scouting” tab to look at position leaders (not just the GMs). We bumped up the club search window to 60 seconds so that you’ll have a better opportunity to find a club to play against.

* You’re now also able to put headbands on NBA players, and the team color accessory bug has been fixed.

* Teams with alternate home jerseys are now wearing their HOME shoes instead of their away.

* There are other under the hood things included in the patch (like the autosave in FIBA mode now working) that we won’t go into, but we’re pretty confident that you’ll notice a difference in NBA LIVE 09.

Thanks for your support!

The NBA LIVE Dev Team

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Member Comments
# 41 Muzyk23 @ 11/27/08 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
PS3 (I did have the patch when it was first released accidentally BTW)

Anyways, I never was able to do this before the patch. Don't know if it's the sliders or the patch but there are no real 'gimmes' down low. And I love that I can go back up for boards.

Simple video but I like it. No dunks, just fighting for the boards.

EA SPORTS World: rebounds

thank you sir
# 42 23bluesman @ 11/27/08 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Wiffyjustus
The game seems to play smoother, better. Loved the game anyway so this is just sweetening the deal.

A note on blocking...

I understanding the blocking needed to be fixed for responsiveness. But I kind of miss the old blocking animations. You know, coming over from the weak side to make the huge block. The kind of block that sends the ball into the fifth row.

In real life one of the major factors of blocking is anticipation. It would be a shame to see that completely gone from the game.

Perhaps just pressing "block" could do the basic just straight up block... and using "Turbo + block" can have those awesome gather animations.

I don't think the MAIN problem was really the 'gather' but rather the player not jumping in the appropriate direction.

The quicker blocking fix does the job it is supposed to for now, but I am really looking forward to what you guys do with the blocking in Live 10. It's there, it just needs tweaking.

Great work guys. Loving the game. Keep it up.

Totally agree man, especially on the bolded part.
# 43 23 @ 11/27/08 01:07 PM
You dont have to

Ive done with and without tomba's edits

Not sure which one I like yet.. but default is fine

You might still like Tomba's settings better, but again, the patch was made with dafault in mind... remember that
# 44 bls @ 11/27/08 09:28 PM
Welp, upon playing a heavy dosage of games my second impressions about the patch is, EA you have released more bugs.

For some reason now whatever it maybe, my PF and C are checking the same guy the WHOLE GAME. Nothing I did was able to stop this so I had to manual control the PF myself and make him check his man.

The automatic run straight to the guy your double teaming as soon as he gets the ball is no good whatsoever. Now what folk to is when they pass the ball to the guy being double they run around in circles, and the guy coming to double runs around in circles with him looking dumb and they just drive to the lane for an easy bucket. It was much much better the previous way.

Add on the long fastbreaks because your defense doesn't get back and it's a no go.

I understand some people like to play the CPU as I do as well. But there are many head to head players out there as well. More focus to element bugs when it comes to online and head to head play has to be given with a greater effort.

Go base game, and good attempt this year. But hopefully, just hopefully you guys can finally get things right. Guess it's time to start up a dynasty.

And by the way can any of the devs answer as to why you won't bump the difficulty level up to Superstar for online ranked games??? I know you changed the difficulty for the 5 on 5 or something like that, but why not have ranked games set to Superstar? What's the reasoning behind this?
# 45 bateman11 @ 11/27/08 10:42 PM
This game is playing amazing. The core gameplay imo is the best to date
# 46 tosharetowin @ 11/28/08 09:49 AM
PS3, Online.

My post PAtch experience.
The Live 09 is the BEST,now, with Patch.
It could be better, but .... i love this game (L 09)

Only one thing:
There are some People who has installed the first("no complet") Patch 1.02.
And The Gameplay is poor, it is worst than the original(without patch).
The user know it and his play style is simple and bored.He force the contact basket all time with a high % field goal.
He makes the BIG men Fastbreak,too.

I dont know if anybody has played against these users.
But it is True, believe , it is bored.

I dont know if i can to write here the user name who i was played against.
If i can you can tell me something, it will be for a good online gameplay.

# 47 SportGamer24 @ 11/28/08 12:30 PM
just played my first online game post patch...it was actually a defensive game. I held my opponent to 41% from the field. I can't remember the last time I held my opponent under 50%. I love how offensive rebounds don't result in easy put backs. A lot more blocks down low, the mid range J is something you'll have to use if you want to keep your opponent off balance. loved the changes with the patch. I normally don't play sport games online, but with this patch you have a much better chance of winning when you play realistic type of basketball.
# 48 RoyalBoyle78 @ 11/28/08 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
Okay guys with this patch! Return all sliders to default.

Play on Superstar Level with your minutes at 7!

Realistic stats and good fun with realistic scores.

Later People!!! Let me know what you think after trying!

(For 360 Users: Put the game on your HDD - Go to HDMI settings Put on Expanded - On HDMI Colors - Put on SOURCE!)

Thank me later!

Camera angle Press Box!

Peace people and enjoy this new patch! I love it. And Kobe's Purple Nikes! I love it.
superstar for both user and AI?
# 49 bls @ 11/28/08 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by bls
Welp, upon playing a heavy dosage of games my second impressions about the patch is, EA you have released more bugs.

For some reason now whatever it maybe, my PF and C are checking the same guy the WHOLE GAME. Nothing I did was able to stop this so I had to manual control the PF myself and make him check his man.

The automatic run straight to the guy your double teaming as soon as he gets the ball is no good whatsoever. Now what folk to is when they pass the ball to the guy being double they run around in circles, and the guy coming to double runs around in circles with him looking dumb and they just drive to the lane for an easy bucket. It was much much better the previous way.

Add on the long fastbreaks because your defense doesn't get back and it's a no go.

I understand some people like to play the CPU as I do as well. But there are many head to head players out there as well. More focus to element bugs when it comes to online and head to head play has to be given with a greater effort.

Go base game, and good attempt this year. But hopefully, just hopefully you guys can finally get things right. Guess it's time to start up a dynasty.

And by the way can any of the devs answer as to why you won't bump the difficulty level up to Superstar for online ranked games??? I know you changed the difficulty for the 5 on 5 or something like that, but why not have ranked games set to Superstar? What's the reasoning behind this?
Can any of the devs answer whats in the bold?
# 50 marc68 @ 11/28/08 07:24 PM
Well the only obvious thing I have noticed is your guys jump better to block and rebound....other than that seems the same.

One weird thing though. I was playing against OKC in my dynasty and for some reason Durant did not play.

I went to the stats for the season after the game to check and NO he isnt hurt. In fact he hasnt played in any of their 6 games!!! WTF???!!!! Why is their best player on the bench, all season???? Glitch??
# 51 marc68 @ 11/28/08 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
Okay guys with this patch! Return all sliders to default.

Play on Superstar Level with your minutes at 7!

Realistic stats and good fun with realistic scores.

Later People!!! Let me know what you think after trying!

(For 360 Users: Put the game on your HDD - Go to HDMI settings Put on Expanded - On HDMI Colors - Put on SOURCE!)

Thank me later!

Camera angle Press Box!

Peace people and enjoy this new patch! I love it. And Kobe's Purple Nikes! I love it.
Where do you find these settings for the 360? TV, GAME, or the 360 itself??
# 52 Flightwhite24 @ 11/28/08 08:18 PM
I'm losing 39-38 at the half with the Lakers but it shows in the stats I have scored 40 points in the paint. Steph maybe you can answer this one? Steph also are their other stats glitches that you are aware of. When I play stats are a big deal for me. Thanks
# 53 stephensonmc @ 11/28/08 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by JSKYWALKER1
I'm losing 39-38 at the half with the Lakers but it shows in the stats I have scored 40 points in the paint. Steph maybe you can answer this one? Steph also are their other stats glitches that you are aware of. When I play stats are a big deal for me. Thanks
Yep, we know about this my man. Something we can fix for next year.
# 54 stephensonmc @ 11/28/08 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Walker8
How about fixing it this year instead of making us spend another $60? Not to be an *** but i will anyways. This is a very good game, but its still nto finished and there are a lot of little thigns that could be very easily cleaned up taken the time. You guys do this every year. The rotations are still messed up and could be fixed. There are still a lot of graphical glitches and the gameplay still could be tuned a bit. A lot of little roster things and stuff like that. I understand you guys want to sell more games and we as consumers in essence are paying you to do this stuff, but after a while this gets kind of obvious. Another patch and this game could be a 10 imo. Instead we have to spend another $60 to get a game that should have worked right in the first place? Who's to say there won't be problems with next years as well. It's every year.

It just seems to me like you guys could be a lot more productive and still make money releasing a polished product, and then have time to concentrate and dream up new features and stuff like that instead of housekeeping bugs. This stuff could be pretty easily corrected taken the time EA, even though its a pain, but you know this as well as i do. I know you guys have jobs and families and things on your plate and i'm not trying to make your job harder here. It just seems to me like you guys do this every year and just create more work for yourselves. In the end the consumer feels ripped off a bit.
It has 100% nothing to do with that Walker. We aren't witholding stuff from you to sell more games.

There are patch limitations and numbers that we have to deal with when patching things.

By us being here, we're trying to educate all of you on what it takes to make a game. It seems like it'd be simple to clean up rotations, but that's code which wasn't there when NBA LIVE 09 was released. Whenever you mess with code, mistakes could happen and the process gets longer and longer. We are right in the middle of building NBA LIVE 10, and this is just the reality of our dev cycles Walker. There will be problems with 10 Walker. That I can assure you. There are issues with every single game that has ever been made.
# 55 stephensonmc @ 11/28/08 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by Walker8
Maybe so. I just had to say that. I just want a game that works right out of the box and is fun adn plays a good game of basketball for once. This game is the closest i have seen to that. Live 09 is an awesome game Steph so dont get me wrong. The rotations and stuff are still not quite right and I dont have time to be messing around with these games either trying to get them to work right. I just want them to work. That's where i'm coming from. I dont get paid to make games. I jsut play them. I've been gaming fora long time and it just gets tiring after a while, messing with these games trying to get them to work. I'd jsut like a game to work right for once. That would be so sweet.
I hear you and totally understand. Just know that we want that too and are constantly trying to give you that.
# 56 23 @ 11/28/08 09:55 PM
Lets not start this crap again. Walker stop it with this mess in the wrong thread.

You arent giving any impressions whining about making the game right to the wrong dev team in the first place.

Go to the Wishlist thread and voice your opinion about 2010, pm t hese guys but please stop it in here.

People are here to discuss impressions and that's it.
# 57 DirtyJerz32 @ 11/28/08 10:01 PM
So hopefully we can get back to the impressions. For anyone that has the game 360 vs ps3. I'm trying to figure out which version to get. Any help with "IMPRESSIONS" with be helpful. Thanks again.
# 58 23 @ 11/28/08 10:11 PM
What kind of difference do you think would be there?
# 59 droopizzle34 @ 11/28/08 11:27 PM
I must say when I first got the game, I was very frustrated with 365 and all. Online is horrible with the same cheese style every game. But after being patient and playing more and more,I like this game. The patch has improved some many things,and this is one of very few games where you can actually play the CPU and have a fun competitive game.The gameplay is smooth,the post play is great,and I have always loved the right stick dribble control.There is a lot to improve on,but I think EA has gotten Live back to the way it was on the xbox days.

My only gripes would be the cheesy online play,a little bit better playbooks,better free throw animations and more sig shots.

Kudos to stephensonmc and the dev team on a great game.
# 60 Flightwhite24 @ 11/29/08 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
Yep, we know about this my man. Something we can fix for next year.
Glad to know that I was not seeing things. The game is waaaay better since the release of the patch. The only issue that I am truly having is the Roster Rotations. As you stated their is not much that can be done this year but if that get's fixed/Ironed out man what a game. After impatiently waiting on the DNA to truly kick in I can say I am impressed. The replay games are awesome. The updated accessories now that is a cool feature that I constantly find myself amazed. Steph just keep pushing this Live 2010 team to bring out another good game because this year actually turned out pretty good as you stated it would if we would be patient. Thanks Steph. Happy Holidays!!!!

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