Feature Article
Five Ways to Make 09 The Show a Hit

Last week, I discussed a list of changes and additions that would make MLB 2K9 a serious contender for baseball game of the year. I will now be switching my focus to MLB 09: The Show, and I will be listing some improvements that can be made to refine an already stellar baseball game. These changes, if made, will likely further increase the replayability, fun and realism of the game.

And There's Yet Another Hit for the Home Team

The hitting difficulty needs to be increased. This can be done a few different ways. One way would be to simply add another difficulty level in the game. However, I believe this would only be a short-term solution. Therefore, the cursor-based hitting system should instead be revamped, so it's harder to make solid contact with the ball. There is a type of system like this already in the game, but players do not need to actually move the cursor around to meet the location of the pitch. Most of the time, the user can simply press "X" or "Square" to swing, and will likely make contact with the ball. This is why hitting is so easy in MLB 08: The Show.

The developers could go another route and create a type of right-analog swing system -- along the lines of what MLB 2K8 already offers. A greater amount of control for the user would result in a much higher level of intensity while hitting. For instance, if the new system gave players complete control over their bats in the strike zone, it would make bunting a much more formidable task. So during a squeeze play, your skill with the bat would be the reason you succeeded or failed; it would no longer be a simple button press. This mechanic would add a lot more realism and also increase the joy of hitting.

The Sun Sets on Another Beautiful Day of Baseball

Add progressive lighting to the game. This addition would also greatly enhance the realism of the game because it allows the player to start a game in the afternoon when the sun is overhead. Then, if the game goes into extra innings, the player would potentially see the sun setting past the outfield walls while also having to deal with the changing shadows. It would be particularly difficult for the hitter if the pitcher is in the sun, and the batter is in the shadows because it would give the player even less time to see and react to a pitch.

Along with this, dynamic weather would be a very nice addition, especially if the dome began to close when bad weather was in the forecast. It would give every game a different feeling, and players would perhaps pay attention to weather reports before the game, wondering if the partly cloudy skies were going to develop into a storm later in the game.

What's That Coach? You Want Me To Hit and Run? Again?

Expand the third-base coach signs in Road to the Show (RTTS) mode. This was one of the more interesting details that was added in last year’s game, and while I thought it was a good starting point, there is certainly more that can be done with it. In last year’s game, players didn’t even have to look at the signs in order to know what was expected of them. For instance, if the created player is a pitcher and there is a runner on first base, the player will be expected to bunt. If the created player plays somewhere else in the field, he will normally only be required to hit and run. There needs to be more variety in the system.

Also, while there was a sign for "steal" in last year’s game, I never received that sign. Unless this was just an isolated case of never being told to steal, it needs to be implemented this year, as it opens up a different level of strategy when the created player becomes fast enough to be a threat on the bases. Different kinds of signs should also be implemented, such as the aforementioned squeeze play.

Allow Players To Actually Train in the Field To Get Better

Also in RTTS, allow players to increase their stats via different mini games, instead of simply adding points to preset categories. This would increase the players' sense of actually getting better at certain aspects of their game.

The system could award points based on achieving certain goals or playing well in a game -- similar to the system used in MLB 08: The Show. Instead of giving the player a number of points, the system could reward the player with a set amount of time in the batting cage, bullpen, in the field or on the bases. These activities would represent hitting, pitching, fielding, and running. This would be a much more enjoyable way of advancing one’s created player.

A New Meter-Based Throwing System? Yes, Please

Include a right-analog meter system for throwing. MVP Baseball enjoyed a lot of success, and much of the critical praise was lavished upon MVP's intuitive throwing system, which allowed the player to throw the ball harder but with less accuracy, or throw the ball softly but with more accuracy. Numerous times in last year’s game, I would attempt to throw the ball to the cutoff man after a single only to see the ball sail over the fielder's head, allowing the batter to get an extra base. A new meter system would eliminate situations like that, and it would also be a fresh change for the series.

If Sony can implement these changes in time for MLB 09: The Show, Sony is likely to have another excellent game on its hands. The core gameplay is already incredibly solid and fun to play, and a few of these additions would only increase the enjoyment consumers would get out of the game.

Member Comments
# 1 Scott @ 11/25/08 12:54 PM
Good article. I would love meter based throwing.
# 2 EnigmaNemesis @ 11/25/08 01:51 PM
Definitely meter-based throwing just like MVP. That would own, and fix a lot of throwing problems on the field. That is of course if the animations truly are NOT scripted.

Or just do the proper animation tied to the throw release.
# 3 ARMORALLL @ 11/25/08 02:14 PM
I just hope we get sliders that work this year! Some of the problems mentioned could have been fixed if the sliders actually worked! And yes, the throwing errors do seem scripted and not the result of the user.
# 4 Alliball @ 11/25/08 03:03 PM
The thing that would help make hitting more difficult is one very simple thing, have the AI play proper positional defense.

Outfielders are way to deep for one and have the players shade one way or another based on splits.
# 5 ghm125 @ 11/25/08 03:06 PM
good article,the show is best. other than some small tweaks not much is needed in my opinion...
# 6 Knight165 @ 11/25/08 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by ARMORALLL
I just hope we get sliders that work this year! Some of the problems mentioned could have been fixed if the sliders actually worked! And yes, the throwing errors do seem scripted and not the result of the user.
The sliders work.
Perhaps not as extreme as some would like...but they work.
Some of them do not....and the dev team told us they were disabled.
That's my main point when people say they don't work at all. Why would they even bother saying that some don't work if they all don't? .....they would just not say anything.
The dev team has been pretty open with us on pretty much any aspect of the game....I don't see any reason to doubt them on this.

# 7 Knight165 @ 11/25/08 03:15 PM
Great points in the article.

# 8 jagsfan82 @ 11/25/08 03:28 PM
i dont know about the right analog swinging, as zone hitting is a lot easier, but throwing with the right analog stick like 2k8 would be nice
# 9 ty5oke @ 11/25/08 05:17 PM
I want to see many options with hitting, and at each difficulty level. I'd like to see zone,cursor,no aim(just hit x), and throw in one that uses right analog stick. I personally would like to see cursor style hitting, but if we had the options everyone could be happy.
# 10 asu666 @ 11/25/08 06:25 PM
I must just stink, but I think the hitting system is just about right. I'd like to see more extra base hits much more than few hits total.

I like the time progression idea, but I almost certain that has been confirmed for this year's game.

I'm not a big RttS fan. It's okay, but I'd rather manage the whole organization. The idea of practicing could be okay if it was like the mini games in Madden/NCAA.

I'm not a big fan of mater based throwing systems either. Over the course of 162 games it's just a bunch of extra clicks that I prefer are determined randomly by the player's stats. That's makes signing the right players more important and adds to the realism because pitchers can have bad games. Once I use a meter system for awhile I usually get the timing down so well that almost every pitch goes where I want it.
# 11 Russell_SCEA @ 11/25/08 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by sask3m
jim, thats what i want to hear, a voice for us mlb fans, not scea fan boys, i sure hope that isn't what they expect out of you guys.

Nope that would be utterly pointless and a waist of our time
# 12 Rod_Carew29 @ 11/25/08 09:16 PM

There IS some sort of 'metering' setup in The Show '08, ain't it?

Also, if one tweaks the sliders for human/CPU throwing accuracy AND human/CPU Unfielder Error Frequency, 90% of the battle is already won. And THESE two sliders, unlike some, DO have a real, noticable effect.

Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Definitely meter-based throwing just like MVP. That would own, and fix a lot of throwing problems on the field. That is of course if the animations truly are NOT scripted.

Or just do the proper animation tied to the throw release.
# 13 Rod_Carew29 @ 11/25/08 09:17 PM
Either I am misunderstanding what you wrote, or you're not being clear...but one need NOT 'aim' to play The Show '08...I ONLY use 'x'

Originally Posted by ty5oke
I want to see many options with hitting, and at each difficulty level. I'd like to see zone,cursor,no aim(just hit x), and throw in one that uses right analog stick. I personally would like to see cursor style hitting, but if we had the options everyone could be happy.
# 14 Rod_Carew29 @ 11/25/08 09:20 PM
Hold up and time out!

IF you're playing on PS2, I agree with you...the foul ball slider didn't do ****.


IF you're playing on PS3, you are totally wrong...as wrong as can be...

Originally Posted by sask3m
now your just talking like a community leader, lol, come on knight you know there are plenty of sliders in this game that don't work period, how about the foul ball slider, if that one works i'm, a monkey's uncle, there are plenty of others that may work but are so subtle that you really can't tell if they work or not, also how the heck do sliders make it into a game that don't work period, like the outfielder and infielder run and throw speeds, that was very shoddy QA at scea.
# 15 SoxFan01605 @ 11/25/08 09:45 PM
I like most of what was in this article. I agree on the cursor hitting. Most times, you don't even need to aim to hit well. In fact, if you just use the R stick swing influence mechanic, it can effectively render the cursor useless. I would like to see the curser be much less forgiving on harder levels, or at least have an effective slider for cursor forgiveness. I love cursor and zone based hitting as it really allows for the best hit variety (when implemented right). Please no swing stick, unless there's a revolutionary aiming system attached to it (meaning, don't copy 2K). While I agree timing is key to good hitting, it doesn't mean squat if you swing 2 feet over the ball or a foot inside of it either

As for the meter based throwing, maybe they could tune it better, but don't they basically have that (as Rod said, I believe) already?

finally, I'm a bit disaapointed that franchise gets no mention, as it needs attention. I think people get the illusion of unmatched depth because of all the prices you can tweak, etc. What many don't seem to realize is that if you're even moderately successful, those prices/figures are rendered useless by year 2 or 3. By then, budgets are maxed out for the bulk of teams, prices are near maxed for tickets concessions, etc if you've been winning. Transportation is useless, etc. Morale...if you win, it fixes everything. While it should have an overarching effect to an extent, we al know an unhappy player doesn't care if his team wins (I'm looking at you Manny).

anyway, not trying to get on my franchise soapbox, just think it needs attention too by now.
# 16 Knight165 @ 11/25/08 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
I like most of what was in this article. I agree on the cursor hitting. Most times, you don't even need to aim to hit well. In fact, if you just use the R stick swing influence mechanic, it can effectively render the cursor useless. I would like to see the curser be much less forgiving on harder levels, or at least have an effective slider for cursor forgiveness. I love cursor and zone based hitting as it really allows for the best hit variety (when implemented right). Please no swing stick, unless there's a revolutionary aiming system attached to it (meaning, don't copy 2K). While I agree timing is key to good hitting, it doesn't mean squat if you swing 2 feet over the ball or a foot inside of it either

As for the meter based throwing, maybe they could tune it better, but don't they basically have that (as Rod said, I believe) already?

finally, I'm a bit disaapointed that franchise gets no mention, as it needs attention. I think people get the illusion of unmatched depth because of all the prices you can tweak, etc. What many don't seem to realize is that if you're even moderately successful, those prices/figures are rendered useless by year 2 or 3. By then, budgets are maxed out for the bulk of teams, prices are near maxed for tickets concessions, etc if you've been winning. Transportation is useless, etc. Morale...if you win, it fixes everything. While it should have an overarching effect to an extent, we al know an unhappy player doesn't care if his team wins (I'm looking at you Manny).

anyway, not trying to get on my franchise soapbox, just think it needs attention too by now.
I agree with all of this.
Not that the franchise mode is bad. Not at all, but it is very forgiving. You REALLY have to put and enforce a set of rules on yourself in almost every aspect....from player signings to trades to actual team play(meaning they are all with you all the time.....I wouldn't mind if I had a player or group of players "quit" on me and I was forced to either win them back....get rid of them...or just figure out a way to win with them unhappy.)

I guess the biggest thing...first and foremost should be the difficulty and not just as far as playing. There should be difficulty levels for the franchise mode also. On the easiest level....just about every player will sign...resign and want to play for you. Every other GM in the league will want to deal with you and make deals with you....they'll take your scrubs...whatever.
On a medium difficulty...it should be normal. Kind of like it is now.
On the advanced difficulty players might not want to play for your club....it would take a lot to sign them or resign them. GM's can't stand you(at least half of them)...and while they won't outright not deal with you...you better wow them with the deals.
On the most difficult setting....you're going to have to break the bank for each player you want to sign.....same for guys you want to resign....and you'll practically have to beg the other GM's to take deals that are obviously one sided on their behalf.
On the field...every team hates your squad so much they play every game like it's game 7 of the W.S....

# 17 EnigmaNemesis @ 11/25/08 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Rod_Carew29

There IS some sort of 'metering' setup in The Show '08, ain't it?

Also, if one tweaks the sliders for human/CPU throwing accuracy AND human/CPU Unfielder Error Frequency, 90% of the battle is already won. And THESE two sliders, unlike some, DO have a real, noticable effect.

There is, but it doesn't feel as much of an impact like it did in MVP. The time instance is too short it appears in The Show, where there was much more room for margin in MVP.

You know as well as most of us on here, there was plenty of times where there was a lazy slow animation throw to first when you wanted to just gun it there.

Maybe it has to do with how their fielding mechanics tied into animations more so than a meter ... but it would be nice to have the similar bar style meter from MVP (or a steeper circle meter to not mess with presentation graphically on the field and not so sudden and short instanced that it is), this game already has MVP's pitching one.
# 18 Shinyhubcaps @ 11/25/08 11:02 PM
Please, nothing more with the right analog stick. I don't want to use it for swinging and I especially don't want it for throwing; I just want to throw to whatever base I want (and the proper cutoff man) any time I want.

In baseball games, the right stick just complicates things that do not need to be so complicated. I understand hitting is essential, but it seems a timing-based and zone-based system can be achieved in a much more approachable way. Mapping everything to an analog stick is not always the answer.
# 19 EnigmaNemesis @ 11/25/08 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Shinyhubcaps
Please, nothing more with the right analog stick. I don't want to use it for swinging and I especially don't want it for throwing; I just want to throw to whatever base I want (and the proper cutoff man) any time I want.

In baseball games, the right stick just complicates things that do not need to be so complicated. I understand hitting is essential, but it seems a timing-based and zone-based system can be achieved in a much more approachable way. Mapping everything to an analog stick is not always the answer.
I agree with you 100% here. And I fear having both options, also complicates gameplay since the system has to take in account analog stick for scenarios and button pressing for scenarios.
# 20 Stroehms @ 11/25/08 11:48 PM
No right stick throwing, yes right stick hitting, yes right stick pitching, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!!

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