
OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

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Old 08-16-2012, 09:30 PM   #65
videlsports's Arena
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I liked the demo, The Infinity engine is alive and well even in the demo. I can take a few comedy bumps after the play. I love the Passing Game in NCAA and Here too, It feels wide open. This game is legit, especially when comparing 12, 11 etc
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Old 08-16-2012, 09:56 PM   #66
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Honestly, im going to buy the game just because I have faith in EA . But the demo wasn't exactly the best demo I've seem them release . The first demo I can remember coming from EA that I was a little iffy on .
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Old 08-16-2012, 10:01 PM   #67
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Ill pass... again. They need a new design team. Animations are still bad as ever and the graphics are blurry as hell compared to other sports games and even to madden 10. I couldn't even see the Redskins numbers or names. WTH? Just too robotic compared to Mlb the show or Nba2k
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Old 08-16-2012, 10:06 PM   #68
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I think its pretty safe to say that without a complete overhaul of the engine, from the ground up, we'll never see much difference in the game from year to year.

Simply plugging in things year to year isn't going to drastically "change the game" one way or another.

Hopefully on the next gen systems (xbox and ps4 or whatever they will be called) they truly rebuild the game, and not simply port over this generations games... if they port it over, it will be much more of the same for the foreseeable future.
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Old 08-16-2012, 10:28 PM   #69
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

I respect opinions of those who don't find this demo very good, but I have no clue how some of you guys feel that way. I have never been so excited for a football game in my life. I absolutely love what the Madden team did with new IE. I've seen stuff in this short demo that I thought I would never see in a football videogame, or any sports game for that matter. Also, I was pleasantly surprised by how well done the new commentary team has been implemented. Additionally I feel that this is one of the best looking, if not THE best looking sports game I've ever seen (Yes, even better than MLB The Show). I will be enjoying this game thoroughly for the next year!
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Old 08-16-2012, 10:35 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by rbowers7
Honestly, the reviews are way off from my perspective (which in no way is better than anyones or the right one) but to me, this feels like a whole new madden.

From the very first time loading it up to now, it just feels so refreshed. I do not remember a Madden game being this smooth, and when I say smooth I mean the fluid of the game not really so much as the animations being perfect.

The IE does have flaws but as I said before, it is first run with physics in EA football.

To me, this is a no brainer buy for any NFL fan. (If not a fan of NFL maybe not so much, but to me NFL fans have to have their real football and virtual football and this is the best madden this gen IMO)
I couldn't have said it better! I pre-ordered the game but I will be getting my $60 back this weekend. This game isn't football people. There is no foot planting and momentum, strength and speed mean NOTHING! You guys have extremely low expectations! Would you play 2k if Dwight Howard could hit 3's??? What about MLB the Show if Verlander threw a 77MPH fast ball???

Until Madden fixes the LEGACY issues i wont be able to purchase. I thought I may be able to over look them with the new physics but I just can't!
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Old 08-16-2012, 10:40 PM   #71
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

wow..i am quite surprised by the entire impressions from each of the writers here. I must say i totally disagree that the game feels like the same old madden..i't feels to me like a fresh madden to me. We all got our opinions and this write up does not make it correct by any means nor do my personal opinions but this is the first time in years where the demo has been keeping me coming back for more and that says a lot because i couldn't stand any madden demo's the last 5-6 years, same when the final retail came out...this year its entirely different for me..it feels fresh and exciting to play finally.

The way i always felt is if the game is fun for "YOU" than that's all that matters because going by another person's impressions..too many times have led me to miss out on a game that later i found out to be quite fun. Go by your own feelings of the game i say and take another man's opinion as a grain of salt because at the end of the day..that is all it is, a grain of salt.

I wont go through everything i like about this year's madden..i already did in the demo impressions but i truly enjoy the demo and i know the final will be more of what i already had a taste of but a bit more fine tuned.
..You win some, you lose some
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Old 08-16-2012, 10:52 PM   #72
js3512's Arena
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

I respect all the opinions but I'm shocked at all the negativity. Yes, there are alot of flaws left to be worked out in this game and yes, some new problems have cropped up due to the new IE engine and yes, some features had to be removed for CCM but can't we just enjoy it for what it is? That being a HUGE step in the right direction. Rome wasn't built in a day and Madden isn't gonna be fixed in one cycle. Personally, I love the demo and really love what I'm seeing from the videos of the retail version that have been posted. I realize there's still problems but I'm just enjoying what appears to be the start of what will once again become a great football game. And this is coming from someone who's been critical of Madden even before it was cool to be so. For the first time in I don't know how long there appears to be light at the end of the tunnel.
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