Madden 09 News Post
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After explaining the situation over the phone to EA's customer service department, the conversation went a little like this......
Customer service: "Have you.....?"
Me: "Yes, I've tried that."
Customer service: "Have you.....?"
Me: "Yes, I've tried that"
Customer service: "Have you.....?"
Me: "Yes!!!!!"
Customer service: "Well, I don't know what to tell you"
Me: "Great"
I believe he then may have given me the finger through the phone, at which time I asked how many other calls he's received with people having similar issues. He's response...."I'm not allowed to give that information out."
So, unless another patch is in the works or some kind of statement is released where Tiburon acknowledges this situation; I'm going to DHL this game to Peter Moore in a styrofoam cooler, and it's not going to be alone.
# 383
Whaaaazuuuuup @ 09/26/08 02:38 PM
ding ding ding!! ladies and gentleman, we have a winner. great post even for a new dude! this guys gets props! EA has once again fool many of us into buying another Madden thats a poor product.
i called gamestop yesterday to see how much they'd take Madden XX back, $35!? i asked why soo low? guys told me, ppl r returning them complaining of serious glitches and the game plays poorly. he also told me the price was $48 up til a few days ago.
i too have bought NHL 09 for the second straight year and i'm not even a hockey fan. but the game plays so well it's a must buy. especially for my friends who come by to play it.
EA, i appreciate the effort of you allowing Ian and Phil on here to communicate with us, but shame on you for putting out a poor product 4 straight years. not that it matters or that you care, but unless you continue putting out Madden for the ps2 or last xbox i won't be buying Madden again...
Is that the price they're selling it for used?
Madden 09 trade in: $28
Madden 09 used: $54.99
The XX edition may have been slightly more (probably 30) but there is no way they were ever giving $48 for a trade in.
This is just another case of anyone can type anything they want on a message board - accuracy be damned.
# 386
countryboy @ 09/26/08 03:48 PM
I guess now would be a bad time to post that I am enjoying the game and the franchise mode.
# 387
Anti Honor @ 09/26/08 04:34 PM
# 388
countryboy @ 09/26/08 04:39 PM
Thank you for assuming that I must be an idiot when it comes to football to enjoy Madden '09. Its greatly appreciated.
I think the problem is that people think that I believe the game is perfect, which couldn't be further from the truth. There are things that I don't enjoy about Madden, that irk me, and things that aren't here that I wish were. The thing is, I don't dwell on these issues. Despite its shortcomings I can still enjoy the game. And despite what many may think, in my opinion the game does a good job of simulating what I see on Sundays. Now maybe that puts me in the minority, but that shouldn't make me an idiot or my opinion wrong.
Every game has its shortcomings. Granted some games have more than others. But what someone has to ask themself is whether despite these "limitations" can I still enjoy the game? For some its yes and for some its no. Neither side is wrong. Its a matter of opinion.
Take care.
has anyone heard from Phil or Ian? They have been pretty quiet since the patch#2 release. I really don't know if they are working hard on trying to fix the continuing freezing issues, or if they are hiding until the smoke clears..
An update from one of them would be nice.
An update from one of them would be nice.
# 390
countryboy @ 09/26/08 04:57 PM
*Franchise mode (still extemely bare-bones)
*lack of "working" fatigue. Fatigue is there but it is horribly implemented
*OL/DL interaction
*CPU Roster logic(been messed up for years)
*Suction blocking
*Simmed stats are still messed up in some cases(QB completion percentages)
*Lack of refs and chain gang
*Was penalties until the patch
*CPU end of game logic.(doesn't always rear its ugly head but does more often than not)
As for which type of fan I am. I have bought Sunday Ticket for about 4 years now(thats as long as I've owned DirecTV). I watch football pratically all day on Sundays. I do take breaks to play Madden.
Now the inevitable question that someone is going to ask is how can I enjoy the game despite having this many "issues" with it? Well, as I stated before, I can look past these issues and still find enjoyment. Some people can't and I understand and respect that. So please understand and respect that I can.
EDIT- Kudos to you CB for even answering because Ive seen the constant questions thrown your way since the game was released, the accusations that your some EA homer etc and I really dont know how you put up with it sometimes. At some point, do you just throw your hands up and walk away? I would have done that a long time ago so my hats off to you.
# 392
countryboy @ 09/26/08 05:15 PM
I've seen Phil log in from time to time. I'm sure they are reading things.
Let's not forget one of Ian's last post he has a torn calf muscle and his computer from home was being fixed.
I wouldn't read too much into the smoke clearing theory.
I was wondering if some people would post their sliders they use for their games? I am just curious if people that are having problems with the cpu running and robo qb (which i have yet to fix, just put that slider down to 2 dint play a game yet) cpu running slider i have at 18 and it seems much better good maybe a little high yet.
I searched and looked could not find it can you find me a link. Thanks
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