News Post

Hello Everyone,

In our communication to all of you before the launch of NBA LIVE 09, we said that NBA LIVE 365 would be “Made Fresh Daily.” This will certainly be the case, but I wanted to update everyone on our current status, because there are lots of questions being asked around the community concerning NBA LIVE 365 and when it will officially “turn on.” Last night the NBA season officially kicked off. Six teams played, and the NBA LIVE 365 information was received and is ready to be pushed in-game for all of you to enjoy, but in order to accurately reflect what’s happening in the real NBA in NBA LIVE 09, we need the data from EVERY NBA team once they finish their first game.

The last NBA teams will play their first game on Thursday (10/30). To accurately reflect what happened for every team’s first game in NBA LIVE 09, we’re going to turn on NBA LIVE 365 on Friday morning (10/31) for everyone that input a code on the insert inside the NBA LIVE 09 packaging. Once every team plays their first game, you will see your daily changes as promised.

We’re terribly sorry for the inconvenience, but we really wanted to update the community on what our current status is. We thank you for your overwhelming excitement and continued interest for this feature, and we promise that you’ll be pleased with what’s reflected in-game based on the real NBA season. It’ll be a long, enjoyable journey for all of us to enjoy!


The NBA LIVE 09 Team

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Member Comments
# 161 Flightwhite24 @ 11/03/08 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by rawdog805
Oh dont get me wrong, I respect your opinion and all others on this forum.. The thing I dont get though is why are you so angry at EA for this "Made Fresh Daily" Slogan, and not 2k for its "Living Rosters" slogan... Because I read both forums and I have not seen you complain once that you were lied to by 2k on those forums, and in fact we were all lied to by 2K and EA if you really look at it...

Either way I understand that it takes time for things like this to be worked out by both companies... So that is why I dont understand why the noose is so tight around EA's neck around here for some people...

EA for one is well known now for putting half completed games out and we find out later. Ea has a track record as of late for putting games on the shelf knowing that simple, can't miss issues exist and always comes back and say we'll take a look at it and get back and let you if it will be patched. Grant it they do patch a lot. The point for me is they are patching things that they have to have known were flawed. A lot of people on here say BE PATIENT. I will be patient, but it would be nice for EA to come clean and give us a complete game for a change.

I bought Live for the 365, Made Fresh Daily feature, 1 week into the season and it does not work. Mad props to Steph but I see guys on here telling Steph what needs to be fixed, or what roster edits need to be made. I thought EA was taking care of that. Am I wrong here? I did not buy 2K for Living Rosters feature I bought it because of it's gameplay. So to answer your question as to why I am not going at 2K that is why. As some has stated before I am really starting to think us gamers in this forum are the ones feeding EA the info to get the rosters correct. Anyone disagree? If you do, pop into the Live 09 Roster forums and see guys saying on numerous post that this is not right, or this guy needs a headband , or this guy needs this wristband on the left arm. If this was supposed to be the way this was meant to go, them I am flat out wrong and don't have a problem admitting it. I just thought everything was going to be done by this T-moble/Synergy deal.

Again, I think it's great that Steph comes on here and all but the fact remains it does say 365, updated daily and that is not the case. Peace!!!!
# 162 Pared @ 11/03/08 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by JSKYWALKER1
Yes I do play 2K9 and it has it's issues also. If I have an issue with that game that I feel the need to talk about I would choose to take it to that forum. This is the Live 09 forum so therefore that is all that I will talk about because you already know that it will turn into a 2K vs EA slaughter and that is really not my way style to get into that. If you guys are enjoying Live09 as it is that's all that matters, if you are not enjoying Live 09 again that's fine too. I just hate when Posters get on other Posters because their opinion about a game is not to their liking. We all have different opinions about games and someones opinion about a particular game should be respected and a lot of times it is not on this site. As Aretha Franklin said "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" Peace!!!!
Originally Posted by Vince
People take video games wayyyyy too seriously..Not like I don't, but if you can't wait say another week for rosters man...c'mon.

The EA dude is coming on here and keeping everyone updated. As long as he does that, I have no problem waiting a bit.

It makes sense anyways. Do you really think there is much of a point in putting out DNA of the very first game of the season...."Hey look, Walter Herman got 45 points in the first game, let's put up his DNA where he had 1 flukey game!!!"
Both great posts. KDRE mentions all the time that people use other games as excuses and you see it being done here.

I will point out that people are holding EA to the stance "made fresh daily" yet you have new rosters available to you right now.

It's marketing. We've seen this before where a developer has not lived up to their hype. I don't understand why people are acting like this is the first time this has happened. I don't want to say you must be new to gaming but people are reacting as if this is a new phenomenon.

If you're upset, do what jsky did and move on. I think they've been more than gracious with the process and as bk has mentioned, you can't really ask any more from them outside of having these updates every single day.

I'm sure they will get there. Let's have a little patience. I've said time and time again that team and player tendencies will NOT be different until a good ways into the season. So even if they do update tendencies RIGHT NOW, you're not getting an accurate depiction of a team's play styles.
# 163 erkizzlemynizzle @ 11/03/08 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by Alliball
This has become the most tired word around here over the past few months.

I beg to differ. If i hear any form of the word cheese again (ie. cheez, chz, cheeeeezerrr, 1chzzzz0mg!!!, etc.) I am going to throw something.
# 164 Flightwhite24 @ 11/03/08 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Both great posts. KDRE mentions all the time that people use other games as excuses and you see it being done here.

I will point out that people are holding EA to the stance "made fresh daily" yet you have new rosters available to you right now.

It's marketing. We've seen this before where a developer has not lived up to their hype. I don't understand why people are acting like this is the first time this has happened. I don't want to say you must be new to gaming but people are reacting as if this is a new phenomenon.

If you're upset, do what jsky did and move on. I think they've been more than gracious with the process and as bk has mentioned, you can't really ask any more from them outside of having these updates every single day.

I'm sure they will get there. Let's have a little patience. I've said time and time again that team and player tendencies will NOT be different until a good ways into the season. So even if they do update tendencies RIGHT NOW, you're not getting an accurate depiction of a team's play styles.
I totally agree with you Pared, but my main issue is not even the game really. I hate seeing the commercial being ran and people are buying the game based off what they just say. In my line of work your word is your BOND. Thank the good Man above that I am blessed enough to purchase games and pretty much what I want when I want, but what about the guy who maybe can only afford say 3 games a year and has to be very selective about their puchase and get the most bang for their buck. I would never tell anyone not to buy Live 09, but I would warn them that it's not all their as of yet. If this feature pans our I will be the 1st one in line to purchase it again. I may/maynot have jumped the gun when I sold mine because the feature may turn out to be the best thing since sliced bread. And if that's the case I will be on here saying so. I just don't like the feeling of being burned nor do I go around burning bridges with people, not because I may have to cross that bridge again but it's just not right. Now let me mention, I do wrong and am not a saint Okay let me stop there. Too much info. Guys if you enjoy Live that's all that matters. Peace!!!
# 165 Pared @ 11/03/08 09:53 AM
I hear you. I completely understand.

The thing is... and the reason I quoted Vince's post as well... is that even when you DO get the update with tendencies and such... it won't be much of a difference from what you already have now. It's a law of averages.

If player X drove from spot Y 5 times a game last season... and in their season opener drove from spot Y 14 times.... do you think that will be worth waiting for the update for?

Tendencies won't be drastically different... and that's the meat most guys are looking for from what I've read.

And roster differences... or those interested in playing rewind games... not much to argue there. They have a good point. But everyone claiming "DNA?" I don't see the rush.

What will happen is any changes might be minimal and then guys will post "you had us wait for THIS???" I mean, what else do you expect, really, from one game?
# 166 talbain @ 11/03/08 10:33 AM
to the person who said his rewind games were working for him, i have the 360 version and they're definitely not working. either that or i don't know how to play them. i select play now, and the only rewind game i see for the rockets is the detroit game from back in december. nothing else available that i can see.

also, they messed up the roster update for the rockets rotation. they've got joey dorsey as the first F off of the bench. the cpu is subbing in joey dorsey ahead of hayes and landry, despite the fact that he has not yet played this season
# 167 23 @ 11/03/08 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by JSKYWALKER1
Yes I do play 2K9 and it has it's issues also. If I have an issue with that game that I feel the need to talk about I would choose to take it to that forum. This is the Live 09 forum so therefore that is all that I will talk about because you already know that it will turn into a 2K vs EA slaughter and that is really not my way style to get into that. If you guys are enjoying Live09 as it is that's all that matters, if you are not enjoying Live 09 again that's fine too. I just hate when Posters get on other Posters because their opinion about a game is not to their liking. We all have different opinions about games and someones opinion about a particular game should be respected and a lot of times it is not on this site. As Aretha Franklin said "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" Peace!!!!
Just so you know JSky, I hate that song almost as much as I hate the 365 song. I thought about it after a few days and I still want to strangle the person who made that music.
# 168 weedmanus @ 11/03/08 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by talbain
to the person who said his rewind games were working for him, i have the 360 version and they're definitely not working. either that or i don't know how to play them. i select play now, and the only rewind game i see for the rockets is the detroit game from back in december. nothing else available that i can see.

also, they messed up the roster update for the rockets rotation. they've got joey dorsey as the first F off of the bench. the cpu is subbing in joey dorsey ahead of hayes and landry, despite the fact that he has not yet played this season
...every team's player's position was C last night!!


What a JOKE!! Live Sucks!!
# 169 faster @ 11/03/08 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by left4dead

EA has deceived the public and customers with this "Fresh Made Daily" BS. It's almost a week into the regular season and there's been 1 half-assed DNA roster update thus far. I don't want to hear about any damn "kinks" or "we're getting used to this new feature -- be patient" nonsense. They should have ironed out the kinks and resolved the roster issues well before the 365 feature started.

I'm sick and tired of companies making lame EXCUSES for their unfinished, untested products. If this crap is not resolved within a few days....not only am I selling my copy of Live 09, I will NEVER purchase another NBA Live game ever game.

And this coming from someone who has purchased every EA/Live game ****** back to Lakers v Celtics.


They need to have some type of basis to update tendencies, etc. Geez, the season is 5 months long. This is a new feature they are working on... give them a little bit to get the kinks worked out.

Wow.... we as gamers have become unbelieveable impatient and irritable. I for one applaud how EA has made themselves available and been giving us more attention here at OS. They've done a much better job reaching out to the community and showing that they are here for us.
# 170 Chairman7w @ 11/03/08 12:51 PM
Ok man, we get it. Wow... I think everything that can be said on this has been said. Let it go Brother, let it go...

Originally Posted by left4dead
EA should have thought of this before their "Fresh Made DAILY" campaign and gimmick.

Hopefully they will do more thorough testing with next years version instead of packaging an incomplete, untested game with unfulfilled promises.

There's NO reason for us paying customers to be "patient" because EA dropped the ball. I paid $65 for this game. EA is not doing ME or any of you any "favors." I expect to get what I paid for....as should YOU.

Just remember that folks.
# 171 talbain @ 11/03/08 01:04 PM
ok so what is the eta for the next update? given the "made fresh daily" tagline, one would assume today, but given the issues, you never know...
# 172 thundergod @ 11/03/08 01:20 PM
Fresh with AI on the PISTONS I hope.
# 173 Glenn33 @ 11/03/08 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by faster

They need to have some type of basis to update tendencies, etc. Geez, the season is 5 months long. This is a new feature they are working on... give them a little bit to get the kinks worked out.
I agree - but why not just leave the "old" tendencies in place until the new ones take over? This way - I can play the game over the next few days without them all playing the same.
# 174 talbain @ 11/03/08 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by faster

They need to have some type of basis to update tendencies, etc. Geez, the season is 5 months long. This is a new feature they are working on... give them a little bit to get the kinks worked out.

Wow.... we as gamers have become unbelieveable impatient and irritable. I for one applaud how EA has made themselves available and been giving us more attention here at OS. They've done a much better job reaching out to the community and showing that they are here for us.
sorry man, but you're way off here. what about the base of the entire last season? are you suggesting that tendencies and team traits should work from a base of 3-4 games? if i follow your idea to its logical conclusion, the dna feature wouldn't go live for a few more months so they can build a base. there's a wealth of previous data available, so your argument does not fly. tmac isn't suddenly going to change his style or tendencies after 3 games. neither will nash. or kobe. or garnett...so what are they waiting for a base for? i dont get it.

i'd be all for giving them time to work things out if they didnt screw up all of the dna that shipped with the game (based on 07 data)

and it's great that they make themselves available and all, but i wish you guys would stop giving them a pass for this fiasco just because they're here occasionally on the forums to keep us updated. that has NOTHING to do with the fact that as of this morning the game is not working as advertised.
# 175 stephensonmc @ 11/03/08 01:35 PM
hey guys, things should be up****** daily now as far as lineups and NBA LIVE Rewind go. Are you getting this? We're still working out some inaccuracies we're seeing, but things should be up****** daily now.

I'll be giving you updates on DNA soon.
# 176 Chairman7w @ 11/03/08 01:41 PM
Sweet! THanks StephensonMC!
# 177 wbranson1 @ 11/03/08 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
hey guys, things should be up****** daily now as far as lineups and NBA LIVE Rewind go. Are you getting this? We're still working out some inaccuracies we're seeing, but things should be up****** daily now.

I'll be giving you updates on DNA soon.

THANKS STEPHEN seems to be working here on PS3!

# 178 neuroticomic @ 11/03/08 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by talbain

i'd be all for giving them time to work things out if they didnt screw up all of the dna that shipped with the game (based on 07 data)
that was one of my big problems besides the commercials pushing the not yet activated feature, the breaking of the previous DNA, still havent gotten an answer on why they did that, nor will I expect one.

Nor will I understand why one of the dev said they were going to wait until each team had 1 game under their belt before activating DNA but never did.

Why couldn't they have just kept 07's DNA as it was shipped with, then adjusted daily from there?

Is that so difficult to do for crying out loud?
# 179 Glenn33 @ 11/03/08 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
hey guys, things should be up****** daily now as far as lineups and NBA LIVE Rewind go. Are you getting this? We're still working out some inaccuracies we're seeing, but things should be up****** daily now.

I'll be giving you updates on DNA soon.
Thank you sir. I'm on 360 and rewind games are working for me - I've played them the last 2 nights.
# 180 talbain @ 11/03/08 01:48 PM
good news

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