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We have just posted some player faces, from our beta copy of NBA Live 09. Look for part 2, tomorrow.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 81 bateman11 @ 10/01/08 06:21 PM
Faces aren't high on my priority list. 2K wins by a mile, but it doesn't really matter to me. The just gotta get the animations right for each player.
# 82 Glenn33 @ 10/01/08 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by RIZDRAVER
And check out Okafor; looks absolutely NOTHING like Okafor! Look how long his forehead is, his 2" thick eyebrows and the Looney Tunes expression.

Bro - what you talkin 'bout? Okafor DOES have a long forehead and some 2" Thick Eyebrows?!
# 83 Ballatician @ 10/01/08 06:29 PM
Lotta 2k heads on this board
# 84 23 @ 10/01/08 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by RIZDRAVER
Why such the big heads and skinny bodies?
I dont know about the heads but basketball players are SKINNY

The legs in particular are like sticks.
Not in 09

Textures are only going to get you so far in way of graphics. The proportions and likenesses of the player models are outright horrible. Kobe has a 30 lb head for crying out loud!
agreed, and both games have failed on certain players.

Nobodies mentioned the Pierce shot. Nothing in that photo including the complexion remotely resembles Paul Pierce. Even the models like Iverson which resemble them, still have a very distinct Pixar cartoony look to them

It has been mentioned. It is actually mo capped jumpshot data from PAUL PIERCE himself. Its not the devs fault that he decided to shoot causally in the practice session which is something that he does. I do hope they can fix it next year though.

We've talked about this in this forum with beluba just a few days ago.
# 85 bateman11 @ 10/01/08 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
I dont know about the heads but basketball players are SKINNY

Not in 09

agreed, and both games have failed on certain players.


It has been mentioned. It is actually mo capped jumpshot data from PAUL PIERCE himself. Its not the devs fault that he decided to shoot causally in the practice session which is something that he does. I do hope they can fix it next year though.

We've talked about this in this forum with beluba just a few days ago.
'The pierce shot' , by that I think he meant the screen shot, not his actual sig shot. Just a heads up.
# 86 RIZDRAVER @ 10/01/08 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
It has been mentioned. It is actually mo capped jumpshot data from PAUL PIERCE himself.
I wasn't referring to his shot animation. In shot, I meant his face shot. It just doesn't resemble Pierce. And again the head is way too big for his body.
# 87 23 @ 10/01/08 07:01 PM
Gotcha, and as far as the proportions of the models, thats been a gripe for years now.
# 88 RoyalBoyle78 @ 10/01/08 09:57 PM
I decided that I'm picking up LIVE tomorrow no matter what, I will but both and keep the one I play more.
# 89 The 24th Letter @ 10/01/08 10:08 PM
These faces just look bad man, some horrible....
Like its been said, around 90%..
I dont get it though Live 07s faces were gorgeous...it seems like theyve gotten worse IMO...2k wins the face war by FAR this year...again IMO

FF, my connect has Live, Im a 2k guy but ill probably check out Live myself tommorow...I need some bball man...and its actually looking playable this year
# 90 RoyalBoyle78 @ 10/01/08 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
These faces just look bad man, some horrible....
Like its been said, around 90%..
I dont get it though Live 07s faces were gorgeous...it seems like theyve gotten worse IMO...2k wins the face war by FAR this year...again IMO

FF, my connect has Live, Im a 2k guy but ill probably check out Live myself tommorow...I need some bball man...and its actually looking playable this year
The store I go to is getting LIVE first, I think I will just get both and hey maybe I keep both, or just keep the one I play more and sell the other one, thats all.
# 91 Lafayette @ 10/02/08 12:19 AM
If you know where to buy it in Los Angeles let me know
# 92 Shinyhubcaps @ 10/02/08 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Glenn33
Having a Sprite logo on replays is a deal breaker? Seriously? You must be a 7-up guy huh?
What if I want to take screenshots or video captures? They'll all have a Sprite logo on them. It is a deal-breaker for me, yes, because the replays should belong to the user to view the play that happened, as well as to store and treasure, not to be bludgeoned over the head with advertising.

Besides, they obviously don't need my money. They have that extra little pittance of advertising revenue.

Incredibly annoying, and it speaks volumes about EA. I already see hundreds of Sprite ads in the game as it is, and now they need to be on replays?

And I'm not a 7-Up guy. I drink Coke (same company), but the last thing I want is ads on my HUD. In the background? Fine. On the ad-boards, fine. Right on the screen for my replays is unnatural, and as I mentioned, it only shows Live is concerned about revenue streams.

Same goes for the guys in the stands wearing EA Sports sweatshirts... yeah, when I go to the games, I always grab my EA Sports sweatshirt... It's stupid, and the game will just be a bunch of ads with intermittent basketball. I'll sit this one out, thank you very much.
# 93 jewelz1132 @ 10/02/08 09:50 PM
I'ma tell yall now..some of these screen shots dont do the faces justice at all..I saw Brand after a foul and I had to double take lol..the same with VC and AI2 at times

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