Feature Article
NBA 2K16 Pro-Am's Gameplay Problems Need to Be Patched

The NBA 2K series' longstanding issues with floor spacing and player movement have become more exposed by this year's 10-player Pro-Am mode. In this mode, your 99-rated, 40-badge MyPlayers can sprint across the court quickly enough to double team a big man on the block, then swerve back out to the three-point line just in time to contest a kick-out jump shot.

It's probably too late in NBA 2K16's life cycle to universally shrink all the player models and increase the physical size of the court, so as a band-aid for the remainder of this year, I propose two fixes:

1. Lower the global speed and acceleration sliders.

2. Instead of allowing 99-overall, 40-badge superstars into Road to the Finals, give users several predetermined, sixth-man caliber player builds to choose from, then make users select a small number of badges like they were Call of Duty perks. I detailed how this system would work in a previous Pro-Am article.

Pro-Am has more gameplay problems, however, than the court simply being too cramped. To demonstrate how prevalent this mode's shenanigans have become, here are a few clips I cut together, not from a month of playing, not from a week of playing, not from a full night of playing, but from a single match against a highly ranked opponent who knew how to exploit every major flaw in NBA 2K16's gameplay:

With those issues in mind, here are some other tweaks I'd suggest for a future patch or tuner update:

-Turn the fatigue rate up so that turbo addicts and paint pounders will eventually tire out, even if a team exhausts all of their timeouts. Sprinting around in circles on offense until someone finally gets open should not be a viable strategy in the half-court. The game should be rewarding patient, purposeful offensive movement instead of benefiting teams who act like decapitated chickens.

-Raise defensive awareness so that the majority of loose balls stop going to the offense.

-Reduce on-ball steal success to deter strip spammers and reward defenders who play without reaching.

-Increase off-ball steal success and defenders' global pass perception to discourage contested lead passes into the paint.

-Keep global pass accuracy where it's at now, but significantly reduce the accuracy bonus that's being awarded by the gold Breakstarter badge. Only players with a base 90-plus accuracy rating should even bother attempting full-court passes if they don't want the ball to go bouncing out of bounds. Elite passers should still misfire a decent amount of times, and the recipients of these long outlet pass should rarely be able to catch them in stride. Instead of making "Willie Mays" over-the-shoulder catches the norm, regularly trigger the "bobble" or "lunging" catch animations on these 90-foot, full-court heaves. The offense is already at a disadvantage on fast breaks by having to spin around 180 degrees before sprinting back -- plus having to worry about getting stuck in a lengthy after-shot animation -- so long outlet passes need to be tweaked to prevent cherry picking from being the most commonly abused scoring tactic in Road to the Finals.

-Change the Corner Specialist badge back to how it was in NBA 2K14, where it only activated on stationary assisted shots, instead of how it is now where it will trigger during pull-up jumpers. The shooting accuracy boost on the gold Corner Specialist badge should also be lessened. Right now, a corner three-pointer is almost as easy to make as a mid-range jumper if you have the gold Corner Specialist badge. I'd also like to see wide-open wing and top of the key three-pointers falling at a higher percentage than they are now. I'm reluctant to take open threes from anywhere except the corner in Pro-Am because that's the only spot you can reliably make them from, even with a level 20 outside scorer.

-Make no foul call and play one of the "incidental contact" animations whenever users attempt to take off-ball charges inside the paint in Pro Am. The key is just too cluttered in NBA 2K16 (due to the aforementioned court spacing issues) to have to worry about avoiding charges while moving around without the ball.

-Make the left trigger "intense defense" stance just as likely to produce a charging call on an out-of-control perimeter player as the B button "take charge" command currently is. As it stands now, it does not seem like the "intense defense" stance can create a charging call, no matter how well-positioned the defender is or how reckless the ball-handler is being.

-Also increase the likelihood of the ball coming loose when the offensive player is spamming size-up dribbles or iso moves into the body of the defender. Many size-up dribbles make the basketball completely immune to contact, preventing the defender from engaging the ball handler until the size-up animation has finished. When you combine that invulnerability period with NBA 2K's unusually slow defensive movement -- plus the explosive speed burst that small players can get at the end of certain dribble animations -- it makes it very difficult to stay in front of size-up/iso spammers, even if the defender anticipates the exact sequence of moves the dribbler is trying to perform.

-Decrease the power of the gold Acrobat badge. Contested shots that are altered in mid-air should have a much lower success rate than they currently do.

-Jump passes should result in more bobbled receptions and off-target throws. It's too easy at the moment to complete jumping passes at a high percentage since there's so little hit to the accuracy of these passes, especially if you have the gold Flashy Passer badge.

If no gameplay changes are made between now and the beginning of the Road to the Finals eSports tournament, Visual Concepts' marketers will have a hard time promoting the brand of "basketball" that's being played by their top teams. Thus far, many teams have been relying on ugly, nonsensical tactics that make their Twitch.TV broadcasts look nothing like the sport people watch on cable TV.

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Member Comments
# 61 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 01/28/16 10:55 AM
I'm not saying all cheese works . I am saying break starter gold on a 7'3 center outlet ting to 94 speed guards with one man fastbreak is cheesy point blank .

But my other point is I'm sure you guys are amazing rebounders at 7'. With great badges and high overalls . Now imagine playing yourselves at 7'3 . That height matters.

I'm not saying you guys are doomed I'm saying those issues 2k should take a look at.

I damn sure would prefer if an OS member won the tournament . And I hope the games are broadcasted so we can all reflect on this thread and see if the issues the OP presented are there in the finals.
# 62 YaBoial @ 01/28/16 11:33 AM
Honestly if some of the basic fundamentals of ball were properly emulated the game would be better. For example, rebounding is completely broken. They give the edge to a 7'3 C because of his height but neglect all the true things that come into play of rebounding. Position and timing have too little effect when it comes to this thus allowing 7'3 Cs to jump before the ball even touches the rim. This game is honestly not ready for esporting events being that u can buy skills. Easily acquire game changers (badges) and too many predicated animations. Just think some ppl will lose because of the terrible ankle breaker animation or dunks that are pre determined.

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# 63 Caelumfang @ 01/28/16 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by abuC
I play on PS4, we used to be a top 100 team, have about 300 games and have gone against Homicide Gang a couple of times (the former number 1 team on PS4). Last I checked they were 320-6 and they run 3 PGs, two look like they're 6'1" and the other is 6'3 or 6'4" all of them are outside, their centers are also outside but are 7'3".

You will not outrebound them with centers under 7'3" and their entire gameplan consists of abusing the speed of their players and the break starter. But they throw a nice little wrinkle into it by combining it with the corner three specialist. Due to the court size, they use their PGs to basically fly all over the place doubling and trapping the ball when it's near the three point line, and because of that speed they recover also it seems like everyone on their team has interceptor too. When you miss a shot, they get the board and outlet it because all 3 of their PGs are breaking but instead of going for the dunk, one runs to the middle and the other two flare out to the corners, you try and stop the guy running the middle and they have an open three in the corner. You stop all of that and then they get into their half court set which is having their bigs set high screens near the PG while he iso-spams and speed burts until your guy eventually just runs into a screen.

They cheese like nobodies business, we have played a lot of the top teams and it's almost always the same thing, while we're running legitimate offense they just do some ole bull**** to score. It got to the point where WE have two break starting 7'3" big men because that was the only way to honestly compete with the top teams on PS4.
So, what's wrong with the guards flaring to the corners again?

In all seriousness, a lot of that stuff is negated with good defense. The Break Starter thing is really the only thing I can agree with you on, but even then, your guards need to know how to get back on defense.

I can say this because we were one of the L's on Homicide Gang's record. The only top 5 team that beat us during our runs was FamSkullGang before they changed their name. The top teams are challenging for sure, and if your team has a weak link on defense, they tend to exploit the hell out of it. But if your team doesn't know how to switch on screens, how to pick up, how to get back on transition, then y'all are gonna have a tough time.
# 64 Vroman @ 01/28/16 05:18 PM
I hope that final tournament or whatever will be streamed or posted on youtube. I'm kinda curious how far will ppl come with the game exploiting.

On the other hand I had tons of fun in 4v4 park court, spacing feels not so bad and gameplay more challenging with extra guy per squad. I found it much more cheese-free than pro-am and latter supposed to be sim mode.
# 65 ILLSmak @ 01/29/16 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by A6_Foul_Out
You're right in most respects. As long as 2k is in the business of appealing to the lowest common denominator, we aren't going to get the OS simulation NBA ideal. The game isn't perfect and needs to be fixed and balanced.

However, at the HIGHEST levels of play (we have 4 teams in the top 100 for xb1) there is much more skill required than the cheese you are describing. If our team, in any of its combinations of 8 members, played the type of people you are talking about, we would win by 30. every time. without fail. Everything that typical low-level cheesers do can be stopped quite easily. You just need to learn how.

Should the cheese be removed all together for these novices? yes, of course. But at this level of play, it simply doesn't work.

The Cheese that Jayson decribed:

Break Starter: Requires a defensive stop, guards with the knowledge that a bad shot was taken, and a defensive rebound.

None of this occurs with a bad defense. Say it's fixed, what's the difference between somebody waiting 3/4 down the court instead of all the way down the court if the Transition D is trash?

Off-Ball charges: I'll admit, I was being an *** after the second one I took. I was merely practicing it. But this is a counter to the cheese to defending the paint. Play a lower-level team, they rely on the ability for the C to turbo to the basket and dunk. I've fouled out a good number of people because this is their only offense.

Strips: Again, 2k stopgap because of paint entrance ease. Small PG's with 87 steal vs your low ball control is a balancing issue waiting to happen.

Jump passes need to be fixed they are stupid and awards bad offense. Not really the users fault that it works. More of a sign of bad offense if anything.

Acrobat: We had top players, with all needed badges hot in that game. Do those things cold, and you'll miss. % tweeks could be made though.

Court size: The court needs to be much bigger. There's no spacing, and there's no reason that you should be able to double the post and get back for a contest on a 3pt shot after a kick out.

Corner Specialist: We green these shots. This is cheese. however, we are prioritizing better shots. It's not our fault that these shots go in 97% of the time verus 60% of the time.

__________________________________________________ _____________

This 'cheese' is stopped at the highest levels of play. You know it's coming, so it is stopped. Does the game look how you would like it to? Probably not. Will it ever? Not as long as Steph Curry keeps on his confidence fueled chucking binger.

http://www.twitch.tv/sidsicksevan (our pg) He said he would start streaming again, but not sure when. Give him a follow and see if you can catch the team in a good game. Don't be surprised, if because the format for pre-qualify for RTTF we are blowing novices out, this is what the game is awarding.

http://xboxclips.com/a5onAPUSHexam/3...b-8c56196c5282 This is the meta center you are referring to. Took me 3 days and 40$ in VC. It's sad that the game has to be this way, but again. As long as 2k is going to make their money...

We do run a 6'7 SF actually. He's a defensive monster, with, you guessed it. Break Starter.

I am defending it to the extent that we aren't basketball morons. If the cheese was balanced and the difficulty raised. We would be playing the same defense, taking the same high quality looks. Despite the results of those shots.

edit: However, the fact that most teams require a use of some lower-level cheese to an extent is always going to be true.
yea I'm on ps4 so I'll never see you. I am thinking of making a new dude, too... I've always been a big man and tbh am probably one of da bess, but I hate doing the same stuff every year, so I've gone to more d stopper SF. I kinda wanna spec a shooter opposed to a C, but realistically, getting Ws will result from C... so.

Lemme put it this way, man. You need to know how the game works, you can't telegraph every thing. The best ball is cheesy af but it's done smartly. It does take skill, stick skill. There are a lot of great bball strategies that just don't work, which is sad.

There are really good teams that probably run a non-cheesy line up. There are bad teams that run cheesy, same with play style. So, let's say top 1000 means your team is pretty good (made up statistic), there might be teams in the top 1000 that play relatively 'sim.' I can't get mad at animations like over-the-shoulder kicks to the corner because that's on 2k. Same w/ outlet passes. They don't seem that broken to me cuz I'm always back. But if that really good, stick-skilled high bball IQ team in the top 1000 faces a team that understands the game better and has made the kind of players necessary to win... they will lose even if they are a lot better cuz it's like playing w/ bumpers on or w/ a safety net. But you gotta play "good ball" with those cheesy players to win at a high level, true. But what results doesn't seem like good ball really when you aren't involved in it. Or, worse, on the other team when you have a traditional line up. You're like man I just blocked that 7'3 guy to the other 7'3 guy and he dunked... AGAIN.

And really, it's only the line-ups that offend me. They seem to have messed w/ the speed curve a little again and that threw everything off. O well, nice talk. I hope you guys do well. I doubt I'm gonna have the 5 or the time to run the tourney.

# 66 yonly1ME @ 01/31/16 07:30 AM
I have more to post on this, but I think another issue in this was before the game even came out 2K said there were no position restrictions in Pro-Am.

If you have position restrictions they could have been something like this:

1 C, 1 PF, 1 SF, 1 SG, 1 PG
1 C, 1 PF, 1 SG, 1 SG, 1 PG
1 PF, 1 PF, 1 SF, 1 SG, 1 PG
1 C, 1 PF, 1 SF, 1 PG, 1 PG

Basically, you can't put 2 Centers (7'3") in the same lineup and you can't have more than 2 players of the same position.
# 67 Beechoo @ 02/07/16 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Funk Snuka
Listen to all these babies. Adapt to the game and stfu. Stop complaining.
It is easy to adapt to the game...but when you play CHEESERS who just do the same unrealistic thing every single time, it gets boring, and rather annoying.

I win most of the time, even against cheesers, but that doesn't mean it isn't annoying. Things have to be fixed, or people will complain about it. That is all this is...don't hate the haters, or you become a ***** yourself.
# 68 Beechoo @ 02/07/16 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by infam0us
Our C makes those passes with 0 playmaking though.
I have a PF with nothing into playmaking...still makes those deep passes like he is a Heisman winning QB. The game is broken...those cheesers can try and say that they are 'all that', but it is a fact, this game is allowing the cheesing. You can stop it...that is a truth, but there shouldn't even have to be an option of trying to stop it. IT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! You posers trying to defend yourself are just proof of how crappy NBA 2k16 really is. You think you are special, but really, NBA 2k16 just sucks, and you guys are willing to tolerate the bull crap that this game allows...unlike most of the rest of us, who aren't willing to put in the time and effort to learn a game that SUCKS! You are posers...just face it.
# 69 Beechoo @ 02/07/16 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by 19LloydBanks82
A full court pass with 0 playmaking? No way, thats an automatic turnover 9 out of 10 times
You're wrong...maybe 1 out of 10 times it is a turnover. This game has a bunch of crap like the long passes down the court that are so unrealistic that it makes the game crappy, even if it looks cool. NBA 2k16 sucks...but unfortunately for basketball fans and gamers all around the world, it is the best option there is, so we have to deal with it. The numbers of complaints is astounding though, and so obviously the noise will be heard and maybe 2k will fix some of their major issues (but that doesn't seem likely, considering 2k's reputation).
# 70 Beechoo @ 02/07/16 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by SirGaryColeman
What if they just let us have more control over our movements?

Everything relies on ANIMATIONS too much. A lot of the time you aren't even controlling your guy, which leads to missed passes, fake fouls, etc.
Right on...the animations take a long time sometimes, and they aren't always consistent, so you never know what is coming. You can learn to deal with them, but it is frustrating when you are trying to do something and your player is stuck in a dumb animation that prevents any chance for success. There are so many things wrong with NBA 2k16, people who don't see it are either ignorant or just lacking the intelligence to understand the difference between good game play and CHEESING
# 71 Beechoo @ 02/07/16 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by bottledwaterfan25
I disagree. The hop step isn't even that effective this year. It's one of the more easy animations to steal from, you just have to press square when you see the animation and it's a rip nearly every time. This is especially true when small forwards and big men try to do it. If guards hop step it's harder to steal but they are also shorter, so you can just put your hands up on defense.

If people are getting to the lane and activating the hop step that means you are not keeping them in front of you on defense. Doesn't need to be patched, people need to learn how to play defense.
Thats not true...even if you are standing right in front of someone, they can hop step you and get by you...and alot of the time if you try to take a charge, you'll get called for a blocking foul just by standing in front of them. There is no quick fix, just hope that 2k doesn't screw you over because it is all a coin toss on whether plays are successful. Sometimes it will work, sometimes it wont. Ability doesn't matter in A LOT of NBA 2k16's major issues.
# 72 Beechoo @ 02/07/16 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by ILLSmak
I used to play kinda cheesy when I was young. It was the first time I played online, cuz I was so good offline and I got online on... I think it was like Live 05, and just got destroyed. I was like wow this is what people do? So I adapted.

I've played some fairly high ranked people in various basketball games and while I am honestly getting worse each year (mainly because I can't take the game serious and purposely make players that are outside of the 'meta' like my 6'7 'inside scoring' sf this year), I still have a pretty great understanding of everything that is going to happen.

Your statement is untrue. You don't need to understand basketball to cheese, you have to learn what works. So much of the game is unexplored and, as I said, earlier I had much fun killing people with strategies they had never seen and couldn't stop because everyone follows the same patterns.

I can identify all of these patterns, too. I think you are giving yourself too much credit, and I'm not trying to insult you, per se. I think it's cool that people are playing the game... like they used to have in 2k feedback system "knows the game well." Throws full court passes to t-mac, catches them, dunks every time... yep, they do. Same w/ the people who are playing now. The difference is... well, it seems to be getting worse. It's more of a mockery. Maybe I'm getting worse. haha. I'll admit it's possible, but it seems like you used to be able to fight back against the cheese more than now. Two 7'3 guys and a bunch of pgs? That's really sad. I dunno if it's better than 5 7 foot sfs.

The point is: for whatever reason 2k has really screwed up balancing their game from a competitive standpoint. Cheese has counters. That is what meta is. Exploits, I would say, don't have counters. Cheese is something over-effective that you can base your game off of, like repeated cross overs. You can counter it, sure... but not as a 'normal team.' You go in with a 1-5 balanced team vs what they have now, you are gonna get crushed. That's cheese. You shouldn't have to look at some guide before you build your team, there should be various ways to accomplish the same goal.

2k is v flawed in terms of 5v5. Park is, too, but park is meant to be arcade. I'm not really mad... some things made me mad, like people setting picks in the paint, but it's more of sad... it's like I also wanna compete in this tourney, you know, but I don't wanna roll a 7'3 dude or a pg and play the same 'cheesy' style everyone else is.

Just kinda felt like typing an essay because the tone of your post made me feel like you were defending your play style.

Post a game of top teams that is like real bball and I'll eat my words. In fact, I want to eat my words so I can find my 6'7 defensive stopper SF a place in pro am without knowing I am always at a disadvantage cuz I can't check some 6'2 guy who is moving side to side w/ crossovers until he gets free and fires up a 25 footer.

BINGO! Cheesers think they are good, but really, they just know how to exploit the problems with the game. You poser cheesers can try to defend yourself...but be honest, the only reason you are good is because you exploit the flaws in the game and go up against people who aren't willing to play a game that just isn't worth putting in the effort. ADMIT IT! NBA 2k16 is just a bad game.
# 73 MaskedPhenom @ 02/07/16 09:40 PM
Why is the power ranking system so flawed? My team was ranked in the mid 900s, got matched up with a bad team & won the game and the rank dropped (imo it should've just not moved at all; it isn't our fault we got matched up with them). Then earlier today we got matched up with a newly created team that was 6-0 and lost by 3pts and the rank plummeted to the 1500s.
# 74 Beechoo @ 02/07/16 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by A6_Foul_Out
Why isn't the guard chasing him?

Run 3 6ft PG's, you will be out rebounded to death.
That's not true if you run 3 point guards and 2 7'3 centers. Point guards don't need to even try for a rebound when the overpowered rebound cheesers just sit underneath and jump for the rebound before the shot even hits the rim.
# 75 Beechoo @ 02/07/16 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Vroman
I hope that final tournament or whatever will be streamed or posted on youtube. I'm kinda curious how far will ppl come with the game exploiting.

On the other hand I had tons of fun in 4v4 park court, spacing feels not so bad and gameplay more challenging with extra guy per squad. I found it much more cheese-free than pro-am and latter supposed to be sim mode.
Yeah but nobody ever plays 4 on 4...or when they do, they either stink or are really really good. Cheesing in this game is making the court stink. Its still fun to play, but annoying when you have to put up with posers who think they are good but all they do is just exploit flaws in the game that are unrealistic. Nobody is saying that you cheesers aren't good...but to say that what you are doing ISN'T cheesing is moronic. OF COURSE IT'S CHEESING!!!! You do the same dumb crap every time trying to take advantage of flaws in the game. That's the definition of cheesing.
# 76 Beechoo @ 02/07/16 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by A6_Foul_Out

as somebody said before. It's like making a party with a tank/dps/healer for a Raid Boss on some MMorpg.

It's quite sad tbh.
Thats why friars stunk in groups in DAOC....they could heal, but not well. They only had baseline buffs, and they couldn't do damage unless they were swinging like a tank, and the dps was WAY lower than any offensive tank. But friars were great solo.
# 77 Beechoo @ 02/07/16 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by yonly1ME
I have more to post on this, but I think another issue in this was before the game even came out 2K said there were no position restrictions in Pro-Am.

If you have position restrictions they could have been something like this:

1 C, 1 PF, 1 SF, 1 SG, 1 PG
1 C, 1 PF, 1 SG, 1 SG, 1 PG
1 PF, 1 PF, 1 SF, 1 SG, 1 PG
1 C, 1 PF, 1 SF, 1 PG, 1 PG

Basically, you can't put 2 Centers (7'3") in the same lineup and you can't have more than 2 players of the same position.
That would work, if more people actually picked big men. But most of the time, when I play walk on pro am, there is not 1 center or power forward on my team. I have a 6'6 SG who has ended up playing center because everyone else had a point guard.

There was another time where by 7'2 Center ended up playing small forward because the team also had 2 other centers that were both 7'3. NBA 2k16 is broken.
# 78 Beechoo @ 02/07/16 10:26 PM
It is simple...instead of making a game where 1 thing works so often and other things that are common in real basketball never seem to work, why not make a game that is just like real life to where something might work a few times, but will easily get picked up if a team does it too much. In this game, there are too many cheesers who do the same thing over and over, and the only reason they do it is because that is what works best. It isn't their fault that NBA 2k16 messed up, but it is their fault that they decide to take advantage of it and try to deny that it is cheesing.

I have 1 character at each position.

My PG is 5'10 because of the speed...and I have to admit, he is TOO fast. His jumper is better than anything that a true shooting guard would be able to hit, and he can smack the ball out of the hands of anyone trying to go inside without getting called for a foul. He is a blast to play though, and I can easily understand why the PG is the most common position picked by players.

My SG is 6'6, he is 6 points lower at shooting than my PG, even though he is maxed out. He blocks like Dwight Howard against any other guard, and he is just fast enough to exploit the flaw in the game that allows those deep passes from the bigs to be right on the money. But my shooting guard is much more realistic than my point guard, and for that reason, is much more fun to play in mycareer.

My SF is 6'8, and I never play him anymore because of how crappy small forwards are in this game. In my career, I dominate, but when we play pro am...half the time, I'm playing the center. I'm not fast enough to catch up with guards on the fast break, and not big enough to prevent 7'3 centers from getting rebounds. It is easy to tell why small forward is the LEAST common position in 2k16.

My PF is 6'11, a stretch 4 who can shoot better than my small forward (who is maxed out at shooting). But even this big man can't stop those cheeser centers from exploiting the flaw in the game that allows players to jump for the rebound before the ball even hits the rim. My power forward is much better in park...I've all but stopped playing him in pro am because of how horribly unrealistic the flaws in the game make it seem.

My C is 7'2. That one inch is important. Against an average 7'3 player, I can still get my rebounds, and I have a slight edge in speed. But against a 7'3 rebounding center, that 1 inch destroys my center's rebounding ability. Even the best rebounders shouldn't be able to dominate over everyone just because of their height...but that is what happens in this game. Not only that, but with both my PF and Center, the ability to turn and run is all but non existent. If someone gets by me, I have no chance. I could see how top speed would be hurt by size, but agility and quickness shouldn't be such a massive disadvantage to anyone.

Every single one of my characters has to deal with NBA 2k16 cheesers, regardless of what position they play in the game and who they are matched up against. If 2k doesn't realize this as an issue, it just shows the incompetence of those who made the game. Cheesing doesn't mean someone will or won't be successful, but it does mean that the game is less realistic, and therefore, less fun.
# 79 derlaid @ 02/09/16 08:59 AM
I'd love to see stats on what the most common positions/heights are for mycareer/mypark/pro-am players.

I'm guessing PG 6'3''-6'5'' is the most popular given the current meta, followed by 7'3'' Cs and SGs with the forwards the dwindling minority
# 80 Beechoo @ 02/09/16 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by derlaid
I'd love to see stats on what the most common positions/heights are for mycareer/mypark/pro-am players.

I'm guessing PG 6'3''-6'5'' is the most popular given the current meta, followed by 7'3'' Cs and SGs with the forwards the dwindling minority
There are quite a few very short (shorter than 6 feet) and very tall PG's (6'7)...but point guard is by far the most popular position. Centers are almost always bigger than 7 feet...it would be a disadvantage to make one shorter than that, since height tends to dictate rebounding skill more than the rebounding attribute itself. The tallest person almost always gets the rebound.

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