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We have just posted some player faces, from our beta copy of NBA Live 09. Look for part 2, tomorrow.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Stumbleweed @ 10/01/08 11:49 AM
Ray Allen definitely looks better here than in 2K, where he has a strange Ninja Turtleish quality.

Josh Smith, Sheed, AI, and Kidd all looked very nice in Live. But yeah, overall, I definitely think 2K is getting the graphics crown this year when it comes to b-ball. The faces are a lot better and they really improved their skin textures... and the overall smoothness that 2K has ties the whole package together.

I'm still buying Live -- it looks like a very fun game and I can't wait to delve into those playbooks. A better 5-on-5 system (Clubs) and full FIBA license are the other reasons.
# 42 riDIRKulous41 @ 10/01/08 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by bullfan#1
Ok i will take back any mean things i've ever said about live if some on can prove me wrong about my statement on how the starting five looks good but the non important people look like ****.... my prime example is the guy standing behind kevin garnett in his screen shot who in the **** is that
it appears to be Ray Allen. Some of lives faces look good while a majority look awful. Why is it that some of the starts KG, Lebron and Kobe look the worst. Also, Camby, Eliis and Al Harrington are almost unrecognizable
# 43 Glenn33 @ 10/01/08 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by bullfan#1
Ok i will take back any mean things i've ever said about live if some on can prove me wrong about my statement on how the starting five looks good but the non important people look like ****.... my prime example is the guy standing behind kevin garnett in his screen shot who in the **** is that

Which guy are you referring to? Ray Allen or the Hawks coach?
# 44 Glenn33 @ 10/01/08 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Shinyhubcaps
No one else complain that every screenshot is brought to you by Sprite? Is that an HUD on the replays?

If so, consider it a deal-breaker.
Having a Sprite logo on replays is a deal breaker? Seriously? You must be a 7-up guy huh?
# 45 Pared @ 10/01/08 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Shinyhubcaps
No one else complain that every screenshot is brought to you by Sprite? Is that an HUD on the replays?

If so, consider it a deal-breaker.
I noticed that as well. Nothing you can do about it either.

Very annoying.
# 46 bv24 @ 10/01/08 12:19 PM
I hate to say it, but 2k has better faces overall. Maybe Live has a better one here and there. I love both. Been a Live fan since 95...yeah, I know, but 2k continues to bring it! They're gonna do it again this year.
# 47 bullfan#1 @ 10/01/08 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by bullfan#1
Ok i will take back any mean things i've ever said about live if some on can prove me wrong about my statement on how the starting five looks good but the non important people look like ****.... my prime example is the guy standing behind kevin garnett in his screen shot who in the **** is that
My bad i messed up i mean to say the ray allen pic can anyone tell me who that guy is
# 48 Glenn33 @ 10/01/08 12:40 PM

You got me there...he doesn't even have a number!
# 49 riDIRKulous41 @ 10/01/08 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Glenn33

You got me there...he doesn't even have a number!
Al Horford?
# 50 bullfan#1 @ 10/01/08 01:13 PM
Ok does that look like al horford... or does it look like someone messed up in the create a player mode
# 51 DubTrey1 @ 10/01/08 01:30 PM
Both look decent IMO, you can relatively still tell a a glance who they are without looking at a name - Good work on both sides, but I prefer what 2K has done more so in the details.
# 52 RIZDRAVER @ 10/01/08 02:27 PM
Wow, NEVER in a million years would I have thought 2K could out-do Live in graphics. I'm completely astonished!

Yes, the faces are cartoony and often plain scary. But even more than that, the lanky 90 lb. bodies combined to the still awkward animations make this year highly questionable for me. I had HIGH expectations for Live 09, was hyping it up to friends for months and I am honestly pretty let down.

Live had 2K in the perfect spot to finally break ahead. I thought this was going to be Live's year: leader in gameplay, graphics and commentary. But the more I see of this year's offerings, the more it's clear Live truly dropped the ball.

At this point, the only major thing Live has on 2K is commentary.
# 53 RoyalBoyle78 @ 10/01/08 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by RIZDRAVER
Wow, NEVER in a million years would I have thought 2K could out-do Live in graphics. I'm completely astonished!

Yes, the faces are cartoony and often plain scary. But even more than that, the lanky 90 lb. bodies combined to the still awkward animations make this year highly questionable for me. I had HIGH expectations for Live 09, was hyping it up to friends for months and I am honestly pretty let down.

Live had 2K in the perfect spot to finally break ahead. I thought this was going to be Live's year: leader in gameplay, graphics and commentary. But the more I see of this year's offerings, the more it's clear Live truly dropped the ball.

At this point, the only major thing Live has on 2K is commentary.
I did, LIVE has never been better then 2K sports in graphics, EVER. NFL 2k always looked 10x better then Madden, NBA2k has always look better then LIVE. The only game that is looking better 2K is NHL09, thats it.
# 54 SageInfinite @ 10/01/08 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
I did, LIVE has never been better then 2K sports in graphics, EVER. NFL 2k always looked 10x better then Madden, NBA2k has always look better then LIVE. The only game that is looking better 2K is NHL09, thats it.
Tell that to bshadows
# 55 RoyalBoyle78 @ 10/01/08 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Tell that to bshadows
I sure will, I respect bshadows greatly, but if he thinks live looks better, then we need to have a talk.....
# 56 King Gro23 @ 10/01/08 03:23 PM
Wow the graphical leader for the past few years, about 90% of the faces or straight horrible lol, I kno deng is from africa but dont make him look like a runaway slave, Rudy gay looks like a clean shaved steve slaton, only good looking player is allen iverson, lebron has this monkey kong nose camby is outtta rehab, i think its mostly pathetic all players have the same nose and mouth pretty much (shape wise)
# 57 Glenn33 @ 10/01/08 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
I did, LIVE has never been better then 2K sports in graphics, EVER. NFL 2k always looked 10x better then Madden, NBA2k has always look better then LIVE. The only game that is looking better 2K is NHL09, thats it.

I can't cosign on that. 2K animations have always been better - the players models/still shots..... not so much. Back when we had more than 2 baseball games - MVP looked better...and the Show looks better now. NFL 2K was a push (at best)...while Madden players looked like they were on roids...2K players looked lanky at times with a lower res count. We can agree to disagree on NBA Live..because while in motion I think NO sports game looks better than NBA2K - the still shots are not the all that. *shrugs* I'm just sayin....
# 58 RIZDRAVER @ 10/01/08 03:25 PM
^^^I agree with you, Glenn. But this is the first year where the still shots of 2K are far better than Live's.

I just can't believe how badly these Live shots look. To have big stars like Lebron leave the studio like that!

His swollen cartoony face looks like he came out of a UFC fight produced by Pixar.

Live 09:


All of Live's players have WAY too big of heads and far to skinny bodies and limbs. I can't believe this is even real. EA, what gives?????
# 59 23 @ 10/01/08 03:26 PM
That's his opinion man. I happen to think they both look good and bad in spots.

Live in motion on the screen looks way better than those screenshots and you know it.

2K likely does too. Both games have some faces that look like turds. Neither of those Kobe's are THAT spot on, and then some faces are really well done.

Its all opinion and subjectiveness. Then some of them are just downright scary like that Dirk, and 2ks Chris Bosh looks like a burnt Buta Rhymes with afro dreads.
# 60 Glenn33 @ 10/01/08 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by RIZDRAVER
^^^I agree with you, Glenn. But this is the first year where the still shots of 2K are far better than Live's.

I just can't believe how badly these Live shots look. To have big stars like Lebron leave the studio like that!

His swollen cartoony face looks like he came out of a UFC fight produced by Pixar.

Live 09:


All of Live's players have WAY too big of heads and far to skinny bodies and limbs. I can't believe this is even real. EA, what gives?????
I ain't gonna lie to you...Lebron does look horrible.

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