Madden 09 News Post

We have just posted our Madden NFL 09 preview. Although I didn't get any hands on time with the game, there is some good information here.

"Ah yes, Madden, the game I was most eager to get my eyes on at EA Sports Vancouver. So no time for intros or idle chit-chat, because this is Madden you guys know the history, so I won’t bore you with those details.

Upon arriving for the Madden festivities Phil Frazier (Senior Producer) and Dale Jackson (Executive Producer) greeted everyone as they walked into the room. The first thing they talked about was the new "Virtual Trainer" mode, where you can play up to 12 different modes in a holographic environment. These modes included the likes of running, passing, rush defense and pass defense drills, and there are three drills within each category to sharpen your Madden skills. Behind the scenes, as you are playing these modes -- and games in general -- there is a system that studies your abilities as a Madden gamer; which leads us to the new Madden IQ."

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Game: Madden NFL 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 88 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Vikes1 @ 05/16/08 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by ODogg
that'll be a great feature for when i play drunk off my @ss
Well ODogg...you've got a point there.

One of the features I'm most interested in is the "Madden IQ". My hope is that it will truly make say All-Pro level more challenging. Or All-Madden a little more reasonable for an average player like myself.

I like All-Madden level because I have to stay on my toes at all times, because the cpu offense can be so explosive. And for me anyway...the cpu defense is pretty tough to move the ball against. I get a feeling of satisfaction just hanging in there on All-Madden, that feeling just isn't there for me on All-Pro.

But dang...things can sure get outta control for me on All-Madden. So I have to search for sliders that fit my skill level...which can get pretty frustrating. My hope is that the "IQ" thing will all but eliminate the need for sliders. That maybe unrealistic to hope for...but it sure would be nice.
# 62 ZM Punk @ 05/16/08 10:13 PM
Thanks for the preview Steve.

Not nearly as hyped for Madden as I am NCAA this year, as I think the 60 year online dynasty trumps anything improvement Madden has had by itself.
# 63 maddenps2 @ 05/18/08 04:23 PM
Did they fix the horrible quarterback dropback and scrambling animations?

Do qbs have their unique tendencies, like how they drop back, hold the ball, scramble, and throw and release?

Is there multiple camera angles?

Are there formation substitutions?
# 64 turftickler @ 05/18/08 09:54 PM
Hey, what's wrong with a QB dropping back 30 yards just to complete a 15 yard play?
# 65 Phobia @ 05/19/08 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by turftickler
Hey, what's wrong with a QB dropping back 30 yards just to complete a 15 yard play?
Thats madden.

I keep telling myself one of these days madden is going to give options for us realism crowd. But I think I am lossing hope

I am for 09 to be worth the money
# 66 maddenps2 @ 05/19/08 03:39 PM
I hope they worked on faces. EA's needs new artists, even starters faces weren't that great of quality for the last 3 years. Favre didn't even look like Favre and that's supposed to be this years cover boy.
# 67 kiddstyle @ 05/20/08 07:04 PM
No accelerated clock? WTF EA. Must be tough to implement
# 68 h1nch @ 05/23/08 02:13 PM
Has anyone else noticed that the font for player names on jerseys is way off this year? It was completely wrong all of last gen, and its one of the few things that was fixed in 06-08, but so far this year it looks like they broke them again. What gives? Is it really hard to make sure the text on jerseys is proportionally accurate?
# 69 ODogg @ 05/25/08 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by h1nch
Has anyone else noticed that the font for player names on jerseys is way off this year? It was completely wrong all of last gen, and its one of the few things that was fixed in 06-08, but so far this year it looks like they broke them again. What gives? Is it really hard to make sure the text on jerseys is proportionally accurate?
That's on the list of things in Ian's thread to fix so hopefully it is fixed. It looks terrible right now I agree.
# 70 Exonerated @ 05/25/08 10:13 AM
You guys need to realise that there a different teams that work on different things. For example; theres a probably gameplay team, graphics team; sound team; presentation team; aesthetic team and probably add a new gimmick team.

I can't stand hearing people say, they shouldn't have added rewind and focused more on gameplay. Well, those guys that made the Rewind feature have nothing to do with gameplay. They're job was probably to add something new so don't bash them. As for chain gangs and stuff, I heard that they were much harder to code on next gen then current gen.

Don't be so quick to jump on and say how stupid Rewind, virtual training and madden iq are. Rewind is not just a mulligan feature. You can actually
rewatch the play and see what you did wrong, see who you should have passed too and why the play broke down. You don't have to mulligan , you can just watch and learn.

And you can set how many rewinds you have. 0 3 6 9 or unlimited against the cpu or unranked games. If you think its stupid then set it to 0. Simple.

Madden's heading in the right direction. Finally.
# 71 maddenps2 @ 05/25/08 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Exonerated
You guys need to realise that there a different teams that work on different things. For example; theres a probably gameplay team, graphics team; sound team; presentation team; aesthetic team and probably add a new gimmick team.

I can't stand hearing people say, they shouldn't have added rewind and focused more on gameplay. Well, those guys that made the Rewind feature have nothing to do with gameplay. They're job was probably to add something new so don't bash them. As for chain gangs and stuff, I heard that they were much harder to code on next gen then current gen.

Don't be so quick to jump on and say how stupid Rewind, virtual training and madden iq are. Rewind is not just a mulligan feature. You can actually
rewatch the play and see what you did wrong, see who you should have passed too and why the play broke down. You don't have to mulligan , you can just watch and learn.

And you can set how many rewinds you have. 0 3 6 9 or unlimited against the cpu or unranked games. If you think its stupid then set it to 0. Simple.

Madden's heading in the right direction. Finally.
Exactly, there are several teams for each section of the game. Does anyone know if they are fixing the faces?
# 72 SageInfinite @ 05/25/08 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by adfletch71
It would be nice if EA would instead of having this crazy rewind option, have it to where u can rewind your game and watch it in broadcast mode. Nothing like seeing yourself and others watching key plays and hits in TV style presentation. They should add that and spectator mode for online would be great. Nothing like chilling at home and watching fierce competition online in broadcast style. I hope they listening!!!!!!!
That's a great idea.
# 73 sva91 @ 05/27/08 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Exonerated
You guys need to realise that there a different teams that work on different things. For example; theres a probably gameplay team, graphics team; sound team; presentation team; aesthetic team and probably add a new gimmick team.

I can't stand hearing people say, they shouldn't have added rewind and focused more on gameplay. Well, those guys that made the Rewind feature have nothing to do with gameplay. They're job was probably to add something new so don't bash them. As for chain gangs and stuff, I heard that they were much harder to code on next gen then current gen.

Don't be so quick to jump on and say how stupid Rewind, virtual training and madden iq are. Rewind is not just a mulligan feature. You can actually
rewatch the play and see what you did wrong, see who you should have passed too and why the play broke down. You don't have to mulligan , you can just watch and learn.

And you can set how many rewinds you have. 0 3 6 9 or unlimited against the cpu or unranked games. If you think its stupid then set it to 0. Simple.

Madden's heading in the right direction. Finally.
Do you work for EA?? Jk, but seriously, its not that people absolutely hate the feature, its just that they feel like its not necessary and time wasted. I think everyone would rather have diff. camera angles rather than this feature. They should be spending their resources on something better.
# 74 bucs44 @ 05/27/08 01:21 PM
They still dont have accelerated clock or different camera angles...wtf...thats a NO purchase for me....
# 75 Ice Cream Truck @ 05/27/08 11:41 PM
LOL @ Backtracks

Wow, why the hell can't they add accelerated clock? WTF???
# 76 maddenps2 @ 05/29/08 02:34 AM
Please add more camera angles, the one's that were in next-gen would be fine!
# 77 Cubfan @ 05/29/08 06:54 AM
I don't have a problem with the rewind feature since you DON'T have to use it and it CAN'T be used online. Nice to see cpu vs cpu in NCAA 09 and Madden 09.
# 78 countryboy @ 06/01/08 11:28 AM
actually accelerated clock may make it into the game this year....

Originally Posted by Ian's Q&A thread here at OS
Can I please have back the accelerated clock? (mdgoalie37, thousands of others)

The jury is still out on this one for 09. We are working hard on it, but unfortunately I can't say for sure. Since itt's not my department I really give you a solid answer...sorry.
# 79 Scott @ 06/01/08 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
actually accelerated clock may make it into the game this year....
I'm hoping for this
# 80 JagerMichael @ 06/01/08 05:36 PM
To me it seems that the whole Rewind feature came out of adding the Backtrack feature. I really like having Collinsworth breakdown your play and show you what you did wrong, and it adds to the presentation a lot.

And I can just imagine the board room of EA where someone said, hey if we're going to do this why don't we add a feature that lets them replay the down. It'll be like a mulligan.

The hate for this mode is almost laughable.

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