09:03 PM - June 18, 2008 by Psyblast
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You haven't been around much, have you? Our main issues are OL/DL play and the jump the snap feature and the CPU hiking the ball too quick.
# 702
ballaspence9493 @ 06/20/08 01:12 PM
Was it jus me or ru talkin bout GHIV? lol. well, GHIV fans aren't supposed to be on operation sports unless they love sprots gaming. Apparently, you don't enjoy sport games and prefer anothr way of gaming. that's completely fine bu dood, dont go on OS and jus dis all the games WE enjoy to play.
How come there was no "EA gets exclusive rights to the Weather Channel " thread.
Anyways, the game seems improved from last year. Player control seems a little loose though.
One thing that bothers me, though, is that the player models and the stadium model dont seem to fit well together.
I dont think I'm explaining it well but it seems like the players are almost pasted into the the stadium and lighting model doesnt bring a cohesion between the two....Thoughts?
Anyways, the game seems improved from last year. Player control seems a little loose though.
One thing that bothers me, though, is that the player models and the stadium model dont seem to fit well together.
I dont think I'm explaining it well but it seems like the players are almost pasted into the the stadium and lighting model doesnt bring a cohesion between the two....Thoughts?
Yeah just a tad faster would be cool. (Might be in final version though) However I don't want it close to Madden speed.
After playing a few games of the the Demo I love it. The graphics are a nice upgrade from last year. I've noticed no pass rushing problems, I've gotten a few sacks, to me it's no worse then it was in '08. The juking on the right stick is awesome as well. With only a little over 3 weeks till the full version is released this demo might curb my addiction for '09.
well after playing another 10+ games. the running game is badass once you get use to it. Wells isnt as effective juking as the LSU RB. and vice versa when it comes to trucking and using power.but ethier way i have been breaking off some big runs lately.
# 708
ForeseenBurrito @ 06/20/08 01:25 PM
# 709
moweryne24 @ 06/20/08 01:26 PM
i agree, the fact that I'm hearing the exact same kirk/corso lines from 06/07/08 is really dissapointing. You could of done better than this EA. This truly is becoming same s*it, different year + minor tweaks.
Not to mention the option is still broke as hell as i've been able to pitch it 3-4 times while laying on my back.
Not to mention the option is still broke as hell as i've been able to pitch it 3-4 times while laying on my back.
# 710
ballaspence9493 @ 06/20/08 01:26 PM
aigh. fine. thts ur opinion. w/e. if u hate it so much. then stop posting and go play some GHIII in prep for GHIV
If this demo is so outdated, then why put this version out as the demo? Why not put something closer to the final build?
# 713
countryboy @ 06/20/08 01:33 PM
Wow your whole tone sounds frustrated. I thought the demo was okay but I know thats not the final build. I just wish the game played a little faster. Perhaps it does in the final build.
I don't get why you only get to choose between finesse move and power move when you're controlling a D-lineman. Didn't we used to have spin, swim, rip, club, etc? Where did that go? Maybe that was only Madden or that "other" game I'm thinking of? It's kind of frustrating when I'm playing with a DE and all I can do is engage and bang on RB or LB and hope he does something.
# 716
ForeseenBurrito @ 06/20/08 01:35 PM
# 717
ForeseenBurrito @ 06/20/08 01:39 PM
# 719
pastapadre @ 06/20/08 01:43 PM
And again I'm going to counter the thoughts that I've seen coming from others who attended the most recent community event. Outside of specific fixes and difficulty level consideration, the general feel of the game is very similar to what you're going to get in the release version. If you expect to be blown away in comparison I think its going to lead to a letdown, unless those specific fixes or upping the difficulty is what makes the difference for you.
# 720
Dbrentonbuck @ 06/20/08 01:48 PM
On a different note: to the people who have played the full version of this game--- do you think pass rushing works better in this demo and that some how that was compromised by some of the stuff they changed in the more recent build? Can you see a difference in pass rushing on the demo? Is it better or worse?
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