News Post

Head on over to the 2K Sports Forum and get the details.

"Basketball will be coming to your computers this year. Many of you have already seen that NBA 2K9 will be released on the PC on various sites, and I wanted to confirm that. The extra bit of news, however, is that the game will be a XBOX 360 port. It will be released October 21st in PC gaming stores everywhere."

Game: NBA 2K9Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 72 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 J_Posse @ 09/29/08 03:49 PM
Now, I've never been a PC gamer so I'd love to know what of kind modifications maybe possible? Will people be able modify/patch all the generic shoes to various brands (that aren't available in-game)?
# 2 trobinson97 @ 09/29/08 03:57 PM
I'm there.
# 3 aholbert32 @ 09/29/08 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by J_Posse512
Now, I've never been a PC gamer so I'd love to know what of kind modifications maybe possible? Will people be able modify/patch all the generic shoes to various brands (that aren't available in-game)?

If its anything like the Live series on PC......EVERYTHING is moddable. Courts, In game Music, Player Faces, Tattoos, Accessories, Shoes are all editable. That is the reason I played NBA Live on the PC much longer than I should have.

Its a smart move by 2k since Live has abandoned the PC market.
# 4 youvalss @ 09/29/08 04:03 PM
I don't get it, why didn't 2K advertise this? Something is weird here...
# 5 jaosming @ 09/29/08 04:06 PM
just remember at first, we wont be able to do much
# 6 projectskillz @ 09/29/08 04:08 PM
I can imagine that this is a move to get into the chinese and european market who largely play PC GAMES over console games.

Also I imagine the reason they have not advertised it yet is because they are pushing the console versions first like most other major publishers are doing with their titiles.

# 7 projectskillz @ 09/29/08 04:09 PM
Yeah the mods will take time. But I am more excited about being able to play with AA/AF turned and play with better then 360/PS3 resolutions.
# 8 J_Posse @ 09/29/08 04:15 PM
I've seen some crazy modifications for the NBA Live series such as International teams and courts, improved faces, more shoes, as well as edited NBA jerseys and courts. What should be expected at first? Should people wait a couple months before modifications will really start happening?

I'd really only like to see some jersey edits (i.e. Rockets, Nuggets and Wizards), added shoe brands (Converse, And-1 and Reebok) and improved accessories (calf-sleeve and elbow-band) with player specific one's (KOBE'S HALF-SLEEVE!!!!!!!).
# 9 ehh @ 09/29/08 04:16 PM
For $20 I'll definitely get it, though I'll probably play the PS3 version more until the mods come out. I'm drooling thinking about all the sneakers, uniforms and classic teams that can be created.
# 10 jewelz1132 @ 09/29/08 04:18 PM
sucks to have a mac right now lol..bootcamp always ruins my hdd
# 11 youvalss @ 09/29/08 04:19 PM
If I had a next-gen console, I wouldn't even think of buying it for PC. No modifications will get me buy this game for PC. Even if I had a high-end PC. Sports games are only for consoles. That's my personal opinion, of course.
# 12 ehh @ 09/29/08 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
Sports games are only for consoles. That's my personal opinion, of course.
Tell that to the MVP '05 mods.
# 13 Heiks @ 09/29/08 04:21 PM
2k9 for $20 plus patching is an unbelievably awesome deal!

This autumn really makes me regret buying a next gen console. First GTA4 and now NBA 2k. Good news none the less.
# 14 Brooklynnets24 @ 09/29/08 04:22 PM
you probably wouldnt be able to mod much, they might lock many things in the game
# 15 Altimus @ 09/29/08 04:22 PM
With this I say good bye to my console for NBA 2K9 except for online leagues.

As spectacular as the online community was for Live with all the mods and patches, can't wait to see what happens with 2K.

Player models, jerseys, stadiums... can't wait.
# 16 youvalss @ 09/29/08 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
Tell that to the MVP '05 mods.
Again, I don't care about mods or whatever. The day I got my PS2 - I never looked back. PC is for FPS/TPS/other games (except for Black, which is perfect for my PS2). I don't care about all those modifications. I used to care in 1999-2000, but when I got my PS2 (2003) things changed for me.
# 17 ehh @ 09/29/08 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
I used to care in 1999-2000, but when I got my PS2 (2003) things changed for me.
How come?
# 18 youvalss @ 09/29/08 04:25 PM
And guys, before you make plans, wait for the game and see if it's all that you really imagined on the PC.
# 19 cocobee @ 09/29/08 04:25 PM
I'm in. Man, let's hope the game will be patchable. If it is, could be the best looking most accurate basketball to date. Heading over to the NLSC to see there reactions.

$20 bucks is a steal for this game.
# 20 DTX3 @ 09/29/08 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
For $20 I'll definitely get it, though I'll probably play the PS3 version more until the mods come out. I'm drooling thinking about all the sneakers, uniforms and classic teams that can be created.
Im with you 110%. Can't wait.

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