MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1301 Village Idiot @ 03/05/08 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by juk34man
that wasnt called for homie.....
What wasn't called for? The real question that was implied - i.e., why is renting not an option? - or the playful way I phrased it? Either way, I'd say saying what I posted wasn't called for wasn't called for. Or are you one of those guys who needs smilies in a post in order to understand that almost nothing related to video games is "serious"?
# 1302 jake44np @ 03/05/08 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Bwnarrow3
Is anyone else having a problem with the batter's eye? Everytime I guess a pitch correctly, it doesn't show up on the screen. Anyone else having this problem?

Are you sure you have the batters eye option on?
This option is not on with default settings.
It will still show the circle but the option is off.
# 1303 coachpars @ 03/05/08 12:44 PM
Im doing a quick 20 gm season with the mets, kinda like spring training.( this way I can work on some sliders). You can choose the opponents jersey, who you want to pitch and their lineup.Before you play you can even change weather conditions.
# 1304 TopDog @ 03/05/08 12:47 PM
I'm enjoying the game. Yes, I see the framerate issue but it's not a gamekiller for me. Loving the pitching and hitting and the fielding is a blast.

The first achievement I got was throwing somebody out at the plate. I was playing as the Braves and I fielded a line drive one hopper in right field with Francouer. Shane Victorino was on 2nd and as he tried to score on the single I came up gunning. McCann grabbed the ball on one hop on the first base side of the plate, spun around and got the tag on the hand as Victorino did a hook slide on the back side of home plate. I was really shocked that the ump called an out but I went back and slowed it in replay. What a beautiful, bang bang play!

As for the menus, I agree. The text is small and atrocious. I play on a 50" Toshiba projection HDTV and sitting in my recliner across the living room I can not see the pitching menus at all. Even the tips are more difficult to read. I guess they did it to squeeze out some frames, but man it is bad. I can't imagine playing on an SD unless you are sitting right at the TV. It is sad that the ticker at the bottom seems to be huge block letters that are easy to read, but the information vital to the gameplay, I have to get up and move closer to the screen just to read.

That is my only real complaint at this time. The game is a blast!
# 1305 Jukeman @ 03/05/08 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Undefeated
What wasn't called for? The real question that was implied - i.e., why is renting not an option? - or the playful way I phrased it? Either way, I'd say saying what I posted wasn't called for wasn't called for. Or are you one of those guys who needs smilies in a post in order to understand that almost nothing related to video games is "serious"?

I can take a joke....its just some guys on here that act like ***** not sayin u are one of them, but u get the point...To answer your question I dont have my card with me nor do I have a gamefly account
# 1306 brick & ivy @ 03/05/08 12:54 PM
The game is playable and has it's positives but I do have to say that I my impression of this year's release is that this game is not where I hoped it would be by now. Aside from the obvious framerate issues there are small things that bother me from year to year (like the feeling that I am playing in a dark shadow during day games...why can't it look like it is sunny, bright, and clear? It always seems to be dark and dingy...I hate that). I have a 62" TV and find myself squinting and trying to move closer to the screen in order to read some menus and text that display throughout the game. When I hit that left bumper to see the line-up card I REALLY have to try my hardest see what's going on there.

My general impression of the game is that it just is not "polished." This release seems like what the beta should have been and not the finished product. I will be playing it every day and hope that some patches get released to make the playability more enjoyable. I really can't say this year is a giant step forward as far as this baseball series is concerned. Quite frankly, I can't really say that it is a step backword either. If you are on the fence...you may as well pick it up or give it a rental. I would not recommend making your final judgement on the demo for it will take you some time to appreciate some of the new controls.

I will be considering the switch to "another" baseball game for next year. Baseball is the whole reason I still have a video game console and I'm just a little disapointed on my options being the owner of just one system. I feel I have been patient and committed for the past few years but now it's time for results. I gave the developers the opportunity to keep me as a loyal customer and I just don't feel like it's where I expected it to be by now. It's not horrible...just not where I had hoped it would be. Im not trying to offend anyone here...I just think we should have a better overall baseball game by now...just my initial impression after playing 2K8.
# 1307 Bat @ 03/05/08 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Thadeus
The a.i. is unbelievable. I just played a game on Pro and the cpu hit every strike for a double or triple. EVERY strike. Talk about realism. If you are a casual gamer, DO NOT buy this game. You will get frustrated beyond belief. The worst part is, they hit some pitches that were way out of the strike zone.
Thats the thing that is bothering me the most. Every single pitch in the strike zone is hittable every time. This goes for both the computer and user. Even when expecting a change and you see a fastball you still hit it.. As long as the pitch is in the zone you will practically see zero strikeouts.

In real baseball there are plenty of times a batter expects a fastball and still can't hit it..this is not the case in the game since there is no real aiming to hit. It is basically just timing and the pitch speeds don't vary enough to keep someone from hitting the ball.

Right now its driving me alittle crazy.
# 1308 Spear @ 03/05/08 12:58 PM
Is it just me, or is the hitters eye not working the same way as it did last year?

Whenever I move the little white circle to where I think the pitch is going to be, and I end up being right...how come it only tells me after the catcher has caught the ball?
# 1309 thornie @ 03/05/08 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Bat9th
Thats the thing that is bothering me the most. Every single pitch in the strike zone is hittable every time. This goes for both the computer and user. Even when expecting a change and you see a fastball you still hit it.. As long as the pitch is in the zone you will practically see zero strikeouts.

In real baseball there are plenty of times a batter expects a fastball and still can't hit it..this is not the case in the game since there is no real aiming to hit. It is basically just timing and the pitch speeds don't vary enough to keep someone from hitting the ball.

Right now its driving me alittle crazy.
Hmm. I'm not having this problem. After getting creamed in my first 2 games, I spent a good hour in that pitching tutorial until I felt good enough to pitch an actual game. First game after that, I struck out 9 in 7 innings with Oliver Perez against the Braves. On 'pro' difficulty, I have yet to goto a higher difficulty... There are plenty of times I throw a fastball on the corner at about 74% gesture and the guy swings and misses. Same with other pitches.
# 1310 Bwnarrow3 @ 03/05/08 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by jake44np
Are you sure you have the batters eye option on?
This option is not on with default settings.
It will still show the circle but the option is off.
Well, this might be good news. How do you turn it on?
# 1311 Bat @ 03/05/08 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by thornie
Hmm. I'm not having this problem. After getting creamed in my first 2 games, I spent a good hour in that pitching tutorial until I felt good enough to pitch an actual game. First game after that, I struck out 9 in 7 innings with Oliver Perez against the Braves. On 'pro' difficulty, I have yet to goto a higher difficulty... There are plenty of times I throw a fastball on the corner at about 74% gesture and the guy swings and misses. Same with other pitches.
Well honestly I need to edit it alittle i haven't spent too much time against the computer. I am mainly talking from user-user. My friend and I try to throw mostly strikes.. and when doing so no matter the speed or movement if its in the zone you will hit it.
# 1312 thornie @ 03/05/08 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Bat9th
Well honestly I need to edit it alittle i haven't spent too much time against the computer. I am mainly talking from user-user. My friend and I try to throw mostly strikes.. and when doing so no matter the speed or movement if its in the zone you will hit it.
Oh! Then yes I agree. You can really mash everything, once you get the timing down.
# 1313 Sportsforever @ 03/05/08 01:17 PM
I just had a great game. Cleveland @ Detroit(me) with Fausto vs. Dontrelle. Carmona was nasty all game, striking out 13 in 7 innings and only allowing 1 hit. Dontrelle was good, but it was 3-0 Indians going to the bottom of the 9th.

Borowski comes on and proceeds to walk the first two hitters and then hits Granderson. He then walks Polanco to drive in a run. Ordonez hits a soft grounder to 2nd that scores a run and it's 3-2 with runners at 2nd and 3rd. Borowski intentionally walks the next hitter and Sheffield hits a slow tapper to 1B that scores the tying run and puts runners at 2nd and 3rd again. Borowski intentionally walks Guillen to set up a force at any base and Aaron Fultz comes on to face Renteria.

Renteria gets down 0-2 before working it to 2-2, and then hits a very slow bouncer to 3B...Blake comes charging, fields, throws...and it's a high throw that Garko has to stretch for and can't get his foot down. Renteria is safe, runner scores from 3rd..game over with Tigers winning 4-3. Crazy thing...I ended up with only 1 hit on the game and still won helped by 5 walks, 1 HBP, and the error.
# 1314 Bat @ 03/05/08 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by dickdalewood
OK, why does the 360 instruction manual tell me I can pull back and release for a contact swing with the swing stick 2.0???

I thought it was just pull back and push forward no matter what this year??
It is pull back and forward every time. The guide is wrong. That method is for the classic hit stick (or whatever last years was called)
# 1315 Bwnarrow3 @ 03/05/08 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Sportsforever
I just had a great game. Cleveland @ Detroit(me) with Fausto vs. Dontrelle. Carmona was nasty all game, striking out 13 in 7 innings and only allowing 1 hit. Dontrelle was good, but it was 3-0 Indians going to the bottom of the 9th.

Borowski comes on and proceeds to walk the first two hitters and then hits Granderson. He then walks Polanco to drive in a run. Ordonez hits a soft grounder to 2nd that scores a run and it's 3-2 with runners at 2nd and 3rd. Borowski intentionally walks the next hitter and Sheffield hits a slow tapper to 1B that scores the tying run and puts runners at 2nd and 3rd again. Borowski intentionally walks Guillen to set up a force at any base and Aaron Fultz comes on to face Renteria.

Renteria gets down 0-2 before working it to 2-2, and then hits a very slow bouncer to 3B...Blake comes charging, fields, throws...and it's a high throw that Garko has to stretch for and can't get his foot down. Renteria is safe, runner scores from 3rd..game over with Tigers winning 4-3. Crazy thing...I ended up with only 1 hit on the game and still won helped by 5 walks, 1 HBP, and the error.
How realistic!
# 1316 RoyalBoyle78 @ 03/05/08 01:28 PM
well guys I think I'm done with the game, if that what you wanna call it, I just played another game, I'm on lunch from work, I thought the framerate was ok, but it really bad, plus the game just does not feel like baseball, more like a chore to play, anyway, I'm think I'm selling on eBay soon. I mean the game seems so freaking dark, why I pick play in the day time and the game is dark, just not good, not good at all, I mean I'm having framerate issues in the menu screen, now when I saw this toady, I said wow, good bye 2k.
# 1317 ehh @ 03/05/08 01:32 PM
Well it seems we have a fix for the frame rate issue which is very exciting. It does come with a few cons but at least you can make a decision. This is posted in the frame rate thread but I'll put it here as well. This works for exhibition as well but more importantly we can do this in franchise mode.

As for the presentation options, play around with them and see what works best for you. (Replay, cutscenes, etc). Try with them all off and then turn on certain things to see if you can maintain the frame rate.

The two cons people will be concerned with...

Your VIP will be disabled which means:
1) No achievements can be unlocked or user stats kept.
2) No adjustments made by the CPU against your tendencies.

At least people have a choice now if they want a completely smooth game.

Alright, the very simple work-around I thought would work in franchise does indeed work.

The HD being attached has no effect on the framerate, it's all the 360 profile/VIP. Same idea in terms of constantly saving replays, but it's the profile/VIP that's doing the damage and not the HD. If there's no VIP nothing can be saved anyway.

Here's what I did...

- Started my 360 with HD attached
- Load menus came up, my VIP, settings and roster were auto-loaded
- I started a franchise and started my first game
- Before the first pitch is thrown, I tap the middle button on the controller to bring up the blade from the left that controls your profile. I signed out of my profile (and in turn out of my VIP as well) and got the error message saying "Progress Won't Be Saved" blah blah blah. That's a lie, wahoo!
- I played three innings (don't have time to finish, need to get back to the office) and then simmed to the end of the game. I won 8-3.
- Back at the main menu of the franchise I tapped the middle button of the controller again and logged back in to my 360 profile/VIP. I went to the save menu, saved my franchise and viola! No problems.

So we should be able to play franchise mode immediately without any framerate issue, good news!
# 1318 RoyalBoyle78 @ 03/05/08 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
Well it seems we have a fix for the frame rate issue which is very exciting. It does come with a few cons but at least you can make a decision. This is posted in the frame rate thread but I'll put it here as well. This works for exhibition as well but more importantly we can do this in franchise mode.

The two cons people will be concerned with...

Your VIP will be disabled which means:
1) No achievements can be unlocked or user stats kept.
2) No adjustments made by the CPU against your tendencies.

At least people have a choice now if they want a completely smooth game.
does this work for PS3 users?
# 1319 ehh @ 03/05/08 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
does this work for PS3 users?
Not sure, can you sign in/out of your profile similarly to 360?
# 1320 CS10029 @ 03/05/08 01:41 PM
Im pretty sure putting it on Aerial, 720P and taking the ball trail off does enough where is absolutely playable.

Im loving the game so far. The frame rate bothered me for a few innings in my first game, but i think that had a lot to do with what I've read.

First game was tough gave up like 7 runs, and only scored 1.

Since then I've had very low scoring games, and realistic for the most part. The frame rate is so overblown people seem to be nitpicking.

Problems I have had is both my franchise games with the sox against the A's Harden and Balante (sp?) were just pounding the strike zone and there was nothing I could do about it. Touched up some of the sliders to get some more balls and the game feel in to a more realistic groove. Also was having a tough time picking up on pitches so I lowered the pitch speed a few clicks.

Really liking the game after a few games. Gameplay wise its top notch, and in my opinion thats whats gonna keep this in peoples systems.

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