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NBA 2K9 Videos
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Right when the feed gets too hot to handle...
OS just keeps sticking that needle in right when I need it lol.
OS just keeps sticking that needle in right when I need it lol.
Arenas foul looked good, and oop looked realistic. Probably the best video yet Steve, good work.

# 10
thereginator28 @ 09/23/08 12:31 AM
Hands down best looking video, man I can't wait to play the demo so I can finally get my hands on this game. This years animations looks so great that Arenas foul looked so realistic and so did the pick & roll w/ Calderon and Bosh.
# 13
Checmate101 @ 09/23/08 12:45 AM
The Vid was great, great feed from Agent Zero to tough juice..animations was fantastic.
note to self, remove Caron Butler head band
note to self, remove Caron Butler head band
guys what speed is this running at..i love the speed & tempo im seeing hear.
VC/2k sports fan
VC/2k sports fan

Quick Q:
The O'Neal shot at 4 min looks real nice, my question is was that SUPER slight fake before the shot intentional or just part of him straightening up before the shot? One of my pet peeves about the all-mighty Up and Under that causes me to shy away from it is that it's always that one long animation, especially if you do the same direction one. If you could control the length of the fake based on how fast you flick the stick that would be a really nice change.
The O'Neal shot at 4 min looks real nice, my question is was that SUPER slight fake before the shot intentional or just part of him straightening up before the shot? One of my pet peeves about the all-mighty Up and Under that causes me to shy away from it is that it's always that one long animation, especially if you do the same direction one. If you could control the length of the fake based on how fast you flick the stick that would be a really nice change.
# 17
Branflakz16 @ 09/23/08 12:56 AM
Oh man, I probably shouldn't have watched this video. The excitement has finally started to build up on me.
But I am sad that I didn't get to see Bosh's shot. He looked great, just hoping his shot is as realistic.
But I am sad that I didn't get to see Bosh's shot. He looked great, just hoping his shot is as realistic.
Loving the pick and roll animation. It's nice to se the rolloer moving to the basket in realistic fashion instaed of just running towards it.
# 19
DueceDiggla @ 09/23/08 01:10 AM
So nobody else noticed the first 6 or so shots by the AI were Haywood jumpers and a leaning 3pt shot? Other then that oop, their offense looked slow and predictable.
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