09:03 PM - June 18, 2008 by Psyblast
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The more I play the demo the more I'm liking it. Thats a good sign.
# 1204
phillyred05 @ 06/24/08 08:02 PM
Definitely a bit rough along the edges but I will chock that up to being an old build for now. Right now the biggest improvement I am seeing is the ability to throw medium passes down the middle of the field without the linebacker covering short picking it off. As a guy who loves using TE's this is a big plus. Also, corners in man coverage do not seem to leave their man as soon as the ball is thrown to someone else.
Forgive me if someone has already posted this as there are way to many posts here to keep track but I did notice that after a touchdown pass to my TE, I told you I like TE's, his face disappeared. The helmet was there but that was it.
but heres your answer:
perhaps the PS3 built of the demo is older than 360
# 1209
redsfan4life @ 06/25/08 12:10 AM
# 1211
auburntigersfan @ 06/25/08 01:26 AM
at first the demo felt weird and different, know it feels like a big jump from last year.
Well I just got done with the demo on my PS3, no complaints at all on how smooth it ran and looked pretty good to me
# 1213
Gamecocks625 @ 06/25/08 10:49 AM
I've been playing the demo for the last couple of days and I am pleased overall. I have seen some awesome animations, like the strip attempt when tackling and the strip attempt when sacking the qb. My only concerns and I haven't looked at the Q&A thread in a while are these: After timeouts only having like 12 seconds to pick a defensive play drives me crazy. Also does any one notice how the 40 second clock counts down then shoots from like 37 -25 seconds, they need figure out a way to start the playclock, then wait and start the game clock a little later to simulate the refs spotting the ball. I also think an answer to the quick snap feature would be if a audible button is pressed the game basically freezes until you finish your adjustment that way you have a little more time to make your adjustment and the clock is not really running, or something similar to this.
This was answered over at NCAAStrategies and one of the developers said it was not an issue in the final build.
It doesn't seem like slide protection works or I don't know when to use it. Anytime I use it, the defense gets right in.
I was wondering if anybody knows when the demo can be loaded by people without a gold membership.
# 1219
FlyingFinn @ 06/25/08 01:20 PM
I have to say this game is really growing on me. I love the player control on offense especially manually catching with receivers. On defense I am starting to get the hang of it. I think you have to have phenomenal stick skill to play good manual defense in this game and I will take that as a challenge to step it up.
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