MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1221 areobee401 @ 03/05/08 12:28 AM
Does the fact that we dont have sliders for online leagues not bother anyone else besides myself?
# 1222 chapmanosu1 @ 03/05/08 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by areobee401
Does the fact that we dont have sliders for online leagues not bother anyone else besides myself?
I heard that. It bothers me just because I think it should be in it, but I don't really play online leagues.
# 1223 Damanjinx @ 03/05/08 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by bubba4
I tried playing the game without the HDD and it is indeed smooth! I then created a profile on my memory card and loaded the game up, setup everything the way a like it and had the game save my VIP to my memory card. Well... the frame rate problem returned. I think there may be a problem with the VIP system in the game. I know it tracks and saves quite a few stats in the game. Perhaps this is affecting the frame rate? I know with no profile the game is smooth. With a profile, it's very choppy. If this is indeed the problem, it sounds like a patch could easily fix this. I think the game is pretty good. But it could be better.
I would try what BigfnJoe did and go to your Presentation options and turn off Inning Highlights, Player Highlights i think those 2 should bring down your framerate problem even take off cutscenes and see if that helps the framerate problem.
# 1224 DSheppard @ 03/05/08 12:44 AM
2k6 crashed because of the harddrive and they patched that. its not out of the realm of possibility its patched because as has been said its a HDD issue...

im not holding my breath though.

but i will say after getting over some of its deficiencies and playing some more games, the gameplay has won me over a bit. its fun.
# 1225 bubba4 @ 03/05/08 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by Damanjinx
I would try what BigfnJoe did and go to your Presentation options and turn off Inning Highlights, Player Highlights i think those 2 should bring down your framerate problem even take off cutscenes and see if that helps the framerate problem.
I did in fact turn off everything in the Presentation section, and when my HDD is attached with profile loaded, the game is not smooth. Playing the game without the HDD and no profile loaded give a pretty smooth display. This is the only way I can tell this game is running a 60 fps. All other times the fps feels anywhere from 25 to 35. Not smooth at all. The VIP may be the culprit here.
# 1226 ghostrider76 @ 03/05/08 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by cocobee
You on the ps3 or 360?
Did you put the whole song or did you cut it?
Thanks for the impressions, one of the features I'm looking forward too.

What about stadium sounds?
On the 360. I have whole songs on my hard drive, for batter walkups it plays the first 10-15 seconds. Unfortunately a specific batter walkup plays home AND away.

I definitely need to make a generic walkup playlist for all teams, I can't stand hearing Cleveland Rocks every other batter! I don't know what possessed them to put the song in (no offense Clevelanders!)

After 3 games, the games not bad but not great either. I'll give it a few weeks of playtime before deciding to continue on with it.
# 1227 coffeeholic @ 03/05/08 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by mniner2003
Ok, guys. I picked it it up for the PS3 this evening since they had a used one at Gamestop...

I think that the PS3 accidentally got burned from the Wii version. This game hurts to look at... It's beyond atrocious.

That's all I have to say. I really feel for anyone that purchased this as a new game.

Good luck!
Wow-not good-thanks for the heads up. They already have a used one at Gamestop or did they sell the house disc to you as used?
# 1228 jpcool202020 @ 03/05/08 01:16 AM
Few more things I have noticed:

1. User batting contact or step influence slider needs to be lowered. I think you can make contact with way too many pitches. This could also be due to the fact that the cpu doesn't throw enough balls out of the zone. If that is the case, then cpu throw strikes slider needs to be lowered as well.

2. Would like to see more foul balls (sliders can fix this as well).

3. Wow, the diving/fielding is so much better. Had to say it again. Haha.

4. I tried turning GM goals on in a quick Rays Franchise, and one of the goals was to release David Price (the young, super stud, top prospect pitcher for the devil rays (he has an 88 potential rating and he's 23)). I laughed and vowed to never turn on GM goals again. Other than that, the Franchise mode looks fantastic. Great, realistic stats (a working sim engine?), and no unrealistic trades (however, there were ALOT of minor league trades for some reason). The lineup problem from last year looks to be fixed as well.

This game keeps on impressing me. Can't wait for a good slider set.
# 1229 DSheppard @ 03/05/08 01:42 AM
uh and then right when i started getting into it its now locking up on me.

or more specifically in between innings it will just stop there with a player holding the ball not moving after the last out until i have to reset it.

also happened once while loading the stadium.

i havnt been able to get past the first inning for like 6 games in a row.

come on.
# 1230 Bat @ 03/05/08 02:02 AM
-Not enough difference between most pitch speeds. Too easy to make contact almost every time if the pitch is in the strike zone.

-Way too many fly balls.. It seems 5/1 fly to ground ball.

-Although I chose to turn off the sports ticker it still shows it scrolling on the bottom..

-Way too many hr's/runs

-Can't find a option to turn the pitching pointer from fade to off

+ Fielding and throwing is fun

+Pitching interface is alot of fun though too many meat pitches and they are hit too hard

+Swing stick 2. is pretty solid.. wish there was practice swings though

The frame rate isn't as bad as I expected but still bothersome. Turning off all presentations and extra options helped. Oddly playing a friend went smoother than playing the cpu.
# 1231 striker3771 @ 03/05/08 02:08 AM
After reading a few pages, I see why the demo was not available before release.
# 1232 RunN1st @ 03/05/08 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by coffeeholic
Wow-not good-thanks for the heads up. They already have a used one at Gamestop or did they sell the house disc to you as used?
The manager at the store said that a guy came back ticked off demanding his money back but they stuck firm by the policy. He said that two other guys called the store asking about the return policy but they didn't show up to return their copies.

Too bad for the guy that returned it, he accepted the $25 credit and the manager put it out on the floor as a used game immediately.
# 1233 SportsorDeath @ 03/05/08 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by mniner2003
The manager at the store said that a guy came back ticked off demanding his money back but they stuck firm by the policy. He said that two other guys called the store asking about the return policy but they didn't show up to return their copies.

Too bad for the guy that returned it, he accepted the $25 credit and the manager put it out on the floor as a used game immediately.
...and how much did you really save versus buying it new? 5-7 dollars?
# 1234 RunN1st @ 03/05/08 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by SportsorDeath
...and how much did you really save versus buying it new? 5-7 dollars?
Depends... If I keep it $5. But since I won't, $55.98. (They have a 7-day full credit return policy on all used games.)
# 1235 kumala @ 03/05/08 03:06 AM
hearing all this about turning this option off and this off, to me, sounds like we gamers got screwed from 2k. When I said b brink lied about the demo being an early feb release some said I was nuts for saying it, but how many times did we hear him say the game will run at 60fps. when you have to turn stuff off to make the game run smoother, makes me feel like i'm on a pc again, knocking the res down, lower shadows etc. either a patch needs to be out soon or 2k should stop making promises they can't keep.
# 1236 Tomba @ 03/05/08 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by kumala
hearing all this about turning this option off and this off, to me, sounds like we gamers got screwed from 2k. When I said b brink lied about the demo being an early feb release some said I was nuts for saying it, but how many times did we hear him say the game will run at 60fps. when you have to turn stuff off to make the game run smoother, makes me feel like i'm on a pc again, knocking the res down, lower shadows etc. either a patch needs to be out soon or 2k should stop making promises they can't keep.
it's so apparent its not funny man...

this is a shame. I had to put up with the ps3 being choppy last year but i still played it because the graphics had some nice redeeming value. WELL not this freakin year. brinco decides to nix that for better framerate but still doesn't have better framerates. URGH?!?! i tell ya this is upsetting as a consumer that was led to beilve one thing. I totaly don't trust his word anymore.

i want Ea to buy out 2k now simple. Roll on GTA4 and thats it.
# 1237 Tomba @ 03/05/08 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by Oldschool17
After 2k7..even though that game had some issues I really thought this game was on the right track and that Brinkman was bringing this game back to respectability...But having played 2k8..I'm simply left dumbfounded
thats what I'M sayin man?! i mean 2k7 (FOR 360 was great almost real decent)2k7 FOR PS3 not so much but it WAS OK.

i get 2k8 and BAM it's like abig step back. i could care less about the new game mechanic if the game doesn't run good? i mean as a producer Brinkman should be first concerned with QUALITY CONTROL.
his interviews are what made me get it and now his interviews are what make me hate him...
# 1238 Fatalah @ 03/05/08 03:43 AM
I'm telling everyone--- Buyers of MLB2K8 should demand a refund. Something more than a bobblehead. This game should have been priced at $39.99. This is not a new game by any standard. Audio is nearly identical, player pictures are nearly identical. MVP 05 has a more talented modding community than 2K-LA/KushGames

This crap has to stop. MLB should nullify the exclusive license. In FACT, emailing the MLB is the best route to go. Forget 2K, go straight to the source. Microsoft Corp. and the MLB.
# 1239 Tomba @ 03/05/08 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by Fatalah
I'm telling everyone--- Buyers of MLB2K8 should demand a refund. Something more than a bobblehead. This game should have been priced at $39.99. This is not a new game by any standard. Audio is nearly identical, player pictures are nearly identical. MVP 05 has a more talented modding community than 2K-LA/KushGames

This crap has to stop. MLB should nullify the exclusive license. In FACT, emailing the MLB is the best route to go. Forget 2K, go straight to the source. Microsoft Corp. and the MLB.
again i agree why not make it 39.99

for all the other unsuspecting buyers
# 1240 Bat @ 03/05/08 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by modog123
I did, sadly enough. Luckily the guys at my local Gamestop were really cool and let me trade it for the 360 version. The difference is really night and day. If you think the 360 has framerate problems, you should try the PS3. It was basically unplayable for me. The 360 version is better, but not nearly 60 fps like we were led to believe. What I don't understand is how they could have dropped the texture quality and gotten a worse framerate at some points. It makes no sense to me. And I can't turn off the damn bottom ticker and it's really starting to annoy me. Has anyone been able to get it stop popping up?
I can't turn it off either I was hoping that could help with the stuttering.. but the option to turn it off must be broken. I checked several times and I have the sports ticker option turned off.

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