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The NCAA Football 09 demo is available. Let us know what you think.

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Game: NCAA Football 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 95 - View All
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Member Comments
# 721 ThatManDan @ 06/20/08 01:50 PM
Hey sorry if this has been answered all ready, but has anyone figured out how to showboat on there way to a touchdown after a breakaway?
# 722 Klocker @ 06/20/08 01:52 PM
to me this seems to be a leap in game play from last year, a reasonable boost in the graphics and a hefty boost in animations and interaction.

I am very impressed withy this demo so far (all with the reasonable undertsanding that it IS an old build on Varsity)

looking very good
# 723 Scott @ 06/20/08 01:53 PM
I noticed the drive summary stats are wrong...I just scored a TD on offense in OT and it said I went 7 plays, 75 yards lol...
# 724 Scott @ 06/20/08 01:57 PM
Just an epic game, Lost as LSU against OSU 27-24 in 3 OT when Perrilloux threw an INT to end the game.
# 725 rudyjuly2 @ 06/20/08 01:58 PM
Varsity will always play different than AA or Heisman. The defensive awareness is really different. That's why its disappointing to be able to play with the difficulty levels AND sliders for the Show demo and not be able to touch anything here. I'm sure the size of the demo had something to do with it.

I will say that when running the ball, get off the sprint button! The r-stick is the way to go. I'm also hopeful that EA will redo the DL moves and map the moves to the R-stick. The moves available are simply too limited.
# 726 mikeveli20 @ 06/20/08 02:02 PM
This game is awesome. Although it did freeze on me once after I got a huge TD with LSU to take the lead. One thing I found interesting and I'm sure it was in last year's game as well, the announcer will sometimes say "They should probably just squib it here", but there's no option for a squib kick. Funny how they would record this and then not put the play in the game.

Anyways, can't wait for the 15th!
# 727 Scott @ 06/20/08 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by mikeveli20
This game is awesome. Although it did freeze on me once after I got a huge TD with LSU to take the lead. One thing I found interesting and I'm sure it was in last year's game as well, the announcer will sometimes say "They should probably just squib it here", but there's no option for a squib kick. Funny how they would record this and then not put the play in the game.

Anyways, can't wait for the 15th!
I noticed that too haha..
# 728 servo75 @ 06/20/08 02:07 PM
For some reason, although I have a high-speed connection, my PS3 is really slow when it comes to downloads - I think it's the way my network is set up.

But anyway, if it's available on a website somewhere I could download it at work and burn it to DVD, then put the DVD in the PS3 and start from there. I've seen the download for the XBOX360 version, but not for PS3. The PS3 store lists it as a download but doesn't have a link to download it. Is it available anywyere?
# 729 jdrhammer @ 06/20/08 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by pjv31
Honestly I don't think some of the guys who hate it are giving it a fair chance. I just don't see how some could say its not improved. I think the people who don't like it already made up their mind before they even played it. I mean damn, this game feels so different then 08 its crazy. Tons more anims, improved graphics, players have weight and momentum. I for one cant wait till July 15th.
I'll have to agree with you about some folks not giving it an unbiased look. I was strongly against 08(it's obvious since I received an infraction for trolling) mainly due to feeling short-changed. I'm still pissed that they left out so many things like Spring Game and such. It still baffles me that PS2 has more options than PS3. It's wrong.

However, I feel pretty good about 09. There's no excuse for still not having all the features PS2 has, but I've bitched for a year and it's easier to go along with. It's easy to see how much better the game looks and the menus are finally right. I hope it's that quick when setting a depth chart.
# 730 SevenArmz @ 06/20/08 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by jdrhammer
I'm still pissed that they left out so many things like Spring Game and such. It still baffles me that PS2 has more options than PS3. It's wrong.

However, I feel pretty good about 09. There's no excuse for still not having all the features PS2 has, but I've bitched for a year and it's easier to go along with.
I must concure with this. When I first got my PS3 it was with the idea in mind that everything i had on ps2 version would be there and then some. All i play is NCAA for like 9 months a year, every year. To bad i traded in all my ps2 games thinking they were useless. I miss NCAA07 now.
# 731 Skyboxer @ 06/20/08 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by moweryne24
i agree, the fact that I'm hearing the exact same kirk/corso lines from 06/07/08 is really dissapointing. You could of done better than this EA. This truly is becoming same s*it, different year + minor tweaks.

Not to mention the option is still broke as hell as i've been able to pitch it 3-4 times while laying on my back.
Well maybe if you'd take the time to read the QA threads AND responses in this thread you'd actually see this option was addressed and fixed. This build is before the fix was made.
I guess that's asking too much......
# 732 turftickler @ 06/20/08 02:24 PM
I've been playing NCAA 09 this morning and it plays out 10 times better than 08. I am extremely disappointed that it is still not in HD resolution (1080i/p). That alone makes me not want to buy it. but I most likely will. EA needs to serve up some 1080 resolution in there pS3 verion next year.
# 733 TheGamingChef @ 06/20/08 02:24 PM
So will this demo be available for XBL Silver members on the 26th then?
# 734 Skyboxer @ 06/20/08 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by ForeseenBurrito
That way it will look like EA made the durastic changes everyone was complaining about. I bet they strategically planned the demo to be an earlier version.
I could be wrong but the probable reason is once a demo is made and "tested" it has to go through the verification process with EA and then MS/Sony. So basically if we were to get a build closer to the final product we'd probably end up not getting it until the week of or after the retail version hits stores. Then people would bitch about no demo coming out soon enough.

Just my take....

EDIT: Nevermind. Already posted earlier as to demo process
# 735 Skyboxer @ 06/20/08 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by servo75
For some reason, although I have a high-speed connection, my PS3 is really slow when it comes to downloads - I think it's the way my network is set up.

But anyway, if it's available on a website somewhere I could download it at work and burn it to DVD, then put the DVD in the PS3 and start from there. I've seen the download for the XBOX360 version, but not for PS3. The PS3 store lists it as a download but doesn't have a link to download it. Is it available anywyere?
The 360 demo on my setup downloaded in about 15 minutes.
The PS3 version on same network took over 1 hr.
# 736 ODogg @ 06/20/08 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Yeah that's it. It us who have issues. Bottom line is if you think this demo is that bad then fine, whatever. You've said your peace which none of it was constructive at all just basic "Follow the Troll Handbook" crap.
In any case fine. You don't like it. See you around... However I'm sure you'll continue to post in here even though you hate it soooo much and wont be getting the game......
That's trolling and that post has been reported.
# 737 woody56 @ 06/20/08 02:56 PM

Does anybody else have bars/lines on their TV when playing the demo? I checked my other games and didn't see them, so im not sure if its the demo or my TV.
# 738 nstod @ 06/20/08 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by woody56

Does anybody else have bars/lines on their TV when playing the demo? I checked my other games and didn't see them, so im not sure if its the demo or my TV.
Those are called yard lines.

But seriously, no I don't have any extra lines on my demo.
# 739 JBucc @ 06/20/08 03:04 PM
I'm liking it more and more as I adjust to the controls and feel of player movement. I've had some great passes down the sideline that fit right in between to defenders that I probably wouldn't have tried last year.

Here are some things I hope are tweaked for next year or am somewhat concerned about:

-I think the ball travels too fast. Especially on short passes it's almost impossible to switch to a defender and react fast enough to make a play.

-I do agree there seems to be a lack of burst at the LOS from the backs. I still have decent success in the running game using power and cutbacks, I just hope this doesn't limit speed backs.

-Jumping catches feel overpowered and too easy to pull off. It doesn't seem to matter what position you're in in relation to the ball since you'll just quickly spin around no matter what.

-Please get rid of Jump the Snap next year. What a terrible feature.
# 740 hogfan @ 06/20/08 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by JBucc
-I think the ball travels too fast. Especially on short passes it's almost impossible to switch to a defender and react fast enough to make a play.
It seems like it moves slower to me.

I can actually make a play on the ball
without feeling like there is a 90% chance of totally botching it and giving up a TD.

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