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The NCAA Football 09 demo is available. Let us know what you think.

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Game: NCAA Football 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 95 - View All
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Member Comments
# 781 DGuinta1 @ 06/20/08 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
I like how after a TD you can run up to your players instead of the mascot and have a celebrat animation.
Ahh kool!
# 782 kt-od @ 06/20/08 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Anti Honor
If I thought the demo game play was any good whatsoever, I wouldn't have called it trash. Look, all I want and expect from these games is a good CPU AI, so my nephew and I can enjoy a franchise together. How many years is it going to take EA to realize that their CPU AI is about as intelligent as a mentally ******** circus midget? I don't use ANY of the fancy little buttons that you guys use - I play a straight up, boring style of football, so the CPU can at least look somewhat decent.. and so far with these next gen games, there isn't anything I can do, to make them play even an average style of football.. I rarely use more than two corners, even when they decide to bring out 4+ WRs (same with madden.) I use linebackers, hoping that maybe they'll expose me - doesn't happen.

I have to make up in game rules for our franchises, to keep things from getting out of hand (Both NCAA and Madden). My nephew is 15 years old, and I'm 30 - I consider us below average players who would get murdered against just about any person on this forum, if we played online. My nephew is even worse, yet he makes the CPU look like cupcakes.

Some of us are in the same boat, so I ask you, and I ask the guy from EA - Who do I have to contact to get you guys to put a little time into the CPU AI? Instead, I get cheerleaders, fancy stadiums, and my player will look like Donovan Mcnabb. Gee, how thrilling.

I don't want to pick the CPU off 4 times per game, I don't want to run 3 of those back for touchdowns - My nephew and I actually HAD to stepped out of bounds after every pick. I want the CPU to expose my mistakes, and make me pull my hair out in frustration, because I can't win.

The CPU AI is terrible, it's beyond terrible.. and to me, that's the only game play that matters, so in my eyes - the game play stinks. And boy, you can ask the same question 50x, and they'll avoid you at any costs, whenever it comes to the CPU AI.

I mean, if this isn't going to be the case for NCAA/Madden '09 - They made my year. I have my doubts, though.. I see another 2 franchises/dynasties and done.
So are you saying the the AI in the current gen systems is much better? If so I have to disagree. I have been playing EA NCAA football every year since 03. I don't think it has ever been as awesome as you want above, and not even sure it's possible.

I'm a gamer like you and around the same age. I would probably get murdered by everyone online. I have never played one game in my life where the AI is spot on. I talking about shooter games, sports games, role playing, etc... The whole point of AI is to get it as close to the intelligence of real players as possible. I think EA has gotten better every year. That's why it's called "Artificial Intelligence". Because it's impossible to make it render as 'Real Intelligence' on a video game.

I'm not trying to be rude. And I totally see your point. I just think what you might be wanting is not available yet.
# 783 ODogg @ 06/20/08 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by kt-od
So are you saying the the AI in the current gen systems is much better? If so I have to disagree. I have been playing EA NCAA football every year since 03. I don't think it has ever been as awesome as you want above, and not even sure it's possible.

I'm a gamer like you and around the same age. I would probably get murdered by everyone online. I have never played one game in my life where the AI is spot on. I talking about shooter games, sports games, role playing, etc... The whole point of AI is to get it as close to the intelligence of real players as possible. I think EA has gotten better every year. That's why it's called "Artificial Intelligence". Because it's impossible to make it REAL on a video game.
QFT - If you want intelligence then play a human...well depends on who you play I guess, LOL!
# 784 Solidice @ 06/20/08 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by DGuinta1
I wish you would see players congratulate and cheer each other after a positive play or help another up off the turf.
that is the game. in the videos i have seen, sometimes even a player on the opposite team will help him up.
# 785 kt-od @ 06/20/08 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by ODogg
QFT - If you want intelligence then play a human...well depends on who you play I guess, LOL!
What does QFT mean? Also, I hope your not making a crack at me. I was just making a point that it's impossible to have real human intelligence in a video game. And I think he was wanting the AI to be as intelligent as a human.
# 786 DGuinta1 @ 06/20/08 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Solidice
that is the game. in the videos i have seen, sometimes even a player on the opposite team will help him up.
# 787 CS10029 @ 06/20/08 06:23 PM
I think he has a case of the "low difficulties".
# 788 Anti Honor @ 06/20/08 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by kt-od
The whole point of AI is to get it as close to the intelligence of real players as possible. I think EA has gotten better every year.
They won't even allow us to do that. A lot of these issues I'm having could be solved with the sliders, which they put in the game. Unfortunately those sliders didn't seem to do anything whatsoever in the '08 games. I went as far as lowering all my sliders to ''0'' and the CPUs to MAX, and got the same results. I could understand if my nephew and I were experts, but we're actually not very good at all, which makes the CPU AI issue even more frustrating for us.

I disagree with the whole EA getting better thing.. You can hop over to the slider forum and see a ton of frustrated gamers, some who threw hissy fits, some actually called it quits for the year. Most of them spent their gaming time trying to find a way to make the CPU even somewhat intelligent, when they should have been enjoying the games.

Look, if EA can't make an intelligent AI, at least make the sliders even more important, so we can do it ourselves. I don't want to pay $120 to win the national championship with Hawaii and the Superbowl with Detroit each and every year. I want to have to build the teams up, and earn my victories. Seriously, play me online once, you'll see just how awful I am - then tell me if EA's AI is even close to being improved every year.

As for the ''play a human'' thing. I buy these games for the dynasty/franchise mode. I don't care to play online.
# 789 Tully @ 06/20/08 06:27 PM
I've played the demo on both systems. The 360 version appears to have better colors and lighting. And it appears its harder to play offense on the 360. But I'm impressed with both versions
# 790 ODogg @ 06/20/08 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by kt-od
What does QFT mean? Also, I hope your not making a crack at me. I was just making a point that it's impossible to have real human intelligence in a video game. And I think he was wanting the AI to be as intelligent as a human.
Quoted for Truth. I was agreeing.
# 791 ODogg @ 06/20/08 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Anti Honor
They won't even allow us to do that. A lot of these issues I'm having could be solved with the sliders, which they put in the game. Unfortunately those sliders didn't seem to do anything whatsoever in the '08 games. I went as far as lowering all my sliders to ''0'' and the CPUs to MAX, and got the same results. I could understand if my nephew and I were experts, but we're actually not very good at all, which makes the CPU AI issue even more frustrating for us.

I disagree with the whole EA getting better thing.. You can hop over to the slider forum and see a ton of frustrated gamers, some who threw hissy fits, some actually called it quits for the year. Most of them spent their gaming time trying to find a way to make the CPU even somewhat intelligent, when they should have been enjoying the games.

Look, if EA can't make an intelligent AI, at least make the sliders even more important, so we can do it ourselves. I don't want to pay $120 to win the national championship with Hawaii and the Superbowl with Detroit each and every year. I want to have to build the teams up, and earn my victories. Seriously, play me online once, you'll see just how awful I am - then tell me if EA's AI is even close to being improved every year.

As for the ''play a human'' thing. I buy these games for the dynasty/franchise mode. I don't care to play online.
It sounds like you're just too good at the games. J/k...the AI is certainly lacking but you seriously must be good if no matter what you do then you can't get any challenge. It sounds like you will only get what you are asking for by playing in an online dynasty. Good thing they have that this year!
# 792 kt-od @ 06/20/08 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by ODogg
Quoted for Truth. I was agreeing.
Sorry ODogg. I didn't know the abbreviation. Thanks for making me more message board savy.
# 793 carolo59 @ 06/20/08 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by kt-od
I have played a few demo games now for PS3. I will state that it is already better than 08. I don't think it's the best football game I've ever played, however, to also say that it's complete and utter GARBAGE, is a little over the top. I totally understand that everyone has their opinions of the game, but a 'garbage' statement is overkill. *Heavyhitter* I also agree with the community when they say it would be nice to see some reasoning behind your opinion.

1. IMO, i really don't care how good the crowd looks. It is minor to me. But I know it's important to alot of others in this community, so I'm glad that EA makes somewhat of an effort to make it look decent.

2. What I care about is gameplay, presentation, and atmosphere. I want to experience NCAA as if I was actually at the game. I would love to see all actual team entrances. i.e Clemson touching Howards rock and running down the hill. To see all the styles of facemasks and helmets.

But I think the point of putting out a new game every year is to improve from the previous year. I think EA is making a step in the right direction, and I feel confident that we will all be happy and get what we want in NCAA Football in the next few years.

Oh, one more thing. I don't think we can compare Next-gen with current gen. It's like comparing apples to oranges. The two systems are totally different.


Sorry for the long post.
Your right, were are the little things, like in mlb08, least they are different things that happen, that the gentlemen on OS say did you see that. My point is the little things that keep us gentlemen putting that disk back in.Yes gameplay is in important, CPU @ AI Intellgence is important TOO,but the little things are important Like home field adv. half reports from the Booth, which players are controling the game,@ end of game reports. Love to play, but the little things keep me putting that disk back in, thats why mlb08 is so great, thats why so many people give MLB 08 such high ratings. Just my thoughts. Hoppy60
# 794 ODogg @ 06/20/08 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by carolo59
Your right, were are the little things, like in mlb08, least they are different things that happen, that the gentlemen on OS say did you see that. My point is the little things that keep us gentlemen putting that disk back in.Yes gameplay is in important, CPU @ AI Intellgence is important TOO,but the little things are important Like home field adv. half reports from the Booth, which players are controling the game,@ end of game reports. Love to play, but the little things keep me putting that disk back in, thats why mlb08 is so great, thats why so many people give MLB 08 such high ratings. Just my thoughts. Hoppy60
You're right, it makes you feel like you're visiting a little world in videogame land as opposed to just playing software. The Show should be the standard for EA to work off of.
# 795 Krebstar @ 06/20/08 06:35 PM
Anyone else noticed this...the first game I played looked like it was a sunset, still some light out, etc. However, other games I've played it has been completely dark, black night sky. Yet when you start the game it says 6:00 PM each time. Anyone else noticed this?
# 796 Anti Honor @ 06/20/08 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by ODogg
It sounds like you're just too good at the games. J/k...the AI is certainly lacking but you seriously must be good if no matter what you do then you can't get any challenge. It sounds like you will only get what you are asking for by playing in an online dynasty. Good thing they have that this year!
I tried the online thing. I ended up playing some 13 year olds who scramble to the side every play. My final attempt at the online deal, was Madden '08 - The guy chose Seattle, and I was like ''Wow, finally, a guy who's going to actually play football.'' Turns out, I forgot Seattle has Seneca Wallace, so the guy brought him in, and yeah, scrambled to the side every play. Unless I can get in a dynasty with straight up players from here, I'm not interested in online.

My main concern about the CPU is the turnovers.. IF this issue is indeed fixed, which I have my doubts - I can probably find some way of getting the CPU to be competitive. I played four demo games, each game had 3 to 4 CPU interceptions, ending in 0 CPU points in every game. No, it's not the actual game, but can you understand my concern?

Oh, and for the guy who mentioned ''low difficulties.'' Please, if these games had ''super super ridiculously hard'' mode, I'd play it. Unfortunately, they don't.
# 797 PVarck31 @ 06/20/08 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Anti Honor
I tried the online thing. I ended up playing some 13 year olds who scramble to the side every play. My final attempt at the online deal, was Madden '08 - The guy chose Seattle, and I was like ''Wow, finally, a guy who's going to actually play football.'' Turns out, I forgot Seattle has Seneca Wallace, so the guy brought him in, and yeah, scrambled to the side every play. Unless I can get in a dynasty with straight up players from here, I'm not interested in online.

My main concern about the CPU is the turnovers.. IF this issue is indeed fixed, which I have my doubts - I can probably find some way of getting the CPU to be competitive. I played four demo games, each game had 3 to 4 CPU interceptions, ending in 0 CPU points in every game. No, it's not the actual game, but can you see my concern?
I agree 100% about the online thing. As far as turnovers go. I have seen a few that maybe shouldn't have happened. But as it was stated by one of the producers of the game, this build is from April. I think alot of things will be ironed out by release.
# 798 Scott @ 06/20/08 06:44 PM
Wow...just had a 105 yard INT return for a TD
# 799 acarrero @ 06/20/08 07:00 PM
I played it last night. Won 21-0 using LSU. It was 14-0 into the 4th when they intercepted me and marched down inside the 20 but threw their own Int, picked off at the 1 and returned for a Td (it was a pretty realistic man coverage int on a slant). My defense scored 2 of the 3 TDs. Overall I was very pleased. Observations:

1) The crowd is one area where they can improve. Crowd movement and look still not where it should be for a next gen game.

2) Presentation has improved significantly. No lag in selecting plays.

3) I liked the new implementations, including the "focus" on one area feature for defense, adds a new element to the strategy.

4) Didn't notice a significant difference in running game, passing game seemed a bit easier (then again this was in varsity mode).

5) CPU AI seemed improved - the CPU called a good game, moving the ball on offense despite 2 realistic turnovers (one coming on a hit and strip in the backfield after I focused on creating a turnover), and intercepting an ill-advised pass into coverage after they blitzed me.

6) didn't notice too many new animations, and didn't play around with juke stick, but graphics and colors were slightly sharper.

Overall, it was a great first experience with 09. Considering its graphics and amount of realism and animations, it's looking like the best football game I have ever played. By next year I expect improved crowds, ALL div1A stadiums, and even more polished gameplay.
# 800 ODogg @ 06/20/08 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Anti Honor
I tried the online thing. I ended up playing some 13 year olds who scramble to the side every play. My final attempt at the online deal, was Madden '08 - The guy chose Seattle, and I was like ''Wow, finally, a guy who's going to actually play football.'' Turns out, I forgot Seattle has Seneca Wallace, so the guy brought him in, and yeah, scrambled to the side every play. Unless I can get in a dynasty with straight up players from here, I'm not interested in online.

My main concern about the CPU is the turnovers.. IF this issue is indeed fixed, which I have my doubts - I can probably find some way of getting the CPU to be competitive. I played four demo games, each game had 3 to 4 CPU interceptions, ending in 0 CPU points in every game. No, it's not the actual game, but can you understand my concern?

Oh, and for the guy who mentioned ''low difficulties.'' Please, if these games had ''super super ridiculously hard'' mode, I'd play it. Unfortunately, they don't.
Just get OS'ers on your gamertag list and you won't have that problem. That and/or join a league. Check out the online forum here.

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