MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1241 cardinalred24 @ 03/05/08 04:12 AM
Ok, so I've gone back and forth on whether to post my impressions or not, because I don't want to be the outcast, but here goes.

First off, I'm playing on the 360, with my HDD attached, HDTV, just a normal setup basically.

The framerate: Is it the smoothest game I've ever played? No. Does it kill the game for me? Not even close. Maybe I'm not as much of a stickler for this as some, but it doesn't hinder the gameplay, and after awhile, you just learn to live with it.

A few hours ago I was about to get on here and completely blast the game. My feelings haven't completely changed, as I still feel that the new features mask a lot of problems. It is almost as if they felt that people would be so consumed with the new analog stick controls that we wouldn't notice the same commentary since 2k6, the ugly crowds, etc. In the end, though, for a 360 owner with no alternative, it's a decent game of baseball. I'm really getting used to the pitching, and the hitting is coming around as well. I'm still "very late" on nearly every swing, which puzzles me, but I've started scoring some runs at least.

I guess I just wish that we had a choice the caliber of The Show on the 360. This is the ONLY time I am jealous of PS3 owners, because honestly, it wouldn't even be a choice for me, I would buy The Show. My main problems with the game are issues that I've had with the series since 2k6, not so much with the game specifically.

Overall, I would say that if you have a 360 and you can't go without a baseball game, like me, then go for it and buy 2k8. Just know that everything you see isn't being made up on here, and it won't knock your socks off. I would actually say IGN got it pretty close to right on this one.
# 1242 cardinalred24 @ 03/05/08 04:14 AM
For those having issues with the ticker, I think the issue is this: the sports ticker would show you scores from around the league. Like in your franchise mode. The one we are all seeing is real life scores and info, so I wonder if you turned the option off and disconnected from XBL if it would disappear? Just a thought.
# 1243 Mr.Wednesday @ 03/05/08 04:18 AM
I thought this was an impression thread, not a "how I feel I got bamboozled" thread. I own the game and it's not that bad. Sure it has it's issues. At the same time I can see myself playing this game instead (Edit: for a change of pace) of The Show (I own both). A few reasons:

-Sig styles are awesome
-Pitching is very challenging
-use of the r analog stick is brilliant
-gameplay is way better than 2K7
-it reminds me of MVP baseball

Don't get me wrong. Maybe it should have been a better game. I might be giving 2K8 too much credit because I can always play another game when I get tired of it. But, it's definitely not a reason to believe the end of the world is coming. Some of you are acting that way.
# 1244 Bat @ 03/05/08 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by Motown

How's the HR Derby fellaz?
The Hr derby is basically the same as last years. I don't like how far back the camera is from the batter though. Its not the same view in the actual games. I don't think there is a option to change the hr derby cam. I could be wrong about that though.

Originally Posted by Motown
What's REALLY sad is when folks come back to reality and realize There won't be a patch for the framerate. I don't think there's EVER been a 360 or PS3 game that had it's framerate fixed via patch...that i can recall. i challenge anybody that can name a game that was.
Well wasn't Saints Rows framerate miserable at first? Then they did a patch and it was fixed? I know they enabled V Sync which did it but still. Two Worlds was also patched for framerate and other issues.

I think if it is indeed a VIP issue it could be patched. Thats just a guess though.
# 1245 Bat @ 03/05/08 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by cardinalred24
For those having issues with the ticker, I think the issue is this: the sports ticker would show you scores from around the league. Like in your franchise mode. The one we are all seeing is real life scores and info, so I wonder if you turned the option off and disconnected from XBL if it would disappear? Just a thought.
You could be right. If it was just referring to the franchise ticker wouldn't it be in the franchise setup screen instead of the other general play settings?

Anyone else noticing way too many flyballs?
# 1246 Qb @ 03/05/08 04:53 AM
Finally got a few games in and I'm struggling. I'm stubborn so I went to all-star; now I'm getting POUNDED by the CPU hitters. Guess I shouldn't have jumped the gun on that one...

I really like the use of the right analog stick in pitching/fielding, but I am have a hell of a time throwing breaking balls. It's mostly meatball after meatball unless I stick with the heater. I think I can throw a better hook in real life than I can in this game!

It seems like you can influence your hits with the left stick, but maybe it's my imagination. I played a game with the Angels and pressed down with Figgins almost every time, slapping a few good grounders. Wasn't able to hit the sac fly when I needed to though...

Probably the only thing I'm really disappointed with is the CPU pitching. I put all of the 'throw strike' sliders at zero and still didn't see a good amount of balls. I had a few two and three ball counts, but not nearly enough overall. I didn't have an issue with this at all in 2K7; in fact, in about a half of a season in dynasty mode I was in the top half of the NL in walks drawn with the Pirates. Maybe even more frustrating is that they continually pitch up in zone, especially with offspeed stuff. This is utterly unrealistic. Watch an MLB game and you'll see the majority (by far) of pitches are well below the belt.

As for the framerate, it seems about the same as last year in that it's not smooth when throwing across the infield, but it's not nearly as bad as it was made out to be. I was expecting the worst though, so if some choppiness really bugs you, 2K8 may not be for you. It's definitely no NHL 08, which would be tough as I still can't get over how smooth that game is almost six months later.

And for one last minor annoyance (which I kind of expected would be messed up somehow), I set a few player beats and they seem to be played on the road as well as at home. Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right?

I need to get some more games in (and probably go back to Pro) before I can truly pass judgment on 2K8, but I love baseball games, so I'll likely play despite any flaws that can't be resolved through sliders/patch/etc...
# 1247 merff11 @ 03/05/08 06:57 AM
Oh my Lord! Can I just say, I attempted to play on legend last night cause all star was tough but hitting was ahead of the pitching. So my effort to make poitching more difficult worked.

The meters are so unforgiving on legend and the hitters so good you almost can't stop them from scoring. And the hitting is way more difficult than all satr as well, maybe add a bit more to the power sliders. Yes thats right, ADD to the power. I only manged to hit two balls to the outfield in 9 innings against the lowly Giants.

Perhaps I suck, which may be the case, but on all star I made better contact regularly and didn't throw one meatball in 9 innings. Legend is almost too unforgiving. So I may tinker a bit with these sliders on all star to balance it out.

4 games in and I love it.
# 1248 MikeB_20 @ 03/05/08 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by sleepytercel

- Pitching system is excellent. Once you learn the controls, pitching becomes very intuitive and interesting

- Fileding controls are much improved. The throwing meter, though subtle, is a nice addition

- Baserunning is very easy to keep control of

- Plays a solid game of baseball when two people understand how to pitch

- Ranked games are locked into current mechanics so everyone plays an even game

- Lag has been minimal in my time with the 360 version

- Animations are much improved over 2K7

- Much improved ball physics and hit variety. The ball will skip off the dirt and take bad bounces.

- Lots of different batting angles that can be changed online. The wide batting angle gives a good perspective of oncoming pitches.


- Swingstick 2.0 keeps things simplified, but feels shallow and empty overall

- Some interesting camera angles

- Meatballs become an issue when someone can't pitch and can create an offensive explosive game that can turn people away. However, when learned, the game become much more balanced.

- Framerate, though sometimes erratic (especially with poor connections online), is improved over last year. I've played games where it runs quite smooth, and some where it's jittery. Offline, the game moves smoother overall than 2K7 IMO.

- The overall presentation is okay. Not the best and not the worst. Too familiar to those who have played the series since 2K5

- auto switch fielder can be erratic and change without notice. However, turning the feature off will provide a better fielding experience.


- They ommited the 2K feedback system for no reason. Now you must guess whether your opponent will be a good one or a bad one.

- Presentation feels disjointed and tacked on as if added from a different company and inserted into the game. There isn't much fluidity in progression. This causes even more stuttering and quick "waiting for opponent" screens when playing online. The pause inbetween batters really hurts the overall flow of the game, and it seems to get worse as the game progresses.

- Infield fielding can be very hit or miss

- I would like to beat Jon Miller down if I hear about the '41 World Series again. When playing against someone who can't pitch, you get a lot of balls in the dirt that trigger this response over and over.

- Game locks up when accepting lobby challenges (at least for me. Cleared the cache, but didn't help)

- Lobbies are currently unranked. You must use quick game to play ranked games. Maybe this is intentional to allow people to get used to the game, or this is a flaw in the online service

- Playing people who can't pitch will be the longest and most boring game of your life.


I can't think of anymore things to say. I played one offline game and about 6 online games. Overall, the gameplay is actually pretty fun, but only when playing against people who know what they are doing. I don't know why people would jump online without knowing how to play and not even use a mic so you can at least help them to save yourself from homerun derby. Beating people 27-3 is only fun in football. I will conclude that the IGN review was pretty spot on. However, I am enjoying the game, and if 2K can patch the inbetween batter stuttering, the overall flow would be much improved.

The gameplay is very interesting and rewarding overall, and it's one of those sports games where the better player will truly win the game. I suggest everyone to use the pitching tutorial before heading online. Please spare us from the homerun fiesta you will create and the aggravation you will obtain.
Nice impressions, thanks!
# 1249 Saint19 @ 03/05/08 08:34 AM
Hi all,

Just got the game last night for my ps3. I've only got an SDTV. So far its pretty good. I've played THE SHOW for the past two years and really liked it. But this year I felt that although the gfx were awesome....I didn't really see much difference from last years game. So I decided to pick up 2k8.

So far the only thing I'm really disappointed with is the small text size on my SDTV. It does make it hard to read stat info on batters, pitchers, lineup card etc.

I was a little down about not having ANY custom soundtracks in the game. I guess I didn't notice that ps3 users wouldn't get this feature.

FRAMERATE has been buttery smooth the whole time. I've played 3 games 2 in Yankee stadium cuz I love the Yanks. The other was in Wrigley Field where last year I found it unplayable in 2k7 cuz of stuttering issues...especially with men on base. But in 2k8 I've got NONE...NADA...ZERO stuttering. I was worried about that after reading the threads about framerate. But nope ...no problems.

The faces....errr well, not great. Some are OK. But again not near as what I saw in THE SHOW demo. It reminds me almost of last years version of the SHOW instead....it just looks like a computer game with some OK faces. But when I'm playing I don't really notice it...its only doing walkups etc. ..as I said some are ok.

I like how the shadows move across the field as the game wore on.

I LOVE that I've seen broken up double plays...THAT I DID NOT SEE LAST YEAR IN THE SHOW.(Still love that game too.)

The pitching is really cool this year. It'll take some time to get used to. But I really like it. I'm not to sure how much I like Swing Stick...but it hasn't been bad. I've only hit 2 homers so far....1 with Giambi, and the other with Matsui. I'm playing on PRO while I get used to the game.

I will say on PRO that I've seen an awful lot of dropped balls. I'm not sure if its just my throwing...or what. Some fielded balls have been dropped too.

I've not played FRANCHISE yet as I've got very little time with 2 kids and another onthe way.

Oh well I'm not good at this reviewing sorta thing. But I hope this helps some.

# 1250 Metsui @ 03/05/08 08:34 AM
Quick impressions for 360 version. Didn't get a chance to play it until midnight last night and played 3 or 4 innings in three different games, one minor league game.

I did get the update when I first logged in. Then I downloaded the 2/29 rosters from Live and started up a quick match - Mets vs. Red Sox.

The graphics are more or less the same as last year but have a different feel to them and for some reason look a bit better to me. Not sure why. Seems like everything is smoother with less jagginess. Can't complain about that.

I definitely have the stuttering when making plays in the field and during the transitions during the pitching/batting interface BUT I forgot to set my 360 to 720p (I have it on 1080i) and didn't go back and do that. Turning off all of the presentation options, commentary, and using the aerial cam seemed to help but not a lot. The minor league game I played had the same issues only slightly better. I'm hoping that clearing my cache and switching to 720p does the rest. I can see how this is unacceptable to some.

Also, I had the Padres roster bug with the newest rosters. Other than that, I love the fielding, throwing, and pitching. Still getting used to the hit stick but hit variety seems good.

If we can get the framerate/stuttering issue and Padres roster issue fixed, I'll be very happy with the game.
# 1251 Motown @ 03/05/08 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by Saint19
Hi all,

Just got the game last night for my ps3. I've only got an SDTV. So far its pretty good. I've played THE SHOW for the past two years and really liked it. But this year I felt that although the gfx were awesome....I didn't really see much difference from last years game. So I decided to pick up 2k8.

So far the only thing I'm really disappointed with is the small text size on my SDTV. It does make it hard to read stat info on batters, pitchers, lineup card etc.

I was a little down about not having ANY custom soundtracks in the game. I guess I didn't notice that ps3 users wouldn't get this feature.

FRAMERATE has been buttery smooth the whole time. I've played 3 games 2 in Yankee stadium cuz I love the Yanks. The other was in Wrigley Field where last year I found it unplayable in 2k7 cuz of stuttering issues...especially with men on base. But in 2k8 I've got NONE...NADA...ZERO stuttering. I was worried about that after reading the threads about framerate. But nope ...no problems.

The faces....errr well, not great. Some are OK. But again not near as what I saw in THE SHOW demo. It reminds me almost of last years version of the SHOW instead....it just looks like a computer game with some OK faces. But when I'm playing I don't really notice it...its only doing walkups etc. ..as I said some are ok.

I like how the shadows move across the field as the game wore on.

I LOVE that I've seen broken up double plays...THAT I DID NOT SEE LAST YEAR IN THE SHOW.(Still love that game too.)

The pitching is really cool this year. It'll take some time to get used to. But I really like it. I'm not to sure how much I like Swing Stick...but it hasn't been bad. I've only hit 2 homers so far....1 with Giambi, and the other with Matsui. I'm playing on PRO while I get used to the game.

I will say on PRO that I've seen an awful lot of dropped balls. I'm not sure if its just my throwing...or what. Some fielded balls have been dropped too.

I've not played FRANCHISE yet as I've got very little time with 2 kids and another onthe way.

Oh well I'm not good at this reviewing sorta thing. But I hope this helps some.

Was this 40 gig?
# 1252 jake44np @ 03/05/08 08:51 AM
I did get the game last night but was only able to get in 2 games.
Overall after reading a ton of impressions yesterday I was not expecting much from this game. I was really surprised how much I liked it after playing 2 games. Yes there are some frame rate issues but not enough for me to not like the game. The frame rate issues do not effect the great game play at all for me.
1.The 2.0 swing stick is great, although I believe the manual is wrong you dont pull up for a power swing. The only way to swing is to pull back and they push up. In the manual is says to push up for a power swing which again is just wrong.
2. The cpu AI seems alot better this year.
3. The new pitching system. I am listing this as a pro but I have not figured it out at all yet.
I really struggled to pitch, I gave up 10 runs both games I played. I just dont get how to hit your spots at all with this new system. The reason it is a Pro for me is just that it is hard, every bball I have ever played it was always way too easy to pitch.

1. The very small stat overlays. Is it just me or is it damn near impossible to read the text on the screen? I have a 55" TV and all the info on the screen is written so small I cant read it. Is there a way to make this text larger???
2. Frame rate could be alot better, enough said.

Again these impressions are after playing only two games.
# 1253 Saint19 @ 03/05/08 08:52 AM

This was the 60gig version of the ps3. Also my SDTV only does 480i.
# 1254 HealyMonster @ 03/05/08 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by Mr.Wednesday
I thought this was an impression thread, not a "how I feel I got bamboozled" thread. I own the game and it's not that bad. Sure it has it's issues. At the same time I can see myself playing this game instead (Edit: for a change of pace) of The Show (I own both). A few reasons:

-Sig styles are awesome
-Pitching is very challenging
-use of the r analog stick is brilliant
-gameplay is way better than 2K7
-it reminds me of MVP baseball

Don't get me wrong. Maybe it should have been a better game. I might be giving 2K8 too much credit because I can always play another game when I get tired of it. But, it's definitely not a reason to believe the end of the world is coming. Some of you are acting that way.
i gotta agree with you i too get an mvp baseball vibe. it could be from the throwing meters and mvp had the innovative pitching experience,etc. the grass though reminds me of mvp too for some reason like when im going for a fly ball i feel like im in mvp.
# 1255 maddeninyoeye @ 03/05/08 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by Renegade44
i gotta agree with you i too get an mvp baseball vibe. it could be from the throwing meters and mvp had the innovative pitching experience,etc. the grass though reminds me of mvp too for some reason like when im going for a fly ball i feel like im in mvp.
for people that have played the show and 2k8 which is more comparable to mvp 05? i still play nothing but mvp for the pc but am considering getting one of these games also.
# 1256 RoyalBoyle78 @ 03/05/08 09:21 AM
Well I played some more last night, and the game is ok after hating it, The game is a bit hard to get used to and the pitching needs some work, I know it's knew but seems broken at times, I just want to say that the players faces are pretty damn horrid, I mean they don't look real at all, the player models are good but man the faces are all off. After playing more last night there is still way to many HR's in this game, it's like you give up on and the next batter automatically hits another off you know matter what, it's like they codded the game like this by mistake, I've seen a HR followed by a HR to many times now.
# 1257 brendanrfoley @ 03/05/08 09:29 AM
If this is the "crappy framerate" ... I'm no longer afraid of buying. It looks fine to me.

# 1258 Motown @ 03/05/08 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
Well I played some more last night, and the game is ok after hating it, The game is a bit hard to get used to and the pitching needs some work, I know it's knew but seems broken at times, I just want to say that the players faces are pretty damn horrid, I mean they don't look real at all, the player models are good but man the faces are all off. After playing more last night there is still way to many HR's in this game, it's like you give up on and the next batter automatically hits another off you know matter what, it's like they codded the game like this by mistake, I've seen a HR followed by a HR to many times now.
You don't think it's your pitching huh? j/p man...i can see you trying REAL hard to like this game FF...from your impressions...i will say that. i'm still givin' it shot this weekend. i might be minority here, but seriously DIG HR Derby or seeing how far i can launch one just for that reason alone...this game will be in MY library
# 1259 ComaFaction @ 03/05/08 09:33 AM
After playing 4 more games on Pro last night (360):

- The sluggers will get theirs no matter what. Sure I struck Big Papi out twice, but he cranked 3 jacks, including golfing a change-up Vlad-style over the Monster. Aramis Ramirez also sliced a two-seamer down and away off the right field foul pole.

- Pitching didn't take too long to get, and I'm starting to ring more guys up. Bringing in your weaker relievers will definitely make you nervous. They can get knocked around.

- I can't hit for crap. The most I've scored in 4 games is 3 runs. Shutout twice. I hit a lot of pop flies...I'm not sure if this is being ahead of the ball or what.

- Josh Beckett is an animal. His curveball is knee-buckling.

- The Aerial cam is great. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

- Computer pitching: throw too many strikes...also anything near the black is almost always a strike..more variation there would be nice. However, the high strike is not nearly as high as in 2k7 (thankfully)

- Computer fielding: infielders get to everything. mark derosa looked like ozzie smith out there. I think changing AI infielder reaction speed might help in the sliders.

Overall, really enjoying it. And with word that the frame-rate issue seems to stem from cache mismanagment, I'm hoping a patch makes this game run smooth. Because it's damn fun.
# 1260 ExtremeGamer @ 03/05/08 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by ExtremeGamer
Doesn't sound like too much improved, just about everything on that list was in 2K7 sans the trading cards.
Hmm, seemed to hit this on the head.

Originally Posted by Art1bk
yeah 60fps, smooth animations, no herky jerkey movements. Yeah your right it sounds like no improvements
Originally Posted by BadKermit
Yeah, other than inventing an entirely new pitching system, adding a brand-new fielding throw mechanic, and totally re-writing the hitting code, those guys did NOTHING to improve the gameplay! Lazy buggers.

You guys were saying?

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