News Post

We wanted to give you some details on what’s included in the patch. We listened to the community feedback very closely, and although we couldn’t get everything we wanted to in the patch due to size limitations (like beluba said earlier), we do think we’ve addressed some key issues.

* The reception of NCAA Basketball 09, from a gameplay perspective, has been really good. Part of the luxury of being on the same engine for our basketball franchises is that we can differentiate between the two, but through the patch process, we’re able to get some of the really good things that the NCAA Basketball 09 team did. We addressed a lot of the gameplay complaints that you guys had including tuning shooting percentages, both overall and in contact situations, so that you’ll have a more realistic shooting percentage outcome. We also made some quick strike ballhandling, analog passing (logic and receptions) and jostle improvements.

* The number one thing we were able to address was the responsiveness with block animations.

* We adjusted the skill level of OTP to All-Star, so with lowered shooting percentages and a higher skill level, you should have a much improved OTP experience. Speaking of OTP, you’re now able to see the “Scouting” tab to look at position leaders (not just the GMs). We bumped up the club search window to 60 seconds so that you’ll have a better opportunity to find a club to play against.

* You’re now also able to put headbands on NBA players, and the team color accessory bug has been fixed.

* Teams with alternate home jerseys are now wearing their HOME shoes instead of their away.

* There are other under the hood things included in the patch (like the autosave in FIBA mode now working) that we won’t go into, but we’re pretty confident that you’ll notice a difference in NBA LIVE 09.

Thanks for your support!

The NBA LIVE Dev Team

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Member Comments
# 101 Jarbeez @ 12/31/08 10:03 PM
I'm hoping this is a one game fluke....I have only had this game for a week or so, and have noticed this only once.

I made a substitution at SF and began to notice that my SF was always wide open. Didn't think much about it at first. Then began to notice the opposing teams SF was always wide open as well.

Started paying more attention and realized that both defensive teams only had 4 defenders coming down the court. Started checking replays and as soon as the ball changed hands the defensive teams SF would run to mid court and just stand there. I had to control my SF full time on defense the rest of the game to include him in the play....

Anyone else seen anything similar? This only happened after I subbed, but then it affected the rest of the game.

Also, should mention that when I say "after I subbed" the game was set on auto substitutions and I manually subbed. Not sure if that had some affect or not.
# 102 Avordo99 @ 01/01/09 01:23 PM
Totally agree with your comments about 2K9. Picked up Live and am having a blast w/Blazers dynasty (using L4D's sliders).
# 103 Jebus @ 01/04/09 03:02 AM
Ok just got this game but does anyone else notice that you glitch around the court abit? Like stop then reappear a bit to the side?

Anyway another question... where do you enter these sliders i keep hearing about?
# 104 sportyguyfl31 @ 01/07/09 03:33 PM
Well, I did what I thought was unthinkable.

I traded in 2k9 and am keeping live.

At the end of the day it simply comes down to this: After every game of Live, win or lose, I feel like I had a lot of fun.

I find myself getting ticked at 2k9 just as much, and too often more, then enjoying it.

That's the difference for me this year.
# 105 Avordo99 @ 01/07/09 08:38 PM
Feel the same way. I do not regret my decision to trade in 2K9. Live is a lot of fun w/L4D's newest settings & sliders and it's my game of choice right now. I think Live 10 is going to be great!
# 106 verbalhologram @ 01/08/09 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by dat swag
My Impressions are Strictly for an ONLINE PLAY PERSPECTIVE:

1. Rebounding - very good and definitely varied. Improved from the patch.

2. Defense in General - Much improved. Shots are contested much quicker and a nice amount of blocks...Help defense is solid and the contested shots lead to more fouls...There is a downside to this that I will address in #3.

Big men still seem to have trouble getting back on D as there will be spurts and exploitation by users simply inbounding quickly and throwing additional pass to a C or PF that has routinely beaten his defender down Court. It amazes me how Eddie Curry beats Amarie Stoudamire

Baseline D - This was another exploit from Live 2008 that appears to have crept back into this version. The patch did nothing to Baseline D because its likely there is limited knowledge about the baseline problem...Now I will say you can D up the baseline manually but often its hard to almost impossible to stop when someone is dead set on abusing it...Maybe this is more of a cheese vs No Cheese thing because personally I might go to the baseline within the flow of the game but I will not go to that tactic 25 times in a row or even two times in a row. I tend to want to run a play or set screens.

3. Free Throws (FT's) - Probably the lowest point of this game that has a snowball affect on strategic elements of the game. What I mean is pre-patch FT's were already way too easy. Now Post Patch its almost ridiculously easy. And I mean easy in the WORST way possible because now its almost impossible for anyone to miss a FT. Shaq can now play down the stretch with no fear of him touching the rock or getting HACKA SHAQ'D...This unfortunately destroys an element of strategy in close games where FT's may play a role.

ON the other end of the spectrum a contested shot resulting in 2 FT's is now a complete waste of time even watching the animation because there is no way anyone is missing a FT...Hell..I even tried closing my eyes and I still hit both FT's.

ONLINE ADJUSTMENTS: Why and or how do I get to my defensive slider adjustments???...They never show up until the 3rd or 4th quarter...Is there a way to get to them at will or do I simply have to wait until they magically appear???..help a brutha out someone

LAG & LATENCY - For me..next to none...almost every game I play is butter smooth...No I'm running with Verizon FiOS and that may have something to do with it but it seems to me that EA has finally solved the online connectivity issues that once plagued all of their next gen titles. The last 2 years of Online play for EA games has been stellar/much improved.

OVERALL GAMEPLAY - Pretty solid...outside of the FT's I'm pretty darn happy with this game..A patch to fix the FT's and I'd have to say LIVE is well on its way to the top..Of course the other criticisms by others are valid as well...LIVE is a decent game this year...better than average but it still has a ways to go...No doubt this iteration of LIVE leaves any pure hoop fan hopeful for the future. But just like many have said I was expecting this game in 2006...I'm also growing a little tired of the ole EA slogan we sell ourselves "Wait until next year"
dude you just totally nailed everyting i want changed in this game,especially the baseline abuse and easiness of free throws,great post. take note EA you have such a solid foundation on which to build for this year.
# 107 dubplate @ 01/13/09 07:24 PM
Wasn't this patch supposed to address the score ticker issue on the PS3?
# 108 Blazix @ 01/17/09 06:24 PM
I just got a 360 and want to know how to dowload this patch.

I know im slow
# 109 Behindshadows @ 01/17/09 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Blazix
I just got a 360 and want to know how to dowload this patch.

I know im slow
Just load the game up while on Xbox Live and it auto updates itself
# 110 nccomicfan @ 02/11/09 12:09 PM
ok I just exchanged my new copy of 2k for a new copy of Live and my question is...did you guys get approval from MS for only one patch or is a 2nd in the pipeline?...not saying it needs it because I haven't even fired it up yet...this may have been answered somewhere else
# 111 stephensonmc @ 02/11/09 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by nccomicfan
ok I just exchanged my new copy of 2k for a new copy of Live and my question is...did you guys get approval from MS for only one patch or is a 2nd in the pipeline?...not saying it needs it because I haven't even fired it up yet...this may have been answered somewhere else
There were two patches. The first was the OKC patch.
# 112 nccomicfan @ 02/11/09 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
There were two patches. The first was the OKC patch.
guess I don't really see that as a patch since I can get it off of Marketplace

EDIT: and if MS considered you fixing a relocated team as one of two allotted patches, then that's just garbage on their part
# 113 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/11/09 06:20 PM
Yea that really doesn't seem like a patch. The Allstar courts and unis were a DLC. Isn't that the same thing as the Thunders court and unis? I'm not a programmer but, it seems like it would be the same thing.
# 114 robdice @ 03/06/09 03:20 PM
ea still hasn't fixed the stats for online play i play in a league and need my stats forwarded to me. in 08 they had this feature and it worked for 09 they have the feature and it doesnt work can someone help fix this problem?
# 115 23 @ 03/07/09 01:54 AM
Time to unsticky

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