News Post

Hello Everyone,

In our communication to all of you before the launch of NBA LIVE 09, we said that NBA LIVE 365 would be “Made Fresh Daily.” This will certainly be the case, but I wanted to update everyone on our current status, because there are lots of questions being asked around the community concerning NBA LIVE 365 and when it will officially “turn on.” Last night the NBA season officially kicked off. Six teams played, and the NBA LIVE 365 information was received and is ready to be pushed in-game for all of you to enjoy, but in order to accurately reflect what’s happening in the real NBA in NBA LIVE 09, we need the data from EVERY NBA team once they finish their first game.

The last NBA teams will play their first game on Thursday (10/30). To accurately reflect what happened for every team’s first game in NBA LIVE 09, we’re going to turn on NBA LIVE 365 on Friday morning (10/31) for everyone that input a code on the insert inside the NBA LIVE 09 packaging. Once every team plays their first game, you will see your daily changes as promised.

We’re terribly sorry for the inconvenience, but we really wanted to update the community on what our current status is. We thank you for your overwhelming excitement and continued interest for this feature, and we promise that you’ll be pleased with what’s reflected in-game based on the real NBA season. It’ll be a long, enjoyable journey for all of us to enjoy!


The NBA LIVE 09 Team

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Member Comments
# 141 23 @ 11/02/08 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by neuroticomic
another great point.

all u see are MADE FRESH DAILY commercials hawking their game, yet people will go buy it and NOT get MADE FRESH DAILY.

how can they with a good conscious, put that commercial on the air, knowing the feature is NOT ready, a month after release?

Misleading and EA should be accountable.
I spent almost 200 dollars on ea games this year, all went back.
Madden, Live, Tiger...

I have a right to be po'd and complain, I just hope i can stop people from wasting money on them as well.

There is a point where it becomes spamming, and please dont cross that line
# 142 droopizzle34 @ 11/02/08 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
There is a point where it becomes spamming, and please dont cross that line
i don't know about spamming KDRE,but honestly bro,this stuff is upsetting. You go and spend your hard earned cash on a game because of a great feature,and the feature doesn't work,it is upsetting.I want 365 to work,it is an exciting exclusive feature and on top of that it is ground breaking....but it is a little frustrating when it was advertised and hyped and it is not working.

If people want to show their frustrations, I see no problem with it. As long as it's not the brain washing "2k/EA is better" crap then I'm all for it. I own both games and both have serious flaws so I'm not on either side.But I have been playing EA basketball since the Lakers vs Celtic days of the Genesis,and I hope to see Live returned to former glory.But right now,I as a consumer am angry my feature is not working,and I am truly feeling a little shafted. I really haven't seen an explanation about missing rewind games yet either.
# 143 Flightwhite24 @ 11/02/08 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by MrMaddog
I agree with just about everything you said. Well said. I'm upset too. But we're talking about a videogame...a toy. As for bashing people. I don't know about that. Think about a person getting fired from a job and then everyday they're back on the job site each day afterwards making negative comments about their boss, co-workers, etc. You feel for the guy, but after awhile it gets annoying. It's time for them to get over it and move on.

So when someone says that they are "no longer playing the game", but keeps coming back with negative stuff, you feel for them, but it does become annoying... like a child throwing a temper tantrum. They need to move on. On the outside, that may sound like someone taking EA's side, but it's not. It's just being an adult about the situation.
I probably should have mentioned that if this feature get's fixed and proven to be a success and works out I will repurchase this game used or off of Craigslist. I understand where you are coming from when it get's old continuing smashing the game over and over. But I personally hope it works out to be a great feature. Peace!!!!
# 144 23 @ 11/02/08 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by droopizzle34
i don't know about spamming KDRE,but honestly bro,this stuff is upsetting. You go and spend your hard earned cash on a game because of a great feature,and the feature doesn't work,it is upsetting.I want 365 to work,it is an exciting exclusive feature and on top of that it is ground breaking....but it is a little frustrating when it was advertised and hyped and it is not working.

If people want to show their frustrations, I see no problem with it. As long as it's not the brain washing "2k/EA is better" crap then I'm all for it. I own both games and both have serious flaws so I'm not on either side.But I have been playing EA basketball since the Lakers vs Celtic days of the Genesis,and I hope to see Live returned to former glory.But right now,I as a consumer am angry my feature is not working,and I am truly feeling a little shafted. I really haven't seen an explanation about missing rewind games yet either.
Post your frustrations but

1.Don't do it when you completely ignored the wishlist thread

2. Continue to do it when its becoming a distraction to the boards

at that point you're there just posting out of anger instead of looking for a solution.

As I said plenty of times, EA has to deal with the trust that they lost in the fans over the years.

We know EA is having technical issues, its been discussed in here ad nauseum...

at this point what are you looking for?
# 145 droopizzle34 @ 11/02/08 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
Post your frustrations but

1.Don't do it when you completely ignored the wishlist thread

2. Continue to do it when its becoming a distraction to the boards

at that point you're there just posting out of anger instead of looking for a solution.

As I said plenty of times, EA has to deal with the trust that they lost in the fans over the years.

We know EA is having technical issues, its been discussed in here ad nauseum...

at this point what are you looking for?
a quick solution...lol just have to work on my patience i guess..lol
# 146 neuroticomic @ 11/02/08 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by evarts2616
why not simply just push the release date of these games back per say 1 week before the start of a season. use the demo as a heavy hitter to gather feedback and things that need fixing. why on earth sale us games that you know right off the bat didn't have enough time in developement to warrant our $60 dollars.

then again you have consumers who are willing to ignore these things because it's doesn't effect them in the same manner it may effect others. they rip into the guy who feels he was letdown on a product if it doesn't have everything it was marketed to have from day one.
I dont think, from what i remember, that they can push release date back. The leagues want them out at a predetermined time.

But yea, you hit it on the head, as have many others.
I would be all for a game coming out the same week as the season opener.

Taint gon' happen.
# 147 23 @ 11/02/08 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by evarts2616
i've always wondered why companies simply don't use the demo feedbacks to work on patches for these games. consumers aren't spending hard earned money on demos of a game. i think it's bad business for the consumer to spend $60 on a game and then the company tells you "we are going to release our college football game but it's going to be broken for about 2 months." if you don't have access to down load patches and things you are really screwed out of that $60 dollars.

patches imo have become away for these companies to rush their products out the door less than 100% complete and then they throw us a bone 2-3 months later and say here's the real game we wanted to sale but we didn't have time initially to give you the best product possible for your money.

why not simply just push the release date of these games back per say 1 week before the start of a season. use the demo as a heavy hitter to gather feedback and things that need fixing. why on earth sale us games that you know right off the bat didn't have enough time in developement to warrant our $60 dollars.

then again you have consumers who are willing to ignore these things because it's doesn't effect them in the same manner it may effect others. they rip into the guy who feels he was letdown on a product if it doesn't have everything it was marketed to have from day one.
I do think that, this is what the NBA Live EA team is doing for Live 09

..unfortunately with sports games, I think patches are game companies solutions to short schedules and rushed games, on this gen.

I just dont see these kinds of things happening with FPS games or other types of games much at all, although they dont get the same kind of scrutiny either.
# 148 rawdog805 @ 11/02/08 11:10 PM
To JSKYWALKER1 and neuroticomic

are you guys still playing 2k9?? Because if I recall one of the selling points of 2k9 was "Living Rosters" and the rosters put out by 2K are far from accurate... So that game is not living up to the advertisements either...

So I mean if you want to put live down because it is not "made fresh daily" as of right now, shouldn't you do the same for 2k9?? or is just that you just have a short trigger when it comes to EA's games??
# 149 Flightwhite24 @ 11/02/08 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by rawdog805
To JSKYWALKER1 and neuroticomic

are you guys still playing 2k9?? Because if I recall one of the selling points of 2k9 was "Living Rosters" and the rosters put out by 2K are far from accurate... So that game is not living up to the advertisements either...

So I mean if you want to put live down because it is not "made fresh daily" as of right now, shouldn't you do the same for 2k9?? or is just that you just have a short trigger when it comes to EA's games??
Yes I do play 2K9 and it has it's issues also. If I have an issue with that game that I feel the need to talk about I would choose to take it to that forum. This is the Live 09 forum so therefore that is all that I will talk about because you already know that it will turn into a 2K vs EA slaughter and that is really not my way style to get into that. If you guys are enjoying Live09 as it is that's all that matters, if you are not enjoying Live 09 again that's fine too. I just hate when Posters get on other Posters because their opinion about a game is not to their liking. We all have different opinions about games and someones opinion about a particular game should be respected and a lot of times it is not on this site. As Aretha Franklin said "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" Peace!!!!
# 150 rawdog805 @ 11/02/08 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by JSKYWALKER1
Yes I do play 2K9 and it has it's issues also. If I have an issue with that game that I feel the need to talk about I would choose to take it to that forum. This is the Live 09 forum so therefore that is all that I will talk about because you already know that it will turn into a 2K vs EA slaughter and that is really not my way style to get into that. If you guys are enjoying Live09 as it is that's all that matters, if you are not enjoying Live 09 again that's fine too. I just hate when Posters get on other Posters because their opinion about a game is not to their liking. We all have different opinions about games and someones opinion about a particular game should be respected and a lot of times it is not on this site. As Aretha Franklin said "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" Peace!!!!
Oh dont get me wrong, I respect your opinion and all others on this forum.. The thing I dont get though is why are you so angry at EA for this "Made Fresh Daily" Slogan, and not 2k for its "Living Rosters" slogan... Because I read both forums and I have not seen you complain once that you were lied to by 2k on those forums, and in fact we were all lied to by 2K and EA if you really look at it...

Either way I understand that it takes time for things like this to be worked out by both companies... So that is why I dont understand why the noose is so tight around EA's neck around here for some people...

# 151 Alliball @ 11/02/08 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by neuroticomic
you mean PARTLY accurate rosters.
from what I have read on the rosters thread, there are TON of inconsistencies so far.
This has become the most tired word around here over the past few months.
# 152 Alliball @ 11/02/08 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by evarts2616
i've always wondered why companies simply don't use the demo feedbacks to work on patches for these games. consumers aren't spending hard earned money on demos of a game. i think it's bad business for the consumer to spend $60 on a game and then the company tells you "we are going to release our college football game but it's going to be broken for about 2 months." if you don't have access to down load patches and things you are really screwed out of that $60 dollars.

patches imo have become away for these companies to rush their products out the door less than 100% complete and then they throw us a bone 2-3 months later and say here's the real game we wanted to sale but we didn't have time initially to give you the best product possible for your money.

why not simply just push the release date of these games back per say 1 week before the start of a season. use the demo as a heavy hitter to gather feedback and things that need fixing. why on earth sale us games that you know right off the bat didn't have enough time in developement to warrant our $60 dollars.

then again you have consumers who are willing to ignore these things because it's doesn't effect them in the same manner it may effect others. they rip into the guy who feels he was letdown on a product if it doesn't have everything it was marketed to have from day one.

Why don't people understand that pushing back a release date only works for one year?

After that first year you go right back to the same amount of time to put the game together than you had in years past.
# 153 rawdog805 @ 11/03/08 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by left4dead
2K NEVER claimed that their "Living Rosters" would be updated daily. Meanwhile EA's main selling point is the "Freash Made Daily" 365 roster updates.....which is now turning out to be one big LIE.

Had EA's slogan been "Fresh Made Weekly"....then this would be a non issue.

EA is really dropping the ball on this one and taking another hit in the "trust" department AGAIN.

2 steps forward.....3 steps back.
did you read somewhere where I stated that 2k would update the rosters daily?? I thought the whole purpose of "Living Rosters" and having the 2k insider was to have the Rosters be accurate?? The rosters are FAR from accurate, thats why Rashidi and Nogsters rosters are so widely downloaded/popular...

You gotta read my man.. It's 3 steps backward because the "Made fresh Daily" is not fresh 1 week into the season?? come on guy...

Im done debating.. I love this game... lol... we have 2 excellent titles this year and i'm loving it.. Basketball gaming heaven... HOLLA...

# 154 BiggD @ 11/03/08 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by left4dead
2K NEVER claimed that their "Living Rosters" would be updated daily. Meanwhile EA's main selling point is the "Freash Made Daily" 365 roster updates.....which is now turning out to be one big LIE.

Had EA's slogan been "Fresh Made Weekly"....then this would be a non issue.

EA is really dropping the ball on this one and taking another hit in the "trust" department AGAIN.

2 steps forward.....3 steps back.
Exactly... call it "made fresh weekly"... or " made fresh,but will are still working on a few things so we are just gonna release half of the feature" excuses in my book
# 155 rawdog805 @ 11/03/08 01:44 AM
You know Im glad that this is the only thing that you guys have to complain about... Because we could be complaining that this game is total garbage, like 08, 07 and 06 were in my opinion...
# 156 droopizzle34 @ 11/03/08 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by left4dead

EA has deceived the public and customers with this "Fresh Made Daily" BS. It's almost a week into the regular season and there's been 1 half-assed DNA roster update thus far. I don't want to hear about any damn "kinks" or "we're getting used to this new feature -- be patient" nonsense. They should have ironed out the kinks and resolved the roster issues well before the 365 feature started.

I'm sick and tired of companies making lame EXCUSES for their unfinished, untested products. If this crap is not resolved within a few days....not only am I selling my copy of Live 09, I will NEVER purchase another NBA Live game ever game.

And this coming from someone who has purchased every EA/Live game dating back to Lakers v Celtics.

lakers vs. celtics bulls vs. lakers ah those where the days!!! jordan's reverse was the move of all moves...lol
# 157 Vince @ 11/03/08 07:26 AM
People take video games wayyyyy too seriously..Not like I don't, but if you can't wait say another week for rosters man...c'mon.

The EA dude is coming on here and keeping everyone updated. As long as he does that, I have no problem waiting a bit.

It makes sense anyways. Do you really think there is much of a point in putting out DNA of the very first game of the season...."Hey look, Walter Herman got 45 points in the first game, let's put up his DNA where he had 1 flukey game!!!"
# 158 bravesooner @ 11/03/08 08:19 AM
i think some people on here must not have lives, you guys complain way to much just grow up and enjoy the games. you act like its the end of the world.
# 159 Flightwhite24 @ 11/03/08 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by bravesooner
i think some people on here must not have lives, you guys complain way to much just grow up and enjoy the games. you act like its the end of the world.
I don't think the issue is whether people have lives. The issue is about the $60 plus people paid for and what they were told they were getting. Very simple, go buy a shirt, pay $40 and it says shrink -free. You wear the shirt once, wash it and it's shrunk and its 2 sizes smaller. They tell you we are working on fixing the problem and maybe the next time we'll get it right, or wait a month and re-wash it and it fit. I know this is reaching a bit, but if it happened you would be pissed. Especially when you know you can't get a refund. We all call it a video game but at the same time it's entertainment and a expensive one at that. Guys/Gals just want what they paid for and that is a working product. In it's current state the game is playable but by no means is the main selling point for this game doing what it was advertised to do. Are they going to fix it? I believe so. Again time on your hands have nothing to do with spending $60 plus dollars. But when I see commercials daily pushing this product, yes I have a problem. I would be totally satisfied with EA & their commercials if it included some features currently do not work but will in the near future. They are advertising a feature that currently does not work. Plain & Simple
# 160 tosharetowin @ 11/03/08 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by Vince
People take video games wayyyyy too seriously..Not like I don't, but if you can't wait say another week for rosters man...c'mon.

The EA dude is coming on here and keeping everyone updated. As long as he does that, I have no problem waiting a bit.

It makes sense anyways. Do you really think there is much of a point in putting out DNA of the very first game of the season...."Hey look, Walter Herman got 45 points in the first game, let's put up his DNA where he had 1 flukey game!!!"
+ 1

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