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NCAA Football 09 Videos
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# 743
AuburnAlumni @ 06/20/08 03:17 PM
Ok, I've played about 9 games of that demo and the one glaring issue that is annoying the crap out of me is the fact that super stud D linemen like Tyson Jackson for LSU are not NEAR the factor they should be on the line.
I want to see D line interaction like this....
In the demo, if I bring a 4 man rush here is the normal routine each snap. Now not EVERY snap, but the majority of them go something like this....
1. 2 of my 4 down linemen get put on their butts within 2 seconds by the O line.
2. 2 of them get in the "suction lock" with linemen and can't break out of it.
What's funny is if its a run play, the interaction is great. I can use a swim move and get by the center/guard, etc. But if its a pass play, it's like my linemen are facing the Berlin Wall.
1 out of every 7 snaps or so, I'll get a nice penetration move from either my DE or a DT, but honestly, that is way too low, especially when dealing with the talent that Buckeyes and Tigers have on their line.
To add to my worry..this is on VARSITY. It should be even easier to get pressure on this difficulty level. If the O line is this good on Varsity, it will damn near be impenetrable without a sell out blitz on AA or Heisman most likely. Hopefully not, but you would assume so.
This is my #1 "oh please let sliders help with this" wish for this year. Other than that, it's a thing of beauty.
I want to see D line interaction like this....
In the demo, if I bring a 4 man rush here is the normal routine each snap. Now not EVERY snap, but the majority of them go something like this....
1. 2 of my 4 down linemen get put on their butts within 2 seconds by the O line.
2. 2 of them get in the "suction lock" with linemen and can't break out of it.
What's funny is if its a run play, the interaction is great. I can use a swim move and get by the center/guard, etc. But if its a pass play, it's like my linemen are facing the Berlin Wall.
1 out of every 7 snaps or so, I'll get a nice penetration move from either my DE or a DT, but honestly, that is way too low, especially when dealing with the talent that Buckeyes and Tigers have on their line.
To add to my worry..this is on VARSITY. It should be even easier to get pressure on this difficulty level. If the O line is this good on Varsity, it will damn near be impenetrable without a sell out blitz on AA or Heisman most likely. Hopefully not, but you would assume so.
This is my #1 "oh please let sliders help with this" wish for this year. Other than that, it's a thing of beauty.
If it is harder to make up ground you shouldn't be able to I'm all for it.
# 749
Russell_SCEA @ 06/20/08 03:48 PM
Just want to clarify some things because I might have given off the wrong impression in some of my posts about the demo.
Please don't take my word as the gospel nor I'm I saying that if you don't like the demo you will love the game. By know means am I stating that at all. All I"m trying to say is if you don't like the demo there is hope for ya. You might like the retail version, but as I have said all year play the game for yourself.
If you like the demo well you are really in for a treat and I stand by my words the demo is trash to me. I only say this because the near final version of the game I played at CD is so much better. There are at least 3 or 4 bugs in the demo that are not present in the final version of the game. Also playing on varsity doesn't help at all I'm sure the demo and my impressions of it would be better if the difficulty level was on Heisman.
I don't want to give anyone false hope or help fester unrealistic expectations. Some might have taken my statements out of context just want to clariy some things. Because the core of the game is pretty much the same like player momentum, the control, the graphics, etc....
In closing while I still stand by my statements you should not expect a totally different game on July 15.
Here is what Greg Heddlesten (NCAA Designer) had to say about the demo.
Please don't take my word as the gospel nor I'm I saying that if you don't like the demo you will love the game. By know means am I stating that at all. All I"m trying to say is if you don't like the demo there is hope for ya. You might like the retail version, but as I have said all year play the game for yourself.
If you like the demo well you are really in for a treat and I stand by my words the demo is trash to me. I only say this because the near final version of the game I played at CD is so much better. There are at least 3 or 4 bugs in the demo that are not present in the final version of the game. Also playing on varsity doesn't help at all I'm sure the demo and my impressions of it would be better if the difficulty level was on Heisman.
I don't want to give anyone false hope or help fester unrealistic expectations. Some might have taken my statements out of context just want to clariy some things. Because the core of the game is pretty much the same like player momentum, the control, the graphics, etc....
In closing while I still stand by my statements you should not expect a totally different game on July 15.
Here is what Greg Heddlesten (NCAA Designer) had to say about the demo.
The PS3 demo is very good. It's like night and day between 08 on the PS3 and 09 regarding graphics and framerate. I am excited to pick the retail version up on July 15th. In one game I played last night, I noticed 3 things that were off:
1. Perilloux was playing as the ILB (or does LSU have an ILB who wears #11 this year?);
2. OSU kicked a 62-yard field goal and it had enough distance for 72 yards; and
3. The 62-yard field goal clearly went wide left, but it counted as if it were good giving OSU 3 points.
Anyone else see any of these issues? Regardless, I really enjoyed the demo and am eager to play a few more games tonight!
1. Perilloux was playing as the ILB (or does LSU have an ILB who wears #11 this year?);
2. OSU kicked a 62-yard field goal and it had enough distance for 72 yards; and
3. The 62-yard field goal clearly went wide left, but it counted as if it were good giving OSU 3 points.
Anyone else see any of these issues? Regardless, I really enjoyed the demo and am eager to play a few more games tonight!
2) 720p and 1080i are quite interchangeable and most people can't tell the difference. 1080i has more pixels but you never get a full image as only 540 lines are rendered in each frame whereas 720p renders the full image in each frame. 720p is usually said to be prefereable for content that features a lot of movement, like sports, or sports games. In fact, a 720p signal actually carries more information than a 1080i signal. Of course 1080p is even better.
This vid explains the difference between 1080i and 720p: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-JXfyvlPh0
# 754
Memberz_09 @ 06/20/08 04:06 PM
But seriously did anyone notice the new chin-straps in the game!?
And you're still here.......
Facinating how you're attracted to "garbage"
I think those who are still expecting the PS2/Xbox version style of gameplay in next-gen are ultimately the ones disappointed. And they will continue to be as we're not going back.
As for myself? Love most of the changes now, FINALLY... players have weight to them (although I'd say slightly too much weight) when they run and the controls year after year seem to keep heading towards 2k's football setup (a good thing, IMO).
As for myself? Love most of the changes now, FINALLY... players have weight to them (although I'd say slightly too much weight) when they run and the controls year after year seem to keep heading towards 2k's football setup (a good thing, IMO).
Just saw a nice animation I really liked. I hit my FB in the flats and as he turned upfield he got stood up by a defender. They locked up, you could actively see my player churning his feet before the defender finally just slid him out of bounds without a tackle. It was really cool to see a tackling animation that didn't neccesarily end in a tackle.
# 758
Anti Honor @ 06/20/08 04:24 PM
1. The crowd looks awful.
2. The CPU AI (Although on varsity) is as bad as ever.
3. 2-3 Turnovers per demo game for the CPU, in every game I played.
4. Players all glitch as they move around (God, I hope this isn't in the real game.)
I'll be kind and stop there, because I have at least 6 more things that I can list, and they all come from a short little demo. It's a demo, it's varsity, so I won't judge the actual game until I play it - but yes, this demo is utter trash, and unfortunately, my net didn't crash before I was able to download it. Why am I still here? In this this particular thread? To read posts like Russells, who almost have me once again excited about the actual game - It won't be easy to overcome that dreaded demo game, though.. I'm still in rental mode.
The difference is you posted intelligently as to why and gave input to "help the cause". No problem with that.
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