
NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

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Old 06-20-2008, 06:36 PM   #865
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Originally Posted by ODogg
It sounds like you're just too good at the games. J/k...the AI is certainly lacking but you seriously must be good if no matter what you do then you can't get any challenge. It sounds like you will only get what you are asking for by playing in an online dynasty. Good thing they have that this year!
I tried the online thing. I ended up playing some 13 year olds who scramble to the side every play. My final attempt at the online deal, was Madden '08 - The guy chose Seattle, and I was like ''Wow, finally, a guy who's going to actually play football.'' Turns out, I forgot Seattle has Seneca Wallace, so the guy brought him in, and yeah, scrambled to the side every play. Unless I can get in a dynasty with straight up players from here, I'm not interested in online.

My main concern about the CPU is the turnovers.. IF this issue is indeed fixed, which I have my doubts - I can probably find some way of getting the CPU to be competitive. I played four demo games, each game had 3 to 4 CPU interceptions, ending in 0 CPU points in every game. No, it's not the actual game, but can you understand my concern?

Oh, and for the guy who mentioned ''low difficulties.'' Please, if these games had ''super super ridiculously hard'' mode, I'd play it. Unfortunately, they don't.

Last edited by Anti Honor; 06-20-2008 at 06:40 PM.
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Old 06-20-2008, 06:40 PM   #866
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Originally Posted by Anti Honor
I tried the online thing. I ended up playing some 13 year olds who scramble to the side every play. My final attempt at the online deal, was Madden '08 - The guy chose Seattle, and I was like ''Wow, finally, a guy who's going to actually play football.'' Turns out, I forgot Seattle has Seneca Wallace, so the guy brought him in, and yeah, scrambled to the side every play. Unless I can get in a dynasty with straight up players from here, I'm not interested in online.

My main concern about the CPU is the turnovers.. IF this issue is indeed fixed, which I have my doubts - I can probably find some way of getting the CPU to be competitive. I played four demo games, each game had 3 to 4 CPU interceptions, ending in 0 CPU points in every game. No, it's not the actual game, but can you see my concern?
I agree 100% about the online thing. As far as turnovers go. I have seen a few that maybe shouldn't have happened. But as it was stated by one of the producers of the game, this build is from April. I think alot of things will be ironed out by release.
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Old 06-20-2008, 06:44 PM   #867
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Wow...just had a 105 yard INT return for a TD
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Old 06-20-2008, 07:00 PM   #868
acarrero's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

I played it last night. Won 21-0 using LSU. It was 14-0 into the 4th when they intercepted me and marched down inside the 20 but threw their own Int, picked off at the 1 and returned for a Td (it was a pretty realistic man coverage int on a slant). My defense scored 2 of the 3 TDs. Overall I was very pleased. Observations:

1) The crowd is one area where they can improve. Crowd movement and look still not where it should be for a next gen game.

2) Presentation has improved significantly. No lag in selecting plays.

3) I liked the new implementations, including the "focus" on one area feature for defense, adds a new element to the strategy.

4) Didn't notice a significant difference in running game, passing game seemed a bit easier (then again this was in varsity mode).

5) CPU AI seemed improved - the CPU called a good game, moving the ball on offense despite 2 realistic turnovers (one coming on a hit and strip in the backfield after I focused on creating a turnover), and intercepting an ill-advised pass into coverage after they blitzed me.

6) didn't notice too many new animations, and didn't play around with juke stick, but graphics and colors were slightly sharper.

Overall, it was a great first experience with 09. Considering its graphics and amount of realism and animations, it's looking like the best football game I have ever played. By next year I expect improved crowds, ALL div1A stadiums, and even more polished gameplay.
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Old 06-20-2008, 07:01 PM   #869
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Well the demo impressed me and could be the best football game ever till atleast madden 09
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Old 06-20-2008, 07:01 PM   #870
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Originally Posted by Anti Honor
I tried the online thing. I ended up playing some 13 year olds who scramble to the side every play. My final attempt at the online deal, was Madden '08 - The guy chose Seattle, and I was like ''Wow, finally, a guy who's going to actually play football.'' Turns out, I forgot Seattle has Seneca Wallace, so the guy brought him in, and yeah, scrambled to the side every play. Unless I can get in a dynasty with straight up players from here, I'm not interested in online.

My main concern about the CPU is the turnovers.. IF this issue is indeed fixed, which I have my doubts - I can probably find some way of getting the CPU to be competitive. I played four demo games, each game had 3 to 4 CPU interceptions, ending in 0 CPU points in every game. No, it's not the actual game, but can you understand my concern?

Oh, and for the guy who mentioned ''low difficulties.'' Please, if these games had ''super super ridiculously hard'' mode, I'd play it. Unfortunately, they don't.
I can feel your online pain for sure....but that is why I play my "serious" games in online leagues like OS offers or MaddenWars or DaOne League and a few others...

Honestly though, that is not just a Madden or NCAA phenomenon though....its true for all games online. Online gaming is simultaneously the BEST thing I have experienced in console gaming in the last 15 years and the WORST thing as well. IF you find a quality league of players though, there really is no substitute for a good str8/sim-style football game...I think NHL is close and some FPS with a good team or clan, but to me, there is simply nothing better in gaming than matching wits with someone and intentionally NOT using money plays or gimmicks to secure a win...

CPU AI is generations away from what I think everyone would like to see (ie. the equivalent of 11 human opponents on the field at all times)...but I will settle for improvements that simply do not reward stupidity! What I mean by that is that your very valid complaint of the cheesers who put in a fast QB and scramble sideline to sideline every other play is actually REWARDED by the game. If those type things were viciously penalized - by injuries, INTs, incompletions, fumbles and in-game flags for illegal man down field and holding or illegal use of the hands, then you would not see it any more...problem is that those of us who would LOVE that are in about a 10-to-1 minority in EA's eyes...

The really sad thing though is that I have to admit EA is RIGHT...look at the number of complaints about the players being too slow now as a case in point. The game slows down players by giving them more weight and momentum to prevent some of the circus-style cutting ability of the past and many players mistake this for a "lack of control" or "sluggish gameplay". The more real you try to make the game reflect reality, the less 'fun' about 80-90% of the buying audience would have...cold hard math for us sim-style players or afficienados to deal with I guess...

Last edited by Moostache; 06-20-2008 at 07:07 PM.
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Old 06-20-2008, 07:11 PM   #871
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Originally Posted by acarrero
I played it last night. Won 21-0 using LSU. It was 14-0 into the 4th when they intercepted me and marched down inside the 20 but threw their own Int, picked off at the 1 and returned for a Td (it was a pretty realistic man coverage int on a slant). My defense scored 2 of the 3 TDs. Overall I was very pleased. Observations:

1) The crowd is one area where they can improve. Crowd movement and look still not where it should be for a next gen game.

2) Presentation has improved significantly. No lag in selecting plays.

3) I liked the new implementations, including the "focus" on one area feature for defense, adds a new element to the strategy.

4) Didn't notice a significant difference in running game, passing game seemed a bit easier (then again this was in varsity mode).

5) CPU AI seemed improved - the CPU called a good game, moving the ball on offense despite 2 realistic turnovers (one coming on a hit and strip in the backfield after I focused on creating a turnover), and intercepting an ill-advised pass into coverage after they blitzed me.

6) didn't notice too many new animations, and didn't play around with juke stick, but graphics and colors were slightly sharper.

Overall, it was a great first experience with 09. Considering its graphics and amount of realism and animations, it's looking like the best football game I have ever played. By next year I expect improved crowds, ALL div1A stadiums, and even more polished gameplay.
I think that I would settle for better crowd AUDIO...I want to hear boo's rain down on the home team when appropriate and I want to feel the crowd's elation when the home team does something right....truthfully, if EA decided to keep the camera on the field and occasionally on the sidelines with very limited views of the crowd I would be OK with it as long as the sounds of the stadium experience were done better....one of the reasons I am looking forward to custom sounds in the retail NCAA so much...we will finally have the option of MAKING the crowd boo when an away team gets a first down!
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Old 06-20-2008, 07:19 PM   #872
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Re: NCAA Football 09 Demo Available: Discuss Here

Originally Posted by Anti Honor
I tried the online thing. I ended up playing some 13 year olds who scramble to the side every play. My final attempt at the online deal, was Madden '08 - The guy chose Seattle, and I was like ''Wow, finally, a guy who's going to actually play football.'' Turns out, I forgot Seattle has Seneca Wallace, so the guy brought him in, and yeah, scrambled to the side every play. Unless I can get in a dynasty with straight up players from here, I'm not interested in online.

My main concern about the CPU is the turnovers.. IF this issue is indeed fixed, which I have my doubts - I can probably find some way of getting the CPU to be competitive. I played four demo games, each game had 3 to 4 CPU interceptions, ending in 0 CPU points in every game. No, it's not the actual game, but can you understand my concern?

Oh, and for the guy who mentioned ''low difficulties.'' Please, if these games had ''super super ridiculously hard'' mode, I'd play it. Unfortunately, they don't.
Just get OS'ers on your gamertag list and you won't have that problem. That and/or join a league. Check out the online forum here.
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